O~ I{E"GISTERED ATTORNEYS ENTITLED TO PRACTICE BEFORE THE lJNI'fED STATES PATENT OFFIOE. REVISED JANUARY 1, 1901. "PRICE FIVE CENTS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNl\I&~T PRmTING OFFICE. \ " i 901. I I j I EXTRA.CTS FROM THE RULES OF PRA.CTICE. ·1I APPOINTMENT. RULE 17. An applicant .01' an assignee of the entire interest may prosecute his own'case, but he is advised, unless familiar with such matters, to employ· a· competent attorney, as the valu~ of. patents depends' largely upon the skillful preparation of the specification and claims. The office can not aid in'the selection of an attorney~ REGISTRATION. A register of attorneys win be kept i,n ~his office, on which will be entered the names of all persons entitled' to represent applicants before the Patent Office in the presentation and prosecution of applications for patent. The names of persons in the following classes will, upon their written request, be entered 'upon this register. (a) Any person who,on June 18, 1897, was ,engaged as attorney or agent in the actIve prosecution of appli~tions for. patent before this - . ! office, or had been so engaged at any::time within five years prior thereto and is not disbarr~d, or is or was during sp.ch period a member of·a firm so engaged and not disbarred, provided that such person shall, ' if. required, furnish information as .to one or more applications for patent so prosecuted by him. .. (b) Any attorney at law who is in good standing in any court of record in the United Stites or any of the States or Territories thereof and shall furnish a certificate of the clerk of such United States, State, 'oi' Territorial court, duly a~thenticated under' the' seal of the court, that he is an at.torney in good standing. (0) Any person who has been .regularly recognized as an attorney or agent to represent chiimants before the Departnlent of the Interior or. any bureau .thereof and is in good standing, provided that such person shall furnish a statement of the date of his admission 'to practice as such attorney or agent,and shall further show, if required by the Com.;. .' missioner', . that he is possessed of the necessary qualifications to render applicants for patents valuable service and is otherwise competent to advise and assist them in the presentation and prosecution ~f their applications before the Patent Office. ' (d) Any person not an. attorney at law who shall file a certificate from a judge '. of a United States, State, or Territorial court, duly 3 4 5 authenticated under the seal .of the court, that such person is of good any of its members, unless all its members shall be named in such moral character and of .good repute and possessed of the n~cessary power of attorney., qualifications to enable him to render applicants for patents valuable service, and is otherwise competent to 'advise and assist them in the . REVENUE STAMP REQUIRED •. presentation and prosecution of their applications before the Patent ,.. l'{o power of attor~ey, :eitltel' orig£nal 01' associate, w~ll be 1'ecognized Office. ' unless it lws 1'even1te,sta7r~p8 to tlw value of ~5 cents cflJixed the1'eto and (e) Any firm which on June 18, 1897, .was' engaged in the active canceled as provided for by tl~e ".Act to prom;de ways and means to m.eet prosecution as attorneys or agents of appljcations for patents before wa')' expenditures, and for otltm'p7t1'poses," approved Jitne 13, 1898. the Patent Office, or had been so engaged at any time within five ye~rs ~' prior thereto, provided such firm or any member 'thereof is not dis­ - SUBSTITUTION, AND ASSOCIATION. barred, provided the names of. theindividuals composing the firm are RtrLE 19. Substitution or assoeiation c~n ~e made by an attorney if stated, and provided, also, that such firm"shall, required, furnish upon the written authorization of ilis principal; but such authorization information as to one or more applications prosecuted before the Patent. will not empower the second agent to appoint a third. , Office by them. (f) Any firm ,not entitled to registration under the: pr'~ceding; '~ec- ' , REVOCATION. tions which shall show that the individuals composing the firm are each and all recognized as patent attorneys or agents or are each and all RULE 20. Powers' ot attorney may be revoked at any stage in the entitled to be so recognized under the preceding sections of this ~'ule. l?rOceedingsof a case upon' application to.~Il.d·approv~1 byt~e Comm.is-· 'The Conlmissionei' ma}~ demand udditionuJ proof of qualifications sioner; and when so revoked the office wIll communIcate ~hrectly WIth and reserve the right to deCline to recognize any attorney, agent, or the applicant, or 'such other attorney as he ~ay appoint. AI: attorne? other IJerson applying for registration under this Tl!le. ' . , will be promptly, notified by the docket clerk o.f.the r~vocatlOn ?f hIS power of attorney. 'An assignment of a.n undl\~Ided 1nterest wI~1 not LIMITED RECOG~TJTION. operate as a revocation ()f the power preVIOusly gIven; but the as.sIgnee , of tIle entire interest may be representec;i; by an attorney of hIS own . .._O~"'--\' Any person or firm not:registered and not entitled to be re~ognized seleetion. under this rule as ~n attorney or agent to represent applicants gener­ ACCESS TO PENDING APPLICATIONS. ally may, llpop a showing of circumstances which render it necessaI:Y ; , 'or justifiable, be reco.gnized by ,the Commissiqner to prosecute as attor­ OrcZ;;' iYO. l~7'1.-Herealter no person except the applicant, the ney or agent, certain specified. application, or applications, but this assigriee whose assignment is of reeord, or the attorney of recorci win limited recognition shall not extend further than, the application or be permitted to have access to the file of any applica~ion, exeept. as ~pplications named. provided for under the interference rule~, un~~s~ wrItten au~hor.Ity NONRECOGNITION. from the applicant, assignee, or attorney, IdentIfymg the applIcatIOn to be inspected, is filed in the case to become a 'pa.rt of the. reco:'d No person J].ot registered as' above provided 'will be permitted to , thereof, or upon the written order of the COml1llSSIOner, ~YhICh w:ll pi'osecute applications befoi'e the Patent Office. also become a part of the record of the case.-[O. G., AprIl 4:, 1899.J. POWER OF ATTORNEY TO BE . FILED. JULY 1, 1900. RULE 18. ;Before any attorn~y, original ~r'as~ociate, wili be allowed to inspect papers or take action of any kind, his power of attorney must be filed. But general powers given by a principal to an associate can not be consid~red. In each application the wdtten authorization· must be filed. NAMES OF l\IEl\IBERS OF A FIR~I l\IUST BE GIVEN. A power of attC?rney purporting to have been given to a firm ,~n' copartnership will not be recognized, either. i~ favor of the firm or of ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ATTORNEYS REGISTERED TO PRACTICE ~N THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE . REVISED JANUARY 1,1901. Regis­ tration No. 1999 Abbot, H. S., Long Beach, Cal. 2517 Abbott, Charles F., Rosenberg'S Block, Gardner, Mass. 448 Abbott, E. 'Y., 10 'Yhitney Opera House Block, Detroit,· Mich. 4475 Abbott, O. A., 9 Security Building, Grand Island, Nebr. 152 Abbott, Phillips, 206 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 2972 Abbott, V. H., Carrolltown, Ky. ' 319 Abraham, Lewis, 90-91 Corcoran Building, 'Yas!tington, D. C. ; 1653 Acker, J. Fred, 361 Broadway, Ne,v York, N. Y. 553 Acker, N. A., 14 Sansome street, San Francisco, Cal. 1652 Acker, Samuel N., III Fourth st. SE., Washington, D. C. 1916 _Adams, Albert H., 1147 Monadnock Building, Chicago, Ill. 3095 _ Adams, Alton D., box 1377, Boston, Mass. 574 .j\.dains, Frank E., roo-m 10, Colman Block,_S,eattle, 'Yash. ,1467 Adamson, Charles E., Muncie, Ind. , 1251 Ad,co~k, Edmund, 906 Marquette Building, Chicago,' Ill,. 1785 Addington, A. H., 13~ E. State street, Columbus, Ohio. 2966 Addington, Keene H., 810 Title & Trust Building, Chicago, Ill. 2426 Adriaans, J. H., 494 Louisiana ave., 'Washington, D. C. 4614 ,Agramonte, C. H. M. y., 1 A, Independencia No.4, Mexico City, Mexico. 531 Albee, G. H., 103 The Avenue, Neenah,Wis. 2622 . Aldrich, Geo. S., St. Louis, Mich. 3009 Aldrich,Geo. S., 800 Broad st., Newark, N. J. 3080 Aldrich, John, 7 Phcenix Building, 307 Main st., Springfield, Mass. 4328 Aleinikoff, Nicholas, 93 Nassau street, New York, N., Y. 1100 Alexander, Allen K., 38 Park Row, New York, N. Y. 3003 Alexander, Harry J., Noblesville, Ind. 663 Alexander, John B., 331 The Nasby Building, Toledo, Ohio. 1783 Alexander, T. H., 607 7th street NW., 'Yashington, D. C. 1080 Alexander & Co., 38 Park Row, New York, N. Y., and Loan and Trust Build- ing, 'Yashington, -D. C" 646 Alexander & Davis, 709 G street,'Yashington, D. C. :446 Alexander & Dowell, 607 7th street N'Y., 'Yashington, D. C. 592 Allen, A. 1\1., 304 Bell Block', Cincinnati, Ohio. 1222 Allen, Charles E., 2 City Hall, Burlington, Vt. 1171 Allen, Frank H., Norwich, Conn. 2110 Allen, Frederick 1., 75 Genesee street, Auburn, N. Y . 2306 Allen, Thomas ,Con., University ChamQers, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. 8 Allen, Walter, 1\IcGill Building, 'Vash~ngton, D. C. 7 8 Regis­ Regis­ tration 'tration No. No. 1590 Allen, 'Walter E., McGill Building, 'Vashington, D. C. 3079 Bacon, H. H., 319 ~lain st., Buffalo', N. Y. 4042 Allen & Son, McGill Building, 'Vashington', D. C. 149 Bacon, L.
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