jj THE HANNA HER "ANDAuthorize EASd as Second ClasTs MatteCENTRAr by the Post Office DepartmentL , OttawALBF&&a And fo- 4<Q . Pay ment Aof Postag NEWSe in Cash " VOLUME 52 —TTOMBIR 50 iHn HANNA HERALD ond EAST CENTRAL ALBtRTA NbWS—THUhvJAY, OCTOBbR 8, 1964 D- -r.: FWUA PRESIDENT ON CHINA TOUR CHANGE MADE IN LIQUOR STORE HOURS "P9ttm* Tho local Alberta Govern­ ment Liquor Store was closed Class Room Co for the first time on Monday of this week. In a change of store hours which will hare- after observe regular Monday closing. The change from the Wednesday closing to Monday Suggested To Teachers has been brought about to co­ incide with the policy of clos­ ing on that day by a number of local retail and other business D TEH HEW MEMBERS INDUCTED firms. For the information of the "consuming public" the CRAIGMYLE MAN store at Oyen is also closed on LEADS SPUD CONTEST IHTO ATA, SEPTEMBER28; Monday, and the outlet in They're off and running this Drumheller is open every day w?ek as the Herald annual Big of the week excepting, of Futaio Contest started Octo­ "PARENTS AFRAID OF TEACHERS" THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY. Across Canada, the narrow course, Sunday, from 12 noon ber 1 and ends October 31. country roads have taken on a new charm with the coming of to 8 p.m. The change in hours Fred Rees of Craigmyle has ATA Economic Consultant Stresses autumn. Bprdered by our many forests, our roads weave is not expected to cause too taken an early and substantial through a wondrous splash of color, rich tones of red, gold and much inconvenience, however, lead with a Kenebec variety Consistency and Fair Play Among orange painted by nature in the turning leaves.— for the first two or three weighing 3 pounds and 12 oun­ Teachers; May Be Too Aloof weeks there may be some who ces. Fred brought hit exhibit are caught short in their into the Herald on Tuesday (Special to the Herald by Mrs. O. Tolmage) weekend supply. One notable and states that the big spud instance was brought to the actually weighed four pounds Gordon Hunter, principal of the East Public school, octed Herald's attention Tuesday, when first dug, but shrank in as chairman at the induction of ten new members into tthjB LOCAL AND VISITING HUNTERS when a party of B.C. hunters size and weight after twenty- local branch of the Alberta Teachers Association. claimed they were unaware of four hours from the time it the closing regulation and af­ was dug. Mrt. E. E. Schultz of The ceremony was carried out in INVITED TO FISH AND GAME ter a "hard weekend" were Endiang holds down second the high school auditorium the "standing on their tongues" place with her entry of 2 evening of September 38. all day Monday! pounds 10 ounces. Haven't J. C. Charyk, high school princi­ ASSOCIATION MEETING OCT. 13 heard how Joe Slepicka it ma­ pal, gave three marks of a profes­ n ncluded in a Farmers Union of Alberta tour of Mainland king out with hit turnip con­ sion He said that it is a group that Discussion To Take Place On Current China wos Mrs. L. V. Johnston of Excel. The group of 32 left test, but likely he and Johnny is known from all others; it has Parker at the Red and White Problems In Hunting Season; Trout- Vancouver on the week-end by Canadian Pacific Airlines jet social purposes and great respon­ have some large entries by sibilities. He told that a profession Over 2 Pound Is Derby Leader HOW TRUE! and will tour China for the next three weeks. On hand to assist now. Joe was the winner of tha must be bound by a code of ethics, . the delegates with time-tables was CPA stewardess Lillian Herald's potato contest last accepting each pupil as a sacred a c ease t0 exist De ,Qn Mr In step with the current hunting season is the regular I L „ ll^?."!^.f J "l- 9 s- Johnston is president of the Farm Women's Union year, but to far hasn't come up trust. CaUse they are Igno^e<, meeting of the Hanna Pish ond Gome Association to be held of Alberta and is widely known to a host of farm ladies in this with an entry- Maybe he's wait­ George Patzer, president of the in the Pioneers' Hall second avenue east on October 13 at area and throughout the province. ing for tho use of a back-hoe Sullivan Lake ATA, read the Asso­ 8 p.m.. or • stump pullerl First prize and Game members and damage to ciations code of ethics and induct­ Jerry Schissler, secretary and in the potato race it ten dol­ ed the new members into the property results, complete insur­ lars and second it five. Fred Fano, president, extend a ance coverage is automatically in group. hearty welcome to all local and force. The Rev. John Moules of First visiting hunters to turn out. The Q United Church, gave the convoca­ meeting hasn't any special program The annual fish derby has not tion. lined up, but wherever hunters and been ended as yet, and Walter Karzywy is current leader in the Board of Trade Plans H M. West presented the ATA sportsmen gather, the amusement pins to the new members. He also is usually self-made. There are, trout contest with a 2 pound 9',-i (lasses For made presentations to two former however, several subjects to be dis­ ounce trout caught at the Michichi Reservoir. Rev. T. E. Jessko teachers of the Hanna schools who cussed concerning the current sea­ Retarded Open (Conference Superintendent) are now retired. A.Ji. BfiKaBfl son. One which seems to be gaining The Bethel Evangelical United Percy Cochran.^ attention is the shooting of geese Bretheren Church in Hanna will Following this riteal, suest from water edges. The opinion is New Revival Methods speaker Joe Berlando,Economic Assoc. Meets be conducting a Special Evangelis­ advanced that if this procedure is On October tB tic Crusade, October 11 - 18, with Consultant of the ATA, told the followed every season that sooner | teachers that they should act down TIME TO THINK • Home at Mr. and Rev. T. E. Jesske, Conference Su­ or later goose hunting will lose its a code of rales in the classroom. In Oyen Oct. 28 OF CHRISTMAS MAIL Mrs. Gordon Cruickshank perintendent from Medicine Hat as I _££ popularity and in turn the town • •EXECUTIVE SILENT BUT WORKING guest Evangelist. The Superinteni must use Ihnn. aawaas and district lose out on consider­ Interested in the promotion and j With th* Christmas period Made Available able rev«uw(,jsv^b£ Jnrm of "tour­ development of Highway 41 the 1 h n ist or hunters' dollars''. One mertP" weary !?5SS'f. ai lhJfiy .EW^uOftM m mm. i IWI u M1.J Association will be held this year > potting parcels to friends and children will soon commence active ber has expressed the thought that operation. Mrs. P. Boyd, secretary water shooting could be eliminated in Oyen. Members of the Associa- relatives overseas. Last minute ABOUT GREATER PARTICIPATION places outside these border, oMga.£.**« V*"?****^ tion include many points from Me­ postings, if general, might ren­ of tbe Hanna and District Associa­ messages are always tonely «»d^ •^gjffer quite handily by including prohib­ tion for Retarded Children told the d ited zones in the already set-up dicine Hat in the south to Wain­ der it impossible for the Post Much Can Be Done For Community Office to find sufficient accom­ Herald Tuesday that a class of ten inspiring. Featured in «"** ««J ents make a complaint, game management areas. wright in the north The meeting vice will be the Radio Voices of | ___ ___, ,_ - -..J. was held in Medicine Hat last year. modation on the last steamers And District If Each Member kiddies will start school on Tues­ Mr. Berlando warned at the con- Bethel Church. The sendees will seqences to a teacher who breaks The Association reports that only T. R. Jaques of Oyen. secretary leaving in time to ensure "Pulls His Weight"; New Ideas day, October 13. begin each evening at 7:30. A cor­ one of the attractive and informa- of the Association, announces that Christmas delivery. Through the kindness of Mr. and the code of ethics. He said that it dial invitation is being extended the charge is strong enough he can Uve "Dowling Lake Migratory Bird the Hon Gordon Taylor. Minister The following dates are the While no details have as yet been divulged there is a Mrs. Gordon Cruikshank, the spa­ to all to attend these services. Sanctuary" signs, erected last year,, Highways, will be the guest deadlines for parcels mailed to cious basement of their home has even loose his certificate. of mo\ rment afoot within the ranks of the executive to "put some Mt. Berlando spoke at the outset is still standing. The others have j speaker at this meeting, and a the indicated places: life" and nreoter membershio Darticipation into the Hanna been made available for temporary been torn down by vandals or per October 24: Philippines, quarters at least. Their home is lo­ of having played for dances ta Han­ thorough discussion on the pro­ Board of Trade. ^— na. Many will doubtless remember haps even hunters themselves! gress of the highway will take October 27: Australia and New cated at 510 Centre Street and the Oyen Streets Zealand, classes start at 9:00 a.m.
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