Toras Ohel Moshe | Shavuos 5780 1 from the inspiring environ- cheesecake on Shavuos. 3,332 years ago, ment of the beautiful Bais a message went out to the Medrash; void of stimulating We thank world. The entirety of cre- Moshe Meir Ru- foods and beverages, we will who immediately joined ation ‘zoomed’ in to that bin aspire to display before the the effort in undertaking the conference and were ‘mut- Almighty how we are still arduous task of collating and ed’, as we are taught in the connected even on an island printing the material, and in Midrash: When G-d gave the of isolation. assisting with the logistics Torah, no bird sang or flew, from production to delivery. no ox bellowed, the angels did The source for spending the not fly, the Serafim ceased entire night of Shavuos ab- Additional thanks to: from saying, ‘Holy, holy,’ the Yoni sorbed in the study of Torah, the sea was calm, no creature Herman and kids, is based on a remarkable , the spoke; the world was silent Rosenblums Rubins, , and still, and the divine voice Yaffa and Rena Caine Mi- eyewitness, the author of Le- , said: ‘I am the Lord thy G-d...’ chal and Tzipora Marizon chaaccount Dodi, first the recordedgreat kabbalist, by an who have all undertaken, as Reb Shlomo Alkabetz, about of the time of this writing, to Torah is the sole constant the appearance of a deliver the ‘care’ packages force in the universe that Malach, an angel, to Rav Yosef Karo, to your homes. We thank all powers it and its raison the Bais Yosef, author of the those who have subsequent- d’etre. Shulchan Aruch and Kesef ly volunteered as well. Mishnah, and a small group The very spot upon which of apparently seven fellows, Of course, without the the Torah was given though, who revealed to them how donations of funds from maintains no sanctity de- powerfully their learning our devoted members, we spite G-d having made a impacted the world on could not have pulled this onetime appearance there, Shavuos night. off. Especially in these times never repeated henceforth. We too, are fortunate to have generosity is greatly appre- in our midst, ciated.of financial insecurity, your and critical for the support ‘malachim’, angels, that G-d has sent us ofBecause all life, Torah it must is beinfinite equally to encourage and uplift our Enormous gratitude to, accessible at any time, in any spirits in our predicament. place, and independent of Mordechai and Elaine , any adherence to a material Bodenheimer Miriam and Kudos to for , world. Azi Rosenblum Jorj Felder Shira and Yitsy coming up with the concept Friedman, Barbara and to put together a booklet of , This year we are being prod- Jeff Ifrah Stephanie and Divrei Torah and Shiurim, to , and ded to live this astonishing Addison Schonland assist us in getting through for your eager notion. Anonymous, the night, as well as for the participation. idea of providing , deli- קמח Without the ‘presence’ of cious cheesecake, for as we The Talmud teaches that a our chavrusos and other know, , Rebbi, a teacher of Torah, אם אין קמח אין תורה enthused learners; removed Torah is inseparable from is compared to a Malach, to Toras Ohel Moshe | Shavuos 5780 2 I am ,הנני ,instruct us that in selecting a phatically saying Rebbi, one must assure he is ready! have all shared their talent like a malach, only then may andBeth wisdom Tfiloh High by contributing School, who one study under him. self-guided lessons for our thank you all, for your amaz- booklet. an ingWords response cannot and suffice exquisite to ,מלאך angel, is a being that has one efforts, and for the privilege All of you have taught, and soleThe definitionpurpose he of is an dedicated of having you on our team! some continue to, in our to. hallowed halls, and have el- evated us not just with your We are fortunate to have in knowledge, but more impor- our ranks, teachers of Torah theirLadies precious first, for time. they clearly tantly your spirit. who emulate this very qual- made the greatest sacrifice of ity, in their focused sense of Great appreciation to master May Hashem repay you all in mission, and dedication to educators: Dr. Leslie Klein, kind for playing such im- their students. Mrs. Yael Friedman, and portant roles, and may you Mrs. Naami Ganz, who have be blessed with good health, Each individual I reached out graced our Shul with their success, and much Yiddishe to, has not taken reprieve wisdom and inspiring classes nachas. during this crisis, and on many times over the years, the contrary, are even more for providing uplifting mate- In addition to the self-guided inundated since they are rial for the womenfolk this lessons, I have included an still teaching innovatively, Yom Tov, as well. anthology of my personal through the lens of technol- writings, with an essay des- ogy, and are tending to their To our esteemed Rabbonim: ignated for each meal. Each - Rabbi Mordechai Wecker, article is accompanied by a tined at home. veteran educator and author; powerful story, for the en- own flocks who are quaran Rabbi Moshe Grosberg, joyment of the entire family. I cautiously and apologeti- popular and longstanding I would like to thank Dovid cally approached each one, Rebbi at Berman Hebrew Zaklikowski for providing the fearing I would be placing Academy; Rabbi Elie Levi, remarkable story he shared additional work on top of - with me of his illustrious their already overwhelming loh Middle School; Rabbi grandfather, Rabbi Chaim responsibilities. Yet, every Benyominbeloved Rebbi Moss at ,Beth renowned Tfi Meir Bukiet, who was a cher- single one of them respond- Kiruv professional, therapist ished family friend. ed like a true malach , em- and cherished teacher at Wishing you all a wonderful and inspired Yom Tov, Rabbi Zvi Teichman on behalf of the entire family of Ohel Moshe Toras Ohel Moshe | Shavuos 5780 3 Table of Contents Toras (HaRav) Ohel Moshe Divrei Torah for the family, for each meal 1 st night of Yom Tov - Vying for the Crown 6 1 st day of Yom Tov - Where is the Ring?! 11 2nd night of Yom Tov - The Jews of Megilas Rus 15 2nd day of Yom Tov - A Remembrance on This World 19 Toras (HaAm) Ohel Moshe Shiurim to carry you through the night Rabbi Moshe Grosberg – The Ten Commandments 30 • Dibra five and ten in depth 42 65 שואל שלא מדעת - Rabbi Elie Levi Rabbi Benyamin Moss - The Greatness of Man 87 Rabbi Mordechai Wecker - Love is Complicated 92 Rabbi Teichman - Anatomy of a Dvar Torah Flowers on Shavuos 97 Toras (Emecha) Ohel Moshe Inspiration from the ‘Emahos’ Mrs. Yael Friedman - Matan TorahPurpose 102 Mrs. Naami Ganz - There is Always a Road to Recovery 107 Dr. Leslie Klein - Spiritual Adrenaline 111 Toras Ohel Moshe | Shavuos 5780 4 Divrei Torah for Each Meal Rabbi Teichman Vying for the Crown st 1 night of Yom Tov We are once again rapidly approaching that ‘daunting challenge’, Leil Shavuos. We will infuse ourselves with ample doses of caffeine and sugar in our quest to get through the night with our eyes still open. This year it will be doubly hard, as we will not be aroused by the Kol Torah we generate together in Shul. We will not be privileged to attend stimulating and dynamic presenters giving a marathon of exciting shiurim throughout the night. the Crown ,כתר תורה We are told by our Sages that one who succeeds in ‘making it’ will merit of Torah. Is that all it takes to acquire this magnificent gift? What exactly is this glorious Crown of Torah that we are privileged to wear, and how does one access it? There is one individual singled out in the Torah who is ‘crowned’ for his personal .for the crown of his G-d is upon his head כי נזר אלקיו על ראשו )במדבר ה Ǥ ז( ǡ nazarite נזיר ǡ ǣ ǡǡ Ǥ the Crown of כתר כהונהǫ ǡ .the Crown of Royalty ,כתר מלכות Priesthood There are two others noteworthy ‘crowns’ of achievement: ǡ ǡ Reuvain ǫYaakov Avinu ǡ ǡǡ Rachel Imeinu’s Ǥ Rachel’s Bilhah maneuver his father’s bed to his mother’s tent af ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ His interference with Bilhah’s’s bed is deemed by the Torah as if he were ‘inappropriate’ ǡ Ǥ ǫ Toras Ohel Moshe | Shavuos 5780 6 Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥair נזר removed and apart Nazir’s used to describe the ‘crowning’ achievement of the ǡ ǣ Ǥ ǡ a ‘crown’. The indefatigable HaRav Shimshon Pincus zt”l described it as the ability to break away Ǥ Ǥ ǡ air gravity and ascend effortlessly. Small sporadic ‘jumps’, no matter how numerous, cannot ǡ )תפארת תורה נשא(Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥehuda Tamar Wasn’t that what Binyamin ose alchus. ǡ ǡ Ǥ haron Bnai isroel ǡMoshe’s oshe Ǥ ehunah ǡ Ǥ shaliach, Ǥ lal isroel ikdash agent for the Jewish nation, in dedicating one’s Reuvain Ǥ ‘gravity’ and attain the detachment necessary to soar to greatness. That same impulsivity that didn’t allow him to give up his notion of ‘right’ for someone else’s, is the same poisonous seed thatand prevents he lay with one ilhah.from overcoming blinding physical passion with the rationale that ‘it is beyond my control’. The Torah therefore portrays this ǦǡReuvain Bchor ose aTadik ǡ ǡ Ǥ Toras Ohel Moshe | Shavuos 5780 7 oe se aar ro his rothers נזיר אחיו )מט כו( )ב"ר צט( Midrash Nazir ǡ ǡ heah aaosh ehdaǤ evi )תורה שבכתב צאן יוסף( ose ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǤǤǤ ǤǤǤ ǡ ǤǤǤ ǤǤǤ ose ǫ ǡ ǡ ronǡ ǡ o Torah Ǥ havuos odas ashe ǡ Ǩ ǡǡ ǡ Ǥ • hioǤ reiko a oular chareii ouraist in srael relates a sor he recentl experienced irshand as ear in he as eteen esah and havuos Unortunatel his oher is atli ancer and he requentl isits her in he hilo osial i el i Near the ocoo ni here is a lare ooor patio here man o hose endurin he hallenge o heir ilnesses hether atients or heir relaties see a oent o cal ais he sor o eotions While taking a breather, Shimon suddenly hears someone bark out at him, “Hey parasite, how come you have so much time on your hands?” Taen abac he sees a atient hooed o a heotherapy V ole tain a on ra o his iarette, seeri at hi Not iteresed i antaoizi hi hion quikl hanes he toi and iquires sicerel aout his health he urudeon soens eoanin his relaties ho are la i isii hi and he iiult o oquerin his disease alone.
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