~~~~~;.~....· ...... ...... ' 11"11 .... ,':l ' O;IF,'.....a... 30 r, · A, RILrs., ... :r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..::.......~c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,',;:-:...r t I;·I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#- ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ o~: · o : - ,:: MRR MAYl_.~t t~'~,~,.r1.-;28.:.. - :"`~~~~~~~~~~~~~c ~ .-..· '.. '.i~ .'"'; ~ ~ ~ ~ .,p-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ~~~~· ' "';ii~ip~' ~:.?/:i ?;......-i~ ,.?:~ .--:L.~~:!.; ~? ,:!;';?.:!~~.. i~,lI.',~~'.- .·..>'=.!'h '- I.' -- ]~ "~II·r :. Irtce lwenty-five Centas : . - MODEL STENOG ',Taeke- iifrom me, i`dear. 'ie,'9 ...i- id' Ruthi Sircom, "one - of the " f mou Walker $tenogs, -"Don't let the boys give you too much night work. My motto is to take it ~. - .at~,,.;'ii'L-1; ';''.",' ~,';.:. -,--,'- · '-i.-.. ..- :'~.~. ,. ..c .;-~......·. -- = easy during the day, and the nights will look pGOtriE· BT:ADRES out or themseles."' Ruth has drawn from her wride Inrt'tUeUotftl~e Coimittee keeps n Form for fu- experience as -an activity stenog and renoLWIp~ily ltpainsi itisfheway he.--hzr edited ud;_yet 1t6 .eep!.:hir.Co iee-arwake. 4":Rle the Women's -by the, stu- p.4age. -of the -Prom. -stdeitloy..fthe d Peach. wresentative As -P Cy", Says this , In Lingerie' Democrat, "and the sign of a :oothly tis nivaciou3s hittie 'lru- run- nette gives !g tudenta quiet bodyis Coittee meeting." Theyrsure Some of the quiet. ' ' .' inside Story about the Walker: Offices. .SSt toLoveworne. ee Pag .~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.' i :.;: . :,::;· " ···· ':·.·.·.;.'·· :·F -i. : ' :-· I·- '·· - ii 7 · .-,,, . , · ·: ·-( 1 r· · - p . I III: I 1.0.1- F · :i: I -v. ' ' .. ::',:: ' ' ' .", : . ' .,. , .,...- .. ' '.,. , , -,' '""::: i ·:.d a I /r ; "' : ' ,'3 . ' · /: . '~i "' ' i:4 J, rL;'·· Z*S·~ ' ' 1., ~ . .7: f' ja",Ait Oil-b~ :i :·;t ,·- "" P't3hrj9mL-,D !uollejs ' X A} t isr"'"'!; fd i t 9h .. :a ; o *,, ,~ ' ,; .... 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' I'"qT8ea;>q l uoou~el,zJ~J.p U;aw OF(:.: ,.a;' ;*,.. -*.""', ~i'.u* p,"':° l :", -'n/*":i] ,?:"ri.; Hitachi [.i:Y/:~Zi', ;. j ··---Til 11 ..-- - 1-1111-11--l-I --- i-. Page Three A -7-'- L-NG'S ALL. f- DORMS CARRY OFF HONORS AT TECHNIQUE RUSH Musical Clubs Have T Their Ow Way Junior Prom Finish Season I II Their Own Way.I i L InFull Swini 9 Giv3 Concert and Dance at Small Fraternity Group is Height of Technology's Social Somerset -I Outnumbered Season Following the custom many years Co-operation was the keynote of the · old, the Institute Combined Musical annual battle of grease and oil on Midnighthas just passed and th,e Clubs held their annual Spring Con- Wednesday in the great court. Unex- : . .cert and Dance last evening, a-s one of tpectedly at 2:15 the sound of bag- 250 couples attending the Junior Pi-on E are now resting and dining the features of Junior Week. The pipes was heard and the in th ee -concert began 43 Officials of the Cafeteria, the Swiss Room, and th: minutes after the Rush accompanied by a band of Scotch ; .;Salon te .scheduled time, 'but once started of the Copley-Plaza. To th. proceeded smoothly. it pipers marched into the roped inclo- e sure. observer strollings through the dinin The Instrumental Clubs, giving the Eddie Morris, well 'known e- Harvard rooms. g first two numbers on the program, stadium announcer, mounted the red !: the pleasantries and casual re map-ks, that are passing among th,( started the evening off with a rush, and black hut and announced the .e oa -performanceto be followed by the Glee Club, whose names of the new Members of the Man- gu oartk 'ei groups o red atki--ohi of was rather mediocre, it aging oBard of Technique. Following Prom .must be admitted. Following the Glee this announcement the rules of the dinner of chicen ala king 1' seem to indicate that the guests at, : Ie __m: .... .,,~, rmb~::~m:q::~.m:. contest were announced to the impap :m.:~ .... ' ~'" ....................... ' ontetwee anouncd tothe mpa-enjoying them selves to the utmost and 'A. ~ K-> tient crappers. 4re looking foward i.o the four hour: d ::~:::~:: - .In.. order tomakn of dancinog than'yet reinale. Shortly a-ter 1') o'elocl Ernie An :..... -:...-....:--'~I toping theof it hatwas as difficult as possible the .r then covered with axle dews Patiof ' fao E1 Trbo ~~ . ~ el sf at s .:::-: ~.'grease, and seeral gallons-. ::-early of thick be g ans a yid oer heab en e fitfofht h -:oil were poured over the top to ren- VICTOVICORSACQUIRE Rh ACQUiRte ofPLNYSPOILS tP arrivals. However.'-e.-owever, the crowd] der the surface slimy. As the oil ran did ,ot begin to arrive until after tit over the edges of the hut it left no Look 'em over, girls. Here are the Tech Show had diroppedl the final cur- signs of the red squares of the check- this year's triumphal wearers of tai. laurels, fresh from licking the rest of the school. (Continued on Page 8) er board pattern visible, in a few min- utes after the rush began however this arose a moment later and rushed off was wiped off and the surface of the to the desk with the paddle it was ap- boiler looked as though it had been parent that such was not the case. polished. With able support of about 50 men At the sound of the gun an over he and Seve French alternated in se head conveyer carried the first "pad- curing the next three paddles. After dle" which was in reality a ball, out this Steve turned his attention to di- to the center of the enclosure and re- recing the efforts of he Dorm co~horts leased it so that it fell into the hands in defense of those selected to secure of the waiting mob. Amid the pres- the paddles, from the top of the hut, sure from all sides no one was able o while Jack Bailey helped him from get a hold on the sphere had it finally 'he ground. reached the ground at the edge of the One of the high spots of the rust crowd where Fred Earl, a man fronm from the viewpoint of the bystanders the Dormitories, secured it and sue was the nerve of Steve French, the ceeded in retaining it until the marsh- husky five-footer from the Dorms who CHUCK MARSHALL als removed the crowd which piled on when one of the Fraternity delegations Contentment replaces worry. top of him. attempted to put a man on the hut, as l Musical Clubs' season draws Outnumbering any other group of cried "Get that guy," and followed to a it close. men by more than two to one, and with general announcement that the ,wvith their method of operation well "frat" boys might Club, the just as well go home Banjo Club rendered two se- planned in advance, the men from the as they wouldn't get a paddle. Again *1lections. The numbers, although well Dorms then turned their attention to he saw two men. played, who had been helping were somewhat frayed in securing for themselves the rest of the the crowd that there were 'two men spots, especially at the beginning, and paddles. They accomplished their pur- the resident delegation after pauses. and shouted to pose so effectively that the battle be- who wanted paddles, and to "shove 'm The Musical Clubs next number, in UP." Ithe form of a .Saxophone Quintette ::::. was rather good considering the fact that this is one of the few times they .. lmave played. However it is hoped '~'~'' r;?;i!::(::JMI, tI that PaddleARE THEY COMING OR GOING? tLthe Quintette will tune the saxes in ; -: The Paddle Winners ccloser harmony at their next pres- Smiles on the faces of antation. th Tech Show at Northampton Station e n denote some sort of happiness.
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