Founded A.D. 1874 by John Sin.genberger REV. LEO ROWLANDS, O.S.F.Cp. FREDERICK T. SHORT PAUL BENTLEY • • • MARJAN S. ROZYCKI DOM G. HUGLE, 0.S.8. DOM ADELARD BOUVILLIERS, 0.S.8. ROLAND BOISVERT JUNE and JULY 1936 Entered as second class mat­ ter. October 20. 1931, at the Post Office at Boston, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Formerly published in St. Francis. Wisconsin. Now issued Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church and School Music monthly, except in July. Subscription: $3 per year, pay.. able in advance. Single copies Vol. 63 June, 1936 No.6 SOc. Honorary Editor OTTO A. SINGENBERGER Managing Editor • WILLIAM ARTHUR REILLY Business and Editorial Office 100 Boylston St.. Boston. Mass. IN THIS ISSUE Contributors REV. LUDWIG BONVIN, S.J. Buffalo. N. Y. CURRENT COMMENTS 252 DOM ADELARD BOUVILL­ IERS. O.S.B., Belmont, N. C. REv. LEO F. ROWLANDS, O.S.F.C. 255 V. REV. GREGORY HUGLE. O.S.B.• Conception. M~ REV. CARLO ROSSINI, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ORGANIST Pittsburgh, Pa. REV. J. LEO BARLEY. Frederick T. Short 256 Baltimore, Md. REV. JEAN RIBEYRON, CONGREGATIONAlJ PARTICIPATION IN WCRSHIP San Francisco, Calif. REV. F. T. WALTER, Pattl Bentley 257 St. Francis. Wise. REV. JOSEPH VILLANI. S. C.• PARISH BULLETIN OF ST. SYLVESTER'S San Francisco. Cal. REV. P. H. SCHAEFERS. CHURCH, CHICAGO, GIVES INSTRUCTION Cleveland. Ohio. IN MUSIC 258 REV. H. GRUENDER. S.J.• St. Louis. Mo. SR. M. CHERUBIM, O.S.F. OUR 1\1:USIC THIS MONTH 266 Milwaukee. Wise. SR. M. GISELA. S.S.N.D., Milwaukee. Wise. QUESTION AND ANSWER Box SR. M. RAFAEL, B.V.M•• Dom Gregory Hugle, O.S.B. 275 Chicago. Ill. M. MAURO-COTTONE. New York. N. Y. COMMUNICATIONS 278 ELMER A. STEFFEN, Indi.anapolis, Ind. LOUIS VIERNE RICHARD KEYS BIGGS, Hollywood, Cal. Dom Adelard Bouvilliers, O.S.B. 279 MARTIN G. DUMLER. M. M.. Cincinnati, O. JOSEPH J. McGRATH. THE MORAL INFLUENCE OF MUSIC AND ITS Syracuse. N. Y. USE IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION ROLAND BOISVERT. Michigan City. Ind. Rol,and Boisvert 288 W. A. HAMMOND. Fort Wayne, Ind. FROM PRE-TUDOR TIMES 289 ARTHUR C. BECKER. Chicago, Ill. FREDERICK T. SHORT, Brooklyn. N. Y. ACHILLE P. BRAGERS, • New York. N. Y. Contents of each issue, Copyright. 1936 Next Issue Will Appear in August Published by McLAUGHLIN & REILLY CO., 100 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. 252 THE CAECILIA CURRENT COMMENTS NO ISSUE IN JULY INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS The next appearance of THE CAECILIA A most interesting Congress will be held will he during the first week of August, and from September 4 to 8 at Frankfort by the it will embrace the annual dedication to an International Society of Church Music. The outstanding American Catholic Church choirs of Munich Cathedral and of the Musician. Watch for it, and remember there Frankfort Cecilia Association will sing, and is no July number published due to the clos­ notable organists of Germany, Switzerland. ing of choirs and schools during this month. France, Belgium and other countries win give recitals. -e- -e- The Society of St. Gregory of America, On May 5th, Mrs. J. W. Glenn, Organist held a Convention in Newark, N. J., May of St. Michael's Church, Collyer, Kansas, 28th to 30th. The programs included Sol­ observed her 73rd birthday. Almost 47 of emn Pontifical Mass at St. Patrick's Ca.. these years have been devoted to service at thedral, followed by Busine3s Meetings of the church organ. the Society. Papers read treated of "The Use of Polyphonic Music and Modern -.- Music in the Liturgical Services," "Chant In Perusal of the first CAECILIA (1874) the Schoo}," "The Problem of Changing every now and then reminds us of the high Boys' Voices," "The Organ in the Liturgical purposes and prominent supporters which Services," "Methods in the Teaching of the late John Singenberger had in his work Music in Parochial Schools",.......each Paper for Catholic Church Music. Even today being followed by a demonstration by a church musicians boast of the fact when choir. On the evening of the 29th a Con.. they are able to say that they studied with cert was given displaying the varieties of John Singenberger. In addition to the fine church music in various combinations of library of music which Prof. Singenherger voices. The Saturday Mass was Chanted made available through THE CAECILIA, by 6500 children, with the supplementary his work as a teacher was of great influence offertory being sung by 600 high school stu.. in this country when few thought about dents in three part harmony. A more com.. liturgical music. plete notice of this Convention will be found The first magazine devoted to Catholic in a later'issue of THE CAECILIA, as this Church Music, the first "White List," the issue was printed during the progress of the first Society for the promotion of liturgical functions. music,,.......these are but a few of the important contributions made by John Singenberger. -.- His "Organ School" and "Melodeon Play.. PIUS X SCHOOL SUMMER COURSES ing," his choir books "The Cantate," and The Pius X School of Liturgical Music. "Laudate Dominum" were by far the best will again conduct Courses at the Academy works of their type published in his day. of the Sacred Heart, in Newton, Mass., be... His Masses and Motets are still in use, and ginning August 12th, and ending August as years go on we firmly believe that John 29th. In addition to the regular courses, Singenberger will become enshrined as the this year a Model School will be conducted, greatest name in American Catholic church illustrating the application of the new "Tone music of the past generation. Certainly and Rhythm Series" to the early grades. there are no educated musicians today who Other courses will be conducted simul.. deny the soundness of his music, or his taneously in Detroit, Rochester and St. pedagogy. Louis. The Diocesan Summ.er School in -e-· Peoria, III., will include this course, from June 29th to August 3rd. Rev. Benedict Ehmann, A.B., Ph.B., pro... Early registration will be appreciated so fessor of Chant at St. Andrews Seminary, that organization of classes may be planned. Rochester, N. Y., and member of the faculty Address the Secretary, Pius X School of at Pius X School, N. Y., was the speaker Liturgical Music, 133rd St. and Convent on Music, at the Catholic Educational Con.. Avenue, New York, N. Y. vention in New York City April 14 to 16. THH CABCILIA 253 Father Ehmann's subject was "High School dicate to Singers, the proper point of view Courses in Sacred Music, and in Music Ap~ for Catholic church musicians. preciation," presented as a Lecture, followed Hymns and motets from the pen of mod~ by Discussion. ern composers and some of the favorite old -e-·- classics appear regularly in this periodical. A few pages of Organ music, 'and parts of WEEKLY PUBLIC APPEARANCES OF Masses also are included during the year to ST. JOHN SEMINARY CHOIRS round out a repertoire that is complete for IN BOSTON all I)'ractical purposes. Whether for mixed, Each Sunday the students of St. John's men's, or ladies' choir, THE CAECILLi\ Seminary are divided into choirs, one to music will be found useful and approved by sing at the Seminary services, one to sing th,e various authorities on liturgical music. at the CathedraL at St. Cecilia's Church, -e­ and for Sunday afternoon at St. Clem,ent's COURBOIN PLAYS WIDOR Church, and possibly a Catholic Truth Hour Bel~ con~ Dr. Charles M. Courboin, eminent Radio period. Each choir has its own gian organist, plays part of a Widor sym~ ductor, and as a result of such weekly public phony dedicated to him, on his regular appearances, fine progress is being made WOR "Recital Hall" program. The com,., musically by the students. In addition to plete Widor work had its debut with the becoming familiar with the repertoire of full Philadelphia Orchestra under Stokow~ Gregorian chants, the best polyphonic, and ski, Dr. Courboin soloist, in 1919. Organist modern music is learned. Hence when the of Notre Dam,e College in his native Ant~ singers become Parish priests by their own werp at the age of twelve, he achieved high,., experience they will have an appreciation of est honors at Brussels Conservatory under the best church music, and thus be able to Mailly, Gavaert, and Blockx; won Interna,., help parish choirs select and render appro... tional Organ Prize and was organist of Ant~ priate music. The public at large, already werp Cathedral at eighteen. In America have noticed the recent artistic improve... since 1904 he has an amazing record of re~ ments in tone and interpretation of these citals played and positions held. The Cath,., choirs, heard through the Radio broadcasts, olic Church in Ry.e now has him domiciled and the large attendance at the Sunday though hardly domesticated. Decorated by afternoon Conferences at St. Clemenfs the Belgian ambassador with the Order of Church, in addition to the usual Mass can"" The Crown of Belgium in 1920, he was re... gregations. cently given the honorary degree of Doctor~ Recent music from THE CAECILIA of,..,Music by Temple University of Phil~ which has been sung by one or more of these choirs, includes Father Walter's "Laudate adelphia.-The Musician, April, 1936. Dominum," and Father Barley's "Jubilate Dea." Other numbers include Singenber~ LITTLE CHUTE,-.-WISCONSIN ger's "Oremus pro Pontifice," Singenber~ St. John's Parish 100 Years Old ger's ··Jubilate Deo," McDonough's "Can~ tate Domino," McDonough's "0 Rex Most Rev. Paul Peter Rhode, will pontifi,..
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