
MONDAY, JANUARY 18,19M PACE SdnEEN Averagt Dally Net Prtaa Ron ^Imtrlfggtgr lEpFtiiMg Ifgratt ru- fa r Mw W eek Badad Tha Waathar Jan. 14. 1SB8 Pofoeaot of U. & Wontbee Baraaa Tha 'Ladlsa Aid Sociaty of Zion The annual meeting of the Hil­ To Attend Meeting Snow ondlng anriy thin aftam ana. Lutheran Church wtU hold Ita FOR A U HOUSEHOLD liard Assn., ina.. wUl be held to­ Auto DealeIrS Plan BigShow 11,876 doody.-. wlni(r u S estdor foalghli A b o u t T o w n night at 8 o'clocK in the cafeteria quarttrly mlaalon and aocial Wedneaday at 7:30 p.rft. All wom­ Of Probation Assn. FUEL PURPOSES MopSor af tha Anffit Low hi low 38a. Party claady, o f the Waddell School. Since new Barena of ClraWntlon B w rv a tie n a fo r the luun eupper officers and street mansgers will en of the church will bt w’elcome. windy, cold Wedaed^ay, be elected, all members are urged To Pick Queen of Polio Ball MancheMter—^4^ City of Village Charm arocodtiif the aumMl m ect^ at Town Court officials plan to at­ MEANS^ Secona Oonsrct^uonal Church to attend. Refreshments w ill be Warren E.' tiowland. president 'hie Mancheater Li<ma Qub, tend the winter meeting of the TIMradajr ahould 'ho in tomorrow. served f,0>*"^"8 ">**^"8; of the Manchester Board of Real­ VOL. LXin^, NO. W Thooe planning to attend whoie tors. la sttemling the Board Presi­ aponsors o f this year's March of Connecticut Probation- and Parole OLDOOMMNrS (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1956 (ClaaMlled AdvortUag oa Page 14) PRICE nVE CENTS namoB begin with the lettera A to The Holy Ghost. Mothers Circle dent and State Officers conven­ Addresses 'Scouts Dimas campaign, hM arrangad Alan., to he held at the Cheshire tion in Washington, D. C., today Reform atory Jan. 24. G Bhonid call Mra. David Williams; will- hold a meeting Wednesday w iU Uib Mancheater Automobile LEHI8H IM I, Mrs. Robert Poster; N-S, night at 8 o'clock at the home of through Wednesday. Mrs. Howland The maaUng Includes a guided Mrs. Robert Shooshan; T-Z, Mrs. Mrs. John Malone, 38 Quaker Rd. is accompanying him. Dealers Assn, to atagb a mam- tour of the institution and an ad­ Stokers and Oil Baraars Soh| ia i Wallace Qeiger. Members are urged to be prompt, _ * moth automobile show at the dress by Superintendent Robert T. Serviced'Promptly and Efficiently. $ 6 4 Share Grey concerning the program of as a guest spesker will be heard Nelson J. Sprague. 18 Ann St., Armoejr on Fridey and Saturday, Manchester Lodge. No. 73, A. F. following a- short business meef- treatment for young male offend­ was initiated Into the Chi Chapter Jan. 20 and 21. The proceeds from ers. and A. M., will hold a special com­ Ihg. of Iota Lambda Sigma, profea- I tha event will bp turned over to Slated for munication at the Masonic Temple Planning to attend are Judge aional industrial education frater­ I the polio driire. a. E. WILUS t SON, IM. tomorrow night at 7:30. The Mas­ W esley C. Oryk; Prosecutor John Pfr. Alfred W. Cavedon, 27 Pit­ nity, at a Jan. 9 meeting of the 1 All the leading motor car deal­ 2 MBIN ST. — TEL. Ml 8-8138 .S. Obliged ter Mason degree will be exempli: D. FltaOerald. probation depart­ kin St., is currently a.sslgned with Texas A. and M. College student ers of Mancheater will • display . fled by the officers of the. lodge, the 86th Transportation Co. at ment workers Emmanuel Sollmene branch, College Station. Tex. the lieweat models in 1956 au|,o- Ford Stoek assisted by the members of the Ft. Campbell, Ky. His present and Mra. M ay Danaher, and court Fellowcraft team. A t the close of motlve design. Among the extra clerks Anthony Oryk and Mrs. duty in the ■ company is , truck American Legion Auxiliary (JP the mocUng, there will be a social attractlona of the show will be a Alfred Vennard. Washington, Jan. 17 )— driver. He received his basic train- members are reminded of the hour and refreshments. Beauty (fonteat In which local con- A price of $64.50 a share was ‘i'ng at Ft. Dix, N. J. and Ft. Leon­ meeting tonight at 8 o'cloclrtn the ard Wood, Mo. tsstanls will vie for the honor of placed today on tomorrow’s i / Legion Home, with Mrs. J. F. W il­ being' choaen the Queen of the lett and Mrs. Helen Orlffln in Polio Ball an annual faature of Aunounce Casts > vast public offering o f Ford The monthly meeting of the In- To Take ‘Calculated Risk’ charge of the program and hos­ tha March of Dimca drive. Again Motor Company stock. The 4 i asmuch Class of the Church of the Mui Slush Mi Show Cheat pitality. ■ -1 this yeas the ball la a part ol the Fbrd Foundation, Inc., - will rTPERFUMEs’ ^ ! Nazarene will be held at 8 o'clock For Play is Friday program of tha Junior Chamber of ^ Iho___ __ Wbrid's ____ Finest Brands j! tomorrow night at the Davis Me- Tha Life of Your reap $642,600,000 from the A daughter, Oj'.thla E llin, their Commerce. biggest corporate equity fi- B ^'-morial Building. Miss Anna first Child, was born Saturday,af­ Little Folks Studio of Dance and French, head librarian of the Man- Tha contestant ’obtaining the Drama will present two 1-gct Darmonts. Cleanse Newt / Being in history, Long Term IMhirDnicStoms ternoon at the Mt, Sinai Hospital greatest number of votes at the Sees Story Chester public libraries, will be the in Hartford to Mr, and Mrs. Shel­ plays, a skit and variety numbers ho price was reported to the Auto Show will be, crowned "Queen guest speaker. don Cohen, 14 Vlne.St., Hartford. Friday evening at 7:15 at the Seebrities and Exchange Com'^ of the Folio Ball,'' while all other Cohen is employed in the compos­ Whiton Memorial Hall, All pro­ miislOn. (S E C ), as the final legal partlcljianta will serve in^ the Aid Abroad ing room at The Herald. The mA- ceeds of the evening will be do­ step required before the 10,300,i- In Life too Dr. Pasc li Poe trmol grandparents are Mr. and queeq'a court. Each dime will nated to the Mancheater Associa-, 000 common eharei are offered to­ Mrs. Joseph Watkins o f Hartford count as one vote and the tabu­ tion for the Help of Retarded Chil­ morrow: morning. Dr. Pascal Poe. dean pf Hillyer and the paternal grandparents are lating to choose the winner will be dren. .at The underwrrlters — some 733 Seen Vital College, Hartford, will talk on Ambiguous Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cohen of 90 handled by Mayor Harold A. Turk- Storybook Playhouse, the drama securltiea firm s \Scros8 the coun- r ^ d .f., •NATURAL REST” MATTRESS cltiaenship at the annual dinner of IS H E R d r y CLEANSERS INC. Searriap Circle. Ington, John lierney and Mrs. Jay group of the studio, will enact a .try — have reported almost un­ Washihffton, Jan. 17 (fl>— the Manchester Girl Scouts on ^ublnow. , ' . , Hans Chriatian Andersen story |325 aaOAD STREET, MANCHISTI« precedented invest^ intereit in Washington, Jan. 17 {fP)— Tuesday. Jan. 24. at 6:30 p.m. at The following members of the adapted by Deborah Newman, the issue which admits the public Secretary of State Dulles ap­ Patricia McCann. 69 Pleasant Secretary of State Dulles said the South Methodist Church. M A D A are taking part in the The Real Princess." and "Rum- into co-ownership writttxthe heirs pealed to Congress today to St.; Joyce Wetherell, 343 Parker Dr. PoC, who has been dean of motor show, Dillon SiAes and Serv­ pelatiltskin." adapted by Rowena on FISHERS new of the company founder^.ths late today the United States must St.; and Patricia Wupperfeld, 90 provide authority to make Hillyer since 1946, has lived In ice, Ford; Manchester Motor Sales, Bennett. A aktt. "The Happy Henry Ford. \ take "a calculated risk fo r Grandview St;'; have been named long term foreign aid commit­ Manchester since 1947. He Is a Oldsmobila; Roy Motors, Inc., Toya," will be preaented by the CASH and CARRY Supplied by AmeadWat peace” when its vital in­ to the dean's list for the fall quar­ Democratic member of the Board Tiny Tot Playera, Donna Marie ments in order to compete ter at Teachers College of Con­ Plymouth; Gorman Motor. Sales, The price -was supplied by terests are challenged |l)y a of Directors, and has been a mem­ Aszklar, Judy Williama, Nanda successfully with Russian aid necticut, New Britain. Buick;' Beaupra Motors, Chrysler; DISCOUNT PLAN amendment to the brlglnal Foi potential aggressor, ' ber of the Mancheater PTA Coun­ Boland Motors, Nash; De^rmler Rattaii, Sandra Leone. Karen offers, particularly in Asia. iprt tUial ipaca —«Uf4 tUlfcat registration statement nied with Commenting on hia brink 6t w ar cil and waa active on the Man­ Motor Sales, Inc., Hudson; Brun­ Kilpatrick. Nancy K ay and At a news conference, Dulles ex­ SEC leet Dec. 31 as required by statament in life Magaslae, Dulles Our L*dy of Fatima Mothers chester Citizens Committee. He Pam ela Johnson. ■ II •i■t(r-cl•r■il| plti SM 9*' pressed confidence that Congreaa ners, Inc., Packard; M oriarty law to protect invdatore. ■aid the article "tende (o enipha- Circle will meet Wednesday night received his PhD, degree from Yale Bros., Mercury-Uncoln; McClure The' cast for "Rumpelstiltskin" eventually will help the adminie- The Oommisaion w ill meet this ■isa over-simplification and e p ^ a l at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
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