: y - \ \ ■ ■ ■.■■•:'tV| • . ' - V 'V ' '■--.•w'-■•-•••• -i:A-:'--t^i THE WEATHER. ■NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OP THE EVENING HERALD Unsettled tonight and Friday. for the month of April, 1920. Little temperatiire change. North* 4,837 anrbfstfr flfnttm Ifralb east wind. z'i, 1926. (TWELVE PACES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIV., NO. 203. Classified AdTertislng on Page 0 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. BOY MURDERS FRIEND TAKE ’EM OR LEAVE 'EM . Our History Warriors in Belgium WHOM GIRLS LIKED MELLON TELLS“ COAST” CARROLL FOUND CROWN PRINCE NEGRO BOGEY Pensacola, Fla., May 27.— ■Washington, May 27.— Sec- i “Archie was too popular with retary of the Treasury Mellon | the girls. That’s why I poison­ GUILTY; UED declared today that if Califor- | CAUSE OF DRY ed him,” Nefty Odom, 18, is OF SWEDEN IS nia peace officers did not de- ' said to have told police author!-! sire to assume the authority of ties here today following his | federal prohibition officers, no arrest on a charge of murder i ABOIH JOYCE CUESTOF U. S. : attempt would be made to , ORDER PANIC in connection with the fatal | force this duty upon them. poisoning of Archie Alexander, ' The executive order, which ' 17. would.put federal badges on , Young Odom confessed to a Acquitted of Perjury as to state and municipal peace offi­ Southern Senators See magistrate that he had offered ! Gustavus Adolphus and Prin­ cers, w'as issued previously at a bottle of liquor containing ! the request of the California strychnine to the Alexander ! Drinkables But Convicted cess Louise, First of Coun­ prohibition administrators, ac­ Chance of Federal Hand in boy because he was jealous of j cording to Mellon. the latter’s popularity with the “ It is up to them whether Enforcement of 14th and girls. as to Nude Girl in tbe try's Royalty to See Amer­ they accept federal badges,” of­ 4>- ficials said. No appointments have yet 15th Amendment. Bathtub. ica, Arrive. ' been made under the executive order. NEWFLAREUPBY New York, May 27.— Earl Car- Washington, May 27.— President New York, kFay 27.— Crown Coolidge’s now famous order, of­ roll, theatrical producer, was found Prince Gustavus Adolphus, heir to GREECE, BULGARIA fering federal police authority to guilty by a jury today of perjuring the throne of Sweden, accompan­ POPULAR ATHLETE state officials as an aid to prohibi­ himself when he testified that no ied by Princess Louise, arrived in tion enforcement, may never be dancer plunged nude into a bath­ New York early today aboard the carried into effect, it was indicated tub full of liquor during the Wash­ Swedish-American liner Gripsholm Greek Soldier Killed by Bul- SERIOUSLY INJURED today on Capitol Hill, because of le­ ington birthday party on the stage and was officially welcomed by a gal obstacles in the state constitu­ of his theater. delegation consisting of state de­ tion of California, where the gov­ gar Border Guards May The jury decided he did not partment officials, Swedish diplo­ ernment planned its initial trial. commit perjury when he testified mats, representatives of the may­ '‘Herm” Muske of South End While the Senate Judiciary com­ Prove Casus Belli. or’s reception committee, and mittee prepared to launch a formal before the Grand Jury that no others. in Hospital With Several investigation into the legality of the liquor was served. The ro>'al party was greeted off order, word spread through Con­ Herbert C. Smythe, attorney for Governor's Island by the city's fire- Sofia, May 2 7.— A tense situa­ gress that the California state con­ Carroll, Immediately asked that boats with the water salute, and by Fractures from Accident. stitution would prevent any local The Richmond (Va.) Blues, the Governor’s Foot guards of Hartford and New Haven, the Putnam tion, fraught with the possibilities! the national salute of 21 guns from the verdict be set aside as against official there accepting employment Phalanx of Hartford, visit the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Brussels, Belgium, during their tour of of new border warfare between j Governor’s Island. at the hands of the government. It Greece and Bulgaria has been the weight of evidence and the law. First Swedish Royalty Here. Europe. The Connecticut units •wear the black bears kin hats and the \ irginians the white-decked caps. j Herman A. Muske. 24 of 159 was said that the question -would caused by a clash between Bul­ Judge Henry W. Goddard, who hag It was the first time a member be tested immediately in the courts heard the entire proceedings, de­ of the Swedish royal house had vis­ School street, is in the Manchester garian and Thracian frontier Memorial hospital i!i a serious con­ if any state officer accepted a fed­ nied the motion. ited this country. The party is here eral dry badge. “LAZY GIRL” SAYS guards near the village of Tcho- for a two-month tour of the United dition as the result ct a motor­ Sentence Next Week Would Be Deatli Knell. ENGLAND PUTS UP banlar. States. cycle accident shortly after mid­ DRY BOLT FACES JOYCE’S MOTHER Smythe then requested that sen­ night last night. Miss Tilda Gag- As the Treasury already has an­ Bulgarian soldiers, pursuing tence be deferred for one week, After spending only a few hours nounced the order would not be in New York, the Swedish ro>-al llardone of Bolton, who was rid­ bandits who are alleged to have which Judge Goddard consented to. ing with him at the time of the tried out anywhere else for the Lithuanian Parents of Bathtub BARS ON RUSSELLj crossed the border from Greece, Carroll will be sentenced on Thurs­ couple took a special train for present, any serious legal obstacle N. Y. REPUBLICANS Washington to he in the capital crash, miraculously escaped death. Person Are Not Proud of killed a Grecian soldier. There day next. The motorcycle is a complete in the Golden Gate state would I was then an interchange of shots The case of Earl Carroll, Saturday for the unveiling of the sound a virtual death-knell for the Her. John Ericsson monument in Poto­ wreck. j between the Grecian and the Bul- theatrical producer, charged with List of Injuries order. The Senate's inquiry, how­ garian guards. perjury, went to the jury at 11; 15 mac Park. On that occasion. Prince ever, will be carried to a conclusion American Socialist Writer I Gustavus Adolphus 'will make his A list of Muske’s injuries as giv­ Anti-Saloon League and Chicago, May 2 7.— Joyce Shooting Forbidden this morning after Federal Judge en. out in a bulletin from the hospi because Congress feels the orderj Hawley may be famou.s on Orders have been issued by both first formal public address as offi­ has set a precedent which must not Henry W. Goddard had made his cial representative of the native tal today include; fractured skull, Broadway for her wine bath, Denied Admission to the Greek and Bulgarian authori­ charge to the jurors. The Jury was stand unchallenged. Others Threaten Own Can­ but in the three-room rear land of the famous inventor of the compound fracture of left leg, ties that all firing shall be ceased. out one hour and one minute. fractured nose, dislocated wrist The first step in the Inquiry will flat of her Lithuanian parents 'The League of Nations Commis Monitor. be to determine whether public Carroll was accused of giving and abrasions. Despite his num­ didates, Governor, Senator in Chicago, she’s just “ that Country at Plymouth. sion is conducting an Investiga­ perjured testimony befoie the fed­ Smile at Cameras. hearings shall be held and whether lazy girl who no -ft'anta Facing a battery of news cam­ erous injuries, it was stated that tion. eral grand jury which recently in­ Muske was not suffering severe witnesses 'will be called. Some work.” eras and the eager questions of as­ members of the committee desire vestigated the “ wine bath” party sembled reporters. Crown Prince pain. X-ray pictures were taken Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll gave on the stage of the to summon Attorney-General Sar­ New York, May 2V.— Strong in­ Tony Daugelas— now Hawley Plymouth, Eng,. May 27.— and Princess smiled their apprecia­ of his injuries this morning. Earl Carroll theater during which Scene of Accident gent, who has since approved the timations have come from the — run a little meat market Charles Edward Russell, twice So­ ABD-EL-KRIM NOW tion of the enthusiastic welcome ac­ order, and Secretary of the Treas­ Joyce Hawley, young model, splash­ corded them when their vessel, the The scene of the accident was at Anti-Saloon League camp that the and grocery. Besides Ther- cialist candidate for governor of ury Nlellon. who assumed “ full re­ ese, there are 3 younger chil­ ed about nude in a bathtub alleg­ Swedish-American liner Gripsholm, Woodland. Mr. Muske and his drys may place an Independent New Y'ork and commissioner to ed to have contained champagne. companion. Miss Gagliardone had sponsibility” for it. dren. Joyce, before she be­ arrived at quarantine. The royal Illegal. Majority Believes. candidate in the field for Governor, Great Britain for the United States WARD OF FRANCE In his charge to the jury. Judge couple said that the principal ob­ been visiting friends in Manches­ came Joyce, was Therese. A partial poll of the investiga­ as well as a contender against Committee on Public Information Goddard Stressed the importance of ject of their visit was “ to learn ter. The girl works In Hartford “ I don’t want my name in tors revealed a majority are of the the papers.” Mrs.
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