Hazard Mitigation Plan Johnson County, Indiana Adoption Date: -- _______________________ -- Primary Point of Contact Forrest Sutton JohnsonCountyEmergencyManagementAgencyDirector 1111HospitalRoad Franklin,Indiana46131 P:(317)736-9064 [email protected] Secondary Point of Contact Stephanie Sichting JohnsonCountyEmergencyManagementAgency 1111HospitalRd Franklin,IN46131 P:(317)736-9064 [email protected] Preparedby: ThePolisCenter 1200WaterwayBlvd.Suite100 Indianapolis,IN46202 3172742455 Table of Contents Section 1 – Public Planning Process 1.1NarrativeDescription 1.2PlanningTeamInformation 1.3PublicInvolvementinPlanningProcess 1.4NeighboringCommunityInvolvement 1.5ReviewofTechnicalandFiscal Resources 1.6ReviewofExistingPlans Section 2 – Jurisdiction Participation Information 2.1AdoptionbyLocal GoverningBody 2.2JurisdictionParticipation Section 3 – Jurisdiction Information 3.1Topography 3.2Climate 3.3Demographics 3.4Economy 3.5Industry 3.6LandUseandDevelopmentTrends 3.7MajorLakes,Rivers,andWatersheds Section 4 – Risk Assessment 4.1HazardIdentification/Profile 4.1.1HazardIdentification&Definition 4.1.2PreviousOccurrences Table of Contents Page 2 of 121 4.1.3HazardSummary 4.1.4Multi-JurisdictionalRiskAssessment 4.1.5CalculatedPriorityRiskIndex 4.2VulnerabilityAssessment 4.2.1AssetInventory 4.3FutureDevelopment 4.4HazardProfiles 4.4.1TornadoHazard 4.4.2FloodHazard 4.4.3EarthquakeHazard 4.4.4ThunderstormHazard 4.4.5DroughtHazard 4.4.6WinterStormHazard 4.4.7HazardousMaterialsStorageandTransportHazard 4.4.8FireHazard Section 5 – Mitigation Strategy 5.1CommunityCapabilityAssessment 5.1.1NationalFloodInsuranceProgram(NFIP) 5.1.2Storm WaterManagementStreamMaintenanceProgram/Ordinance 5.1.3ZoningManagementOrdinance Table of Contents Page 3 of 121 5.1.4ErosionManagementProgram/Policy 5.1.5FireInsuranceRatingPrograms/Policy 5.1.6LandUsePlan 5.1.7BuildingCodes 5.2MitigationGoals 5.3MitigationActions/Projects 5.3.1CompletedorCurrentMitigationActions/Projects 5.4ImplementationStrategyandAnalysisofMitigationProjects 5.5Multi-Jurisdictional MitigationStrategy Section 6 – Plan Maintenance 6.1Monitoring,EvaluatingandUpdatingthePlan 6.2ImplementationthroughExistingPrograms 6.3ContinuedPublic Involvement APPENDICES AppendixA MinutesoftheMulti-HazardMitigationPlanningTeamMeetings AppendixB ArticlespublishedbyLocalNewspaper AppendixC AdoptingResolution AppendixD HistoricalHazardsfromNCDC AppendixE HazardMap AppendixF CompleteListofCriticalFacilities AppendixG MapofCriticalFacilities AppendixH RecordedNOAA FloodData:USGSStreamGaugeData AppendixI HAZUS-MHReports Table of Contents Page 4 of 121 Section 1 - Public Planning Process 1.1 Narrative Description Hazard Mitigation is defined as any sustained action to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to humanlife andpropertyfrom hazards.The Federal EmergencyManagement Agency(FEMA) has made reducing hazards one of its primary goals; hazard mitigation planning and the subsequent implementationof resultingprojects,measures,andpolicies is a primarymechanism inachievingFEMA’sgoal. The Multi-HazardMitigationPlan(MHMP) is a requirement of the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000(DMA 2000).The development of a local government planis a requirement in order to maintain eligibility for certain federal disaster assistance and hazard mitigation funding programs.Inorder for the National FloodInsurance Program (NFIP) communities tobe eligible forfuturemitigationfunds,theymustadoptanMHMP. Johnson County has developed this mitigation plan realizing that the recognition of and the protection from hazards that impact the countyandits residents contribute to future community andeconomic development.The team will continue toworktogether todevelopand implement mitigationinitiativesdevelopedaspartofthisplan. Inrecognitionof the importance of planninginmitigationactivities,FEMA has createdHAZUS- MH (Hazards USA Multi-Hazard), a powerful geographic information system (GIS)-based disaster risk assessment tool.This tool enables communities of all sizes topredict the estimated losses from floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other related phenomena and to measure the impact of various mitigation practices that might help reduce those losses. The Indiana Department of HomelandSecurityhas determinedthat HAZUS-MH shouldplaya critical role in Indiana’s risk assessments. The Polis Center at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis(IUPUI)is assistingJohnsonCountywithperformingthehazardriskassessment. 1.2 Planning Team Information The JohnsonCountyMulti-HazardMitigationPlanningTeam is headed bythe JohnsonCounty EMA. Forrest Sutton is the primary point of contact. Members of the planning team include representatives from JohnsonCounty,Franklin, Greenwood,Bargersville,andWhiteland.Table 11identifiestheplanningteamindividuals andtheorganizationstheyrepresent. Section 1 – Public Planning Process Page 5 of 121 Table 1-1: Multi Hazard Mitigation Planning Team Members Name Title Organization Jurisdiction Forrest Sutton Director Johnson County EMA Johnson Gary Vandegriff Director Johnson Co Hwy Dept. Johnson John Price Representative County Council Johnson Jim White Chief Bargersville Fire Department Bargersville Rick Littleton Director Franklin Dept. Public Works Franklin Steve Dhondt Chief Johnson Co Fire Chiefs Assn. Johnson Mike Riley Director Johnson County Red Cross Johnson John Bonsett Health Officer Johnson County Health Dept. Johnson Terry McLaughlin Sheriff Johnson County Sheriff’s Dept. Johnson James Sipes Chairperson Johnson County LEPC Greenwood Matt Culp Hazmat Technician Franklin Fire Department Franklin Dan Batta Director Johnson County Planning Johnson Emily Williamson Officer Johnson County Animal Control Johnson Kathleen Hash Coordinator Johnson County Government Johnson Tom Kite Chair Johnson County Commissioners Johnson Fred Paris Mayor City of Franklin Franklin Zach Burton Communications Director City of Franklin Franklin Steve Welch President Bargersville Town Board Bargersville The Disaster MitigationAct (DMA) planningregulations and guidance stress that planningteam members must be active participants. The Johnson County MHMP committee members were activelyinvolvedinthe followingways: • AttendingtheMHMP meetings • Providingavailable Geographic InformationSystem (GIS) data andhistorical hazard information • Reviewingandprovidingcommentsonthedraft plans • Coordinatingandparticipatinginthepublic inputprocess • Coordinatingtheformaladoptionof theplanbythecounty AnMHMP kickoff meetingwas held at theJohnsonCountyEmergencyOperations Center,1111 Hospital Rd.,Franklin,IN 46131onJune 5,2008.Dave Coats explainedthe rationale behindthe MHMP program andansweredquestions from the participants.John Buechler from The Polis Center providedanoverview of HAZUS-MH.Manuella Johnsondescribedthetimeline andthe processofthemitigationplanningproject. The Johnson CountyMulti-HazardMitigationPlanningCommittee met onJune 5,2008,July10, 2008,August 15,2008,andSeptember 18,2008, andhelda public meetingonSeptember 25, 2008. These meetings, approximately two hours in length, were held in the Johnson County Emergency Operations Center. The meeting agendas, minutes, and attendance sheets are included in Appendix A. During these meetings, the planning team successfully identified Section 1 – Public Planning Process Page 6 of 121 critical facilities, reviewed hazard data and maps, identified and assessed the effectiveness of existingmitigationmeasures,establishedmitigationprojects, andassisted withpreparationof the publicparticipationinformation. 1.3 Public Involvement in Planning Process All of the planningmeetings were opentothe public. Aneffort was made tosolicit public input during the planning process. On September 25, 2008, Johnson County held a meeting for the public to attend. The public was invited to review the planat the local library andcomment on the plan.AppendixA contains the agendas andminutes from the public meetings.AppendixB containsarticlespublishedbythelocalnewspaperthroughoutthepublicinputprocess. 1.4 Neighboring Community Involvement The JohnsonCountyplanningteam invitedparticipationfrom various representatives of county government, local city and town governments, community groups, local businesses, and universities. The team alsoheldmeetings withadjacent counties toobtaintheir involvement in the planning process.Details of how neighboring stakeholders were involvedare summarizedin Table12. Table 1-2: Neighboring Community Participation Person Participating Neighboring Jurisdiction Organization Participation Description Jeff Neal Morgan County Morgan County EMA Breakfast meeting to discuss plan Mike Schantz Shelby County Shelby County EMA Breakfast meeting to discuss plan 1.5 Review of Technical and Fiscal Resources The MHMP planning team has identified representatives from key agencies to assist in the planningprocess.Technical data,reports,andstudies were obtainedfrom these agencies.The organizationsandtheircontributions aresummarizedinTable13. Table 1-3: Key Agency Resources Provided Agency Name Resources Provided Indiana Department of Homeland Security Historical hazard information, Repetitive loss information Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Historical Flood Data Division of Water Indiana Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards 1.6 Review of Existing Plans JohnsonCountyandits associated local communities utilize a varietyof planning documents to direct community development. These documents
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