June 18, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1087 Mr. Speaker, the importance of Kazakh oil And just as importantly, the golf-related ex- Frank’s enthusiasm for starting young peo- fields to the U.S. cannot blind us to President ercises are paired with The First Tee Life ple off on the right path led him to become the Nazarbayev’s ongoing assault against the lib- Skills program, through which young people first President/Manager of the Essexville- erties of the men and women of Kazakhstan. learn the importance of maintaining a positive Hampton Little League. He also was the origi- I call upon President Nazarbayev to live up to attitude, considering the consequences of their nal President of the Garber Athletic Associa- his stated commitments to human rights and decisions, setting and achieving objectives, tion. His eagerness for improving his commu- an independent media. And I call on this Ad- holding themselves to high standards, and ap- nity also prompted Frank to serve on the City ministration to press for a resumption of a free plying to their everyday lives values such as Commission and the City Planning Commis- press and tolerant government in Kazakhstan. responsibility, honesty, integrity, respect, con- sion in the 1960s. f fidence and sportsmanship. Naturally, the magnitude and longevity of One student in particular, Amber Davis, has Frank’s community service required the en- PERSONAL EXPLANATION been involved with The First Tee of Atlanta couragement and support of his family. Gloria, since April of 2000. Her dedication and enthu- Frank’s wife for 51 years, and their seven chil- HON. WILLIAM L. JENKINS siasm has helped her progress through the dren, Frank III, Thomas, Charles, David, OF TENNESSEE first three levels of The First Tee certification James, Beverly and Daniel also deserve our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES process. She has participated at both of The gratitude for having been an integral part of First Tee Life Skills and Leadership Acad- his efforts. Tuesday, June 18, 2002 emies at Kansas State University over the Finally, Mr. Speaker, I wish to applaud Mr. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I was not past two summers, and received the Renee Frank Davenport for his years of commitment present to cast my votes on rollcall votes 230, Powell Award for Female Leadership during to young people. He has served our commu- 231, and 232 on June 17, 2002. Had I been the inaugural academy. She currently spends nity well. I ask my colleagues to join me in ex- present, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on rollcalls her spare time volunteering as a mentor for 13 pressing thanks to Frank for his many years of 230, 231, and 232. of the young female participants in The First service and in wishing him the best in all fu- f Tee program. An accomplished golfer, she ture endeavors. has competed in several local, regional, state f THE FIRST TEE RESOLUTION and national tournaments and was the only TRIBUTE TO RABBI IRWIN GRONER freshman to make the golf team at Woodward HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER Academy in Atlanta. She credits The First Tee OF OHIO program with helping her to develop her HON. SANDER M. LEVIN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strong leadership skills. OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 18, 2002 Again, I am pleased to bring attention to The First Tee and am grateful for its work in Tuesday, June 18, 2002 Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, today I am in- our Nation’s communities. I ask for my col- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, on Thursday, June troducing a resolution recognizing the efforts leagues support and urge them to join me as 20 there will be a celebration of the 70th birth- of The First Tee, a youth character building or- a cosponsor of this resolution. day of Rabbi Irwin Groner and the 40th anni- ganization with programs located throughout f versary of his service to Congregation the country that provides young people of all Shaarey Zedek in Southfield, Michigan. backgrounds an opportunity to develop, FRANK H. DAVENPORT: A LIFE- Shaarey Zedek has a long and distin- through both the game of golf and character LONG ADVOCATE FOR PUBLIC guished history in the Detroit metropolitan education, values and character traits that will EDUCATION area. It has served as a spiritual home for positively impact their lives and experiences in tens of thousands of families, including my school. HON. JAMES A. BARCIA own beginning with my beloved grandparents The First Tee programs are community- OF MICHIGAN and so many others after their arrival from Eu- based and are implemented through a partner- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rope and continuing with our parents of ship of parents, civic and corporate leaders, Tuesday, June 18, 2002 blessed memory and their generation. state and local governments, youth-serving Rabbi Groner came to the leadership of agencies, schools, and the golfing community. Mr. BARCIA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Shaarey Zedek after the tragic death of Rabbi This week, President and Mrs. Bush are honor Frank H. Davenport as he prepares to Morris Adler. He continued, indeed deepened, hosting a conference at the White House on close the chapter on his 24 years of service the tradition of meeting the needs of individual the importance of character education to our as a member of the Essexville-Hampton Pub- spirituality and serving both the Jewish com- Nation’s youth. This resolution reflects the lic Schools Board of Education. Frank’s devo- munity and the broader community of metro- House’s continuing commitment to ensuring tion to children and his dedication to improving politan Detroit. that positive values are instilled in all children the quality of education in Essexville will serve During his 40 year tenure, Rabbi Groner at a young age, and recognizes one commu- for many years as a model for all who choose has responded to the needs of all whether in nity-based program that is making a real dif- to volunteer their time and talents to their times of joy or moments of bereavement, ference for disadvantaged children across the community. whether encouraging the young in search of country. Frank’s passion for education began in 1954 knowledge, new families seeking guidance Many children throughout the United States as a civics teacher at Essexville Schools, and support for their aspirations, or older per- face difficult circumstances in their lives. Bro- where stayed for 10 years before heading to sons. His sermons over the years have been ken homes, poverty, drugs, alcohol, and vio- the Bangor School District to work with Spe- marked by their insightfulness, wisdom, and lence are everyday factors that many of to- cial Education students. After eight years, wit, delivered with the brilliance of his unique day’s youth continually face. A structured ac- Frank again was ready for a new challenge, oratory. As said by his colleagues, he is ‘‘a tivity, the enjoyment of sport, and the teaching spending the next 13 years at the Bay Arenac brilliant orator and original thinker.’’ of positive values and character traits can be Skill Center, now known as the Career Center, Even more significant still has been Rabbi a tremendous experience and welcome respite from which he retired in 1985 as Curriculum Irwin Groner’s endeavors one on one. For in the lives of these young people. Coordinator. His work earned him a Lifetime thousands, he filled gaps when there was a The First Tee, an innovative model of pub- Achievement Award from the Vocational In- deep vacuum and provided strength at times lic-private partnership, is working to make the dustrial Clubs of America. of weakness. game of golf more affordable and accessible Frank was elected to the Essexville-Hamp- He has reached out to the broader commu- to young people throughout the Nation by ton Board of Education for the first time in nity on national issues, on state issues, serv- opening up golf courses and providing instruc- 1967, where he served until 1971. He returned ing as the Chairman of the Michigan Judicial tion for free and reduced rates to children of in 1982 and has been a board member ever Tenure Commission, and on metropolitan De- all socioeconomic backgrounds. By the year since, including terms as Board President dur- troit issues, having been active in programs of 2005, The First Tee will serve more than ing the 2000–01 school year and as Board interfaith dialogue and honored at the annual 500,000 children in 250 programs throughout Secretary from 1996 to 2000 and again during Dove dinner, along with Detroit Cardinal Adam the United States. In my state of Ohio, there the 2001–02 school year. He also has served Maida. are currently four First Tee facilities that serve on the Bay-Arenac Intermediate School Dis- It is an honor to be able to present in the more than 1,500 hundred children. trict Board of Education since 1989. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, on behalf of so VerDate 11<MAY>2000 05:21 Jun 19, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JN8.030 pfrm04 PsN: E18PT1 E1088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 18, 2002 many of my constituents and so many others, (1997) and The Blade (1999), an honorary so that Presidents George H.W. Bush, William a heartfelt tribute to Rabbi Irwin Groner. Forty Doctor of Letters Degree from Adrian College J. Clinton and George W. Bush have all met plus seventy has the sound of biblical num- in Michigan (1999), and the Ohio Library As- with him personally and praised his work.
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