'uorl?urqluo3 'qJrrIA 'Jo^o^\oq 'oJe orD ourJap ol e^ras u-rua{ul ueq.r sJalJuJ?qJJo Jaqumu ? eJorll ' ,dr\or8 aDuotJtL v,, eqt saugap f,lanbnm qcrq.tr raF?Jpqc p.€oloqfuour elEurs ? fJusepr 01 eroq Iqlssoo ueeq lou sErl l\ DIJDJVlo uo\l?)rJlssElc ew Jo 1(er^eJe^rsueqsronJoJ ? Jo acuasq€ eql uI '(286I) , elpadT urlspl{ur ue,rr8eru qrlq \ esoq}eJ?ldor ?1ep eseq ExEl peqrrcsep ,tpnor,rerd :oJ :saroads 'seSusJ rp?3 Jeprm pessnJsrp am suonnqulsrq JIr{d3.6oaE palcr4ser ,{le^rFler e^€q lsour oJeg \ sll?Jlsnv ualsadt 01 pernJxoc elu dnoIS er0 Jo selceds aql (,fiolujeJ uaquoN prru urlerlsnv r nos ur palculser ,{yprlqduJSoe? sr qcq^\) rrp./Dpld'V p.g.e(se1P.ts, puuFr?lu IIe ur smc)o qxry^) aouoi1t^'V 'euoz 'V ro3 ldecxg puv wII€.qsnV eq1 ur ,(pmru mmo dno.6 aayoi4^ 6r{l Jo selJads eql 'CllenI''I'{ 'V'ulnoIDDlDlrnbaDn 'V DllKqdolt?uorls'VprnaqsvIIDEaDwDrrDw V'e'r)seqlesyprlP.'JqDtJolt(d 'qlueg pue CII?nIAI'drrrSuopDrd'V Vm ^Ial.lqlqn uapml lDnDKllxrd y o'r) sorll€slr puu xo'lleq^I { 'Aou'dsullsgl,lllDlJluotqJuk'V DuDKDunu'Vo'lpF4elaJ,{lesolc lsotu sr alno tA s\rL'r4luegaDuolrr,r'Vpup "Aou'ds 'V "lprrlN'tpaisdwap urlsEtrAlzarruDc.t V'palllrpJfupd'y\4uoqotsaoconqS V "JrlsEjN 'V DllolipdsnJ'V'^ov'dsutlsqqoato otlt y'^ou'als ullsuj IDpDlJouDqdDV'^ott'dsuqset[!.tpuDxalo :eJBiInoJBsrqlolpau8lsspser3eals0Ieql',drtoJ8aDuoJttLDtmJV,,aqls?{llpruJoJnlolpexeJareJaq elB 'seAD€IaJssolJ o^g qlllil JarDo?ol'esJr0 puP pJqrJJsJp eJe sJrJJiIs wlJurlsnv Iualsa'l![ ,{Laue^rg 'srlsrlsnv Jo ?Jold eql ro!')q aDaalpollttl d uogses aDaarpo,Jl,{42rsnueEqns rrrrry Jo uoll?JEderd eql 'qtuag tlll1l\pelmuuoc sorpqsJo llnser aql sI sallp sll pln rr\toJsllDrmJV lo lmoJJP Sullt\olloJ:r{J uoIfJnpoJluI 'pel€xlsnlp e.rudno.6 eq13o sercedsly'UerryN'grra$dwap'yro;ua.t6sruoqdrnsapllnJ?pw'pwlnpthptd V roJpeqrrcsep er€ sarun3a'I rltueg aDuopt^ y rcpun uox?l clJlreds?4ul rr? sE pecptd Je$eq e^oJd ,(tetsuqF 'y'u-{s) deur 1nqpelelsqar sl (uluro( uou'.{la{plg T uaprell Jadr.rgrlS ultuoc nrsancocnnlSnnocy 'DDMoJqJuKs'Vprv 'y'Dpolcouoqdo 'V'!.tpuoxap DuDluD{.tV'oacDlt,rlt y',{leurBu',yreus€paqlJJsap 'srlu.r]snv 'serceds ',,dno:EazuolJr(olJDJv,,luwJoJul e.rE rr]atsa,!!|luo.g IIP es3q13oearg aql EulslJaluoJ serceds0I eqrolpelueserdsr.{oIV (266I ) 60€-982:(Z)8 ers't(r\N'QDauooll{tlJuollces:*eplosourw '9 'd 'ulIsqAI :eusouurnSel) sercedspe1u1e.I puu aolrotc!^Dlmiv Jo tr\ar^ad {rrulla3sll I EIJEJV g lf,Brlsqv z919 slteqsnvulsFola'oiuoJ tolod 'uetue8Bupl,{prrs_l pueuou?NesuoJJo lu3urUecbo'unueqraH ueIIeJ$nV ualsert\ r!ls?I^I'u g (anaupo11tt14uollras :aeaplosorullI :aesoulun8a-I)saltads '9 palBlal puB aoyolcl^ DlxDxvlo n6.a!^au ,tuu11arsg41epury (266I) 60€-E8Z:(d8elqrnN 286 Nut'tsiaVol. 8,No.2 (1992) group, however, not all speciespossess all the characters.Although none ofthe charactersis unique to the group, two of the more importantones, namely, spinosestipules ald medial peduncularbracts, are infrequent elsewhere in subgenusPhyllodineae- 1. Stipules. Spinose stipules are seemingly presentin all members of the group, although in A. alemndri, A.apha ocladd aj|,dA.glaucocaesiarhey areratherpoorly developed. The stipulesare often prominent on youngplants but arecommonly absentwitl age. Onbiologically matue plantsoften only the stipule bascs rcmain ard are representedby a pair of blunt protruberancesat the base of the phyllodes; sometimeseven the protruberancesare lacking. Spinose stipules occur elsewherein section Phyllodineae,but at a ratler low frequency, e.g. A.congestaBenth., A. paradom DC., A. xerophila W.Fitzg. They also occur in odrer sectionsof subgenusPlyl/odlreae, namely, the Alatae (A. alata R.Br-), Plurinemes (in A. unguicula Cowan & Maslin and at least thee undescibed speciesfrom W.A.) ar'd Pulchellae (A. anarthros MasIin and Arairii ssbsp.r ecunistipula Maslit\)- Spinosestipules occur in all speciesof subgenusAcacia (where they are often very well developed)but in subgenusAculey'erurz they areseemingly absent (although the stipulesat mature nodesot A. couryeriBerth. ex A.Gray from Mexico are somewhatspirose). 2. Peduncularbracts. A minute bmct occus nearor abovethe middle of the pedunclein all speciesof the group; *re base of the pedunclesis ebracteate.Although this supra-basalbract is caducous(it is bcst observedon very young inflorescences)its scarcan usually be obsewedon at least some matureflowering peduncles of all speciesexcept A. aphanoclada. Peduncularbracts are common elsewherein subgenusPlyllodineae but they are usually located at the base of the peduncle. Solitary bracts situatednear or above the middle of t}le peduncle are "A. uncommonbut do occur in a few speciesof sectionPlyllodi neaebesldcs lhe yictoride group", e.E. somemembers of the A. deltoideaEro\rp (lide Cowan & Maslir 1990),A. dentiferaBenth.,A. nodiflora Benth. Similarbracts occur al so in subgen:usAculeiferum (e.g. A. tamarindifolidWilld. nd A. paniculata Willd. from SouthAmerica) andin afew spcciesof subgenusA cacia(e.8.A. biacicularls S. Watsonand A. glandulifera S.Watson from Mexico). "A. 3. Other charactersof lhe yictoriae" srouo. "A. Speciesof the victoriae gro:up"are assigned to scctionPhyllotlineae on accountof their globular flower-headsand 4-nerved phyllodes. When the phyllodesare flat, which is the usual condition, there is a nerve along eachmargin and one on eachface; when terete (A. pickardii) the nervesre equatly spacedaround the lamina. The nervesare sometimessubmerged and thus seemingly absent. Other characterscommonly encounteredin speciesof the group are the following: tall shrubsor smalltrees (except for A. ryaniana wlich is t prostrate);brarchlets oftenpruinose, glabrous (sometimes hary rnA.pickardii u\d A. victor iqe)', phyllode apices commonly irmocuous (pungentinA. aphanoclada, A. cuspidtfoliq,A. plc,tardii and sometimesA. delnpsteri);pedunclescommonly twimed, eitherwithin axils of phyllodes or along a racemeaxis, their baseebracteate: inJlorescences commonly initiatcd on onaotomnlS y g '"" ' (e{PIsnV 'pelcFlser) 't-S'I 'spr^\ ruelse \ lueururordlou quprur = / :l rurutl-r(S)'Suollur 9'Z-9'Isopo[.{qd:pore^\ou-oS-gtspeeH'6 'gg-g aDuolJt\,v'0I (pBardsepr.{)luau[uo;d raqle: quplu = .tr:1 'epr,,n '6 urur1y-7'Suoy ruc g1-g scpoyldqd :pcrc,^ oU-09-0Z spuag JopualssalJunped 'g :pere,roU-09>spEarl :o^oqE sEpomquoJ lou s.rtlJuJuqJapol,{q4 '" " DAJAID|J V t tsngor selcunped:pere.roU-06-09 spEeq:ueerE 'esruar-qns ol esnlar'3pl\\ urru (tE)SZ-OI sapofl.{qd '8 Suoyuur g1-9 selarmped:asouacer fpueuluopa:il '/ ro IF,{ll€nsn se3ueJserouxr:,rollaf, elBdot ot$.r FuEerc speeH 's (8uol ruc t> uer{lr?aull Jr) o^oqu sBlou sopoll,{qd " " " " ""-" 'polJulsar) upumap V'I (BIIBISnVuralsal& apl^\ unu 8-t '9 saum8al:asoum?r lou saJuecserol]ur:pEeq €d 08-09 sJe^\ol{ 'o1" aDuo|slnv (ppeJdsaplr)opr,r ruru 9I-6 saum8al:asoruaJuJ '9 ,{1}ueururoperdro IIB secuacsorouxr:pEeq red O'-SI sre/dolC 'g unerr spEar{:8uolruJ t< IIB Io aruosONv JBeull+ sepoll.{qd JlelnuorJnu,{luoLuLuo.:'snonJolrul sJpolL,{r{d f lDJrdwdP V s ueploS speeq 'e1e1oecur1 :8uol ruru t> dsnc f,1.tro:reuol alplooJuBlsepo[dqd t o4oltpdsn y y ''"" .,'rol1adapd sp?eq:8uol 'elEloecuBlqo-Suolqo urur Z-I dsnc f,l/..orrcuol JEaurlsepo[.{qd i leIJ sepolldqd € '" 't np.tDlJrdV'L eleral sopoll.{qd 'Z tue8und sepoll.{qd .I 3uo1ucA1> sapo11fq4 .I DpDpouDIdDV'Z Euolruc A1< sapo11dq4 'y,, ,dnotB ao1.totc1,t eql Jo salJads ol da>l '( 'qued 'uop.rBC 'BIISJJSX'unuBqrell V'lA Jrmtog puu {J?d SEUIX)dX puB (V lA leuot8aa Erqlrd) u)IVx :3ur.,rro11o3oql .roJldacxe (186I) t'pe umrouBqraHxepul ut ua.uE sB aJBslJ€qJaq 'asr^\rsrllo JOJSuorlsr^arqqv pelPlssselun IBlJclBru unlJBqreq pelJp ruo4 er€ slueuleJnsBaullv sporIIrIl 'pedole^ep dlrcod ro luasq€.([[Ensn luu :paluour Jo oloe]?eql Jo uotEareq1 u1 o4ucc oql 1uaolle,{ dpotuuroc lnq >1cetqro ut^.otq'(t.tpuoxap'Vur sar.uqeluospu? rpDpouo\dD V :.lllerrrpntrguoDenbllqo otos.lo^sue! spees:leU ,{lFnsn'snoa3puEqcsewr.?el:(Dllolryrclsrlyur pelrmflq€up^) 33{ dll€nsnsFdes :f,rBIIrxE puu eldurs ruaddusacuacserogrn eqlJo uoluodord E tur4 os salctmpadauos Jo es€qel{l1E dololep ,{uu epo11,{qd ,{JepuoJasE lnq arr"rolJ!^ V prn DtsaDJoJnDlSV'DaJDllDqJ y'opolcouotldo yw uouluoJ 3JPseueJ?J 'srserpu" elutrrruJeFp ol Joud emluru dypnsn qcrq,rdsepolllqd tuno,( lo sIIXBaql ulqll/r.\$ooqs ^\au 'qlsu g^rrPFrsrt { nJFy t{-U t Nu)'tsiaVol.8,No.2 (1992) 7. Heads golden; inflorescencesall or mostly not racemose; peduncles10-30mm long 10.Phyllodes 3-6 cm long with l:w = 4-12, lanceolateto narrowly lanceolate;heads c. 10 mm diam. when dry; spinosestipules persistent 5. A. dempsteri 10.Phyllode 1-3 cm long, shapeotherwise; heads 5-7 mm diam. when dry 11.Shrubs 0.3 m tall, + prostmte;legumes cuwed; phyllodes 7-15 mm wide, 1:w = 1.2-3,midrib rather prominent; sphose slipulesusually persisten1.....,.......... 8.A. rydniana 11. Shrubsor trees 1-3(6)m tall; legumesstraight; phyllodes 1-8(13)mm wide,1:w = (2)3-7(14),midrib obscurc or abseni; 9. A. synchronicia Taxonomy 1. Acacia alexandri Maslin, sp. nov. (Figure 1) Frutices glabri 1.5-3 m alti. Stipulae spinosae,3-4 mn longae, graciles,plerumque nullae vel infrequentiaaetate provecta. Phyllodia linea.ria,augustata ad basim, (4)6- 13cm longa,2.5-6(9- 11) mm lata, ratione horum (8)15-50, non rigida, viridia, uninervata, penninervia. Inflorcscentiaevulgo simplices et in surculis juvenibus odentes,pedunculis vulgo 2 in quoquc axilla, 8-15 mm longis, gracilibus,bracteacaducaprope vel supermediumorienti, florurn capitulisglobularibus, cremeis, dense 60-80-floribus.Flores 5 -meri. Sepaladiscreta, anguste spathulata. Legumina arguste oblonga, ad 7 cm longa,7-8mm lata,chartacea, plana, super semina rotundata, Semina plerumque transversalia, globosa, circa 4 mm longa,nigricantia, circum pleurogrammaluteola, funiculo brevi, arillo depresso-clavato. Typ r: CapeRange, Western Australia, 29 August 1988,B.R. Maslin 6284(holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, K,MEL,NY,NSW). Open or moderatelydense slraDs 1.5-3m tall, sometimeswhispy, main stemsrather sletder. Bark dark grey ald sometimesirregularly fissured at baseof stems,smooth and greenishbrown higher up, red-brown to reddish or ycllow-green on brarchlets. Branchletssletder, teretebut slighdy anglcd at extremities, finely ribbed, slightly flexuose, glabrous.
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