Index March 5, 2002 Inside Volume 95 Issue 10 A & E. 6, 7, 12, 14 WALF Program Features . 5, 10, 13 Guide and handy Fun . 11, 12 News . 3, 4, 5 clip-out schedule Op/Ed . 2, 3 Fiat Lux page 8, 9, 12 Sports . 14, 15, 16 The Student Newspaper of Alfred University Trustee task force to examine Greeks AU grad BY PATRICIA STRICKLAND Trustees, is to evaluate whether “At a very basic level, the “The problem is not with the STAFF WRITER fraternities and sororities will decision of the Board will deter- organizations, but with some of play a future role at AU. mine whether or not fraterni- the people in them,” said killed on The Board of Trustees’ task “The specific goals of the task ties and sororities will continue Christopher Romanchock, a force on the future of the Greek force are to conduct a fair, to be recognized by the univer- senior history and philosophy system at AU started its work objective and balanced inquiry sity,” said Bernstein. major. duty last week with a meeting on into the past and present role of Many AU community mem- “I do not believe that sorori- campus. Greek life at AU and to deter- bers are questioning whether a ties and frats should be BY BRANDON THURNER The task force, created in mine whether those roles are possible ban on all fraternities banned,” added Lamya STAFF WRITER response to the recent death of consistent with the mission of and sororities is the best way to Forghany, a junior business Benjamin Klein, met for the the university,” stated address the issue. major. The Alfred University crimi- first time last Wednesday, Feb. Bernstein. Some feel the concern is not Morgan Conklin, a senior in nal justice program attempts 27. Bernstein added that the task the existence of all fraternities ceramic engineering, pointed to prepare its students for the The purpose of the task force, force has been directed to com- and sororities on campus, but out that the trustees’ approach real world. With this context which is chaired by Dr. Gene M. plete its investigation by the rather the practices and tradi- may bring about more problems in mind, anything may happen, Bernstein, a 1969 alumnus and board’s next meeting, in mid- tions that a portion of them for the University, and that even death. past chairman of the Board of May. hold. SEE GREEK SYSTEM, PAGE 4 Lawrence P. Gleason, class of ’95, realized these conse- quences when he achieved his Parking issues still not resolved at AU lifelong goal of becoming a state trooper. The young BY JOHN P. LEWIS recruit was gunned down STAFF WRITER while responding to a domes- tic disturbance call in Essex Alfred University’s parking sit- County, Feb. 11. The incident uation has been an issue for stu- serves as a stark reminder of dents on campus for several the value of life. years. The issue has been dis- Gleason had always been cussed and some actions have “one of the first to laugh” been taken to better the situa- recalled Dean of the College of tion; however, according to Liberal Arts and Sciences Bill many Alfred University com- Hall. “He just enjoyed life to munity members, there is still the fullest.” not enough parking. Hall remembers Gleason Security Office Secretary with friends around him at all Lena McDermitt said that times, as a smile could always twelve new student spots were be seen on his face. Gleason added near the Brick and always liked to joke with fel- Kruson residence halls last low students and faculty alike, semester. She also noted that lightening a rough day with there are plans for further his lively sense of humor. parking space increases, but it “The man didn’t have any is very costly. The Office of enemies,” stated longtime Safety and Security has friend Jason Emo. “I can’t say explained that they want to enough about him.” Emo has help remedy the situation, they known Gleason since their just do not have the money. grade-school days at St. Ann’s In reaction to the school’s School in Hornell. addition of 12 parking spots, Despite Gleason’s penchant Mike McCumiskey, a junior PHOTO BY JANET MELIN for humor, he always had a SEE PARKING, PAGE 3 The parking situation on the Alfred University campus remains a hot topic among students. sense of dedication to doing the job at hand. Hall remem- bers Gleason for being not Maiden demonstrates vital role of parenting only “as enthusiastic for course material, but for learn- BY LUIS VASQUEZ cessful we are depends on how determined the rearing of children. However, Maiden ing in general.” ADVERTISING MANAGER we are,” he said. does not agree with the findings on this Although he may not have Maiden introduced his topic by examining paper, because they greatly challenge what agreed with the work given, Parents play a vital role on the develop- the findings of a research paper written by his own research has taught him. He decid- Gleason always did what was ment of their children, said Professor of Judith Harry in 1995 titled, “Where is the ed to present her theory, make conclusions asked of him and came back Psychology Robert Maiden in the Feb. 21 Child’s Environment?” In her study Harry from it and then introduce his opinions. looking for more. Gleason Bergren Forum in Nevins Theater. claims that societal factors and the environ- According to Maiden, Harry claims that received a bachelor’s degree in “We influence our children, but how suc- ment seem to play an insignificant role on parental influence does not place an empha- criminal justice from AU, the sis on the development of children. Rather, department that Hall was children are influenced by pre-determined head of at the time. genes that define their personal character- The criminal justice pro- istics. gram is “designed to prepare “Kind of interesting ideas,” he said sar- police officers for the dual castically. “They are the same ideas I had pressures” of the job said Hall. when I was 12.” Not only do officers have to Maiden presented his own theory about use split-second judgment, but child development on a conceptual formula they also must take into con- as follows: “behavior and personality equals sideration society’s norms, penetration multiplied by internal factors, traditions and the feelings of divided by external factors and choices.” In community members. Hall other words, he claims that working with expressed an understanding children through parental counseling and for the roles officers must play psychotherapy influences them in many as they must possess the abili- positive ways. ty to “use violence to stop vio- Maiden emphasized another study sug- lence,” without crossing the gesting that single parents’ children show fine line of police brutality. higher social and psychological problems Hall remembers the person- than children growing up with coupled-par- al drive Gleason held to ents do. The study also suggests that become a state trooper, as “he parental involvement in the academics of just didn’t give up” on his law their children heavily affects their educa- enforcement dream. tional success. He touched on these findings Representing the citizens of PHOTO BY PHOTO EDITOR ERICA ROBINSON to corroborate his previous statements that New York on the force had This flag is made from a thousand cranes by the members of the Pacific Rim Organization. SEE BERGREN, PAGE 4 SEE GLEASON, PAGE 4 March 5, 2002 Editorial / Letters — Page 2 Fiat Lux Fiat Lux LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Professor personally very happy to see Certainly, no one in the Alfred such an article in the Fiat. community was in any way pre- Three years ago, it was rare to pared for a tragic death, and remembers find such topics in the Fiat Lux. circumstances surrounding it. I Put students first Dear Editor: The multicultural organizations hope everyone in the communi- have done a great job putting ty has taken the time to turn Following the death of Benjamin Klein, it appears that a new con- I met with Ben Klein last on newsworthy events. As the their thoughts and prayers to flict is brewing: the University vs. its Greek system. Friday (Feb. 8) morning to fine amount of students of color those affected. The circumstances surrounding Klein’s death, coupled with the tune his independent study pro- increases at Alfred, the events However, it appears that the checkered disciplinary record of Greeks, makes a reexamination ject on “Socially Responsible will continue to improve as well. University administration has warranted. If Greek houses want to continue on this campus, Investing.” This choice of the What I do find disturbing, turned its thoughts toward the changes need to be made to reduce the possibility of problems occur- subject came as no surprise to however, is how many minority Greek system. It is an odd bit ring. me, for he has often shown an students — including myself — of extrapolation to investigate The concern lies in the University’s focus on this problem. The interest in environmentally failed to see the importance of the entire Greek system in group that Alfred should be most beholden to is its current students. friendly corporations that serve other articles in the Feb. 5 wake of actions that may ulti- We are the reason this school exists, yet the school seems to be alien- the public good. issue. No one brought up the mately turn out to have more to ating a portion of the student body: its Greek population, which is Ben worked well with groups, fact that the Aryan Nations are do with individuals than organi- approximately 10 percent of the student body.
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