Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-10-1986 The BG News September 10, 1986 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 10, 1986" (1986). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4547. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4547 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. THE BG NEWS Vol.69 Issue 9 Bowling Green, Ohio Wednesday, September 10,1986 Moslems Israelis claim kidnapping demand of U.S. educator revenge BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - An Christopher P. English said the Terrorism targeted American who runs a private embassy "does not have many school in Beirut was kidnapped details about it (the kidnap) in temple deaths by two armed men while on his now." way to play golf Tuesday, and a TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - De- caller claimed responsibility in AT THE State Department in fense Minister Yitzhak Rabin the name of the Shiite Moslem Washington, spokesman Ber- and former Defense Minister group Islamic Jihad. nard Kalb said, "We call on Ariel Sharon called Monday for It was the first kidnapping of those who may be holding Mr. Israel to strike back at the ter- an American in Lebanon in 15 Reed as well as the other foreign rorism responsible for the mas- months. hostages in Lebanon to release sacre of 21 Turkish Jews during The U.S. Embassy identified their captives immediately. We prayer. the victim as Frank Herbert remind them further that we Government officials foresaw Reed, 53, of Maiden, Mass., di- hold them responsible for the swift retaliation against who- rector of the Lebanese Interna- well-being of their captives." ever was behind Saturday's syn- tional School in Moslem west Police quoted family friends agogue attack in Istanbul. Beirut. as saying Reed was kidnapped They doubted, however, that A spate of politically-moti- at 11:15 a.m. near the ruins of a any strike would be launched vated kidnappings in west Bei- supermarket in west Beirut's before the summit expected this rut in 1985 prompted most Bir Hassan district while driv- week between Prime Minister Americans and other Western- ing from his west Beirut home to Shimon Peres and Egyptian ers to leave the city. play golf at the city's outskirts. President Hosni Mubarak! They A school associate said Reed Gunmen in a dark blue Volvo spoke on condition of anonymity has lived in Lebanon about eight intercepted Reed's car a few and declined to elaborate. years and had converted to Is- hundred yards from the head- "We must fight terror con- lam before marrying Sahmiya quarters of Syrian intelligence stantly and everywhere.... We Dalati, a Syrian. The associate, officers supervising a security must seek them out (terrorists) who insisted on anonymity, said plan for west Beirut, police said. and strike at them," Rabin said the couple have a five-year old An anonymous caller claiming before leaving for the United son, Tareq. to speak for Islamic Jihad, States for an official visit. Islamic Jihad, which espouses which means Islamic Holy War, Sharon said at the inaugura- the fundamentalist teachings of claimed in a call to a Western tion of an electronics factory in Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho- news agency that Reed was a the southern town of Dimona: meini, has said it holds at least CIA spy and that "documents "We must set a price for every three other American hostages. convicting him" were found on Jew who is hurt. That was al- U.S. Embassy spokesman him. ways our policy. That's how we acted ana that's why we were successful." "Terror is a monster which sniffs out every weakness and Crash kills Fostorian knows how to capitalize on it," added Sharon, who now is trade A Fostoria woman was killed known when or where she was and industry minister. late Monday In a two-car acci- pronounced dead. dent northeast of Bowling Peatee was taken to Wood RABIN SAD) the organization Green. County Hospital by Pemberville responsible for the synagogue Cheryl Dauterman, 38, died as rescue squad. He was listed in attack likely was either Pales- a result of the 7 p.m. crash. satisfactory condition yester- tinian or linked to the Palestine Troopers at the Walbridge day, the spokesperson said. Liberation Organization. post of the Ohio Highway Patrol Sharon on Saturday said Is- said Dauterman was driving Also in satisfactory condition rael's peace overtures to its south on Ohio 199 when her car at Wood County Hospital is Arab neighbors encouraged the was struck by the auto driven by Kathy Leimgruber, 15, of 504 attack. Prime Minister Shimon Jamie Peatee, 17, of 923 Wilson Hillcrest Drive, Bowling Green. Peres demanded a retraction. Ct, Bowling Green. Peatee was She was a passenger in the Dau- Sharon retracted his com- westbound on Sugar Ridge Road terman auto. ments Sunday under pressure and failed to stop at the stop sign A second passenger in the from his right-wing Likud bloc. at the intersection of Ohio 199, Dauterman car, Julie Navarre, Likud did not want to endanger troopers said. 16, of Winfield Drive, Bowling Plugging away BG News/Dave Kielmeyer the handover of power to party Green, was treated and re- chief Yitzhak Shamir next Dauterman was taken to Wood leased, troopers said. Dave Wiley of Blodgett Drilling and Contracting checks on the progress of the drilling rig in front month. Under a pact between County Hospital by Troy Town- The accident is still under of Lake Erie Sports on E. Wooster St. The contractors are plugging a leaky natural gas well which they Likud and Peres' Labor Party, ship rescue squad. A hospital investigation, and no charges estimate to be approximately 60-70 years old. the two men will switch jobs on spokesperson said it was not have been filed, troopers said. Oct. 14. Obstacles frustrate deaf student Memorial held today Woman says University lacks services for hearing-impaired for COCO founder by Mike Mclntyre Scott added that problems with freedom to choose," she said. "I like BGSU. editor Bostleman's schedule, such as having There are beautiful trees, animals and 'Mom Smith' mourned by commuter students classes with large periods of time in warm people. It is closer to my home (in EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a between, made a job of interpreting for her Napoleon), and it has a good day care three-port series on disabled students at the unattractive. program for my children. And my advisor by Debbie Rogers said 'Why?' Hazel just wanted to University. It deals with problems they ha ve Dr. Harry Hoemann, Bostleman's (Hoemann) is very active with deaf reporter be around the kids." encountered and examines the University's advisor, said the problem lies in the fact that people." Department of Handicapped Services. there are no interpreters living in Bowling But she must still depend on a friend for For more than 18 years, Hazel Mary Edmonds, vice presi- Listening to a professor or Green. communicating with people, such as tutors, Smith aided commuter students. dent for student affairs, will also communicating with a financial aid officer, "BVR does not pay someone for the time outside of class, and she continues to In fact, she has been responsible speak at the service. the Bursar or the registrar are nearly that they are not interpreting. If an struggle in class. for many of the comforts the "She went to bat for the off- impossible tasks for a deaf student who is interpreter lived in Bowling Green and commuter students now enjoy. campus and commuter students frustrated because the University and state could go home between classes, it would be Bostleman said she must find an Smith died May 21. A memo- in all areas," Edmonds said. agencies have failed to provide her with an no trick at all," he said. interpreter soon, or she will be forced to rial service will be held today at "When it snowed she would be interpreter. drop out of school. She said people who know 11:30 a.m. in Prout Chapel. on the phone all day helping the Dawn Bostleman, 30, is attending classes SCOTT SAID many of Bostleman's sign language can contact tier through a Smith founded the Commuter kids. We now have a snow policy this fall and trying to convince someone that classes were technical and required an friend's on-campus mailbox, number 1317. Off-Campus Organization in 1967 for commuters that she was she needs an interpreter to communicate interpreter with better signing skills. She She said she wants to arrange to pay these and was its director until her instrumental in developing." with school offices and to understand what is said many interpreters choose jobs which people through BVR, but said it is difficult death. She was a student when Rob Gilson, a former facilities being said in her classes. She has been deaf pay better, since BVR pays $8 an hour for because most people aren't proficient the late Richard Lenhart, who coordinator for COCO, said he since birth. interpreters, while other agencies, such as enough to sign in class. was then director of student remembered his first meeting She attended the University six years ago, the Toledo Board of Education, pay $10 an Ingrid Kober, a counselor at BVR, spoke activities, asked her to direct with Smith.
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