VOL. 14, NO.48 TRANS WORLD AIRLINES EMPLOYEE PUBLICATION NOVEMBER 29, 1951 Flight Engineer Jokes His Way Into Gals Finish All Even at Dog House With Rurned Up Hostesses End of Day's Business KANSAS CITY—Flight Engineer Barney Garriott wants to throw in towel. He wants to give up and shake hands. Be friends again. CINCINNATI—Virginia Willen- Kansas City-based Hostesses Marjorie Nix and Arline Mulligan have borg, lead ticket agent, appeared __rney pleading for mercy. But he started the whole thing and they're rather breathless when she returned not likely to forget easily. from lunch the other day. It all happened on a routine night flight to New York in a 749A The reason was obvious. The dia­ Connie. On leaving Kansas City mond on the third finger, left hand, JOKE OF THE WEEK Barney left off the circuit breakers made an impressive glitter. The school children had all been that control the water pressure and Well, this was just too much for photographed and the teacher was try­ water heaters until after the plane her cronie, friend and co-worker ing to persuade each of them to buy a Evelyn Davis, also a ticket agent. copy of the group picture. was in the climb. "Just think how nice it will be to Shortly after the seat belt sign So, she rushed out at dinner and— look at it when you are all grown up went off, the two hostesses breath­ you guessed it—returned with a and say, 'There's Rose. She's married.' lessly reported there was no water ring. There must be a moral to this or. 'There's Billy. He's a sailor.'" story, but darned if we can find it. And a small voice piped up from in the ladies' powder room. Barney the rear of the room, "And there's kidded the girls about not knowing teacher. She's dead." how to turn on the valves, so forth Italy TWAers Thank All and so on, but the girls stuck to For Assistance in Flood St. Nick Set for Annual their story. ROME—With the subsiding of LaGuardia Kiddie Party As the girls returned to the main flood waters in the Po river valley DOES YOUR SEXTANT NEED CHECKING? If so, this collimator at the Kansas cabin, the cagey flight engineer City Overhaul base is just the gadget to do it. Taking a peek through the eyepiece NEW YORK—A kiddie party will and also in certain areas of southern is Hostess THERESA PETERS. The machine is used for checking accuracy of peri- be held at LaGuardia Dec. 22, at 2 switched on the heater and pumps, Italy, TWAers in Milan and Rome scopic sextants used to determine position enroute as TWA planes operate over p.m., for employee club members then walked back to check the situa­ expressed appreciation for the offer the Atlantic. and their children. tion personally. of assistance made their country­ An invitation will be sent to each Presto! And there was water. men in the time of disaster. member of the club with children The girls were open-mouthed. Many cities felt the lash of the who are between the ages of two But Garriott didn't know when flood, particularly in the Po valley. Deluxe Gilt Trip and 10 years, and should be filled he was well off. He pulled the same Some 250,000 were rendered home­ out and returned to Bill Campbell, stunt on the same girls on the next less and the death toll is estimated Room 215, Hangar 4. Since there trip. The hostesses were loud in at more than 150. TWAers in Milan On Tap lor Rest is much planning to be done by the their praises of the flight engineer's contributed more than 215,000 lire committee the forms must be turned magic touch. and TWA gave one million lire to in no later than Dec. 7. And then he made his fatal mis­ the flood relief fund. Italian papers Salesmanship Job With all of the planning in­ take. He told them what he had and radio carried the story of these volved the Christmas party is sure done. The praises turned to prom­ contributions and the offer of NEW YORK—Some lucky TWA sales representative will be heading to please both the kiddies and the ises of dire revenge, no holds barred. TWA to fly Red Cross supplies for Paris and Rome next summer on an all-expense-paid vacation—pro­ grownups, especially when Santa He was given fair warning. to Italy. viding he keeps plugging away in the meantime. climbs down from that TWA Con­ A month has dragged by. Barney President Ralph S. Damon per­ Or we should say, tapping away—TAPing. nie on the ramp. is losing weight, waiting and wait­ sonally wired all TWA personnel To the salesman who sells the most "Travel Awards Programs" between ing for that "something" to happen. in Rome and Milan, upon learning Jan. 1, 1951 (the contest is retroactive) and July 1, 1952, will go the So far he's suffered only cold necks of the efforts being made there on grand prize, positive transportation for two to Paris and Rome—plus of chicken and sanded coffee in his behalf of the flood relief program, $400 expense allowance—14 days in addition to regular vacation time. lunches but the mental suspense is "Thanks for your message. TWA Eight other winning salesmen will receive long holiday weekend terrific. welcomes the opportunity to share vacations at world famous resort areas, all expenses paid by TWA. "Please, girls," pleads Barney, with you in assisting your country­ TAP is a TWA sales campaign which seeks to promote air travel as "let's bury the hatchet. No more men. We only wish that our help prizes in contests conducted by other business firms. It has been a regular tricks!" could be greater." TWA sales tool for more than a year. - Points toward prizes will be awarded on the following basis: Each TAP sold (one or more tickets) Washington Staff Literally Turns Out will earn 25 points. Every $1000 worth of ticket sales or fraction thereof over the first $1000 Ream of Work on Atlantic Route Case will earn 2 points. The 10 most complete TAP sales will WASHINGTON—One of the largest and most important single under­ be awarded premium points, based on takings in the history of the regulatory proceedings department was ates, all of whom devoted a maxi­ the amount of publicity gained for completed this week with the submission of TWA's exhibits in the North mum of time and energy to the TWA, the judicious use of TWA pro­ Atlantic certificate renewal case to the Civil Aeronautics board. major undertaking. motional materials, number of TWA Three volumes, numbering more than 600 pages, comprised the films shown, and the amount of TAP System-Wide Activity kit materials sold. The premium points voluminous text compiled by J. C. Stratton, director of regulatory pro­ range from 100 for first place to 10 ceedings, and his staff in the brief •=============================Althoug h the case preparation points for tenth place. period of less than 60 days. was accomplished in Washington, day round of golf or a week-end District sales managers, city sales Information, documented from activity was not confined to that supervisors, and district passenger, countless sources within TWA and outing with the family. When the city alone. Personnel in various de­ preparation of material progressed cargo and agency supervisors also outside the company, formed the partments located in New York, stand to win weekend holidays if nucleus of the exhibit material de­ to the final stages, the executive Kansas City and elsewhere on the office took on the appearance of an their salesmen rank high enough in veloped both in narrative and tech­ system busied themselves constantly the national contest. nical form. Into this pattern charts, assembly line operation with every in fulfilling all the requests which graphs, photographs and maps were available space being utilized in the Stratton and his staff originated. The grand prize and holiday integrated, together with diagrams, process of assembling the text. Ex­ weekends are for an employee and haustive research, analysis, typing, Commenting on the overall ef­ one other member of the immediate reproductions of advertising copy, fort, Vice-President Thomas K. schedules and statistical data, all de­ editing, checking and cross-check­ family eligible under company pass ing were but a few steps involved Taylor termed the undertaking "an regulations. Weekends are of four signed to support TWA's position outstanding display of organization at the forthcoming hearing. in the total effort. days duration including travel time Throughout the period of prepar­ and team-work that could be dupli­ not chargeable to earned vacation Expansive Scope cated nowhere outside of TWA." The scope of the project—and ation, a close working relationship leave. All expenses on holiday week­ particularly in view of the time was maintained with C. A. Gress, Additional work will confront ends are to be covered by an allow­ limitation—was a test of endurance director of economic proceedings; Stratton and his group in the weeks ance of $40 per day per couple, AN APPROPRIATE SIGN introduces plus positive transportation. These the "Irish" number on the recent Kan­ for the small group of TWA em­ Matthew J. Plodinec, controller;, Ed ahead when rebuttal exhibits as well trips must be taken during off­ sas City Management club revue. JEAN ployees who tackled the assignment. Minser, assistant to the general op­ as other data will be required right ROY prefaced each number on the pro­ erations manager; Henry Fellows, up until the commencement of the season.
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