The Kirkwood Volume 95 Issue 6 CallKirkwood High School 801 W. Essex December 18, 2012 thekirkwoodcall.com Editor’s Desks Page 2 n December 18, 2012 thekirkwoodcall.com Dear Readers, FRIENDS OF While Santa has been busy pil- 2012-2013 Kirkwood Call Staff ing presents into his sleigh, The CALL Kirkwood Call staff has produced co-editor-in-chief...............Claire Salzman Lucy Dwyer Editor ($50) the final issue of the semester. Maggie Teson Tara Hawkins The Gray Family It’s hard to believe the school Donna Campbell managing editor........................Alex Jones Madeline McEvoy Meg & Anne Hellwege year is half over. In just a few days design editor............................Danny Gray Bridget Randazzo The Gorham Family we can hang up our backpacks web editor.........................Maggie McWay in-depth editor.........................Kelly Weber Tom & Sandy Cox Hazel Kirk and forget about equations and web managing editor..Amanda Pollmann in-depth staff......................Ellen Heaghney The Berger Family essays for two glorious weeks. web copy editor...................Anna Edwards entertainment editor...............Rachel Trout Vivian Antoine Emilee Madlinger copy editor.....................Jane Manwarring The Alseth Family If you’re anything like me, you Pete & Hope Johnson can’t wait to decorate cookies, video editor..........................Emma Lawson art editor............................Anna Brodersen The Florent Family videographer.......................Dan Weyerich artist............................................Blayne Fox The Kreie Family eat gallons of mint chocolate Mary Anne Sutton web staff................................Tyler Altenthal Erin Kilfoy Chris Burridge chip ice cream and force your cat Ben Harvey Suzanne Pocost The Hilleren Family to wear a Santa suit. Dylan Slaughter Perry Tatlow Jeff & Laura West The Heuermann Family If you want to make this holi- news editor.............................Emily Stobbe Lizzy Tatlow David & Lisa Hauck day season a memorable one, news writer...........................Becca Gerdes Nala Turner Cliff & Terri Kierstead Scott & Debbie Stream check out our columns about Will Humphrey photo editor................................Sarah Heet The Rice Family how to properly celebrate. If you Kieran O’Connell photographer....................Kevin Campbell Janet Staicoff opinions editor.....................Antonia Akrap Andrea Keltz Terese Mitchusson believe the world will end before Laura & Nick Feltes Santa gets the chance to deliver opinions writer.........................Ian Madden Katlyn Kreie Linda Macker Katie Puryear Kelsey Landrum Brent & Nora Steele presents, take a look at our col- sports editor................................Daniel Witt Grant McKenna The Fitzgerald Family umn about how to prepare for Mistie Rhomberg sports writer.....................John Aschbacher Zach Ortiz The O’Connell Family the planet’s demise. If you’re al- Ed Hoganson Halsey Uerling The Uerling Family The Stobbe Family ready looking forward to the new Woody Kipp business staff....................James Bachman The Varble Family school year, check out our cover- Emily Willis Mallory Gorham The Karrer Family features editor...........................Kyle Rieger Chris Winget The Reinkemeyer Family age about the KHS administra- Cindy Brodersen tion’s plans to give every student features writer..........................Jake Balmer adviser........................................Mitch Eden Andrew Nigh Eli Cost The Lawson Family an iPad in 2013 and, as always, Valerie Treichel feel free to submit story ideas to Amy & Blake Bradshaw visit us online at www.thekirkwoodcall.com Matt Ceresia thekirkwoodcall.com. Dorothy Haldiman “While we wish that the ‘Call’ may prove in- Happy holidays, Dan and Jeanne Heaghney follow us on Twitter @TheKirkwoodCall teresting to all our readers, we particularly The Willis Family desire that it may manifest the true spirit The McEvoy Family The Trout Family like our page on Facebook and be worthy of the school it represents.” Michael Ralph -Original issue from 1918 Lisa Balmer Maggie Teson, co-editor-in-chief follow us on Instagram @The_Kirkwood_Call The Cost Family Martha Aschbacher Karen Fries The Goyda Family The Altenthal Family The Pollmann Family The Hartke Family The Easter Family The Slaughter Family The Teson Family The Waldemer Family Editor-in-Chief ($75) Don McKenna Don & Pat Cusumano Valerie Johnson The Pope Family The Gerdes Family The Randazzo Family Publisher ($100+) Bill & Susan Salzman Mike & Sara Wade The Jones Family The Brodersen Family Michael Gavin The Manwarring Family The Winget Family The McWay Family Kirkwood Deli and Grocery under new management Martha Bromley Jeff Puryear The Dwyer Family The Rieger Family New lower prices for items Joan Kelly The Weber Family The Beattie Family Senior Special- any sandwich, chips and 20 oz drink $5.99 The Kipp Family The Weyerich Family Fresh donuts and other bakery goods! Want to be a Friend of Call? Join 500 W. Essex our patron program by contacting Now making breakfast sandwiches! us at Kirkwood MO, 63122 314-966-6699 [email protected] WIN CHILL FOR A YEAR!! Soft Pretzels - Pretzel Nuggets - Cinnamon Glaze Every time you chill, sign the back of your receipt with your name and email. You are entered to win a weekly prize as well as entered to win our grand prize! One free Like us on facebook follow us on Hand-twisted pretzel twitter@chillfrozyogurt for weekly updates! www.chillfrozenyogurts.com We Have Party Trays! Call Today (314) 835-9698 BUY ONE Hot Dogs - Brats - Hot Sausages GET ONE! All wrapped in pretzel! Bring certificate in the month of December and 01/06/13 Exp. 11750 Manchester Rd. Des Peres, MO 63131 redeem at any Chill Frozen Yogurt location. Value up to $3.00 Kirkwood High School YOU CAN SPEND $19,370 OVER THE NEXT 2 YEARS Quality & Affordable Voice and Guitar Lessons AT A BIG UNIVERSITY OR... by Kristen Wright Call at: 314-971-2764 you can spend $5,580 at ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Email at: [email protected] and spend the other $13,790* on...well... whatever you want. THINK ABOUT IT! Then call us at 314-539-5002 or get started at WWW.STLCC.EDU/APPLY. *Difference between full-time tuition and fees for Missouri residents at a four-year university and full-time tuition and fees for district residents at STLCC. From Missouri Department of Higher Education, www.dhe.mo.gov. The caffeine contained in energy drinks News In 2008, 61.8 million Americans contributed 8 can lead to nervous breakdowns according billion hours of volunteer service worth an es- to brainsfacts.com Page 4 n December 18, 2012 timated $162 billion according to uwgnh.org thekirkwoodcall.com A new kind of Monster Becca Gerdes tive effects from drinking energy drinks. news writer Comparatively, 51 percent of participants in a study by Nutrition Journal, or nutri- hile energy drinks have been used tionj.com, reported consuming greater Wto help students and teachers get than one energy drink each month on av- through long school days, concerns have risen erage per semester. about the safety of these drinks. Mike Wade, junior principal, drinks sugar- An article written by Barry Meier in The free Redbull as well as sugar-free Rockstar. He New York Times mentions recent deaths linked drinks the Rockstar every day around 4 a.m., to Monster energy drinks, and the Food and when he wakes up. Drug Administration (FDA) is currently inves- “I drink one every morning before I work tigating whether energy drinks are dangerous out to give me a little bit of a jump,” Wade Energy drinks, including Monster En- for teenagers or people with health problems. said. “It helps me focus on the workout.” ergy, have recently been linked to some Meier writes that while energy drinks have Wade said he drinks another energy drink deaths, raising questions about the safe- ty of such drinks. Some doctors believe not been proven to be dangerous, they are if he starts to get tired throughout the day. He Halsey Uerling photographer under review about whether the levels of caf- will also drink coffee if necessary. the extra energy isn’t worth the risk. feine in the drink are too high. Unlike Fanning, Wade said he has expe- Cailin Fanning, sophomore, drinks a Red- rienced negative effects from energy drinks. that if he could, he would get energy the natu- Politis said from a health standpoint, there bull whenever she needs to get out of bed When he coached KHS football, Wade said ral way, from sleep and eating the right foods. is not an energy drink he would recommend early or stay up late, which she said happens he drank a large amount of coffee and energy “I think it’s a bad habit, and I wish I could to consumers. about once a week. Fanning said she does not drinks, and when he tried to stop he had in- stop,” Wade said. The negative effects from energy drinks notice any significant physical changes after credible headaches. Dr. Jim Politis, attending physician at are from overuse of the product, according to she drinks them, other than feeling slightly Since then, he has cut down on how much Des Peres Hospital, said the possible nega- Politis. In moderation, energy drinks can give more energized. he drinks and switched to sugar-free so he tive effects from energy drinks include irri- a boost without causing significant problems. At KHS, 73 percent (136/187) students does not experience the same effects. tability, restlessness, heart palpitations and However, Politis said, if students are in search have had an energy drink. Out of those, 42 Wade does not recommend energy drinks disruptions of the sleep routine. In teens, of healthy energy, the best option is green tea percent (47/112) have experienced nega- to students. He said it is habit forming, and energy drinks can also cause mood swings. with modest amounts of caffeine. Service opportunities become available over break Emily Stobbe more enjoyable to know someone is out there Kirk Care Contact information news editor thinking of them,” Theresia Metz, activities Finally, students can also help Kirk Care. coordinator for Bethesda Dilworth Nursing Every year KHS holds a canned food drive Bethesda-Dilworth With the holiday break fast approaching, Home, said.
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