B4 BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE Thursday, May14, 2020 FuneralPlans,Plots LegalNotices LegalNotices 3Burial plotsatForest Lawn Application has been $654,613 Cemetery.Retail $4,000 + made with the Texas $3,356,208 Selling at $2,100 Call 903-522-0357 Alcoholic Beverage APublic Hearing will be held Commission for a on Tuesday,May 19, 2020 at 1:30 pm at the City Council Farms&Ranches Mixed Beverage Permit Chambers at City Hall, 801 by Finger Lick’n Crab Main Street, Beaumont, Texas, FISH STOCKING LLC dba Rock’n Crab, 77704. www.parkersfishfarm.com Mark LoMoglio /AssociatedPress to be located at 4430 The Public Hearing will offer an Former Washington Redskins free safetyHaHaClinton-Dix (20)isexpected to 1- 800-362-3390 Dowlen Rd, suite A, opportunity for interested per- fill thevoidleftbysafetyJeffHeath forthe Dallas Cowboys. Beaumont, TX 77706. sons, agencies, and private Apts Unfurnished transportationproviders to Members of said Lim- comment on the proposal. The ited Liability Company hearing will also afford the op- COWBOYS Accepting Applications are Jin Guo Chen portunity for interested persons Senior Citizens 62 &upor to be heard on the social, eco- handicapped. Now available (owner) and Jiaxin nomic, and environmental as- Low income, Efficiency, Chen (Owner). pectsofthe proposal. Dallas ends offseason on strong 1&2Bedroom Apartments. Apply at 3030 French Rd. ORDINANCE 20-018 Prior to the hearing, additional Call: (409) 892-0196 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED information may be requested Raintree Tower Apts AN ORDINANCE OF THE and/or written commentsmay Equal Housing Opportunity CITY OF BEAUMONT note afterlosing 7starters early AMENDING ORDINANCE be submitted to: CURRENTLYACCEPTING 20-010 TO AMEND THEPUB- APPLICATIONS LIC HEALTH EMERGENCY William J. Munson SENIOR CITIZENS DISASTER ORDERS FOR General Manager By David Moore Off season starting role likehedid 62 OR OLDER THE CITY OF BEAUMONT; Beaumont Municipal Transit twoyears ago. Butlook Section 8Efficiency 550 Milam Street THE DALLASMORNING NEWS(TNS) additions DEFERRING TO THE EFFEC- Beaumont, Texas 77701 for an interesting compe- Apartments. TIVE ORDERS OF THE GOV- Free agents Rent Includes Utilities. ERNOR OF THE STATEOF (409)835-7895 In thoseearly days of GeraldMcCoy,DT tition. Apply: 930 Calder or TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR free agency,when big It appears Looney, call (409)833-9660 SEVERABILITY;PROVIDING In addition, the proposed grant Dontari Poe, DT Handicap Accessibility application datamay be money wasflowing and Connor Williams, Connor FOR APENALTY AND PRO- viewedprior to the Public Ha Ha Clinton-Dix, S SENIOR CITIZENS VIDING FOR REPEAL. one playerafter another McGovern and fourth YHOUSE Hearing by the public at the Greg Zuerlein, K Equal Housing Opportunity BeaumontMunicipalTransit rodethatwaveout the round pickTyler Biadasz TINA BROUSSARD, TRMC Office at 550 Milam Street, door of TheStar, public BlakeBell, TE will compete for the cen- Near Lamar,Hacienda Apt. CITY CLERK Beaumont, Texas, 77701, dur- Aldon Smith, DE 1bedroom start.... $500. PUBLIC NOTICE ing normal business hours of opinion stated this wasa ter and left guard job. The 2bedroom start.... $600. 8:00 am until 4:30 pm on complete and utter disas- Daryl Worley,CB top twotocome out of Call 409-832-0034. The City of weekdays, or acopy may be ter in the making for the Cameron Erving, OL thatcompetition will be Plymouth Village Beaumont/Beaumont Munici- requested by mail/email at Apartments palTransit (BMT)isconsider- [email protected], or Cowboys. Andy Dalton, QB the starters. 5080 Helbig Rd. ing applying for agrant from by calling (409) the Federal Transit Administra- Slowly,the Cowboys MauriceCanady, CB Asimilar battle could 409-892-2532 835-7895. began to offset their loss- unfold at safetywith Accepting applications for tion (FTA) for some of the op- 1, 2, 3&4Bedroom Apts. erating expenses incurred in Due to the current Corona Vi- es with one,targeted Draftclass Clinton-Dix, Xavier Section 8 FY2020 and for the purchase rus situation, it is unsure at this signing after another. Woods and cornerback Mon.- Fri. 9am- 2:30pm of replacement vehicles. point if the City Council Meet- CeeDeeLamb,WR Equal Housing Opportunity ing to be heldonMay 19, Then came the draft. ChidobeAwuziecompet- The grant will be for operating Trevon Diggs, CB Agency 2020, will be anormal or avir- Then came AndyDalton. ing for the top twospots. assistance (5307funding at tual meeting on Zoom. Please NevilleGallimore, DT 50%) and capital purchases check the website Theprevailing senti- If Awuzie lands one,it Want To Buy (5307 funding at 80%) for the beaumonttexas.gov and click mentnow is thatDallas Reggie Robinson II, CB means the Cowboyswill Beaumont Municipal Transit on Information regarding future has wonthe offseason. TylerBiadasz, C have twonew starters at CASH PAID System.City Council Meetings.Itwill For Junk Cars and Pick-Ups. Operating assistance will cover give you information on what What they have done is BradleeAnae, DE corner. Free Towing: 409-540-3344 all expenses related to the op- typeofmeeting will be con- being hailed as arousing Ben DiNucci, QB “Wefeltlikewewere Want To Purchase Motor eration and maintenance of the ducted and instructions on us- Home. Prefer Class C transit system to include labor, ing Zoom. success. strategic in what we did,” Motorhome or Travel Trailer. fringe benefits, fuel, tires, bus Thetruth lies some- Jones said. 409-781-1630 parts, lubricants, other materi- The above proposed Program where in between. to replace him. TheCowboys have als and supplies, insurance, u- of Projectswill become final tilities, purchased services, unless amendedbythe City Thehemorrhaging that Starters Robert Quinn been much more active in taxes and licenses, and any Council. The final approved took place in March, and Maliek Collins de- theveteran free agent other miscellaneous expenses grant application datafor this for the period of October 1, grant will be available for public when the team lostseven parted from the defensive marketthan they’ve been 2019 through January 31, review at the Beaumont Munic- starters to free agency or front. in recentyears. That has BEAUMONT 2020. The capital purchase of ipal Transit Office at 550 Milam retirement, has stopped. Gerald McCoyand nothing to do with anew replacement vehicles will be Street, Beaumont, Texas, for three(3) thirty-five foot long, 77701, or acopy may be re- Theclubappears to have Dontari Poewere signed. coaching staff. low floor,CNG powered, heavy quested by the above means. pickedupatleastfive Aldon Smith, currently “I wouldn’t necessarily ENTERPRISE duty transit buses.Abreak- This Public Notice of public ENTERPRISE down of the proposed program participation activities and time starters and pumped new under suspension, will be saythey affected the of projectsisoutlined below: established for public review of life into the roster by giventhe chance to resur- numbers, but it did who and commentsonthe TIP will adding justunder 35 rect his career and pro- we ended up with,” Jones Line Item satisfythe POP requirements CLASSIFIEDS Operating Assistance of the City’s5307 Program, as players throughfree videanedgerush. Draft said. “When youget abig Federal $786,464 required by FTACircular agency,the draft and picks Neville Gallimore guylikePoe,thatis State $488,507 9030.1E, Ch. V, Sec.6(d). Local $297,957 rookie free agency. (third round) and Bradlee scheme-drivenwithour Total$1,572928 Proclaiming this team Anae(fifth round) will be currentdefensive staff. GET SERVICEDIRECTORY Vehicle Purchase is clearly better than it addedtothe rotation for He would not have fit Federal $1,426,624 To advertiseherecall 409-880-0706 or e-mail classifi[email protected] wastoend lastseason is good measure. with what RodMarinelli State -0- premature.The Cowboys “Poe and McCoyare would have wanted. Local $356,656 Landscaping RESULTS! Total have achance to be better. big in terms of getting “So,Idon’tthink it $1,783,280 That’s allthey can sayat thatdefensive line shored affected the numbers as MOBILE MOWER REPAIR TOTAL Specialized riding mowers & this stageofavirtual up,” Jones said. “Then much as it did the type of $2,213,088 tillers. Why Wait 2-3 weeks? offseason that’sbeen Aldon Smith hadbeen players we signed.” $488,507 ‘’WegotoU’’ (409)540-1785 extended to the end of with some of our coaches Jones won’trule out May. before. more additions. As he Achance. “He’sgetting it together likestosay,playeracqui- “I feel likewe’vedone and hopefullywillhavea sition takesplace 365days what we set out to do,” chance to playagain if the ayear. executive vice president league thinksit’sthe right Butgiven thenumber Stephen Jones said. ”We thing to do.” of players the Cowboys knewcoming into this Starting safety Jeff have alreadysigned, offseason we were going Heathisgone. Ha Ha where this team is on the to lose alot of players. We Clinton-Dix is expected to capand the depleted gottothatpoint with the takehis place. talentpool in free agency, capwhereyou justcan’t First-round pickCee- the bulk of the club’s do it. DeeLambwillslide into personnel work is com- “Unfortunately, you the slot receiverrolethat plete. have to pick and choose.” opened when Randall “I’dsay yeah, the heavy Drivers Drivers TheCowboys lostfour Cobb signed with Hous- lifting is probablydone defensive starters to other ton. BlakeJarwin will on player acquisition,” Coastal Ready Mix, Inc. is Gary WhitmanMaterials, Inc. teams. Cornerback Byron takeoverfor theiconic Jones said. ”There is a hiring Class A&BCDL is hiring Class A&BCDL Jones signed afive-year Jason Witten at tight end chance we addone or two drivers for cement mixer drivers for dump trucks and trucks.Health, Dental, belly-dump trucks. Health, deal worth $82.5million with veteran BlakeBell more.Itcan always hap- Vision, Life &401K available. Dental, Vision, Life &401K with Miami. addedfor depth. pen. Butwe’reready to available. Apply in person at Coastal Apply in person at Second round pick Center Travis Freder- go. Ready Mix, Inc. 6363 North Gary Whitman Materials, Inc. Twin City Hwy,Unit One, at 13766 Hwy 326 N., Trevon Diggs andveteran ickretired.Veteran Joe “Ifthis is what we Nederland, TX Daryl Worley will battle Looney can move into the have,we’reready.” Kountze, TX.
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