..•if: , t. • . \ r-- ' * • 7 ' '- ' •'-'*• «•'. • .»,;-"-.'•."'. ; , • - .... , -:1 .. " CRANFORD (N. Jh CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE ^ Wrestling V"'""* ' ' j> Join today's Army for tomorrow's future. • J\ „, .,.-V . The Regional District Board .' For more information al?out the Army's-^ ..Residents of Kemlworth and of Educatjon. has indicated hh L Garwood can attend Da via that a successful saloofwinter,*0 Brearley bRegional.lske ba11 . Higan<h sports pa!£es this season may RVING A. OFFICE PHONE • ( ab< ) -7BO-IO53 Thursday;December2,197& Schpo»!Ll i t • ' * lead to the' offering: of a • SERGEANT .'MOM6 PHONE <ZOI> OOB-7Sep * wresthhg games this winterat—aisc6uht~-athletic-pa9S^that=^v STATION COMMANDER discount rates by. securirig a covers the? entire 1977-78 STA.TJ.Qbl . season's pass at the prin- athletic schedule. ; u. s. CARWOCtO. NJ 676a"? -i' ciDal's office.. • ". ; , 3OO SOUTH AVE. •••'•'Are you worujerlng whete. tf£,flnd It? •••• .;.••!,<•.•' ... -- The'student pass, a yellow Check the Arca.Scrvlce Guide -In Ml Complaints Aired : Serving (jranford, Kenilworth arid Garwood d, isTpriced ar$5 while the.. 'Issue • • • • - •••''. _ult"4)iue card can be -obr- VOL. 83 NO: 49 Published Every Thursday •".'•••' Thursday, DetJemBerd, 1976 .• . Second Class Postage Paid Cranfoijd, N.J. 15 CENTS . „.JinedT for - $10. The tickets, ^ GARWOODi .^ HOLIDAY SHOP CLOSE TO HOME ?• -which are transferable, entitle • PAINT & HARDWARE Noise* Litter . a holder admission to. any 15 -Domfnic South Ave., GARWOOD. -. The Garwood power to limit the hotirs of the 1 77 (l&P SHOPPING) v basketball'games and any M,, Borough Council last week restaurant. • . 1 "wrestling meets during the Barbuto To " CENTER heard .complaints. ...from Firehiati Resigns ^ 11976-77 season in_which the '"set^ye. you! ecwi Ljhristmas residents about litter and In other action :th e colin£-jj ' Breavley Bears or" any other PAM'S PLACE noise in the vicinity tf the.;accepted the resignation of Union County Regional High. ALL KINDS OF SCREENS WOOLY MacDonald's restaurant ~on- ^ uiacky, who is > School District _scnobl. is the ". ;& WINDOWS REPAIRED - featuring large half. firen an 1John HAND AND POWER TOOLS. Section Pases 8-13 RAINBOW LTD. North3Ave. • "moving from Garwood, and home team. The ticket wjll.not • "n •'•.• FOR RENT ,.— '*•. ; sizes, |urjior " HAND AND ClbCULAR ' ' 'missy at MauriceLiddy of 214 North , ^ed the appointments of % 1 admit the N bearer to tourna- : For all art needlework appI *K '-i SAWS SHARPENED- moderate Ave. told the council, ;'We re t^ new members to the Iment.game's^. - ,J--•'.. '• having a problem again with departrrTiiX^Robert '. \ 232-7675 -0456 u a ag intl ar lFor r Tickets-wiiMje-on sale each'* 78^1530 \?.P !£ ^ ?5, ^ -f" !McCa"rrWk and Edward ihool "day- throughout ,the while MacDonald s was very AUgAlu,IlesunennP jTrORY TIME — Sixth'graders at'St.Anne -School wrote and.illustrated storles.fqr 340 NORTH tilt) GARWOOD conscientious about the litter, ; " - "\ • , . -rj. >art of school's observance of Americ^itfilucaWoteWeek^Here; first ?ason diirjpg g'fhnnl hours'. -T-he~eouneil~also—wted- first graders as r_. _. --;•_•?..- ___—^——-—— _ - .... CAPPY'S LIQUORS "Another ,Wsi*dent7Trlehe~unanimously'-^o—sponsQK.;,a. ._grad€r_TirnoJhy Frey> centeTvgetstielp trorn."sTxth-graders. ETJzabeth Bblanowski,, ' •»• I 5 1 Ortuna of the same address, resolution strongly opposing left, and.Dawn"ZaffUtoTLooking on are Sister. AjjfVifol^, C.S.B., first grade teacher CWHFORD The Board of Education, Is reveal the name of the can- ting Buporlntendent since year be usetj for property tax. earlier' if. the aid is given districts where severe budget A third item on the agenda FOR ALLYOUR selected items discounted complained about noise in the the "20 andjout bill before the and Mi£S Margaret Augustine; sixtk.grade ft i tHEATRE expected to appoint a newdidate selected, said contract Segal's resignatlort, was relief, cuts were made. will be adoption of a oasic HOLIDAY GIFT NEEDS. directly to the municipal tax io per ceni or more; area, espeicallylate at night. State Senate. The bill, would superintendent of schools detail*.are being worked.out. among the. finalists for con- If the resolution Is adopted, collector. •• "We did hot.' cut anyskills management plan as • "Councilwoman ,Ge1orgianna allow all-police, fire fighters Monday night, according to The superintendence has sideration as .superintendent. as expected, it will be'up to the programs,", said Mrs.1 required under the "thorough ^2334206 _ -T232-3719 J_GuerJejrrL_said this isn't the and other municipal employes Mrs;. Rosemary Charles,. been vacant since Aug. 5 when "Terregino withdrew on Nov. 16lvLegislature to decide when The $662,219 is Cranford's Charles. "All we did Waans a efficient" education law. erware IGhnrcb board president. Dr. Joshua Segal resigned to for personal reasons, - and how th'e tax relief will be share of ft total of $285 million first In aid available statewide to eliminate excess staff," Bernstein said: eacli of Mayor ' Charles : 1 Mrs. Charles reported'that take a $45,000 a year post.as granted, School Business 'Ad- received complaints about the service. dogs~fruitr~punchr~cookiear" - There' originally were 107 gchdol districts' from income Cranford's nine schools has- Horbacz said the bill would GARWOOD-A Tupperware- everyone/ Refreshments Will J the- . board reached a superintendent of the Ros- ministrator- Marc Bernstein WESTFIELD HEALTH FOODS noise, and litter. , ,,.,.,.. .. be ser ve candy canes^and games.-Each • applicant^ for the position. tax revenue. / Budget Review prepared a list of the needs ^of' party will be held tonight at 8 n , °;, ' ••''..:. V~ ~ -v\ |*-unanimous_decision_qn the lyn, Long Island, school explained. Bernstein said (he its students in reading, arid "Many complaints were put an additional strain on the in St. Paul's Fellowship Hall,4 vSanta Claus will ., Visit: St. parent is to donate a gift with Another item on tonight's & Snack Bar received duringthe summer," already light _ ocal budgets, his child's name on it'; •-' appointment Dec. 1 following" dfericXTHiBTalarynrrCfan SlaleTttd ReKOlutoon— aid maybe given-tothe^school- ^-Mr^.,_Bis^mj(ry_Charles, jigenda will be the first 1977-78 mathematics, along„ with a.n 213 Center St. The party is Paul s Church Saturday, Dec. SPIRITED GIFT IDEA! interviews.wlth the three'final ,ford, where he served three distrlct toward its surplus for she said. "If was terrible, but ,TKe> council also' corn- planned by the Sunday School "•.. jrom .\\°°n, to, \ . P;"1: -The Women's;Guild 6f the The school board also is board presidentT'Telteralea school budget review;—Norr^explanatiort of how the needs Bring in this Ad for 5 per cent discdunt. Offer ends Dec. after the police, gave- .Mac-;rpl>mented the- Streets and .candidates for the post. All years, was $40,000. scheduled to meet tonight to the 1977-7B-school year. Ijfthat the board's intention not tosalaried portions of the ad- .were ide'ritified, what ac- teachers and -is .open to . Children will be treated toJipt_ch(irch will hold, its holiday event the tax relief Would not # Donald's _a '^warning, Roads-Department for the social Wednesday at 8 p.m. irr HARWOODGIFT nine board members attended Assistant Superintendent of act on a resolution- providing appeal to the state to use ahy mlnistration and health tiyitiesr are planned to" correct everything caJrhedTJown." ~~.Tnaryelous- job-udonc in con- : the session, ' .. Schools Anthony J. Terregtno, that $662,219 in unbudgeted be felt until after July 1. the of the aid for school programs." services 'accounts will, be deficiencies, :and how the Jhe Fellowship Hall. •.'..'. rebate could go to taxpayers. Co u n c 11 man B en n i ey~trolling—the—leaves _in-l.the. Mary Lou Keleher an- art ' •,A bottle ol thiGr«it PftOK Mrs. Charles, who would not Who has been Bervlng as ac- state aid for the current, school That will be the case in discussed, Mrs. Charles-said., program'will .be evaluated. Alimonti, said Police Chief t6wn.".-C-Quncilwaman Doris .Canadian, wltn 6* Gym Glasses -»•'.• teacher "at Scotch Plaihs- 'g t assot, ™a.t • Thomas Colwell will Warir the Mann, cbrnmisstoner of the- tractJve.IV • box«d Fanwood School" No. 1, will and gilt wrapped! present_a program on •' 'The; HARWOO Regularly S9.49, ttili • and if the warning isn't we re staying. h^d^ CANADIA or on \7> }% heeded. the council V s: thethings. tending are asked to bring ah •IfInd. Is now b"nlv7."...'~ KENILWOR.TH-- The- to mixed classes." Previously inspirational verse to be-read Regional High School Board of there were. separate classes and placed oh' the Christmas Education has revised'its new for. boys and girls. In the coed tree and home baked cookies Garwood Calender groupings, there was no* ••Free Delivery • Froe Gilt Wrap • Gift Cer- policy on coed gym classes. for- shut-in members of the. '.tlficatos»Wlne of tho Month Gift CSertlflcat. ' Figures Meant Nothing Thursday, Dec. 2 • ' •. • • •'..'. Under the revised policy, consideration given to ability congregation. r .: Party Planning . • or risk of harm, which posed: Noon - Garwood Senior Citizens Club, St. Paul's boys, and girls will be per- v • A two dollar gift exchange. Reverse budgeting, with, the night In explaining why theadministrator dealt with wa£ some problems. bottom line at-the top,. acr department needs more- a total figure," F^ellowship Hall. mitted to participate together .wiUbeheld; Devotions-wilr be j • 2:45 p.m.-Junior Troop 444, St. Anne School. „, in contact sports on the basis Students from .Governor given by Marie Fuhrmann,_; WIRES MD i counted for the $71,000 deficit money to meet ite payroll In Township Administrator '. Mrs. John E. Mattson, 8 p.m. - Bible Study Grflup, Pinkin horned 315'Myrtle of ability and risk of.harm. Livingston Regional High, 'and hostesses will be. Mrs.' V In the Police Department 1076.
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