O Ś WIĘ CIM ISISSNSNN 11899-4407899-9 4407 ISSN 1899-4407 atny atny atny atny ä ä ä ä Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp PEOPLE PAMIõTAMY NADZIEJA ZOCHRIM W FOTOGRAFII ēYCIE I ćMIERç OBOZOWE WIERSZE NA OBRAZACH ZOFII POSMYSZ OćWIõCIM – ćWIATOWE JANA KOMSKIEGO NIEZWYKãA CENTRUM EDUKACJI PERM-36: KOLEKCJA OBRAZKI Z ROSJI W ZBIORACH MãODZI OćWIõCIMIANIE MUZEUM DLA BIAãORUSI ROTMISTRZ MOST DO HISTORII WITOLD PILECKI MEDYTACJA NIE TYLKO (1901-1948) CHRZEćCIJAýSKA AUSCHWITZ CULTURE IZRAEL OCZAMI 25 LAT PAWãA SMOLEýSKIEGO TOWARZYSTWA OPIEKI NAD ART-TERAPIA OćWIõCIMIEM W MIEJSCU PAMIõCI nr 1 maj 2008 HISTORY nr 2 czerwiec 2008 nr 3 lipiec 2008 nr 4 sierpieþ 2008 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 atny atny atny atny atny ä ä ä ä ä II BIENNALE PLAKATU Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp SPOãECZNO- Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp -POLITYCZNEGO W MDSM „KATOLICKIE NOBLE” 67. ROCZNICA ćMIERCI ćW. MAKSYMILIANA JERZY WOLONTARIAT HRONOWSKI W MUZEUM PRZESTRZEý MIASTA IZRAEL – PODRÓē ēYCIA POBãOGOSãAWIONA KTO TO JEST ćWIõTA W OBOZIE PRZEZ KRZYē SãAWIK? OSTATNI KRAKOWSKI SALON POEZJI? AMERYKANKA O TEOLOGII NAUCZYCIELE-FILMOWCY W DOMU KLUGERA FUNDAMENTALNEJ ROZMOWY Z MEDALIKIEM W TLE W OćWIõCIMIU O PRAWACH CZãOWIEKA NIE TYLKO CHAGALL WYZWANIA PAMIõCI NA XXI WIEK „NOWE ēYCIE” MãODZI O JÓZEFIE PACZYýSKIM nr 5 wrzesieþ 2008 nr 6 paĒdziernik 2008 nr 7 listopad 2008 nr 8 grudzieþ 2008 nr 9 styczeþ 2009 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 atny atny atny atny atny atny ä ä ä ä ä ä Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp DOBRE DUCHY MDSM WSPOMNIENIE O KS. STANISãAWIE MUSIALE BUTY, CHLEB... UNIJNA DOTACJA ORAZ ZUPA NA KONSERWACJõ KONCERT ENSEMBLE „NOWE ēYCIE” WYSTAWA VOIX – WYSTAWA SZTUKI OBOZOWEJ ETOUFFÉES W CENTRUM ēYDOWSKIM 64. ROCZNICA WYZWOLENIA AUSCHWITZ PATRZYãAM NA USTA... REKOLEKCJE – DZIENNIK „U PROGU AUSCHWITZ” Z WARSZAWSKIEGO GETTA OTTO KÜSEL HORYZONT – WIõZIEý NR 2 – SPOJRZENIE NA EUROPEJSKI WOLONTARIAT „HISTORIE W BIOGRAFII” – ZOFIA ãYć nr 10 luty 2009 nr 11 marzec 2009 nr 12 kwiecieþ 2009 nr 13 maj 2009 nr 14 czerwiec 2009 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 atny atny atny atny atny ä ä ä ä ä Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp WZORCE PAMIõCI PRZED I PO 1989 R. NOWA SIEDZIBA HISTORYCZNY CENTRUM EDUKACJI WAGON NA RAMPIE OCHRONIç AUTENTYZM W BIRKENAU MIEJSCA PAMIõCI SELEKCJA ROZMOWA Z TERESð ćWIEBOCKð W SZPITALU OBOZOWYM AMERYKAýSCY KADECI W POLSCE PO CO NAM DZIEý PAMIõCI TOLERANCJA? O ZAGãADZIE ROMÓW BUDDYSTA I SIKH O POJEDNANIU MALA I EDEK: TRAGICZNA OBOZOWA MIãOćç JERZY BUZEK I HANS-GERT PÖTTERING MOST DO HISTORII W MDSM I MIEJSCU PAMIõCI AUSCHWITZ I MOST PRZYJAđNI KARDYNAã DZIWISZ O OFIERZE ćW. MAKSYMILIANA MIõDZYNARODOWY KONGRES DLA POKOJU WYSTAWA OKIEM KONSULA SENTYMENTALNA PODRÓē DZIEý KULTURY ēYDOWSKIEJ „Oć” W UZBEKISTANIE TABAKIERKA, KTÓRA URATOWAãA ēYCIE nr 15 lipiec 2009 nr 16 sierpieþ 2009 nr 17 wrzesieþ 2009 nr 18 paĒdziernik 2009 nr 19 listopad 2009 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 ISSN 1899-4407 atny atny atny atny atny ä ä ä ä ä Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp Magazyn bezp 25 LAT TWÓRCZOćCI PAWãA WARCHOãA ROZMOWA Z ZASTõPCð DYREKTORA MUZEUM BAJKI RAFAãEM PIÓRO Z AUSCHWITZ KULTURY PAMIõCI 65. ROCZNICA WYZWOLENIA OBOZU AUSCHWITZ STYCZEý 1945 R. W AUSCHWITZ POLSKO-NIEMIECKI PROJEKT FOTOGRAFICZNY ćWIõç SIõ IMIõ TWOJE nr 20 grudzieþ 2009 nr 21 styczeþ 2010 nr 22 luty 2010 nr 23 marzec 2010 nr 24 kwiecieþ 2010 no. 17 May 2010 Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine, no. 17, May 2010 EDITORIAL BOARD: Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine EDITORIAL We are very pleased to host you, International Center for Education near the Auschwitz Memorial Site ladies and gentlemen, for the 25th about Auschwitz and the Holo- on the river Soła, a performance of time. This number reminds us that caust. Here you will find a report the artistic installation by Agnes we are starting our third year of about this event. On the pages of Janich “Light in Darkeness” took publishing our monthly. The main the Center for Dialogue and Prayer, place. While at the Oświęcim mu- subject of this edition of “Oś” is you can read an interview with the sic school there were two concerts: the annual event summing up the bishop of the German diocese of a performance by Grzegorz Turnau Editor: Paweł Sawicki work of the International Youth Passau Wilhelpm Schramm, who for Igorek Bartosz as well as for the Meeting Center. Once again, the came to Oświęcim with a group of second time, the French chamber Editorial secretary: Agnieszka Juskowiak-Sawicka Center is hosting its friends and 27 seminarians. orchestra Ensemble Voix Étouffées supporters, in other words, Good played (an interview with its direc- Editorial board: Bartosz Bartyzel Spirits. At the IYMC, there was also This month we dedicate quite a tor, Amaury du Closel, will be pub- Wiktor Boberek the finale of the fifth edition of the bit of space to various cultural lished in Oś). Jarek Mensfelt project “Auschwitz—my land. His- events. The Jewish Center hosted Paweł Sawicki Olga Onyszkiewicz tory and remembrance years later” editor Piotr Paziński, who spoke Editor-in-chief Jadwiga Pinderska-Lech organized in cooperation with the about his book “Pensjonat,” and [email protected] Artur Szyndler Columnist: Mirosław Ganobis Design and layout: Agnieszka Matuła, Grafi kon Translations: A GALLERY OF THE 20TH CENTURY David R. Kennedy Proofreading: Beata Kłos Easter is behind us, but in pendce, so may every soldier kindly, but were banned. terms with these “supersti- Photographer: reference to that recently feel the love of the entire nation The nation had “freed itself” tions,” and the monopoly of Paweł Sawicki celebrated holiday I bring during the Easter Holidays. from religious practices and ruling the spirit was taken to attention a certain offi cial They are in great fi nancial “superstitions”! For exam- over by the state-party au- document issued by the au- straits and we turn to all Citi- ple: Christmas trees put up thorities, at least that is how thorities of our city, which I zens with the sincere request in towns at the time—here it stayed as an illusionary PUBLISHER: quote in extenso: to come with help in reaching on the former bunker on belief. To religion and the this goal. Donations in kind the main square bearing the Church, you could only turn Auschwitz-Birkenau Municipal Offi ce of Oświęcim, and money, we ask be given to name of Joseph V. Stalin— to for help in moments of State Museum Military Offi ce, 31 March the Social Citizens Women’s was not for Christmas, but social crisis and distress— 1947, to Citizen Winogrodzki League in Oświęcim. Mayor: J. for the New Year, a lesson which happened so often! In www.auschwitz.org.pl (lawyer), Jagiełły Street 23 in Cinalski. taken from our neighbors in moments of social protest. Oświęcim. Oval stamp with the words: the East. Here we can remind our- On orders of the District Ad- Municipal Offi ce of Oświęcim, Over the fi rst few post-war selves of a known saying, PARTNERS: ministrator in Biała-Krak. Bialski District. years, certain aspects of so- this time having to do with in the matter of organizing a cial life were connected with the atheist party: when in Jewish “Blessing” for soldiers of the A few years later, this type traditions of the inter-war fear, God is dear! Center Polish Army, the local Friends of initiative, this kind of period, for example, con- I do not know if my father of Soldiers Society in Oświęcim document and these collec- cerning religion, of which answered the offi cial docu- www.ajcf.pl —asks for the collection of in tions would be impossible. some ceremonies such as ment with a positive re- kind and monetary donations. All offi cial mention of reli- processions, were held with sponse, but if it survived in Our Polish soldiers paid a dear gious traditions, ideas, and the participation of repre- family archive… Center for Dialogue price for our Free Holiday and practices, such as, bless- sentatives of state authori- and Prayer for our Freedom and Inde- ings, were not looked upon ties. But soon they came to Andrzej Winogrodzki Foundation www.centrum-dialogu.oswiecim.pl International Youth Meeting Center www.mdsm.pl IN COOPERATION WITH: Kasztelania www.kasztelania.pl State Higher Vocational Schoolol in Oświęcim www.pwsz-oswiecim.pliecim pl Editorial address: „Oś – Oświęcim, Ludzie, Historia, Kultura” Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20 32-603 Oświęcim e-mail: [email protected] Photo: www.kasztelania.pl Main market square. Photo from Mirosław Ganobis’s collection “A Gallery of the 20th Century” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine, no. 17, May 2010 Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum THIS HISTORY ALWAYS ALIVE WITHIN US t the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim a con- ference to sum up the fi fth edition of the educational pro- Aject “Auschwitz—my land. History and remembrance years later” was held, and during which the contest for middle and high school students entitled “Liberation as the fi rst step to freedom” took place. One of the organizers of the project is the International Photo: agjus Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust. Conference recapitulating the project Guiding theme of this edi- ate: “I met with my aunt, key photographed near the quences in their own and ticipants of the contest from tion was the liberation of who survived the Second ponds full of human ashes their loved ones’ lives as Chełmek.
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