THE FORDHAM RAM Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y. 10458-November 13, [rchitect To Receive TMC Coeds Ready For First Elections Suspense Holds 13,000 ton. Science Degree The first student government officers of Thomas More College As Rams Win, 20-14 Otlimar H. Ammann, architect and designer of the Ver- will be elected next Thursday and 3 Bridge, will be awarded the honorary degree, Friday, climaxing a week of cam- By Ron Colebicwski ""'" ofscicnce by Fordham University, Mon., Nov. 23. paigning. Two parties, Initiative The Fordham Football Club defeated the Violet Vikings ncv Vincent T. O'Keefe, president and rector, will pre- and More Action, have entered of NYU last Saturday, 20-14, before 13,200 fans who jammed t the degree at ceremonies to be conducted in the Campus full slates of candidates. "Crowley Stadium." It was NYU's first outing under the new- •nter Faculty Lounge at 3 p.m. Initiative is running Mau- club status of both schools, and Fordham's second (the pre" '«,. Verrazano Bridge, which t reen Murphy for president, Paula vious Saturday, they had lost to Maine Maritime Academy, tends across the Narrows be- ^ii^>h-^''f-pmM^M^Tancredi for vice president, Meg 42-0). L Brooklyn and Staten Is- ;,.•;•.;;•,-••••. -"v' ^/.o:;-r-sW^S«~s Gauquie for secretary, and Mer- The game was a renewal of a a complete reversal in form com- ! : pared to last week's showing at land is now the longest sus- ;^ : : : . .•••;,-••'.-;•••;• -,:.^;:.- edith Groark for treasurer. rivalry that had once pitted the bridge in the world, is The More Action party has nom- best teams in the East against Maine Maritime. The Rams be- iriuicd to' open Sat., Nov 21 inated Mary Ellen Ross for presi- each other. It was the 34th grid- gan hitting hard from the open- , $325 million project, which dent, Karen Cahill for vice pres- Iron encounter between the two ing kickoff, driving 60 yards for ident, Eileen O'Reilly for secre- schools, with Fordham holding: a a score the first time they got iiides (or a second deck, is 60 their hands on the ball. let longer than the famed Gol- tary, and Linda Bechelli for the decided edge of 23 wins (24 W this .1 Gate and will eventually ac- treasurer's spot. game is counted in the standings), Hard-running backs Pete Sig- 6 losses and 4 ties. ;mmodate 12 lanes of vehicular Brief biographies and a resume nori, Joe Boyle and Larry Res- laffic. of each party appear in a special The Rams had dropped foot- tieri ate up most of the yardage Olhcr Bridges election section on page 3. Party line 84-year-old Swiss born en- platforms will be distributed on ter has also directed planning1 Monday, the first day of cam- "the George Washington paign week. Triborough Bridge and Voting for TMC coeds will be :onx - Whitcstone Bridge and held Thurs. and Fri. In the Cam- coin Tunnel. He was a mem- pus Center lobby between 11 a.m irofthe board of engineers that and 2 p.m. fanned the Golden Gate Bridge j San Francisco and has also Othmar II. Ammann [ten part in the construction off;1 Lighl and Serious ; Queensboro Bridge and Hell Rev. Joseph P. Mulligan, dean lite Bridge. of the Graduate School and of Coupled in Mimes his GO years of profes- the liberal arts faculties, will read onal practice, Ammann has the inscription in Latin and Rev, Weekend Readings wed as chief engineer for both Joseph R. Prese, academic vice- t Port of New York Authority president, will read the English The Mimes and Mummers are I the Triborough Bridge Au- translation. Following the cere- offering a money back guarantee ority, and director of the Amer- mony, there will be a reception on their production of "The Lady l Society of Civil Engineers. for Invited guests. in Red," which will be staged to- night and tomorrow night at 8:30 p.m in Collins Theater. Ed Kelleher, business manager business Rep Proposes New of <the dramatics group, explains Tony Rumorc, 11, thrown for loss after attempting pass. that anyone who can watch the ball in 1954, due to student apathy on the ground, but the key plays Campus SG Unification Plan play without laughing and can and recurring financial losses. in the drive were two passes from produce two witnesses to prove it NYU had dropped football two quarterback Tony Rumore to The first major reaction to the College Student Govern- will be refunded his admission years earlier for the same reasons. speedster halfback Moe Habron. snt's campus unification plan came Tuesday evening with price. This is the first time in the This year, both schools revived One of the passes was on a .fourth" is announcement In the form of an alternate plan suggested history of the Mimes that such the sport on a "club" basts, but and-long-yardage situation. n member of the Business School. an offer has been made. 'ootball by any other name is still The second such pass to Hab- i 'l The new plan was presented to the Thomas More Govern- "The Lady in Red" is an ab- exciting, Just the same—and Sat- ron brought the Rams to the NYTS ait meeting by Jack McCarthy, a Business School represen- surd comedy written by the late urday's game certainly was that. two-yard line. On the next play, -ttative to the inter-school council Guillaume ChaHette. The Rams of last Saturday did (Continued on Page 12) 1 Queen Reigns working on a unity plan. He said, 2nd Feature however, that the plan was en- On the same program, the jt University Ball tirely his own. It has been pre- Mimes are presenting a reading Horizons sented before neither the Busi- of "Hecuba," by Euripides. This Maroon Key Society kicks ness School Council nor the inter- will mark the first Fordhaan stage |HU annual two-day Fall Week- school council. appearance of actresses from To Host 'Midnight' Party Sun. ' tonlsht with a gala "barn Thomas More College. Members of the cast of Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Con- 8" in the gym. The program In what he called a "rough Principals in "The Lady ln for music by the Tradewinds draft," which covered three sheets Red" are Joseph Geraghty, Noel versation at Midnight," which opened last night, will speak; square dancing. Admission of paper, McCarthy called for a n the Campus Center ballroom this Sunday afternoon from, 11 Pelliccia, Sheila Reese and Den- be $M per person. five-man executive council simi- nis Ahem. Featured performers 1 to 6 p.m. They will discuss topics pertinent to the present lar to the one proposed by the ln "Hecuba" include Virginia Ney, condition of Broadway productions. Saturday evening the College. His plan forbids ballot Annual University Ball Anthony Parente and Karen Ca- Among those attending the discussion will be Susan held in the ballroom and splitting in elections, however, hill. Davis and Wally Thorn, the and requires representation for Tickets for the double-bill, view a play with pre-formed; of the Campus Center iroducers of "Conversation." The opinions. N 9 to I1- The theme of the ball each school of the campus—with priced at $.75 are presently on sale day's director, Robert Gist, also in the Campus Center lobby. The talk Sunday afternoon and •' "alls of Ivy. An expected the "voluntary exception" of the ilans on being there. the present play offer special ap- School of Pharmacy—on each They may also be purchased from »' 200 couples will dance to any member of the Mimes and Under discussion will be prob- peal to college students. Now »y Scott Richards and his contesting party. lems such as union control of there is an increased opportunity This conflicts directly with the Mummers or at the door before for them to gain experience on "a. Tickets for this dated each performance. the producers and critics who re- "re on sale in the campus (Continued on Page 3) the Broadway stage. There ia '•' lol*y at $3.50 per couple. also the possibility of the West Coast company coming here from ™ M':hliSht Of the evenln, 'Bene Merentr Winner ;'« Place at midnight when Los Angeles for a play. Many col- "J Miss Fordham iwlll be lege students have already been contacted and the search is on m \r PCRBy FoBarty' the Fr. Rran Marks 'Golden Jubilee' for even more talented would-be J\ Miss Fordham. "The actors. finalists has <J_ __ mmwmiMUdMxmmmHBIKKKBi the chairman of the department Rev. Robert L. Ryan, as- of theology at th» School of Dialogue Play sistimt professor of theology '»". Chairman of the MKS. Business. "Conversation at Midnight" "finalists are Gconeann at the School of Education, Eight years ago, ln 1956, Fr. was written in 1036 by Edna St. Mum-eon Carroll, Joann will celebrate the 50th anni- Ryan was honored with the "Bene Vincent Millay. The original so hoi versary of his entry into the manuscript was destroyed by fire tlon- u " "ores in Edu- Merentl" award, denoting 20 Society of Jesus with a low years of service to Fordham Uni- and she rewrote the entire play ( • Maure en Michaels iuld runh Moss followed by a reception here versity. from memory. " Juniors in Educa- The play is a dialogue with its •'• Weinhelmer of Sunday. This is the fourth similar anni- 1 characters expounding their phil- * were chosen from Fr. Ryan was born in New York versary celebrated by the Ford- osophies on capitalism and com- City on Feb. 4, 1895.
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