RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXI&, NO. 48. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 22,1947 , SECTION ONE-^PAGES 1 TO Rev. John Reiss Ask Sea Bright Cited For Heroism Gunner's Island Four Properties Rev. C. A. Thunn To Preach Sunday People Demand Ousten To Say First Mass Council To Buy To Serve Boys In This Area Rev, Charles.A. Thunn, pastor of the Temple Baptist church, Min- 1 neapolis, Minn,, who has been at- Of George V. Brown At St: James New Fire Truck As Scouting Site Change Hands tending the Northern Baptist con- vention in Atlantic City this week, will arrive in Red Bank tomorrow Native Of Red Bank Residents Say Sea Bright Lions Chatham Couple night nnd will .preach In his for- mer pulpit of the Baptist church. Highlands Councilman Is Non-Resident Will Be^Ordained Hook And Ladder Receive Permission Buy Miles Property Sunday morning on the topic' "The Lost Doctrine of the Christian —Water Plant May Be Held Up In Trenton May 31 Is Antiquated Of Edward Scudder In Little Silver Faith", . "Things are really moving along John Charles Reisi, son of Mr. An appeal for a new hook and About 200 boy scouts,* represent- Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Gere of hero In Minneapolis,', wrote the 'In thc-'flrst of two steps to cuib and Mra. Alfred, Refss of 107 Lin- ladder truck for Sea Bright fire de- ing troops from Sea Bright, Mon- Chatham have purchased through former Red Bank minister in a let- pait'of the Highlands council pro? i den place, will celebrate his first partment was made before the mouth Beach, Rumson and other Rolston Waterbury the Miles pro- ter to a friend, "and we have had Truex Named ject of a new water system, thi solemn mass Sunday, Juno 1, at St. mayor and council of that place, shore municipalities, are expected perty located en Harding road, Lit- the'. greatest year ever. We have Property'Owners' association Tues- James church. last Thursday night by Nelson to post claims on Gunner's island tle Silver. received 90 new members Into our Best Soldier day night asked for Immediate Finch and Thomas Leary. The in the South Shrewsbury river this The place comprises, about two fellowship and'have just'raised the ouster of George V. Brown, water former, who said the truck could week. After several months of ef- acres of well landscaped grounds, largest budget In the history of Un- committee chairman, on the ground < not get around corners, stressed the fort, the Sea Blight Lions club has shaded with stately maple trees. church. The Lord certainly has Red. Banker Is he docs not maintain legal resi- possible hike on Insurance rates obtained permission for use of part The house is a*landmarlc, having been good to us". dence In the borough. - unless it is replaced. Mr. Leary, a of the island for boy scout activi- formerly been part of the Uzal Me- Honored At Rutgers Tho mayor and council will study candidate for councilman, called ties and for a permanent camping Carter estate known as Tower Hill the matter with John M. Pillsbury, the apparatus "antiquated," and ground, it was announced Monday farm. The Colonial house contains John L. Hay, Jr. G. Robert Truex, son of Mrs. borough attorney, ajid Mr. Brown said the cost was not to be con- night at a joint meeting of the Sea ten rooms, five master bedrooms George 'Trucx0of 212 Maple avenue, said ho would follow the judgment sidered' when the safety of lives RONALD WEBER Bright and Highlands Lions clubs and three baths, with, service wing. ,a cadet colonel of kutgora univers- of tho borough fathers and the atr . and the protection of property are Ronald Weber of Main street,. at Harry's Lobster house. The house Is brick lined with hand- Property Bought ity Reserve Officers' Training'corP3 torncy. Tho second step of the as- involved. Tho club received a letter Mon- hewn beams and wide board floors. refjiment, waa 'nicked as tho "best sociation is to bring sorne'type of Matawan, received the certificate of Mr. .and Mrs, Gere have had the nctlon against the awarding of a Mayor Thomas Farrell recalled heroism by the Boy Scouts Nation- day night from Richard B. Scudder, soldior" in the outflflt Saturday at in behalf of his father, Edward W. house completely redecorated, re- By Elston Combs tho 53d unnual field nnd retreat pa- 569,000 contract to the Layne com- that five years ago the citizens vot- al Court of Honor Thursday for hie storing a Colonial atmosphere. Mr. pany ton the construction of a wet- ed down a proposal to buy a ne'w heroic action in saving the life of- S.cudder «f .Rumson, part owner of. rade of' the Rutgers R.O.T.C, unit the island, authorizing its use for Gere Is affiliated with the Trinity it the university stadium. ter plant. Members of tho associa- truck. "We can put it on the bal- Robccca Spencer, also of Matawan. Church corporation of New York Shrewsbury Place tion aro in favor of water improve- lot again this year If the council William E. Firth, field, scout execu- scouting pur.poses: tive, presented the award at the This letter marks the end of tho city. ment but arc opposed to this ex- so desires,", said the mayor. Possi- campaign to obtain .the island for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eastman of Now Occupied By penditure, feeling that the erection bility oc securing a piece of appa- District III Court of Honor held at New York city have recently pur- of a new plant is not necessary. ratus through the War Assets Ad- Matawan • high school. scouting. The movement started Weber was cited for averting a last fall when Rumson Coun- chased the Colonial homo of Les- Lawyer—Other Sales The petition, asking for the oil*- ministration was suggested by the cilmcn J. • Edward Wilson and ter A. Cole at 27 Highland avenue, mayor and he left the matter in the tragedy when the Spencer girl Rod Bank, The attractive Cape Cod colonfal ter of Councilman • Brown, reads': hands of tho fire committee for in- waded beyond her depth. The scout, Harold Goetchlus were discuss- "We, the undersigned taxpayers ot then a member of troop 93 of Mat- ing a road condition with a Mr. Eastman is associated with home at the northeast corner of the borough of Highlands, respect- vestigation. land owner ' near the island. the firm of Austin-Nichols in Sycamore avenue and Hance rou'd, awan Methodist church, swam to Shrewsbury, has been purchased by fully petition and demand that you_ The written resignation of Stan- the struggling girl and got her The property owner questioned the Brooklyn. A few years back Mr. as mayor, together with the mem- ley Wi Fowler as building inspector appearance of a house boat on the and Mra. Eastman were in show Elston Combs, partner In the. firm safely to shore. of Parsons, . Labrccque, Canzona. bers of the council, request the was not accepted on motion by island and complained that it was business and. arc well known In the resignation of George V. Brown as Councilman Jacks White, who stat- an eyesore. The councllmen re- world'of entertainment,: & Combs. Mr. Combs Is also coun- REV. JOHN C. REISS . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weinhelmer sel and solicitor for the Red Bank a councilman, .and if he refuses to ed that he believed that the rea- turned to the borough and asked Savings & Loan association. comply, that you cause him to be son given by Mr. Fowler was "not War Department their assessor who owned the is- of Woodbine avenue, Little Sliver, removed from office and his place Ordination ceremonies will be the real reason." In- his letter he land. have purchased through the same The property was purchased declared vacant, because by law he held May 31 at the cathedral in stated that the position was taking Iki this process, the Sea Bright agency, the, six-room Colonial home from John L. Hay, Jr., whottn is not qualified to serve In such a Trenton, at' which Bishop William To Lay Off 500 assessor was questioned and news of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bruno in Sa- health haa compelled him to A. Griffin will preside. Rev. Francis too much of his time. move to Tucson, Ariz. C. F. Bor- capacity, In us much oa he Is n& An argument took place between got around that the owner was be- lem Lane, Llttlp Silver. The house longer a resident of Highlands, J. Dwyer, pastor of St. Dorothea's ing sought. At the same time, mem- was constructed by Allen Brothers den and G. H. Neviua acted as church in Eatontoivn, will be spon- Garwood E. Fhlfer, who conducts In This Area agcnt3 in, tho sale of tho proper tj. having moved and transferred hit a plumbing business, and Police bers of tho Lions club, headed by about six years ago and is air-con- home and business interest to Free- sor. Father Dwyer was assistant Jack Ryan, George Krauss and ditioned, has copper .plumbing, a White'the residence is compara- hold. Wo p^nt out that there is pastor at St. James church when Chief Bert Boyer. ' Mr. Garwood Herbert Fowler, .scoutmaster, tiled kitchen and tiled bath. The tively new, It is understood that a Father Relss started studies for tho contended that the officer had Cut In Civilian , grounds are attractive with many homestead dating back to Colonlul no color of local citizenship now thought the 40-acre tract of unde- 1 vested in George V.
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