25A. Right to education.— The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to six- teen years in such manner as may be determined by law. Section 9 of the Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010 (10 of 2010), inserted a new Art. 25A, after Art. 25 of the Constitution, (w.e.f. April 19, 2010). Marking the Global Action Stocktaking for Education in Political Mani- Week for Education festoes -What was promised by the politi- April 23-29, 2017 cians & what has been achieved - a reference document by Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA)for citizens’ conversations on RTE/25 A Political Parties Manifestos for Education (2013) 0 25A. Right to education.—The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law. Section 9 of the Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010 (10 of 2010), inserted a new Art. 25A, after Art. 25 of the Constitution, (w.e.f. April 19, 2010). "Stocktaking for Education in Political Manifestoes -What was promised by the politicians & what has been achieved - a reference document by Idara-e-Taleem-o- Aagahi (ITA) for citizens’ conversations on RTE/25 A Marking the Global Action Week for Education April 23-29, 2017 Global Action Week for Education (GAWE), April 23-29, is an international annual cam- paign to raise awareness of the importance of education to achieve sustainable devel- opment and the commitments made by all to reach the global education goal by 2030; for each country, it is also a reminder about their fundamental constitutional right to education. http://en.unesco.org/events/global-action-week-gaw-education-2017 GAWE 2017’s theme is ‘Accountability for SDG 4 and Citizen Participation’ highlighting the importance of transparent, accountable and participatory governance for delivering on the full SDG 4 agenda. ITA promotes the GAWE campaign in Pakistan through its Education Youth Ambassadors as active citizens participating in education stocktaking through the political parties manifestoes, pushing for relevant policy making and moni- toring progress. Political Parties Manifestos for Education (2013) 1 Stocktaking, Review, Analysis &Advocacy - The Political Rhetoric & Reality Right to Education & Education Youth Ambassadors Mobilization by ITA Living up to Article 25 A as a Fundamental Constitutional Right! “ .. “ Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) has been engaged in mobilizing Education Youth Ambassadors (EYAs) across the country for tracking the Right to Education or Article 25 A through its social movements viz., ASER and the Children’s Literature Festivals With the General Elections in 2018 just 12 months away, it is important to stocktake on what the political parties promised to its voters /citizens. ITA’s RTE Teams have been researching on what the promises were and where does the reality stand inorder to equip EYAs to launch an advocacy drive in their neighborhoods, districts and indeed through their own platforms. We hope that this information will help them focus on concrete challenges of education that need to be addressed; we also hope that what has been fulfilled by various parties shall also be highlighted based on evidence gathered at all levels. The analysis has been drawn thematically across the major parties followed by what is actually presented on education commitments in manifestos of the specific parties. Political Parties Manifestos for Education (2013) 2 ANP MQM PML-N PML-Q PPP PTI JI • Drawing • Danish • Will build plans to school a moni- refurbish s shall tored and school be set account- build- up in able net- ings, all work of provision prov- primary of safe inces. and sec- drinking • Com- ondary • Develop • Carry out water, puter schools online a survey wa- labs • Will en- learning, of make- shrooms, shall sure basic virtual shift boun- be es- facilities class- schools, • Special pro- dary tab- in existing rooms & ‘onpaper’ gram to walls & lished schools. electronic institu- modernize & security in all • Rebuild- training tions and update gov- Facility arrange- the _ ing centers. degraded ernment sec- range- govern schools • Estab- facilities in tor colleges ments. ern- bombed lishment order to for mear • Province ment by terror- of public upgrade term impact. shall high ists. libraries at facilities supply school • Upgrad- district & and stan- free s in the ing sec- tehsil lev- dardize books, first ondary el. quality. uniforms phase. schools to & trans- • ‘Read- higher port fa- ing cul- secondary cilities. cul- schools. • Estab- ture’ • Each dis- lishing a will be trict must network pro- have a ACCESS of public moted college. libraries, by de- Political Parties Manifestos for Education (2013) 3 including velop- digital ing li- libraries. braries at na- tional, pro- vincial and district levels. • Enrol- • In con- • Drawing on ment of sulta- the success • Assist the children tion of the Pun- provinces between with jab free in achiev- the age 5 the schooling ing univer- • Special to 16 prov- innovation sal enrol- incentives years be inces, during ment by will be launched initiate 2002-2007, 2018. (In- given to at mas- legisla- all efforts crease • Achieve students sive scale tion to shall be school 100% literacy Enrollment in remote - both by provide made to en- enrollment within next 5 districts the gov- a road force the &lower years to en- ernment, map for fundamen- dropout hance the civil achiev- tal right of rates) enroll- society ing free and • Raise ment and es- 100% compulsory Adult lite- pecially enroll- education racy rate NGOs. ment for children from 54% • Introduce up to age 5-16 in to 85%. an evalu- the all provinces Political Parties Manifestos for Education (2013) 4 ation sys- middle tem, to level sustain and the 80% growth of univer- literacy sal lite- and racy standard and of educa- strive tion and to meet to ensure the minimal target dropout of rate and ‘Educa- no cor- tion for poral pu- All nishment (EFA)’ to the and students. ‘Millen- len- nium Devel- opment Goals (MDGs) ’ re- lated to educa- tion within the given time frame. Political Parties Manifestos for Education (2013) 5 • Incen- tives will be offered to girls to re- duce • Eliminate the gender • Actively en- drop- disparities gage in out rate in educa- closing the at pri- tion at the education • Merit & mary primary gender gap • Focus on need level by and sec- • Focus on Girls & through Girls Educa- based provid- ondary le- Education behavior tion. scholar- ing vels, espe- (Double num- Gender Based Priority - change • Establishing ships will missing cially by ber of Girls communica- separate be availa- facili- providing High Schools tion to sports facili- ble for girl ties in incentives in 5 years). make edu- ties for girls. students schools for girls to cating a girl and enroll in an accepta- free school and ble social text vocational norm. books, institu- offering tions. incen- tives, espe- cially for girls. • Special Educating People with educa- - - - - - - Disability tion in- stitu- Political Parties Manifestos for Education (2013) 6 tions shall be ex- panded to ena- ble spe- cial children to at- tend schools. • Will • Present • A uni- • Strive to work to dual sys- form first di- elimi- tem of system minish nate education of edu- and then • A uniform multiple be ab- cation remove system of systems olished, will be • Through the qua- • Adult Litera- education of edu- not to de- intro- equity based litative cy: PTI will fo- will be in- cation grade the duced targets, im- gap be- cus on illite- troduced to that pro- privately step by prove affor- tween rate adults in alleviate tect and managed step to dability & public the 15 – 30 gap be- perpe- institu- minim- accessibility, and pri- age bracket tween pub- Equity tuate tions, but ize the give focus to vate and invest re- lic & private class to upgrade prob- the margi- school- sources to systems. and the Urdu lems nalized and ing. provide func- • Financial feudal medium arising create a sus- • Ensure tional literacy aid for bril- inter- public sec- from tainable greater to them liant stu- ests. tor educa- the mul- education transpa- • Stipend for dents from • Will de- tional insti- tiplicity system. rency poor students poor fami- bureau- tutions. of sys- and ac- lies. cratize • Grants and tems. counta- and de- scholarship • Educa- bility in central- will be pro- tion En- educa- ize edu- vided to dow- tion at Political Parties Manifestos for Education (2013) 7 cational such bril- ment the na- gover- liant stu- Funds tional, nance dents (for shall be provin- and students set up in cial and work who come all prov- district towards from finan- inces to levels. eliminat- cially). award • Ensure ing polit- merit that the ical in- scholar- learning terfe- ships to needs of rence poor all young and cor- and people ruption needy and in the stu- adults educa- dents are met tion sec- for through tor. higher equitable educa- access to tion. educa- tion • Will work • Measures • A vision • Put an Khud Mukhtar on a sin- be taken 2025 for end to Pakistani – One gle sys- to drasti- Pakis- the Education Sys- tem cally re- tan’s abuse of tem which vise the educa- the edu- • Urdu and/or • Curriculum meets in- syllabi of tion sys- cational local languag- reform – to QUAL Curricu- terna- the public tem curricu- es as medium include the IT lum/Syllabus/System - tional sector shall be lum by of instruction, element of Y Reform stan- and Urdu formu- remov- in all schools religious dards medium lated. ing hate, up to grade-8. education. • Curricu- schools The vi- violence • Grade 8-10 lum for a uni- sion and ref- will be transi- reform - form syl- aims at erences tion years dur- purify labi in all trans- to mili- ing which Political Parties Manifestos for Education (2013) 8 curricu- the edu- forming tancy.
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