' PART 11. SUNDAY, TWELVE PAGES. I MARCH 17, 1901. I L. P. HOLLANDER & CO., "Buy China and Glass Righfr 290 Fifth Avenue, Announce that their line of READY TO WEAR GARMENTS is now complete. LACES. FOR SPRING, 1901 for ear *y sPri5 rin and Summer NOVELTIES YVnnl Siiifc3UH)!S P 2 c WOO! wear% prices from . 545 to 120 In PERSIAN and GOLD EFFECTS. APPLI- CATIONS, Tflffp'i^l Many of these are Imported Hodels and of all kinds. cUi^ia L,FtnrC1U1125 FINE CHINA 1 willnot have duplicates . S4O to jgg SPECIAL. [?PAfps*c Allof them Imported, (ages 4to 12 Best quality RENAISSANCE ALLOVERS, 20 RICH CUT CLASS. rfiilrfftnilUrUlPn'ca IXCCILib match, years) prices . $8 to 23.50 inches wide, and bands to Copies of the Imported, also our own de- •''*••>.•'$3.75O yard, $5,000 Worth >IIKQiltr Wfil^tcYTdloto ~ signs, in the newest silks and -\u0084 were $9.00. colorings, from . 3)15%m to 75 . Plain spot and figured ECRU NETS in real Rich Cut Glass Cotton Waists Exclusive models, from . $5.50 to 10 and imitation. Also, at least five Princes of the Church who have an 121 At Manufacturers' Tin; ion: in his old ace. equal chance. One of tin- most likely,however, CLUNY, irregular Insertions and Bandings, II2 and is Cardinal Bvampa,— who has some drawbacks, vjide, such as his age he is only fifty—and one great 4 inches «THO MAY SUCCEED LEO XIII—THE advantage, bis name, which means "flame." C- Inthe superstitious minds of most of the Car- l<y- Prices. CHANCES OF CARDINAL SVAMPA. dinals and their followers, the predictions which and 29 Malachy, Archbishop of Armagh, in Ireland, One of the largest and best known manufacturers in the have a 39c. A SPECIAL CORRKSrONT>ENT OF THE TBIBCVE.] made sixteenth century, value wire and 69c. Cut (whose re- irnoM powerfully § __ of Rich Glass name we withhold by Having at the of which might influence the delibera- Rome, March Ti.— occasion end tions of the Conclave. Malachy left a Latin quest), desiring to discontinue their New York sales- the old century to look through the accumulated motto for each future Pope. There are just ten room, sold us their entire sample line at prices which newspapers of years. Iwas struck by the fact of these mottoes left, so that according to the many willenable us to pass it along to you at the regular even as far back as fifteen years ago infallible prophet the Papacy has not that more centuries of life before it. Odd as it may \\ HOLESALE prices. We trust you willrealize the XIIIwas expected to die, ifnot from cay t.> Leo seem, they have usually been perfectly applica- JU?y34&§>Sf*Z'&g difference between a purchase of this kind, repre- day. at least from month to month. There were ble. For Instance, that of Pius VIwas "Pere- LrHr JUS iJ&kl^lD grinus Apostolicus," senting as does the finest productions of one of the reports of his sudden illness, and even of his and bis pontificate was cer- it talnlya series of peregrinations. Pius Xl"s was Twenty-third death, followed by denials, with, in some quar- West Street best cut glass factories in this country, and a lot of "Crux de Cruce." which well characterized the odds-and-ends, collected es- ters, a sigh of relief, and in others a feeling crosses In his life. That of the present Pontiff hit-and-miss sometimes which was certainly not satisfaction; for th" is "Lumen in ('..1n," which is finely applicable pecially to bo advertised and sold at bargain prices. Our present cut glass head of the Roman Catholic Church either to his powerful mind or to his blameless YKOMICN OF TJII-; GUARD. stock is now the lanj-st and most complete in this entire country, and not a illustrious life. Th.-- next In the list of prophecies is "Ignis occupied the position so that the opin- needed. But when an opportunity presents itselt las lons Ardens,** (ardent lire), which might apply to Homer's Furniture. piece of this special lot is ion is vaguely felt in certain circles that a any one of three Cardinals, Oreglia di Santo whereby we can offer you the very finest specimens of the glass cutter's art Btefano, who has a blazing altar in his coat of change would be well. arms; A DETAIL IN THE STAGE MANAGEMENT NEWEST DESIGNS. at exactly the wholesale prices wo fe-M it is our liuty to do it. Here are some bint, well, Gotti. who boasts a torch in his, and — Now. although Lea XIIIis. for quite Bvampa, whose arms dog with a burning Sum- of the advanced, show a OF ROYALTY, WITH A BACKGROUND \\/E OPEN the Spring and articles: lii<: age Is and the conclave for the torch in his mouth. However. Cardinal Bvampa mer season everything inch Footed Punch bowls. 16 inch Punch Bowls, 12 inch Punch Bowls, of his successor cannot be far off. This has other and more significant claims to the. V\ with 14 flection very Ol FOUR HUNDRED YEARS A 8, to inch Bowls, 8, and 10 inch Nappies, and 6 inch Handled Nappies, by College keeping motto. His name means flame, and when* that is new and fashionable in 9 and 9 5 Ifrealized the Sacred its Archbishop Dishes, alert, and he was at Korli. where the inhab- FAMOUS CORNER IN ST. Furniture, in both the simple and Celery Trays, Ice Cream Trays, Bon-bon 14 inch Round Cream Trays, members or the giving rise to a itants have, in the language of the pe< !•**. "fire Jars, Decanters, of intrigue and a dis- ornate lines, whether wanted for Cut Glass Lamps, Flower Vases, Cigar Handled and Unhandled rather unusual amount in their veins," which shows Itself In quick tem- JAMES'S PALACE. Pitchers, Candelabra, 3, feeling of unrest among those who are per and readiness to take offence. The patroness town or country homes. Two other Covered Butter Dishes, Tankard Jugs, Punch Ladle tinct Fire," (candidates for the Papacy) and of Forli is the "Madonna of the who London, February 27. important Handled Oils, Water Tumblers, t> inch Saucers, Water Bottles, etc., etc. Papabili their gained through features are the moderate — her name what was called a royalty ;in Immediate supporters. Many anecdotes are told town, Tho management of is art prices at which the goods are marked, And here are some ofthe prices: miracle. One day the schools of the which ' about the dear perception of the Pontiff of this were in a large palace, caught Ore, and the en- which I England dvi Ing the and their unequalled assortments. Sale or Sale or of things. Although advanced in age, his tire buiMin?: was destroyed with the exception rorty years. like the German wholesale price. wholesale price. state Virgin, last Edward VII. passage of a picture of the which was not even f>>r it. and hence there la Diniivj-Room Furniture in all finishes of Antique* Cigar Jar, Prism Cut 55.00 each. 0 inch Bowls $5.25 faculties are only sharpened by the of singed. The picture so "miraculously" saved Emperor, has a taste Belgian. Flemish English, Tables' ...... ** - ............. them are the fol- already ao Improvement of - and with Quart Decanters. ?>.:*<> " inch Bowls 3.45 time. Perhaps the best of two had a chapel erected for it. and may be seen in Dining Ch:>irs, China Closets and Side Tables Olives, ........ Olive tie town even to this day. pageants. yeomen of I ¦ Ouard, In- assorted .....-- 2.20 Heart Shape 2.65 lowing: state The to Candelabra, M . match. light inch Handled Nappies 1.85 Malachy prophecy ;!l =» 10.50 5 day he was really and the Chamberlain Besides the there have been stead of !' Ing n St " ........ One ill. prognostications touching Bvampa Bedroom Furniture in all the various woods and 12 inch Punch Bowl 21.0il " 14 inch Round Trays IS.OO College, Oreglia, whose Cardinal and draw Ing 1 ms t Buck ogham of the BBtctd Cardinal which, if not significant, are at leapt curious. James's finishes, including special lines for country 12 inch Punch Cowl 20.45 " 14 inch Footed Punch Bowl 26.25 duty it is to formally prove the death of the The late Cardinal Galimberti, who was always . .!•¦.- now In tl homes, fcrass Bedsteads in over 70 patterns Ice Cream Tray 9.20 " 16 inch Punch Bowl 33.60 from $15.00 upward. 20 inch Vase 21.00 ** Cut Glass Lamp 31. SO 10 inch Vase .......'... 12.t»0 Punch Ladles 7.00 Exclusive designs in Parlor Furniture, Drawing Room « TIIE POPE AXD SACRED COLLEGE IX TIIE EORGIA APARTMENT. Furniture, Library Furniture, Hall Furniture, S inch Bowls 4.50 CARDINAL. DOMEXICO SVAMPA. Venetian Carved Furniture. Couches, Settees, Easy Chairs, Rockers, Dressing ALSO SPECIAL SALT OP Tables, Cheval Glacses, Writing De^ks, &c,at BOWLS, PLATES, a!l prices. JARDINIERES,— ROSE — — ETC. ? * By buying the entire f— Assorted decorations. A second R. J. HORNER & CO. JardlfliereS products of one of the !PidtCS. j shipment of 1,000 dozen plates in lire —— I-"iiriii( MllLiTijiml Inipurrrri, largest manufacturers, ¦ assorted decorations, sizes, Thanindn J 44 4* etc.. 'atdt IPSSLess we have secured about selling at from 25c. each to 52.00 each. 61, 63, 65 West 23d Street iOne-Half Value.- J 1,000 jardinieres, hav- Worth. double. (Adjoining Cilrn Slate*). •s.. ; ing the general char- — --• We just acteristics ofthe Rockwood finish and decoration. <sv ' have received our second under-, iFlemish ! ar5 shipment ofFlemish Pottery They have the brown decoration with the TriT~»*"' ' in unique shapes- and colorings.
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