THE BOTSWANA GAZEttE WEDNESDAY 29 APRIL 2020 THE PROBLEMPAGE 1 WITH JUDGES’ DONATIONS TO PAGE 12 COvid –19 WEDNESDAY 29 APRIL 2020 P9.50 (INCL) VAT “Kitso ke maatla” SINCE 1984 UB IN THE RACE FOR COVID-19 CurE PAGE 3 As Gov’t Records One New Infection , Bringing The Number to 23 COVID-19 Cases Vice Chancellor Professor David Norris says that scientists at the University of Botswana (UB) met today to expedite further research processes following the discovery of an indigenous plant that may have properties to prevent and cure COVID-19 Virus Although finding cure is still far, he said that they have been testing various plant material including Mongana which is said to have properties that kill malaria and COVID-19. F/Town Mayor SALESHANDO HAS NOT SUBMITTED EVIDENCE Investigated For Covid-19 – Skelemani PAGE 2 Food Relief Tender LOO WANTS BDF, PO- • BDP threatens to take action against Mayor LICE SALARY DEDUC- • Town Clerk defends him TIONS FOR COVID-19 • Mayor says he declared his interests PAGE 4 FUND STOPPED Rebuilding The Economy After COVID-19 Crisis Around P10 billion in an Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) will be needed, but this time around to build home grown industries that will create mass employment, rather than enriching tenderpreneurs only, Economists say. PAGE B1 PAGE 2 NEWS WEDNESDAY 29 APRIL 2020 THE BOTSWANA GAZEttE Saleshando Has Not Submitted Evidence – Skelemani • Speaker says he is still awaiting LOO’s evidence (BDP) that I have received tion, Vice President Slum- the evidence.” ber Tsogwane said the dec- • Says he will present the evidence before the BDP once submitted In his response, Sale- laration of state of public shando differed, and rather emergency was necessary said, “I have given the for the purpose of taking • Saleshando diff ers, “I have submitted evidence” Speaker the evidence, it is appropriate and stringent up to him to decide wheth- measures to address the er he shares it with you or risks posed by COVID-19. not.” When giving his sub- Saleshando had raised mission President Masisi, the allegations in his de- vowed to revoke the SOPE fence to why the extra as soon as the government ordinary sitting of Parlia- has established a full grip ment should vote against on the virus. Masisi’s proposed six “I personally gave as- months of State of Public surance to the leaders of Emergency. parties that took part in “This will enable the the 2019 election, of my President to give tenders complete commitment to to his party members with- stick to the intention of the out being questioned. We constitution and my will- will request for a com- ingness and desire to uplift mission of inquiry of the the state of emergency the COVID-19 money on how very minute the experts it was used. I want to tell who know how best to you that you will be the manage this pandemic in- one to answer,” he said in form me that we no longer a televised parliamentary need those powers to be debate. applied to manage what When asked to pro- remains.” vide evidence to support “The state of emergency LETLHOGILE MPUANG mit any evidence pointing procurement without ten- that he was still awaiting the allegations and if not, may not need to last six to President Mokgweetsi dering, Speaker of the Na- evidence from the Maun withdraw the statement, he months and I hope it does eader of Opposi- Masisi’s relatives or any tional Assembly Phandu East legislator. “No, I have promised to compile the not because states of emer- tion (LOO) in Par- Botswana Democratic Skelemani has said. not received anything,” he evidence and submit to the gency are disruptive by Lliament Dumelang Party (BDP) member ben- Skelemani told The Bo- said. “Once I have received Speaker. their own nature,” Presi- Saleshando is yet to sub- efiting from COVID-19 tswana Gazette this week it, then I shall inform them The mover of the mo- dent Masisi had said. LOO wants BDF, Police Salary Deductions For COVID-19 Fund Stopped Calls for health workers to be exempted from deferment of salary increment TEFO PHEAGE when we all took the back seat tics of the dead. There is need indicated that if schools are not and worked from home. It is for you to assure our health reopened soon, all students will he Leader of the Oppo- unfair to subject them to an ad- workers, who are risking their have to repeat. To the greatest sition, Dumelang Sale- ditional financial strain. I there- lives working in the frontline extent possible, this should be Tshando has written a fore urge you to reverse the call of this ravaging war, that gov- avoided,” he said. letter to President Mokgweetsi for donations by the head of ernment will avail adequate The letter continues: “For Masisi calling on him to stop the the police and army. Let those Personal Protective Equipment all intents and purposes, learn- salary deductions of the disci- in the disciplined forces who (PPE). Our two public universi- ing in public schools has come plined forces to the COVID-19 wish to contribute follow the ties (UB and BIUST) recently to a halt while private schools Relief Fund. The government same procedure set for every announced a number of innova- continue to deliver content to has taken a controversial deci- Motswana. They can deposit tions related to COVID-19 re- their students through e-learn- sion to deduct the disciplined directly to the advertised ac- sponse. I commend the two uni- ing. Our public education has forces salaries under the guise counts and not through their versities for their innovations,” to transform and central to the of volunteerism. superiors. Kindly also consider he added. transformation is the use of Saleshando says Masisi exempting health care workers He urged Masisi to instruct technology in the classroom. should intervene. “Members of from the recently imposed sal- the National COVID-19 Re- The rollout of iPads to students, and associated internet infra- the Police Service as well at the ary adjustment postponement,” sponse Team to engage the two structure, is no longer a political Botswana Defence Force have Saleshando stated. universities together with Busi- rally issue. It’s an urgent imper- received communication from “Some countries have intro- ness Botswana to explore the ative requiring your attention.” their superiors urging them to duced special allowances for possibility of setting up produc- He called for the engagement contribute their earnings or sav- their health sector employees tion plants for some of the re- of the temporary teachers who ings to the COVID-19 Fund. in appreciation of the burden quired equipment. have the requisite qualifications Fixed amounts have been set they carry in responding to the On education, Saleshando for the jobs they do to be fully for each rank. Though the com- crisis.” says as the current lockdown employed. “The temporary munication suggests that the The Leader of the Opposition comes to an end, there is need teachers operate through termly contributions are voluntary, we further called on government for Masisi to give clear direc- contracts and are unsure of their all know that a request from the “to exempt health workers from tions on what is to happen with- jobs at the moment. Their work highest authority, in the culture a decision to defer salary incre- in the education sector. conditions are not conducive for of disciplined forces, is a com- ments”, which civil servants are “The State of Public Emer- the provision of quality educa- mand,” he said. currently protesting. gency (SoE) regulations state tion centred around a motivated The letter further says: “Our “In all the countries that have that schools will remain closed teacher. We need to urgently men and women in uniform are recorded a high number of CO- for the duration of the SoE, confirm all temporary teachers part of the front line and have VID-19 deaths, health workers which is six months. The Min- as permanent employees,” he had to carry a heavier workload have formed part of the statis- ister of Basic Education has says. THE BOTSWANA GAZEttE WEDNESDAY 29 APRIL 2020 NEWS PAGE 3 UB In The Race To Find Cure For COVID-19 LETLHOGILE MPUANG still have to do more research. “We do have the capacity and rica. Its leaves are used to make We need to follow all health expertise as a country to find herbal tea, as well as to treat cientists at the University protocols and make sure that the the cure ourselves,” Dr Norris ailments such as coughs, colds, of Botswana (UB) have cure does not have any negative (PhD) asserted. “Even if any fever, loss of appetite and head- discovered several indig- effects on people.” of the Western countries found aches. S a cure today, it would take two enous plants that may have prop- He noted that one of their big- The President of Madagas- erties to prevent and cure the gest challenges was that there years for it to reach Botswana.” car Andry Rajoelina last week novel coronavirus, this publica- were no subjects to test potential Lead Researcher, Professor launched his country’s local tion has established. cures on. “These cures need to Daniel Motlhanka also told this herbal remedy. Malagasy In- These plants includes Artemis- be tested on subjects that have publication that his team is cur- stitute of Applied Research rently testing several medicinal ia, that is used to make COVID- the virus for us to observe how (IMRA) explained that it is plants in a bid to find a possible Organics in Madagascar where the body reacts,” he pointed out.
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