1 Dublin - Leinster Senior Football Champions 2009 Back L-R: Pat Burke, Dean Rock, Ciaran Whelan, Darren Daly, Ross McConnell, Paul Casey, Barry Cahill, Kilkenny - Leinster Senior Hurling Champions 2009 Denis Bastic, Darren Magee, Paul Flynn, Bernard Brogan, Diarmuid Connolly, Alan Brogan, Back L-R: Eddie Brennan, P.J. Ryan, Richie O’Neill, Brian Hogan, Michael Grace, Michael Fennelly, James Ryall, Michael Savage, Declan Lally, Cian O‘Sullivan, Kevin Bonner. Willie O’Dwyer, Canice Hickey, Derek Lyng, Jackie Tyrrell, P.J. Delaney, Henry Shefflin, Michael Rice, Front L-R: Paul Conlon, Alan Hubbard, Jason Sherlock, Conal Keaney, Paul Griffin, Stephen Cluxton, Martin Comerford, T.J. Reid. Paddy Andrews, David Henry, Ger Brennan, Blaine Kelly, Shane Ryan, Bryan Cullen. Front L-R: Tommy Walsh, Richie Hogan, Eoin McGrath, Eoin Reid, John Tennyson, Aidan Fogarty, John Dalton, Richie Power, J.J. Delaney, Michael Kavanagh, Eoin Larkin, Sean Cummins. Victorious Kilkenny Captain Michael Fennelly Jubilant Dublin Captain Paul Griffin raises the O’Keeffe Cup at Croke Park last July hoists the Delaney Cup at Croke Park last July 2 Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. Tionólfar Comhdháil Cinn Bliana 2009 - 2010 in Tullamore Court Hotel, Tullamore, Co. Offaly ar an Luan, 1ú Márta, 2010 6.00 pm 4 Kilmacud Crokes - All-Ireland Senior Football Club Champions 2009 pictured before their final clash with Crossmaglen Rangers at Croke Park Contents 5 Clár 6 Ainmniúchán Na Rúin 7 Miontuairiscí Chruinniu de'n Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2009 10 Oráid an Chathaoirligh 15 Tuairisc an Rúnaí 38 Leinster Team 25 43 Games Development Report 59 Leinster Master Tutor Group 62 Cumann na mBunscol Laighean 64 Comhairle Iarbhunscoileanna Laighean 65 Leinster Third Level Colleges 67 Comhairle Liathróid Laighean 69 Leinster Referees Administrator's and Leinster Recruitment & Training Officers 72 Hearing Committee 73 Club Fixtures Committee 75 Leinster P.R.O. Report 76 Grounds, Facilities, Health & Safety Committee 79 Match Venue Requirements for Leinster Fixtures 80 Leinster Club & County Planning 82 Coiste Scór 84 Coisde Gaeilge Laighean Website 85 GAA Volunteers' Awards - Leinster Roll of Honour 88 Clár na gCluichí 2010 93 Cluichí Laighean 2009 103 Cluichí Iarbhunscoileanna 2008-2009 105 Cluichí Liathróid Láimhe Laighean 2009 5 6 Ballyhale Shamrocks - Leinster Senior Hurling Club Champions 2009 Back L-R: Eoin Knox, Joseph Holden, Enda Fitzpatrick, Willie Coogan, Gavin Butler, James Walsh, Richard Deasy, Brendan Costelloe, Ger Fennelly, Padraig Holden. Middle L-R: Liam Grant, Patrick Reid, Tom Coogan, Eoin Reid, James Connolly, Colin Fennelly, TJ Reid, Paul Shefflin, Keith Nolan, John Dermody. Front L-R: Henry Shefflin, David Hoyne, Mark Aylward, Eamonn Walsh (Capt), Bob Aylward, James Cha Fitzpatrick, Alan Cuddihy, Aidan Cummins, Donnchadh Fitzpatrick, Keith Murphy, Michael Fennelly. Clár 6.00pm Evening Meal 7.20pm Registration 7.30pm (1) Opening of Convention (2) Minutes of 2009 Convention (3) Discussion of Report of Chief Executive (4) Discussion of Sub-Committee Reports 8.15pm Adoption/Review of Accounts of Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. 8.30pm Election of An Cisteoir Nua (Ballot) 8.40pm Address by An Cathaoirleach 9.00pm Formal Election of Officers 9.15pm Guest Speakers 9.30pm Na Rúin 9.40pm Tea/Coffee – Convention Closes Each county is entitled to the following Delegate representation at Convention, in addition to its two representatives on the Provincial Council: Ceatharloch 5 Cill Mhantain 6 Iarmhi 5 An Mhí 6 An Lú 5 Longphort 5 Cill Dara 6 Uibh Fháilí 6 Cill Chainnigh 5 Laois 6 Áth Cliath 6 Loch Garman 6 A brief meeting of the incoming Leinster Council will be held immediately after Convention, at which only urgent business to hand will be considered. NOTE 1. Slip on Admission Card to be handed to Hotel Management for Evening Meal (6.00 pm) 2. Full Leinster Convention documentation has already been forwarded directly to each member of the outgoing Leinster Council. Micheál Ó Dubhshlaine (Rúnaí) Áras Laighean, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. 7 Ainmniúcháin CATHAOIRLEACH Sheamus O hUilin (Loch Garman) LEAS-CATHAOIRLEACH Martin O Sceallaigh (Longphort) CISTEOIR: Brendán O Diomsaigh (An Mhi) Seán Ó hÉile (Cill Chainnigh) Padraig Ó Tomhnair (Lú) OIFIGEACH CAIDREAMH POIBLI S.S. Breathnach (Cill Dara) Na Rúin That Leinster Council fix Inter County Hurling & from April to July. This principle to also apply to Football Championship games in all Grades for a concluding phases of the National Hurling & dual county on the same weekend i.e. Saturday Football Leagues. & Sunday up to and including Leinster Semi- (Loch Garman) Finals in order to provide free weekends for club championships in the county during the months 8 Miontuairiscí Chruinniu de'n Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 02/03/2009 Sheamus Uas O hUilin (Cathaoirleach) presided at Liam Ó Neill (Iar-Cathaoirleach) the Annual Convention of Leinster Council GAA, held P. Ó Tomhnair, S. Ó Droighneain (Lú) in Hilamar Hotel, Kinnegad on Monday, 2nd March P. Ó Duibhir, P. Ó Ceallaigh (An Mhi) 2009. D. Ó hIceadha, S. De Róiste (Ath Cliath) M. Ó Colmain (Cill Mhantain) The following members of Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. P. Uaiceam, P. O Duill (Loch Garman) were also present: S.S. Breathnach, M. O Fionnain (Cill Dara) G. O Maolthuille (Comhairle Ard Oideachais) S. O Caimpin (Ceatharloch) S. O hOrain (Iarbhunscoileanna) S. O hEile, S. Breathnach (Cill Chainnigh) S. O Fionnalaigh (Cumann na mBunscol) S. O Daltuin, R. O Muilleoir (Laois) Liam Ó Mathuin (Liathroid Láimhe) E. O Floinn, A. Ó Gallchoir (Uibh Fhaili) Maírtín Ó Sceallaigh (Leas Cathaoireach) S. O Sioradain, A. Mac Roibin (Iarmhi) Sean Mac Carthaigh (Cisteoir) S. O Floinn, M. O Carraige (Longphort) Tomas Ó Fearghail (P.R.O.) M. Ó Dubhshlaine (Rúnaí). The following delegates represented the counties: UIBH FHÁILÍ LÚ P. O Teachain, M.N. O Broin, P. Ó Caíside, P. Oilibhear, P. Mac Mathúna, P. O hAmaltuin, M. Ní Chinncheíd, M. Ó Sioradaín. E. Ni Ciaran IARMHÍ AN MHÍ R. De Brún, A. Ó Leabhraigh, S. Ó Briain, B. O Coimin, B. O hAilin, P. Ó Loingsigh, M. Mac Aodha, L. Ó Gabhaín. B Ó Díomsaigh, S. O Craobhain, C. Seoige. LONGPHORT ÁTH CLIATH T.S. Mac A Bhaird, P. O Cathail, S. Ó hUaine, G. Ó hArrachtaín, S. Ó Fuaraín, A. Mac Coitil, S. O Cuinn, Seosamh Ó Fheuilin S. Mac Nioclaís, T. Ó Riain, S. O Mathuna. The following also attended Convention CILL MHANTÁIN A. O Briain, L. O Lochlainn, M. O Murchu, IAR OIFIGIGH P. Mac Eochaidh, M. Ó hAgaín, E. Ó Muirí. S. O Beara, S. Aldridge, S. O Broin, P. O Flannagain. LOCH GARMAN SUB-COMMITTEE REPS G. Ó Duíll, M. Ni Dhuill, D. Ó hÚilín, A. Breathnach (Coisde Scór) S. Ó Seacnasaigh, D. Ó Nuallaín, M. Ní Fhoghlú. P. Ó Caisearlaigh (Coisde na Reiteoirí) M. Ní Cheallaigh (Coisde na Gaeilge) CILL DARA P.S. Ó Murchú (Development, Health & Safety) S. O Mearain, C. Ui Neill, P. Aghais, A. O Suilleabhain, B. O Cionnaith, S.Ó Tiarnaín. GUESTS Geraldine Giles, Uachtarán, Cumann Peile Gael na mBan CEATHARLOCH Joseph Whelan, Chairman, Westmeath Co. Co. T. O Murchu, T. O Neill, S. Ó Bolguidhir, Nioclás Ó Braonaín, Uachtarán C.L.G. G. O Lionnain, P. O Diring. Lisa Clancy / Declan Fanning, Pairc an Chrocaigh. Robert Baker, Baker Solutions CILL CHAINNIGH John Quirke, Quirke Photography. P. Cinnseallach, B. O hIci, P. Mac Aindreís, E. O Cuinn, E. Ó Bogaigh. ÁRAS LAIGHEAN STAFF M. Mac Raghnaill, S. Mac Coitir, S. Ó Flannagáin, LAOIS C. Ó Cleír, P. Ní Chleír, H. Ní hÓrain. A. Breathnach, P. Mac Aodh Bhuí, A. O Dubhshlaine, B. O hAilin, M. Ó Cearbhúill, T. Mac Seoin. 9 OSCAILT TUAIRISC NA FO CHOISDI Padraigh Uas Ó Laighneach, Rúnaí, Coisde Co. na The Convention adopted and considered the hÍarmhí C.L.G. formally opened Convention and, Reports of the following Leinster Council Sub- in turn, introduced (a) Tomás Ó Fearghail, Committees: Cathaoirleach Coisde Co. na hIarmhí C.L.G. and (b) Mr. Joseph Whelan, Chairman, Westmeath (1) Coaching and Games Development County Council. Both welcomed delegates to Committee. Westmeath and wished the Convention well in (2) Referee’s Administrators Report. its deliberations. (3) Hearings Committee. (4) Club Fixtures Monitoring Committee. PRESENTATION (5) I.T. Marketing and P.R. Committee. An tUas Ó Fearghail then presented the Officers (6) Leinster P.R.O. and delegates with presents – of Westmeath (7) Grounds & Facilities/Health and Safety origin – as a memento of the Leinster Council’s Committee. visit to the County. (8) Leinster Club and County Planning Committee. BUIOCHAS (9) Coisde Scór Laighean. Sheamus Ó hÚilin thanked both men for their (10) Coisde na nGaeilge. welcome and presentations. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2007 / 2008 COLIN DUNNE R.I.P. An Cisteoir, Seán Mac Carthaigh, presented the P. Uas Ó Teáchaín, Cathaoirleach Coisde Co. Uibh Annual Reports which were adopted and Fhaili C.L.G. addressed Convention. He recalled the discussed. recent tragic death of a young hurler and footballer from Shamrocks Club Uibh Fhaili (he died in At the outset of the discussion An tIar Barcelona whilst participating in a marathon to Chathaoirleach , Seamus Aldridge, questioned raise funds for an Offaly Charity Fund). the authenticity of the Accounts as he felt they did not comply with Riail 54 T.O. Colin Dunne was an outstanding dual player with Club and County. He was also a great leader He asked that the matter be considered by of young people, on an off the field of play. Coisde Bainisti Laighean and Convention accepted this. Colin was also a former recipient of a Comhairle Laighean Bursary some short few years ago. COISDE SCÓR AND LIATHRÓID LÁIMHE ACCOUNTS Convention stood for a minutes silence as a Also adopted by Convention. mark of respect to the late Colin Dunne. UACHTARÁN C.L.G. MIONTUAIRISCI CHOMHDHAIL 2007 Convention was addressed by Uachtarán C.L.G., The minutes of the 2008 Convention were Nioclás Ó Braonaín.
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