Ins tauratioD® The decline and fall of the Roman Em­ pire dragged on for many centuries, but it never sank lower than in A.D. 193 when the corrupt Praetorian Guard put the Empire up for sale. The buyer was a doddering drachma billionaire named Didius Julianus. The low point of the U.S. may well be the year 1992, if a dollar billionaire suc­ ceeds in buying the presidency. Take heed, Ross Perot! Any country that can be bought is not worth the price. Any man who tries to buy a coun­ try is ~nworthy to lead it. Take heed, Ross Perot! Don't play the fool like that nutty old Didius Julia­ nus, who was emperor for 66 days­ until outraged Roman legions swept in from the provinces and beheaded him. ( For more on Ross Perot see p. 18.) litter (despite countless new receptacles) not been worse than ever. Even worse is the in­ crease in blacks and racially unidentifiables es­ corting young Swiss misses. A South American In keeping with Instauration's policy of ano­ gions of the country. Since the mass media trio (Columbia? Peruvian?) played the same 20­ nymity, most communicants will be identified have chosen to hyphenate us, let's jump on the bar IItune" across the street from my apartment by the first three digits oftheir zip code. bandwagon and make the most of it. for over three hours. They knew no other. 720 Swiss subscriber o Republicanism is the form of government preferred by expansionist peoples. The ancient o Bushy's uspeech to the nation" made me o Allow me to shed some light on the whys Romans, the antebellum Americans and the think how off-the-mark N.B. Forrest (once of South Africa's whites voting for their own revolutionary French are cases in point. again) was in the April Instauration. The waf­ suicide. Four years ago I paid a visit to the British subscriber fling, please-everybody, send-in-the-federal­ White Tip. In my political conversations I prosecutors George Bush I am familiar with found the English-speaking whites much like o I have an above average IQ, a ugood mid­ was not the George Bush that Forrest writes Quebec Anglos: wimps from their swaddling dle class" life and, despite the backtalk from about. N.B. is right that uBush's interests lie clothes to their winding-sheets. Oozing self­ Anonymous (lnstauration, April, p. 14), I still primarily outside the U.S.A." The one good hate cant about their race, they'll vote for Man­ decided to twist arms to place Metzger's Race thing to come out of the l.A. riots is the black del a one day and "pack for Perth" the next. and Reason on the tube for over a quarter mil­ eye Bushies and the U.S. will now have interna­ The Afrikaners struck me as more inspiring. Yet lion viewers. Anonymous and a lot of sophisti­ tionally. How galling it must be for the Hero of all too many of them distrust their leaders, a cated Instaurationists will talk and write them­ Arabia to get a finger-wagging lecture from the state of mind which reminds me of the similar selves into their graves, while Metzger will kick president of South Korea on the inability of the Calvinistic siege-mentality in my Northern Ire. behinds and do the necessary basic work for U.S. to protect the lives and livelihoods of Ko­ land father's family. As hard·shell a Protestant­ our future by turning thousands of sheep rean American citizens in Los Angeles from Unionist as my father was, he hated Ian Paisley around. black anarchy. How it must have stung to have as much as the IRA. Why? The IIBig Man" was 926 Gaddafi and Rafsanjani point out the hypocrisy causing IIdivision." of the President calling on foreign countries to Canadian subscriber o Corpulent plutocrat Rush Limbaugh is a right "human rights wrongs," while the cities in non-kosher neocon dedicated solely to shame­ his own nation go up in flames! The New o For god's sake, get McCulloch a date with less self-promotion. His popularity with right­ World Order is really the New World Ordure. a blonde. A real blonde, as Mickey Spillane thinking but politically naive cornballs does 787 would say. great harm to our cause, diverting their angst 566 to the wrong targets--Democrats, feminists o Got an idea for Andrew Serrano, the metis and tree huggers. Limbaugh, like Buckley, has a who conned the clowns at NEA out of money o I still have a hard time with Instauration. I knack for dancing around the fringes of core is­ for his Piss Christ collage. If Andy baby wants usually read most of it, but often get fed up sues while always maintaining his Political Cor. publicity, why doesn't he change the title of his with much of the radical approach. I realize rectness. Rarely funny and often rude, once in urinary work to Piss MuhammacR Of course, most of these subjects need to be addressed a while he does let an occasional burst of can­ he'll have to join Salman Rushdie in hiding, but and that it is necessary to sensationalize in or­ dor slip through the mike. Just before the Gulf think of the worldwide press exposure. der to get attention. But why does every issue War he condescendingly explained to the audi­ 788 have to have at least one vivid, though intellec­ ence . that the impending hostilities were not tually described, incident of sexual assault. It about aggression, oil or democracy, but all o It is particularly sad to see all the starry­ reminds me of the black male female imperso­ about Israel. eyed Perot supporters who are oblivious to his nator comedian telling how her boyfriend sexu­ 927 liberal racial leanings. He is no George Wal­ ally harassed her in the kitchen, the living lace. Whites would do well to study his pontifi. room, the dining room, the bathroom, the bed­ o I see certain advantages in abandoning the cations against Duke during the Louisiana gu­ room and even the basement. Umm! Umm! He term Majority and substituting Euro-American. bernatorial race. His "War on Drugs" and just kept on harassin' and harassin' me all over Majority was a well thought-out and appropri­ IIEducation Reform" crusades in Texas were that house. Umm! Umm! ate term circa 1976. Today it is cumbersome, abysmal failures, quickly watered down once 337 amorphous and bland. No matter how carefully his short attention span moved him on to easier we define it, the Majority is a quantitative term problems. o Instauration writers have certain bees in that is increasingly inaccurate in certain re- 703 thei r bonnets which, to change the metaphor, o The fallout from L'affaire Rodney King: (1) CONTENTS Instauration Since only whites can be racists white taxpay­ is published 12 times a year by ers must pay reparations for the LA. riots and Communique from France............... 5 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. all monies required for clean-up, rebuilding White Survival.................................. 7 and lost welfare; (2) Media spin on riots is for· Box 76, Cape Canaveral, Fl 32920 The Unrepelled Flood...................... 8 ever locked into painting the perpetrators as American Graffiti Viii ....................... 10 the victims; (3) Black violence will always be The Future of Revisionism............... 13 Annual Subscription post hoc propter hoc. Whites beaten to death $30 (third class) were merely a "mirror image" (Newsweek's A Capital Crime............................... 14 $39 (first class) words) of the Rodney King beating; (4) A case The Unguarded Gate........................ 14 $40 Canada $44 foreign (surface) could be made that Jews caused a lot of this by Backtalk............................................ 15 $56 foreign (air) their production of rap albums like Public Ene­ Cultural Catacombs......................... 17 my. However this line of reasoning will not be Inklings ............................................ 18 Single copy price $3, plus $1 postage pursued; (5) Don't expect Morris Seligman Waspishly yours.............................. 20 Dees to be filing a $12.5 million civil suit for Wilmot Robertson, editor damages against the Crips and the Bloods for Satcom Sam ..................................... 21 Notes from the Sceptred Isle........... 22 Make checks payable to Howard Allen. IIviolating" the civil rights of truck driver Regi­ nald Denny. View from the White Tip................. 23 Florida residents, please add 6% sales tax. 770 Primate Watch................................ 24 Third-class mail is not forwarded. Talking Numbers............................. 25 Advise change of address well in advance. o In May the trees and flowers are at their Elsewhere........................... ............. 26 peak in Zurich. The general effect is almost ar­ «:>1992 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. tificial. It would be idyllic had the graffiti and Stirrings ........................................... 28 PAGE 2-1 NSTAU RATION-JULY 1992 \ they like to scratch. Nonetheless, I think it is a King verdict and justify the rioting in one fell light of the outcome of the Rodney King trial. valuable magazine. Suppose you have a long swoop, was pestered by another of those racist Before the smoke had even cleared, we heard lever arm set on a fulcrum with a heavy weight callers-in: "Who are you to talk! Because you the predictable calls for a time of healing, a set­ way over at the left. You can't balance that skipped out on paying six years of federal in­ ting-aside of our differences, a coming together with a weight on the right side, near the ful­ come taxes, you should be in Leavenworth and all the other mindless liberal twaddle that crum. You have to go way out on that side, too.
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