Ph: +91 191 2544366 Fax: +91 191 2546223 24X7 Helpline: 1077 UNION TERRITORY OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR Office of the Deputy Commissioner Jammu Wazarat Road Jammu-180001 (J&K)-India NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers vested in me in terms of sub-rule (2) of Rule-4 of SRO-303 dated 04-10-2011 and SRO-379 dated 22-12-2011 of J&K Perpetration and Revision of Market Value Guidelines Rules, 2011 read with SRO-221 of 2018 dated 18-05-2018 issued by the Finance Department J&K Government, Jammu and also on the basis of the approval conveyed by the Divisional Valuation Board under Rule-3 of SRO-379 dated 22-12-2011 vide endorsement No. CSSJ/20-21/326-343 dated 22-12-2020 the rates of the immovable property of Jammu District for the Calendar Year - 2021 are hereby notified as shown in the statements appended to this notification. _ tis further notified that in rural areas, the rates of the Un-lIrrigated land shall be applicable to the un-cultivable land and in urban areas, where the nature of piece of land is not already classified as “Residential” or “Commercial”, the rates of Residential or Commercial would be applicable to it depending upon the land use of the said land as defined in the Master Plan of the area. These rates shall remain in force w.e.f. 01-01-2021 to 31-12-2021. Enck- $5 (ean lau lg lt ushma Chauhan) 1[AS——— Deputy Commissioner, (Chairperson District Valuation Committee), Jammu. No. DCJ/SQ/Stamp-Duty/2020-21/ 2534) -FA Dated: 30-12-2020. Copy to the:- 1) Advocate General, J&K High Court, Jammu. 2) Financial Commissioner Finance, J&K Government, Jammu 3) Financial Commissioner Revenue, J&K Government, Jammu. 4) Principal Secretary Revenue, J&K Government, Jammu. 5) Inspector General Registration, J&K Jammu. 6) Registrar General, J&K High Court, Jammu. 7) Divisional Commissioner (Chairman Divisional Valuation Board), Jammu. 8) Commissioner of Stamps, J&K Jammu. ) Secretary to Government, Department of Law Justice & Parliamentary Affairs, J&K, Jammu. 10) Deputy Commissioner, Stamps, Jammu. 11) General Manager, Ranbir Government Press, J&K, Jammu for publication in the Government Gazette. 12-19) Sub-Registrar, Akhnoor/ Chowki Choura / Khour/ Marh / Jammu-North / Jammu-South / R.S. Pura / Assistant Commissioner General, Jammu. 20-22) Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Jammu-North / R.S. Pura / Jammu-South. 23) Joint Director Information, Jammu for wide Publicity in the Local Dailies. 24-44) Tehsildar, Akhnoor/ Jourian / Maira Mandrian / Chowki Choura / Kharah Balli / Khour/ = Pargwal / Marh / Bhalwal/ Jammu North / Jammu West / Jammu/ Nagrota / Dansal / Bahu /Mandal / Jammu South / Arnia / Bishnah / R.S. Pura / Suchetgarh for information and necessary action. 45) District Information Officer, DIC Jammu for placing the rates on District web site. STATEMENT SHOWING THE DETERMINATION OF RATE OF LAND IN RESPECT OF RURAL nC) OF SUB DIVISION AKHNOOR, DISTRICT JAMMU FOR THE YEAR-2021 | Value per kanal (in Lacs) | Value for small pieces of S.No. {Tehsil Patwar Halqa Village land "onal (ntae) ate Irrigated | Un-irrigated | Commercial | Residential 1 = |Akhnoor Akhnoor Khas Mawa karora 6.85 6.12 42.56 28.54 2 Akhnoor Akhnoor Khas Patyari 6.12 4.50 29.01 13.87 3. |Akhnoor Akhnoor Khas Gurah Brahmna 6.12 4.50 29.81 12.28 4 |Akhnoor Akhnoor Khas Aeranpur 6.12 4.50 10.20 7.82 5 Akhnoor Akhnoor Khas Dubb 0.00 2.54 0.00 3.29 6 |Akhnoor Akhnoor Khas Kot 5.95 4.15 19.94 9.73 7 |Akhnoor Manda Manda 8.47 7.51 48.30 34.65 8 |Akhnoor Manda Dasgal 0.00 751 36.96 23.10 9 |Akhnoor Manda Bandral kalan 0.00 6.93 28.88 23.10 10 |Akhnoor Manda Sunail 0.00 5.51 11.64 5.20 11 |Akhnoor Manda Bhardha Khurd 0.00 4.04 24.39 19.82 12. |Akhnoor Ambaran Ambaran 7.88 5.20 24.39 5.42 13. |Akhnoor Ambaran Balgara 0.00 1.73 6.93 3.47 ot an (Addl. Dept? Jammu. 2 Value per kanal (in Lacs) | Value for small pieces of S.No. |Tehsil Patwar Halqa Village land “eauiiiees 01 Irrigated | Un-irrigated | Commercial | Residential 14. |Akhnoor Ambaran Targwal 0.00 3.70 11.78 4.62 15. |Akhnoor Gandharwan Gandharwan 0.00 7.88 17.08 9.82 16 |Akhnoor Gandharwan Bharda kalan 0.00 3.47 12.28 5.78 17 |Akhnoor Barui Partially Kotli 0.00 2.16 6.93 3.74 18 |Akhnoor Sungal Sungal 0.00 3.47 12.94 5.78 19 |Akhnoor Sungal Palwan 0.00 4.62 17.21 8.29 20 |Akhnoor Sungal Rajachak 0.00 231 2.40 2.89 21 {Akhnoor Leharian Lehrian 3.47 2.89 4.62 4.04 22 |Akhnoor Leharian Rakh Kharoon 4.04 3.75 5.49 3.74 23 |Akhnoor Leharian Jajial 4.33 4.04 5.78 4.04 24 {Akhnoor Leharian Garkhal 4.33 4.04 5.78 4.04 25. {Akhnoor Leharian Sidharwan 4.33 4.04 5.78 4.04 26 |Akhnoor Chak Kirpalpur |Gura Jagir 4.69 375 9.24 6.93 27 |Akhnoor Devipur Partially |Kangral Sangral 4.04 2.89 6.93 5.20 28 |Akhnoor Devipur Partially |Kaink Jagir 2.89 2.89 4,94 3.70 Value per kanal (in Lacs) Value for small pieces of (3) S.No. |Tehsil Patwar Halqa Village pane "nln tesy ee Irrigated | Un-irrigated | Commercial | Residential 29 |Akhnoor Mawa Brahmana |Mawa Brahmna 0.00 2.31 2.89 2.31 30 |Akhnoor Pangiari Pangiari 0.00 2.51 18.80 5.20 31 |Akhnoor Pangiari Badgal Khurd 0.00 2.31 4.78 3.93 32 |Akhnoor Pangiari Badgal Kalan 0.00 1.73 5.20 3.47 33. |Akhnoor Pangiari Dhok Jagir 4.86 2.89 12.91 5.78 34 jAkhnoor Pangiari Manani 0.00 1.73 2.89 2.44 35 jAkhnoor Pangiari Jamotian 0.00 1.73 2.89 2.31 36 jAkhnoor Pangiari Garh 0.00 1.73 2.89 2.31 37 = jJourian Muthi Maira Muthi 3.47 2.89 8.09 4.62 38 ‘Jourian Muthi Maira Maira 3.47 2.89 8.09 4.62 39 = jJourian Muthi Maira Bandwal 3.47 2.89 8.09 4.62 40 jJourian Muthi Maira Chak Sikander 2.54 281 4.62 2.89 41 |Jourian Muthi Maira Chack Bhawan 2.89 2.54 5.78 3.47 42. |Jourian Muthi Maira Rattan Pur 2.89 2.54 5.78 3.47 43 |Jourian Muthi Maira Rakh Muthi 3.47 2.89 8.09 4.62 Value per kanal (in Lacs) | Value for small pieces of lw S.No. {Tehsil Patwar Halqa ‘Village land "ral fintaes) Re) irrigated | Un-irrigated | Commercial | Residential 44 _|Jourian Muthi Maira Siteryala 2.54 231 4.62 2.89 45 |Jourian Muthi Maira Maan Chak 2.89 2.54 5.78 3.47 46 j|Jourian Rakh Dhok Rakh Dhok 3.47 2.89 18.48 11,55 47 jJourian Rakh Dhok Potha Kandyal 3.47 2.89 8.09 4.62 48 |Jourian Rakh Dhok Chak Bhagwana 3.12 247 6.93 4.04 49 |Jourian Rakh Dhok Dhok Khalsa 2.89 2.31 5.78 3.47 50 = {Jourian Rakh Dhok Rajwal 2.89 2.31 5.78 3.47 51 jJourian Rakh Dhok Kandyal 2.89 2.31 3/8 3.47 52 |Jourian Jadh Jadh. 3.12 2.54 8.09 4.62 53 |Jourian Jadh Bhiri Taryai 3.12 2.54 6.93 4.04 54 |Jourian Jadh Bhalwal 3.47 2.89 9.24 5.78 Brahmana 55 jJourian Jadh Chak Nazla 2.89 231 4.62 2.89 56 Wourian Mawa Brahmana |Lohara 0.00 2.31 4.62 2.89 57 jJourian Mawa Branmana jJhajhar 0.00 2.31 4.62 2.89 58 |Jourian Mawa Brahmana jBasiara~ 0.00 21 4.62 2.89 gdb w . a C ommisstonae ( Ads dl. Deputy Jammu. - Value per kanal (in Lacs) | Value for small pieces of (3) S.No. |Tehsil Patwar Halqa Village fang Vandtittact 02 Irrigated | Un-irrigated | Commercial | Residential 59 |Jourian Mawa Brahmana |Lehar 0.00 2:31 4.62 2.89 60 = |Jourian Mawa Brahmana |Jogiani 0.00 2.31 4.62 2.89 61 |Jourian Devipur Devipur 4.62 3.47 11.55 6.93 62 = |Jourian Devipur Nud 4.62 3.47 11,55 6.93 63 |Jourian Devipur Fatwal 2.89 231 6.93 4.04 64 |Jourian Devipur Sangrampur 2.89 231 4.62 2.89 65 jJourian Devipur Chak Badyala 3.47 2.89 9.24 5.78 66 jJourian Devipur Bomal 5.20 3.47 11.55 6.93 67 |Jourian Chak Kirpalpur {Chak Kirpalpur 5.20 3.47 9.24 5.78 68 |Jourian Chak Kirpalpur |Dalpat 2.54 2.31 4.62 2.89 69 |Jourian Chak Kirpalpur |Bhour Jagir 2.54 2.31 4.62 2.89 70 = jJourian Chak Kirpalpur |Chak Baisa 254 2.31 4.62 2.89 71. ~~ Jourian Chak Kirpalpur |Khundpur 2.54 2.31 0.00 0.00 72. |Maira Mandrian |Barui Barola 0.00 4.18 1571 4.17 73. |jMaira Mandrian |Barui Sangani 0.00 4.18 15.174 4.17 ic Value per kanal (in Lacs) Value for small pieces of.© S.No. |Tehsil Patwar Halqa Village ean "onal fntacs) 04 Irrigated | Un-irrigated | Commercial | Residentia! 74 jMaira Mandrian |{Barui Kandi 0.00 3.29 4.23 3.14 75 jMaira Mandrian |Barui Gargal 0.00 2.77 5.12 3.34.
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