· , ". .'.":\(. '" h.~·._. The AMICA News Bulletin Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Association EDWIN WARD, Publisher 191 Riverview Drive (419) 849-2616 Woodville, Ohio 43469-9745 Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Association, a PUBLICATION DEADLINES FOR 1989 non-profit group devoted to the restoration, distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated paper music rolls, AMICA was For January/fubruary issue ................ .. December 15 founded in San Francisco in 1963. For March/April issue fubruary 15 For May/June issue. ......................... .. April 15 For July/August issue. ........................ .. June 15 For September/October issue. ................ .. August 15 For November/December issue. .............. .. October 15 CHAPTER OFFICERS FOUNDING CHAPTER IOWA Pres: Rob Thomas Pres: Rex Fritts Vice Pres: Bill Wherry Vice Pres: Leland Zimmerline Treas: Elmer & Lou Klein SecD"reas: Ed Pousch ADVERTISING Rep: Nadine Moto-Ross Reporter: Al Johnson Classified: W¢ per word, $3.00 minimum for members. Sec: Jack & Dianne Edwards Non-members may advertise at twice the above rate, $6.00 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOSTON AREA minimum. Pres: Frank Nix Pres: Judy Welsh Vice Pres: Lloyd Osmundson Vice Pres: Michael Potash • See Bulletin Deadlines on this page. Payment must Sec/Rep: Shirley Nix Sec: Bill Koenigsberg accompany order. Make checks payable to: Treas: Ken Hodge Treas: Philip Konop AMICA INTERNATIONAL. Reporter: Donald Brown • Checks or money orders from advertisers in foreign coun­ TEXAS NORTHERN LIGHTS tries must be drawn on a U.S. Bank. Pres: Ken Long Pres: Dorothy aids Vice Pres: Richard Tonnesen Vice Pres: Jerrilyn Boehland Display Advertising SeclTreas: Janet Tonnesen Sec: Tim Wheat Full Page 7V2"xlO" $120.00 Rep: Richard Smith Treas: Robert & Katheryn Dumas Half Page 7Y2"x4%" 60.00 Reporter: Tim Wheat 5 Quarter Page 3 / S"x4%" 30.00 MIDWEST SIERRA-NEVADA Business Card 2"x3lh" $20.00 Pres: Liz Barnhart Pres: Bob Patton Vice Pres: Barry & Bennet Leedy Vice Pres: Richard Riley • Each photograph or half-tone $8.00. Sec: John Fischer SeclTreas: Gail Shinn • See Bulletin deadlines on this page. Treas: Alvin Wulfekuhl Reporter: Julie Riley & Bob Patton Reporter: Margaret Frazer • We recommend display advertisers supply camera-ready copy. Copy that is oversized or undersized will be changed PHILADELPHIA AREA CHICAGO AREA Pres: Paul Dietz Pres: Rob Deland to correct size at your cost. We can prepare your adver­ Vice Pres: Dave Charrier Vice Pres: Barry Schultz tisement from your suggested layout at cost. Sec: Bob Rosencrans Sec: Fred Plank • Payment must accompany order. Typesetting, layout or size Treas: Bob Taylor Treas: Joe Pekarek Reporter: Mel Septon alteration charges will be billed separately. Make checks Rep: Joan Pollitt payable to: AMICA INTERNATIONAL. SOWNY (Southern Ontario, HEART OF AMERICA Western NY) Pres: Charles Tyler • Checks or money orders from advertisers in foreign coun­ Pres: Gary Lemon Vice Pres: Gerold Koehler tries must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Vice Pres: Jim Barley SeclTreas: Kay Bode Sec: Janie McCleary Reporter: Willa Daniels • All ads will appear on the last pages of the Bulletin at the Treas: Edie Aldridge discretion of the publisher. Rep: Mike Walter Publication of business advertising in no way implies AMICA's ROCKY MOUNTAIN SOUTHEAST AREA: endorsement of any commercial operation. However, AMICA Pres: Larry Kerecman Pres: David Oppenheim reserves the right to refuse any ad that is not in keeping with Vice Pres: Owanah Wick Vice Pres: John Daly AMICA's general standards or if complaints are received in­ Rep: Don Wick Secretary: Wayne Fisher dicating that said business does not serve the best interests Sec: Art Tarr Reporter: Wayne Fisher Treas: Art Tarr Treasurer: Don Winter of the members of AMICA according to its goals and bylaws. LADY LIBERTY GATEWAY Pres: Alan Lightcap Pres: Roger Wiegand . Single back issues of the Bulletin Vice Pres: Paul Ciancia Vice Pres: Deane Wiley are available from the Publisher Sec: Michelle Pollitt Sec:rreas: Carole Wiley for $3.00 each. Treas: John Ellems Reporter: Jean Milburn Rep: Dennis Valente AMICA International INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS AMICA CONVENTION PRESIDENT Ron Connor (501) 636-1749 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Route 4, Rogers, AR 72756 August 24-27, 1989 PAST PRESIDENT Terry Smythe (204) 832-3982 -*- 55 Rowand Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3J 2N6 VICE PRESIDENT Robert W. Taylor MBSI CONVENTION (314) 875-6111 TEANECK, NEW JERSEY 2508 Cimarron Dr., Columbia, MO 65203 SECRETARY Mel Septon August 30 - Sept. 4, 1989 (312) 679-3455 9045 North Karlov, Skokie, IL 60076 • Do you wish to become a member of AMICA? TREASURER Larry Norman Write to Membership Secretary. (213) 538-9461 Annual fee for U.S. members .............. .. $22 17700 Avalon Blvd. #295, Carson, CA 90746 Canada and Mexico (air) $28 PUBLISHER Robin Pratt Other non-U.S. countries (surface) $28 (419) 626-1903 New and lapsed members add processing fee. .. $ 5 515 Scott Street, Sandusky, OH 44870 • Has your address changed? MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Valerie Anderson Write to Membership Secretary. New memberships Home (803) 791-1487 • Do you have a contribution for the Bulletin? P,O. Box 172, Columbia, SC 29202 All subjects of interest to readers of the Bulletin are en­ BOARD REPRESENTATIVES couraged and invited by the Publisher. Every attempt will Founding Chapter: Gene McGraw be made to publish all articles of general interest to AMICA Southern California: Mary Lilien members at the earliest possible time and at thediscretion Texas: Richard Tonneson Midwest: Vincent Ricca of the publisher. See Bulletin deadlines on previous page. Philadelphia Area: Bob Rosencrans SOWNY: Jan Drewniak AMICA International News Bulletin Rocky Mountain: Larry Kerecman Lady Liberty: John DeParis Volume 26 Number 1 January/February 1989 Iowa: Alvin Johnson CONTENTS Boston Area: Sanford Libman Features Northern Lights: Tom Olds QRS Autograph Roll Master List - Part 1 3 Sierra·Nevada: Ray Bauer AMICA Boston - 1989 " 8 Chicago Area: Jim Edwards Heart of America: Ron Bopp Bulletin Contributions on Disc ? " 9 Southeast Area: John O'Laughlin Honorary Member List ......................... .. 10 Gateway: Roger Wiegand AMICA Regulations " 12 Put Another Thousand In '. 13 COMMITTEES The Life & Work of Ernest M. Skinner " 15 TECHNICAL, Harold Malakinian Beware the Buyer· Final Episode 16 2345 Forest Trail Dr., Troy, MI48098 Duo-Art Piano Rolls From the Aeolian Files .. ,,..... .. 17 Ossip Gabrilowitsch ,.," 18 ARCHNES, Bob Rosencrans 300 Former Patients Attend 51. Rose Reunion 20 109 Cumberland Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Double Grand Piano " 20 PUBUCATIONS, Robin Pratt Eugene O'Neill Player Piano ,.................... .. 21 515 Scott Street, Sandusky, OH 44870 Play It Again George ,.................. .. 22 AUDIO-VISUAL, Harold Malakinian In Memoriam - Edward L. Linotti ................." 25 2345 Forest Trail Dr., Troy, MI 48098 More About The Future of Paper Rolls 26 BBS News 33 CONVENTION COORDINATOR, Uz Barnhart 919 Lantern Glow Trail, Dayton, OH 45431 Origins of the Duo-Art - Part II 34 The Coupled Motions of Piano String ........ .. " 35 HONORARY MEMBERS, Dorothy Bromage Electric Reproducing Pianos - The Duo-Art " 40 157 School Street, Gorham, ME 04038-1026 Mal~ian Update " 44 AFFILIATED SOCIETIES & ORGANIZATIONS- Departments See May/June 1988 issue for addresses AMICA International 1 The Player Piano Group (England) President's Comer 2 The North West Player Piano Association (England) Rolls & Music " 14 Netherlands Mechanical Organ Society - KDV Book Reviews, 15 Australian Collectors of Mechanical Musical Instruments People " 18 Dutch Pianola Association News From the Chapters ....................... .. 27 Society of Friends of Mechanical Musical Instruments (Germany) Technicalities .......................... '. 34 Smithsonian Institution Classified Ads 46 DISCLAIMER: Acceptance of articles for publication in the AMICA News Cover: Ossip Gabrilowitsch and Cyrena Van' Gordon aboard the Bulletin does not imply a guarantee of the accuracy of the facts contained 5.5. Leviathan, 1927. From the collection of Bill Knorp. in any article, nor an endorsement of an author's recommendation. -1- The President's Corner ••• I recently received the sad said it would be for two years and he has kept his word. It is news of the passing of foun­ a very demanding job and takes a lot of time and Ed feels he ding member Ed Linotti. I had needs time for some other things. He leaves the Bulletin in good not personally known Ed long, shape and much of what he has set up will no doubt be con­ having met him at last year's tinued for a long time to come. Thanks, Ed, for ajob well done. convention. He gave an ex­ cellent program on early Our new publisher is Robin Pratt. He is no newcomer to phonographs, a subject in AMICA, having joined in 1967. I have been told he introduced which I have some interest. I Molly Yeckley to the reproducing piano. Robin also lives in Ohio, found him knowledgeable and not far from Ed Ward, which should help make the transition friendly, willing to share information and easy to talk to. I felt from one publisher to the other go smoothly. I am confident I had made a new friend and now he is gone. He has left the that he will be another in the line of excellent publishers that scene at much too early an age and will be greatly missed by AMICA has been fortunate to enjoy and your Board overwhelm­ AMICA. ingly approved him. I am looking forward with enthusiasm to the next issue, Robin's first. This issue of the Bulletin marks the last one that will be produced by our present publisher Ed Ward. Ed has done a great Sincerely, job during his tenure and has produced a bulletin of which this organization can be very proud. When he took the job Ed Ron ******************************~*********************** ********************* TELLING IT LIKE IT IS My "contract" with the late Molly Yeckley was for two vide a Bulletin with greater content. Let's continue on tbis years. Time goes fast when you're havin' fun. Molly also ex­ positive note with our new Publisher.
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