Meeting of the Cabinet Wednesday, 16th September, 2015 at 6.00pm In Committee Room 2 at the Council House, Priory Road, Dudley Agenda - Public Session (Meeting open to the public and press) 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To report any changes in representation of opposition group members. 3. To receive any declarations of interest under the Members’ Code of Conduct. 4. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meetings on 25th June and 17th August, 2015 as a correct record. Budget, Strategic, Policy and Performance Issues 5. Capital Programme Monitoring (Key Decision) (Pages 1 – 7) 6. 2014–20 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme for England (Pages 8 – 13) 7. Corporate Quarterly Performance Management report (Pages 14 – 15) Service Related Corporate Issues 8. Dudley Town Centre Regeneration (Pages 16 – 23) 9. Brierley Hill Town Centre Regeneration (Pages 24 – 31) 10. Adoption of the Green Spaces Asset Management Plan (Key Decision) (Pages 32 – 38) 11. Public consultation on the Dudley Borough Development Strategy "Modifications prior to Publication" Document (Key Decision) (Pages 39 – 58) 12. Approval of Regulation 123 List (associated with the adopted Community Infrastructure Levy) (Key Decision) (Pages 59 - 84) 13. Food Service Plan 2015/16 (Pages 85 – 92) 14. The Local Government Ombudsman's Annual Review Letter 2015 (Pages 93 – 97) 15. To consider any questions from Members to the Chair where two clear days notice has been given to the Strategic Director (Resources and Transformation) (Council Procedure Rule 11.8). A number of Questions have been submitted by Councillor P Brothwood and these will be circulated at the Cabinet meeting, together with the responses. 16. To report on any issues arising from Scrutiny Committees. Strategic Director (Resources and Transformation) Dated: 8th September, 2015 Distribution: Members of the Cabinet: Councillor P Lowe (Leader - Chair) Councillor J Foster (Deputy Leader) Councillors K Ahmed, H Bills, D Branwood, I Cooper, T Crumpton, R Harris, G Partridge and D Sparks Opposition Group Members nominated to attend meetings of the Cabinet: Conservative Group: Councillors N Barlow, D Blood, P Harley, L Jones, N Neale, K Shakespeare, D Vickers UKIP Group: Councillors P Brothwood and R Scott-Dow Please note the following: • In the event of the alarms sounding, please leave the building by the nearest exit. There are Officers who will assist you in the event of this happening, please follow their instructions. • There is no smoking on the premises in line with national legislation. It is an offence to smoke in or on these premises. • The use of mobile devices or electronic facilities is permitted for the purposes of recording/reporting during the public session of the meeting. The use of any such devices must not disrupt the meeting – Please turn off any ringtones or set your devices to silent. • If you (or anyone you know) is attending the meeting and requires assistance to access the venue and/or its facilities, please contact the contact officer below in advance and we will do our best to help you. • Information about the Council and our meetings can be viewed on the website www.dudley.gov.uk • Elected Members can submit apologies by contacting the officer named below. The appointment of any Substitute Member(s) should be notified to Democratic Services at least one hour before the meeting starts. • The Democratic Services contact officer for this meeting is Richard Sanders, Telephone 01384 815236 or E-mail [email protected] Minutes of the Meeting of the Cabinet Thursday 25th June, 2015 at 6.00 pm In the Council Chamber at The Council House, Dudley Present: Councillor P. Lowe (Leader/Chair) Councillor J. Foster (Deputy Leader) Councillors K. Ahmed, H. Bills, D. Branwood, I. Cooper, T. Crumpton, R. Harris and G. Partridge Opposition Group Members Nominated to attend the meeting of the Cabinet: Councillors P. Harley, L. Jones, I. Kettle, P. Miller, N. Neale, K. Shakespeare and D. Vickers (Conservative Group); Councillors P. Brothwood and R. Scott-Dow (UKIP Group) Officers: S. Norman (Chief Executive), T. Oakman (Strategic Director (People)), P. Tart (Strategic Director (Resources and Transformation)), J. Millar (Acting Strategic Director (Environment, Economy and Housing)), I. Newman (Chief Officer (Finance and Legal Services)), D. Harkins (Chief Officer (Health and Wellbeing)), P. Coyne (Chief Officer (Planning and Economic Development)), T. Reilly (Assistant Director (Human Resources and Organisational Development)) and R. Sanders (Assistant Principal Officer (Democratic Services)) 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence from the meeting were received on behalf of Councillors N. Barlow, D. Blood and D. Sparks 2. Changes in Representation of Opposition Group Members Councillors I. Kettle and P. Miller were serving in place of Councillors N. Barlow and D. Blood for this meeting of the Cabinet. 3. Declarations of Interest No declarations of interest, in accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct, were made in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting. C/1 4. Minutes Resolved That the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 11th March, 2015, be approved as a correct record and signed. 5. Change in Order of Business Resolved That item 12 on the Agenda (Proposal received from Dudley Muslim Association in relation to land at Hall Street, Dudley) be considered as the next item of business. 6. Proposal received from Dudley Muslim Association in relation to site at Hall Street, Dudley The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive and the Strategic Director (Resources and Transformation) and Monitoring Officer providing the background to the current situation in relation to the Hall Street site, and requesting consideration in relation to a proposal received from the Dudley Muslim Association to pay the Council a sum of money in return for the withdrawal of the current Court of Appeal legal proceedings, which would enable the Association to retain the site and proceed with plans to build a Mosque and Community Centre. Resolved That, before a decision is made, the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board be invited to scrutinise the matter and in particular make recommendations to Cabinet as to whether a decision should be made to proceed with the settlement strategy outlined or pursue the current litigation. (Councillors A Ahmed, S Ali, P Bradley, S Clark, B Etheridge, S Henley, Z Islam, S Phipps, N Richards, M Roberts, D Tyler, S Tyler and M Wood attended the meeting as observers during consideration of this item) (This was a Key Decision with the Cabinet named as Decision Taker) 7. Adjournment of Meeting Resolved C/2 That the meeting do now adjourn in order that the members of the public present who have attended for consideration of the previous item of business but who do not wish to remain for consideration of the remainder of the Agenda may vacate the meeting room. (The meeting adjourned at 6.20 p.m. and reconvened at 6.35 p.m.) 8. Revenue Outturn 2014/2015 The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Officer (Finance and Legal Services) on the provisional General Fund and Housing Revenue Account outturn position for the year ended 31st March, 2015. Resolved (1) That the draft General Fund and Housing Revenue Account outturns for 2014/15 be noted. (2) That the effect of the General Fund outturn on General Balances at 31st March, 2015 be noted (3) That the position on the General Fund earmarked reserves at 31st March, 2015 be noted (4) That progress in relation to the current year and the Medium Term Financial Strategy as set out in paragraphs 11 to 13 of the report submitted be noted. (This was a Key Decision with the Cabinet named as Decision Taker). 9. Capital Programme Monitoring The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Chief Executive and Chief Officer (Finance and Legal Services) on the progress of the Capital Programme and a number of proposed amendments. Resolved (1) That the result of the Post Completion Review of relevant capital projects, as set out in Appendix C of the report, be noted. (2) That the Council be recommended: (a) That the outturn position for 2014/15, as set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 and Appendix A be noted. (b) That current progress with the 2015/16 Capital Programme, as set out in appendix B, be noted, and that budgets be amended to reflect the reported variance. C/3 (c) That the budget for the North Priory Community Centre be increased by £180,000. (d) That the Challenge Fund grant funding be accepted and the related spend included in the Capital Programme. (e) That the A1401 High Street, Pensnett Highway improvement be approved and included in the Capital Programme. (f) That the Managing Short Trips project be approved and included in the Capital Programme. (g) That, subject to the success of the European Structural Investment Fund bid, and the balance of funding being available from third party investors, the Very Light Rail project be approved and included in the Capital Programme. (h) That the Urgent Amendment to the Capital Programme, as set out in paragraph 12 of the report, be approved. (This was a Key Decision with the Council and the Cabinet named as Decision Takers) 10. Localised Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2016/17 The Cabinet considered a report of the Strategic Director (Resources and Transformation) providing an update on the impacts of the Council's Revised Council Tax Reduction Scheme which had been implemented for the 2014/15 and 2015/16 financial years and the timetable for approving the Localised Council Tax Reduction Scheme for the 2016/17 financial year. The report also sought approval to undertake consultation on scheme options for 2016/17 in advance of final decision making by the Council later in the Municipal Year.
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