\'i 'V-' -y ■ y 't--' A': N V ^ ' '■■■ W ''' Av«raffi Dally Presa Ron \ le Weather For The Week Ended M ^ y BUnhy today, Mfiti 'vW.i;; January 14, 1970 FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 27, ^970 neariean40. 40. Clea^'and c^d tontgbt, PAGE TWNTY low In the teena. Sunday mostly iiantl|p0t?r lEnrtting lifralii aunny, little temperatUM '.-'•k' '1- 1 5 i8 9 0 change, high In the low 40s, V''\ MancheHer— A City of Village Charm \ The Pastor’s # Dlsclple^lp The Rev. John J. Klley, a Class of Community Baptist member of the faculty of St. (Claiisined Advertising on Page 16) About Town Church will m « t tomorrow at ’Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield, VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 127 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1970 PRICE TEN CENTS It a.m. lii the Youth Building. will conduct on Evening of Re­ Senior Oirl Scout Troop 2 will collection for members of the hold a nim m a^ sale tomorrow Ladies Guild of the Assumption . Grade 7. Youth Instruction of at 10 a.m. at Woodruff Hall of on Monday. ’The program will V Zion Evangelical Lutheran Center Congregational Church. open at 8:16 p.m. with a Maas Church will bo held tomorrow at the Church of the Assumption. The Youth Choirs and con­ at 0:30 a.m. The event Is open to members Net Grand List P&WA Contract firmation class o f Center Con- and their friend^. gregntlonal Church will not Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet this week. Ineet Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Da. John Schloss of the Uni-. Fellows Hall. Mrs. Ernest Cok versity of Hartford will lecture A t $243,147,252 May Hit $3 Billion Miss Sharon I. Douton of 80 and Mrs. Clinton Keeney are In on "Topics of Community Psy­ Bretton Rd. has been named to charge of refreshments. chology,’’ at a session of the By SOL R. COHEN WASHINGTON (AP)—The Pratt & Whitney divl- the dean’s list for , the first Manchester Public Health' (Herald Reporter) ’sion of United Aircraft Corporation has been selected semester at Bucknell Universi­ The handicraft class of the Nursing Association staff edu­ Manchester’s net taxable Grand List, after adjust­ to develop and produce engines for the newest fighter ty. Manchester Newcomers Club of cation series Monday from 2 to aircraft planned by the Navy and Air Force, the Penta­ 4 p.m. at the agency’s office, ments by the Board of Tax Review, stands at $243,147,- the YWCA will meet Monday at gon announced Friday. 7:30 p.m. at the Community Y. 71 E. Center St. The event is 252. It is $12,453,523, or about 5.4 per cent, above last ’The bowling group of the Pratt & Whitney will build open to all interested profes­ year’s. The Grand List, determined by Oct. 1, 1939 val­ Manchester Newcomers Club ’The class project Is Easter 20,000 to 30,000-pound thrust en­ sional people. uation, is the basis for the 1970-71 tax levjr. Manches­ of the YWCA will meet tomor­ egg trees. ’Those wishing more gines for the Navy F14 and the row at 7:30 p.m. at SllV6r information may contact Mrs. ter’s new fiscal year will begin July 1. V ' Air Force F15 fighters under ‘^Laotianize’ Paul Rice, 14 Lawton Rd. The Rev. Kenneth L. Gustaf­ •The Board of Tax Review ----- ^ ;----------- Lanes, East Hartford. what Is expected to become a son, pastor of Calvary Church, cut $337,340.from the grosa Hat, ■( multiblllion dollar contract. will conduct a service Sunday which was Announced on Jon. The Initial contract Involves a W ar, Moss Fruits and Vegetables In and Out Of Season at 8:15 a.m. on radio station 31. It cut $176,835 from real purchase of 90 engines at a tar­ WINF. ’The program is spon­ estate assessments, $18,406 from AT PERO*S HHH Urged get price of $448.16 million to be sored by the Manchester Coun­ personal property, and $142,100 ORCHARD FRESH: Macs Corttands, Golden and Red De- Historical Society Guest u^ed In test models o f’'the F14 Tells Nixon lIclouH, Baldwins, Russets. cil of Churches and the Man­ from piotor vehicles. chester Clergy Association. Actually, It' had no control and F16. FRESH: Asparagus, Artichohes, Boston Lettuce, Rhubarb, At the meeting of the Manches­ the words of his publicity, "pre­ Dempsey Bid •The first payment under the WASHHNGTON (AP) — Sen. Peas, Spinach, E gg Plant, Watercioss, CSierry over the motor vehicle cuts. ter Historical Society Monday at sents a full evening of conjuring, contract Is to be $47.5 million Frank E. Moss, joining the 'Tomatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Savoy Sgt. Charles W. Newbury of ventriloquism, comic songs, and They were automatic,' as per 8 p.m. in Illing Junior High The Pentagon said develop- growing Senate demand for an and Chinese Cabbage, Leeks, Shalots, White the 11th Armored Cavalry Reg., patter.’ ’ SATURDAY ONLY figures computed by the State School, Robert Olson of Putman For Top Seat ment and options for production explanation of U.S. activities In , . Sweet Potatoes, New Florida Potatoes, Tumlps, Motor 'Vehicle Department. ’The husband of Mrs. Delberda New­ will present a lecture demon­ Using properties from his p>er- of engines are scheduled Laos, says President Nixon White and Bed Onions, Brooooll, Green Squash. bury, was awarded a Purple motor vehicle drop reflected 2 IMPORTED: Seedless Grapes, Honeytews, Spanish Mekms, stration of conjuring as It wa.s sonal collection of a magician’s 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. WASHINGTON (AP) — One through 1976 "with additional should be^n to "Laotlanlze" the Heart for injuries received in .<5hanges since Oct. 1. Peaches, Phims, Nectarines, ’Tangerines, Temple practiced In this country dur­ tricks of the early 1800s, Olson Of the suggestions to Connecti­ options for t,wo years produc- fighting In that Southeast Asian South Vietnam on Feb. 14. He will re-create an evening from Last year’s net Grand List, Oranges, Bartlett Pears, Bose and D’Anjou ing the early part of the last CASH AND MASTER tlon." • country. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ALL SALES FINAL the basts lor the current tax cut Gov. John Dempsey that he Pears, Dates, .Lhnes, .Coconuts, .Strawberries, century. Potter’s period. ’The perform­ CHARGE CARD ONLY The two aircraft will be the " i f the war in Vietnam can be 2 Samuel Newbury of 193 Adams ance will be given in period levy, was $230,093,729. It had consider becoming national Watermelons. He hAs made a intensive study main line fighters of the Navy vietnamlzed,” Moss, D-Utah, W e Have Extra Sunday Papers For Your Convenience St. costume, and will use audience risen about 3.8 per cent over the of the life work of Richard chairman of the Democratic and Air Force In the late 1970s. told the Senate Friday, "then OPEN 6 AM . to 9 P.M. DAILY; 6 A.M. to 9 P.M. SUNDAY participation as in the orginal year before. And that one, In Potter (1810-40), the first person long sleeve , Party came from none other •Die Navy version will be able to this same process should begin WEEKEND SPECTALS In the United States to make a show. turn had goire up 2.3 per cent s e le c t than Hubert Humphrey, It was operate off aircraft carriers. in Laos before It becomes any FANCY LETTUCE .................................... head 2 S t living as a conjurer. Potter was A business meeting will pre­ «4 over the year before. g r o u p BAN LON KNITS Befpre then, except for the'1966 reported' here Friday. In winning the contract, Pratt more difficult.” LG. TEMPXE ORANGES ........... ..........dozen 79^ a traveling entertainer who, in cede the program. turtlenecks ft mocs. reg, to $10. revaluation year, when the Humphrey met with Dempsey & Whitney beat out General other senatoi;s who criticized MACS .................. ............................6 qt. bag 79* Electrict, Its sole rival. the administration’s handling of 7 long sleeve Grand List rose by 20.4 per cent, and other Democratic governors TOMATOES .. ....... Ib. 2 9 t (The planes that will use the jj,e LaoUan situation during the s e le c t the annual increases, back to during the three-day meeting of 8 We Carry ’The Manchester 'Evening Herald 1966, had' average^ about 5 per the National Governors Confer­ Pratt & Whitney engines will ^^y included Sens. Stuaft Sym- COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS SPORT SHIRTS 3/l^.OO ft’s Census-Taking Time g r o u p cent. ence. Dempsey, who heads the be manufactured by McDonnell ington, Fred R. Harris ahd Rob­ Edward T. Mikelis, 17, of mostly button down collars, reg. to $7. Manchester’s net Grand List Democratic gubernatorial group, National Guardsman searches youth at California riot scene. (A P Photofax) Douglas. Each plane will have ert C. Byrd, all Democrats. Vernon Rd., Bolton, charged on or house value, color, race, sex, It’s time for the 1970 census, long sleeve « Is computed at 65 per cent rof had complained earlier that na­ two engines. Byrd’s statement drew the a Circuit Ck)urt 12 warrant with age, etc. Lawyer Asks the first nationwide census in s e le c t Oct. 1, 1969 markel value s. It tional party leaders had not con­ United Aircraft president. Wil­ most attention because he has conspiracy to break and enter. Four out of five households KNIT SHIRTS 3/^.00 comprises $ldl,(X>3,469 for real sulted the governors on ques­ liam Gwinn hailed the contract, not been among the outspoken He .
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