Apr. 9 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 a time in American history when those of in turn, make sure our neighbors are loved us in Washington, DC, or in the State cap- just like they’d like to be loved themselves. itals, recognize that oftentimes the most You can understand why I’m optimistic hopeful and promising programs of help about our country, because I am the Presi- come from places of worship. It doesn’t dent of the greatest nation on the face of matter what their religion is; the people the Earth. Thank you for coming. May God hear that universal call to love somebody bless. May God bless America. just like they’d like to be loved themselves. This is a period of time when America, NOTE: The President spoke at 10:43 a.m. at instead of cowering in the face of terrorism, the Klein Auditorium. In his remarks, he re- stood defiantly in the face of evil; when ferred to Leslie Lenkowsky, chief executive not only did we fight for freedom, but we officer, Corporation for National and Com- promoted the peace. And this will be a munity Service. The President’s principles time in history when our Nation’s compas- for the proposed legislation were outlined in sion comes forth, where the collective face ‘‘Principles and Reforms for a Citizen Service of America is a compassionate, joyous na- Act,’’ made available April 9 on the White tion, that will not allow evil to prevail and, House web site. Remarks at a Republican Luncheon in Greenwich, Connecticut April 9, 2002 Thank you for that warm welcome. It’s ple of Connecticut to reelect Johnny. He’s nice to be back in the State in which I done a heck of a job as your Governor. was born. I was running for Congress one And you get a good Lieutenant Governor time, and they accused me of not being with him as well. I appreciate Lieutenant able to represent the people of west Texas Governor Jodi Rell* for being here. Thank because I was born in Connecticut. And you very much. It’s great to see you again. I said, ‘‘Heck, I just wanted to be close Lieutenant Governor Rell and I spent some to my mother on that day.’’ [Laughter] quality time campaigning together, and I I know I’ve got a lot of people here found her to be a very bright, very accom- are friends of Mother and Dad’s. I just plished soul. It’s great to see you again, want you to know they’re doing great, and Jodi.* so am I, and so is my wife. I’m sorry Laura And I’m also here because I want Denny couldn’t be with us today. She went to the Hastert to be the Speaker of the House. Queen Mother’s funeral in London, and It is important that we elect Republicans she’s flying back tonight. But let me just from Connecticut to support Denny tell you, for somebody who is a public Hastert. school librarian, who wasn’t all that thrilled I remember one time, right after—in the about politics and all that in love with poli- fall, people said, ‘‘Well, do you plan on ticians, she’s made a fabulous First Lady; campaigning?’’ I said, ‘‘Yes, I plan on cam- she really has. She’s brought a lot of com- paigning.’’ It is in my interest to campaign fort to the Nation when we needed to be for good candidates, because I think it’s comforted, and she brings a quiet dignity in the Nation’s interest that we have people that I’m most proud of. like Chris Shays and Nancy Johnson and I also want to thank my friend Johnny Rowland. I’m here because I want the peo- * White House correction. 590 24 2004 10:45 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00590 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193762A.XXX 193762A Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / Apr. 9 Rob Simmons represent the good people Listen, he understands what I under- of Connecticut in Washington, DC. stand: Governments don’t create wealth— I appreciate Shays. [Laughter] Some- we know that—but governments need to times, he appreciates me. [Laughter] But create an environment in which people are I enjoy working with him because he’s a willing to risk capital, in which the entre- man of deep compassion. He cares deeply preneur can flourish. That’s what’s hap- about the human condition, and so does pening in Connecticut, thanks to Johnny his wife, Betsi. And it’s been an honor to Rowland’s leadership. call them friends, and I appreciate you all I gave a speech the other day on the very much. importance of making sure that children I want to thank Charlie Glazer, the event learn how to read early in life, so that when chairman, longtime friend. I appreciate they start kindergarten, there’s not this your tireless work. And I want to thank huge learning gap that takes place in Amer- those who represent the grassroots of the ica. Johnny figured that out way before my Connecticut party. Oftentimes, those of us speech. He figured out preschool education in public office only focus on one aspect was important before a lot of other people of politics. But I like to remind people knew it was important. And I appreciate Johnny’s efforts on focusing the State of that it takes the good folks dialing the Connecticut and his budget on preschool phones and mailing the mail, holding those programs as well as spending billions of signs up—at least the ones that say nice dollars to make sure class sizes are smaller things on them. [Laughter] They’re the in the State of Connecticut. ones who really oftentimes don’t get the Listen, we passed historic education re- credit. And so for those of you who have form in Washington, DC. And thanks to toiled in the vineyards on behalf of can- the Members on the stage and both Repub- didates such as me and those on the stage, licans and Democrats working together, fi- thanks from the bottom of our heart. And nally, in Washington, we were able to pass thank you all for helping the party, which a meaningful piece of legislation, part of helps Johnny, and helping the two can- which is to not only hold people to high didates who have got serious challenges. standards and to expect the best out of First, on Johnny. The way we like to every child, but part of it is we’re going put it in Texas is, he’s the kind of fellow to trust the Governors and local people to that does in office what he said he would figure out the path to excellence. And it do. I can’t tell you how important it is gives me great confidence in supporting to have people who hold office who deliver. such a bill, knowing that Johnny Rowland And one of the jobs of a Governor is to is the Governor of the State of Con- help restore faith in the political process necticut. of a particular State. And the best way to Serious crime has dropped by 15.7 per- defeat cynicism is to accomplish things on cent in the State of Connecticut since behalf of everybody, is to rise above the Johnny’s been the Governor. His record traditional noise that tends to dominate the speaks for itself, and I’m confident the political scene and perform. And that’s State will be wise enough to send Johnny what Johnny has done. He said he would back to the statehouse for another term. cut taxes, and he did. He said he would I certainly hope so, because he’s a good reduce those taxes which inhibited growth man. in the State of Connecticut, and he did. And Nancy Johnson’s got a race. And And as a result, the economy here has been surely the people of her congressional dis- vibrant and exciting, thanks to Johnny’s trict are going to be wise enough to send leadership. this good soul back to Washington, DC, 591 r 24 2004 10:45 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00591 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193762A.XXX 193762A Apr. 9 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 because she is a good soul. She’s the dean repeal of the death tax is an important part of the delegation. She’s a leader in the of letting people realize the American Republican Party. She has got enormous Dream. And we’ve got small-business own- respect on both sides of the aisle, and that’s ers all over the country who’ve worked all important. If you’re a person who goes to their life, who want to leave their business Washington to get something done, you’ve to their heirs, to a son or a daughter, and got to have the respect on both sides of can’t do so because of the death tax. the aisle, and Nancy Johnson does. She is— Listen, getting rid of the death tax was she has been in the Oval Office more than great for farmers and ranchers. It’s good one time with steady counsel and good ad- to—it’s a good policy if you’re worried vice, and she’s not afraid to give it. [Laugh- about urban sprawl, so they can keep the ter] farmland in their families for generations.
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