BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Edited by NORMAN GERALD HORNER, M.D., F.R.C.P. Assisted by HUGH CLEGG, M.B., M.R.C.P. VOLUME I 1939 JANUARY TO JUNE LONDON Published at the Office of The British Medical Association, Tavistock Square, W.C. 1, and Printed by Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., East Harding Street, E.C.4 THE BRrrISH 2 JAN.-JUNE, 1939 INDEX MEDICAL JOURNAL KEY TO DATES AND PAGES THE following table, giving a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the first volume for 1939, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement No. Issue Pages Pages 4070 Jan. 7 1- 50 I- 12 4071 .. ,,14 51- 96 13 - 24 4072 .. ,,21 97- 146 25- 36 4073 .. ,,28 147- 198 37- 52 4074 .. Feb. 4 199- 256 53 - 64 4075 .. ,, 11 257- 312 65- 72 4076 .. ,, 18 313- 370 73- 84 4077 .. ,,25 371- 430 85- 92 4078 .. Mar. 4 431 - 490 93- 104 4079 .. ,, 11 491- 546 105- 112 4080 .. ,, 18 547- 598 113 - 124 4081 .. ,,25 599- 656 125 - 132 4082 .. Apr. 1 657- 706 133 - 144 4083 .. ,, 8 707- 758 145 - 156 4084 .. ,, 15 759- 808 157 - 172 4085 .. ,,22 809- 856 173 - 220 4086 .. ,,29 857- 906 221 - 244 4087 .. May 6 907- 962 245 - 260 4088 .. ,, 13 963 - 1014 261 - 276 4089 .. ,,20 1015 - 1070 277 - 288 4090 .. ,,27 1071 - 1122 289 - 304 4091 .. June 3 1123 - 1164 305 - 316 4092 .. 10 1165 - 1216 317 - 324 4093 .. ,, 17 1217 - 1268 325 - 332 4094 .. ,,24 1269 - 1316 333 - 376 =!i INDEX TO VOLUME I FOR 1939 READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate headings-for example, Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma; Child and Infant; Goitre and Thyroid. Subjects dealt with under various main headings in the JOuRNAL have been set out in alphabetical order under their respective headings-for example, " Annotations," " Correspondence," " Leading Articles," " Obituary," " Reviews," etc. Original Articles are indicated by the letter (0). A " Agla " atomizer, 876 ANDERSON, A. 13.: Lead poisoning 297 Agglutination test for Weil's disease (H. C. Brown (C. C.: Visit to West Indies, 518 Abdominal energencies, review of book on, 69 and J. C. Broom), 1178 (0) J. S.: Modern treatnment of scarlet fever, 351 ABEL, A. Lawrence: Pruritus ani, 627-Corre- Agranulocytosis, fatal, after sulphanilamimide treat- Robert: Circumcision, 246 spondence on, 748, 796, 844-Sacro-iliac strain, 683 ment (H. E. S. Pearson), 1031 T. E. (and others): Treatment of gonorrhoea by -Correspondence on, 792, 842 M & B 69:3, 711 (0)-Correspondence on, 845 ABERCEOMBIE, G. F.: Elimination of breech pre- after prontosil treatment, 1045 Thomas: Sulphanilamide in treatment of sentation from private practice, 689 measles, 716 (0)-Annotation on, 733 Aberdeen and Temair, Marchioness of, death of, 853 AIR RAID PRECAUTIONS: Thomas McCall, death of, 852 Abortion: illegal operations, 36 Ambulance service, emergency, 1199 ANDREWS, George Clinton: Diseases of Skin for -incentives and deterrents to (leading article), Anti-gas helmets for infants, 579 Practitioners and Students, 2nd ed., rev., 674 1236 Correspondence on, 133, 192 Aneurysm, cerebral, and congenital, cystic kidney, 65 infectious, in man, 1292 Evacuation schemes, 427, 992, 1313-Receiving -cirsoid, endovascular diathermy for, 416 and the law, 96 areas for evacuated population, 1119-Risk of Aneurysms, arteriovenous, 223 misguided efforts at (R. L. Dodds and M. H. epidemic diseases, 1158-Evacuation areas in saccular, in cavernous sinus, 458 Mlayeur), 921-Correspondence on, 1060 Scotland, 1158 Animals' diseases in British Empire, prophylactic recurrent, 941 Fire-precautions schemes, 959 inoculations against (Sir L. Rogers), 565 report of committee on, 1248-Leading articles First-aid posts, 897, 1003-In London, 789, 942, domestic, diseases of, review of book on, 616 on, 1183, 1236 1070, 1158-In Essex, 1052-Morphine injec- Annals of MIedical History, 3rd series, vol. 1, 452 -social aspects of, 408, 598 tion at, 1054, 1110-Organization of, 1305 ABRAHAM, C. S.: Fatal result of swallowing foreign -services, 43 Annotations: body, 475 stations, protection of, 426 Abortion infectious, in man, 1292 J. Johnston: Air raid precautions, 133 French congress on, 427 Accidents, eye, protection against, 573 ABRAHAMS, Sir Adolphe: Treatment of lobar Gas masks: For seamen, 959-For nursing and Acetanilide poisoning, 223 pneumonia, 584-Footwear and Fitness, 1101 medical personnel, 1067-For infants, 1159 Aneurysms, arteriovenous, 223 Abscess, ano-rectal (Sir C. Gordon-Watson), 575 protection for babies, 802 saccular, in cavernous sinus, 458 ABSE, M.: Chemotherapy of gonorrhoea, 1260 - review of book on, 19 Anoxia and silicosis, 1239 Academie de Medecine: Election of officials, 96- Gas-protective clothing in Singapore (E. R. Antisepsis in operating theatre, 396 Members elected, 960, 1162-Blood transfusion in Sorley), 385-Correspondence on, 533 Apocrine glands, 57-4 war-time, 1053 Hospital accommodation and evacuation, 1311 Archives of Disease in Childhood, 120 Academy, French, of Surgery: Officers elected, 595 beds, additional, in Scotland, 841 A.R.P., international, 625 -defence, cost of 543 Arteries, cerebral, spasm of, 1292 ACADEMY, ROYAL OF MEDICINE IN IRELAND: International review on, 625 Asthma research, 224 Section of Medicine: Mental treatment in Eire, Medical services: division of responsibility, 1119 Blood for fighting forces, 1238 690 Quarterly published in Luxembourg, 311 stored, 1187 Obstetrics: Placenta praevia, 530-Male Review of book on, 776 Bronchiectasis treatment of, 833 sterllity, 999 Surgical treatment of casualties, 130 Cancer, diet in treatment of, 682 Pathology: Estimation of haemoglobin, 1102 See also War: National Defence --Inquiry into treatment of, 342 Surgery: Buccal cancer, 354 of lung in Joachimsthal miners, 987 seed and soil in resistance to, 71 Accident, unusual fatal, 906 Air, sterilized, 846, 1007, 1204 Cantlie, Sir James, 397 Accidents, eye, protection against, 573 Air-swallowing, 962, 1122, 1215 Chemoprophylaxis, aspects of, 733 industrial, review of book, 1088 AITKEN, D. McCrea: Postural function, 1197 Chemotherapy and bacterial metabolism, 1237 -report on rehabilitation after, 959 ALABASTER, E. B.: Problems of refraction, 887 Child, backward, 1186 -road, alcohol in, 543 Alcohol, review of books on, 114, 924 Citadel: book and film, 118 Acetanilide poisoning, 223 Allanson, Herbert Evelyn, obituary notice of, 362 Council, General Medical: Election, 518 Achlorhydria in Landry's paralysis (L. V. Roberts), ALLEN, Clifford (and others): Paranoid psychosis - London County, jubilee of, 571 1084 (0) with adrenogenital virilism, 1220 (0) Creative activity, 456 Acne, use of lentils in, 430 Allergic lung changes, transient, 1293 Cushing, Harvey, 736 Acriflavine jelly (flavogel), 1234 ALLISON, V. D.: Streptococcal and pneumococcal Death, causes of, international lists of, 1042 Acta Medica Scandinavica: Supplement dedicated to infections, 352 Denmark and Sweden, visit to, 988 Dr. Hagedorn, 26 ALNESS, Lord: Juivenile delinquency, 277 Desoxycorticosterone, 986 " - Psychiatrica et Neurologica, part 1, vol. 13, 167 ALSTON, J. M.: Jaundice, 744 Diabetes, traumatic," 881 Actinotherapy, review of book on, 1139 Ambulance service, emergency, 1199 Drugs, narcotic, overt and Illicit traffic in, 572 ADALWA, K. V.: Haematuria following M & B 693, Ambulances, converting coimtmercial vehicles into, Ductus arteriosus, closure of, 929 643 789 Education problems, 734 ADAM, James: Milk and asthma, 87, 415 home service, 1153 Egyptian narcotics bureau, 1042 R. (and others): Outbreak of psittacosis at Amenorrhoea, permanent, 1014 Fever, undulant, chemotherapy in, 342 London Zoological Gardens, 51 (0) AMITRANO, L.: Argyrosis in newborn children, 435 -- yellow, by air, 118 ADAM-THOMAS, F.: New menstruation toilet, 189 Anachronism, 256 Filariasis, species sanitation of, 783 Adamantinoma and multilocular cysts, 1316 Anaemia, pernicious, review of book on, 1180 Fissure of Rolando, 835 ADDIS, R. S.: Treatment of parents, 277 - trace elements in (leading article), 513 Fitness, investigation Into, 736 A1DISON, E. A.: Tapeworm, 256 Anaemias, iron-deficiency, copper and cobalt in, 297, Fluoride poisoning, 120 Addison's disease, suprarenal cortical extracts in 415, 534, 643 Fluorine poisoning, 1097 (H. W. Dryerre), 971 (0)-Annotation on, 986 Anaesthesia, explosion during (W. B. Primrose), 215 Folliculin, changes in stomach after, 574 ADLER, Alexandra: Guiding Human Misfits, rev., -history of, 248 Fund, Royal Medical Benevolent, 932 70 review of books on, 68, 673, 828 Gonadotrophin, chorionic, 987 -- Alfred : Social Interest: Challenge to M4ankind, spinal: review of time-diffusion method (J. Haematoma, chronic subdural, 881 rev., 217-Review of book on, 1180 Hughes), 1224 (0) Headache, origin of, 929 Adrenalectomy in paranoid psychosis with adreno- in thoracic surgery (J. T. Hunter), 102 (0)- Health services and health, 880 genital virilism (C. Allen), 1220 (0) Correction, 198 Heart pain, 1040 Advertisements in books of stamps, 1313 vinesthene anaesthetic mixture (F. F. Cart- Helium gas in diving, 516 wright), 1081 (0)-Correspondence on, 1204, 1255 Heredity, human, research In, 283 AFRICA: in war-time, 896, 1003, 1109, 1200, 1255 Honours: New Year, 26-Birthday, 1240 Health report of Capetown, 82 Anaesthetic apparatus, portable, 925 Hospital, Cassel, 1098 Human rabies in, 396 stand and cylinder
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