KINGSPORT \rr NNESSEE AGENDA BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN WORK SESSION Monday, June 1,2015 Gouncil Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall,4:30 p.m. Board of Mavor and Aldermen Mayor Dennis R. Phillips, Presiding Vice Mayor Mike Mclntire Alderman Andy Hall Alderman John Clark Alderman Tom C. Parham Alderman Colette George Alderman Tom Segelhorst Leadership Team Jeff Fleming, City Manager Chris McCartt, Assistant City Manager for Administration Ryan McReynolds, Assistant City Manager for Operations J. Michael Billingsley, City Attorney Jim Demming, City Recorder/Chief Financial Officer David Quillin, Police Chief Craig Dye, Fire Chief Morris Baker, Community Services Director Lynn Tully, Development Services Director Tim Whaley, Community and Government Relations Director George DeCroes, Human Resources Director 1. Call to Order 2. RollCall 3. Work Session Tickler 4 Review of ltems on June 2,2015 Business Meeting Agenda 5 Adjourn Gitizens wishing to comment on agenda items p¡ease come to the pod¡um and state your name and address. Please l¡mit your comments to five minutes. Thank you. <;:**-.. Work Session Tickler June 1,2015 Kt\{F,.qPoRr Special Proiects Brickyard Park Ball Fietds David Mason Work continues on landscaping the areas outside of the playing fields. The parking lot and entrance drive have been paved with the binder course. The finish course is being held to protect it from truck traffic until the parking lot extension is in place. At that time the finish course will be placed on the entire site. Until then the parking lot will be temporarily striped for use. At this time the Building Department is tentatively scheduled to inspect for a Certificate of Occupancy on June 2nd, and the Owner/Architect punch-list inspection will occur on June Sth. Note that the fields will not yet be playable at that time until the sod has been properly established. Chris McCartt will provide an update to the Board at each meeting regarding progress, budget, etc. and will be available to answer questions as needed. Entrance Archway 51231 1 5 Fire Training Ground The Training Tower colors and design have been picked and Armstrong Construction will be ordering the building materials. Armstrong Construction is doing core samples on site and is ready to begin the foundation. The ball is in their court. The Fire Department plans are to add storage facilities, a classroom, several fire and rescue props, etc. These will be for vehicle extrication, special rescue, etc. Page 2 of 3 WTP Raw Water lransmrssion and lntake Replacement Design Niki Ensor Engineer: CDM Smith Tunnel Alignment (r¡sht) Construction Schedule: March 2015 - January 2017 Project Update: (No updates.) Six bids were received and opened on May 7,2015 Bids are being evaluated and must receive funding agency approval before award. Carousel Morris Baker Engage Kingsport, lnc. (a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit) is leading construction of the Roundhouse and gift shop Ou'rlOiñgs. Íhey hold the contract with GRC who is the General Contractor. Engage Kingsport volunteers are working to assemble to Carousel Frame inside the Roundhouse. Volunteers are in the process of construction the frame and attaching animals to the frame. project coordinators are working with the City's lT and HR for security/connectivity as well as peróonnel. ln addition, GRC is ¡n tne process of adding a fence around the perimeter of the carousel and green space area. Engage Kingsport's timeline for opening of the Carousel: . Soft openings during the time from 6120 through 7/25 .7125 Official Grand OPening Lesal Sourmash Property Joe MaY The Tax Sale advertised for May 26, 2015, did take place Tuesday morning and the property at Sourmash was sold to the high bidder. The Clerk & Master will issue Report of Sale and an Order of Confirmation should be entered next week. Worker's Compensation Terri Evans Workers' Compensation numbers are reported for the second meeting of the month. Risk Management Terri Evans Kí ngsport Em ployee Wel I ness The Kingsport Employee Wellness Center opened 6t26t13. Calendar year 2014 utilization is 95.5%, and of th]os e, 55.2ò/o were active employees , 4.6o/owere retirees, 35.5% were dependents, 0.37o were Workers Compensation visits, 0.2Vo were extended patient visits, and 4.2o/o were no-shows. Our no- show target is below 5%. Page 3 of 3 Ki ngsporT Employee Wel lness conti n ued Beginning January, 2015, the school system became self-funded, allowing school employees, retirees anO Oependents covered on the health plan availability at the Kingsport Employee Wellness Center. There are 77 hours available each week for 20 minute appointments, including Saturdays, to serve both the school department and the general government employees. Utilization January 2 through May 23,2015, is 1ó2.4o/o, and of those, 29.8o/o were government actiyg, 24.2% were school active-, 3% were government retirees, 2.3o/o wêrc school retirees, 18.60/o were government dependents, 16.67o were school dependents, .3%o were extended patient visits, .1% were workers' compensation visits and S.1% were no-shows. The high no show number is due to weather issues in the winter, as the May 1-May 23 no show percentage is 3.5%. Utilization does appear to be leveling out, and we are keeping a close eye on appointment availability to adjust hours as necessary. Budget Office JudY smith Financial Comments (No updates.) ùocal'Option Sales Tax revenue for the month of March was $1 ,424,090 which was $60,144 above budget and $31,331 above last year's actual. The Year to Date Total is $287,317 over budget and $685,728 over last year which is a 5.73% increase over last year's actual. Revised 611115 Kl\{pJPoRr AGENDA BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN BUSINESS MEETING Tuesday, June 2,2015 Large Courtroom - 2nd Floor, City Hall 7:00 p.m. Board of Mavor and Aldermen Mayor Dennis R. Phillips, Presiding Vice Mayor Mike Mclntire Alderman Andy S. Hall Alderman John Clark Alderman Tom C. Parham Alderman Colette George Alderman Tom Segelhorst Citv Administration Jeff Fleming, City Manager Chris McCartt, Assistant City Manager for Administration Ryan McReynolds, Assistant City Manager for Operations J. Michael Billingsley, City Attorney James Demming, City Recorder/Chief Financial Officer David Quillin, Police Chief Craig Dye, Fire Chief Morris Baker, Community Services Director Lynn Tully, Development Services Director Tim Whaley, Community & Government Relations Director George DeCroes, Human Resources Director I. CALL TO ORDER Revised ll.A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG ll.B. INVOCATION - Pastor Kimberly Goddard, Mafair United Methodist Church III.A. ROLL CALL IV. RECOGNITIONS & PRESENTATIONS None Board of Mayor and Aldermen Page 2 of 6 Business Meeting June 2,2015 V APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Work Session - May 18,2015 2. Business Meeting - May 19,2015 VI. COMMUNITY INTEREST ITEMS A. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing and Consideration of an Ordinance to Adopt the FY15-16 Budget (AF: 122-2015) (Judy Smith, Jeff Fleming) . Public Hearing . Ordinance - First Reading 2. Public Hearing and Consideration of an Ordinance to Adopt the FY15-16 Water Fund Budget (AF: 123-2015) . Public Hearing . Ordinance - First Reading 3. Public Hearing for Annexation Annual Plan of Services Report (AF: 142-2015) (Corey Shepherd) . Public Hearing 4. Public Hearing and Consideration of an Ordinance to Adopt the FY15-16 Sewer Fund Budget (AF: 124-2015) (Ryan McReynolds) . Public Hearing . Ordinance - First Reading COMMENT Citizens may speak on agenda items. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address and sign the register that is provided. You are encouraged to keep your comments non-personal in nature, and they should be limited to five minutes. A total of thirty minutes is allocated for public comment during this part of the agenda. B. BUSINESS MATTERS UIRING FIRST READING 1. Enter into a Materials Agreement with Danny Karst Related to Edinburgh Phase Vll Development and an Ordinance to Appropriate the Funds (AF: 145-2015) (Ryan McReynolds) . Resolution . Ordinance - First Reading 2. Materials Agreement with Christ Fellowship Church Related to a Proposed Residential Development and an Ordinance to Appropriate the Funds (AF: 146- 201 5) (Ryan McReynolds) o Resolution o Ordinance - First Reading 3. Ordinance Providing for the FY16 Emergency Solutions Grant Budget (AF 131-2015) (Lynn Tully) . Ordinance - First Reading Board of Mayor and Aldermen Page 3 of 6 Business Meeting June2,2015 4. Adopt the FY15-16 Metropolitan Planning Project Grant Budget (AF: 125-2015) (BillAlbright) . Ordinance - First Reading 5. Ordinance to Adopt the FY15-16 Urban Mass Transit Budget (AF: 126-2015) (Chris McCartt) . Ordinance - First Reading 6. Ordinance to Adopt the FY15-16 School Public Law 93-380 Grant Project Fund Budget (AF: 127-2015) (Jeff Fleming, David Frye) . Ordinance - First Reading 7 . Ordinance to Adopt the FY15-16 Special Schools Projects Grant Fund Budget (AF: 128-2015) (Jeff Fleming, David Frye) . Ordinance - First Reading L Ordinance Providing for the FY16 Community Development Block Grant Budget (AF: 130-2015) (Lynn Tully) o Ordinance - First Reading 9. Consideration of an Ordinance to Amend the FY15 Operating Budgets and Various Projects (AF: 129-2015) (Jeff Fleming) o Ordinance - First Reading c. BUSINESS MATTERS IRING FINAL ADOPTION 1. Amend the FY 2015 General Purpose School Fund Budget (AF: 1 15-2015) (David Frye) . Ordinance - Second Reading and FinalAdoption 2. Amend the FY 2015 School Nutrition Services Fund Budget (AF: 116-2015) (David Frye) . Ordinance - Second Reading and FinalAdoption 3. Amend the FY 2015 Schools Federal Projects Fund Budget (AF: 117-2015) (David Frye) o Ordinance - Second Reading and FinalAdoption 4. Amend the FY 2015 School Special Projects Fund Budget (AF: 118-2015) (David Frye) o Ordinance - Second Reading and Final Adoption 5.
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