Ii First, r The Ghana Paraclox _. .., 1Ia. Ghana. cla,,\f\eeS .. an v.r"e'... Weath., forecast uilding' .. _try. put forward 10 much effort te aleS HI.VY "-an .nd ItMMIIrstornli gradually '* _Ithy nlighbor. the Cong01 The answlr '~ dlminlllll", tacI.y .nd tndi", with .Id.. .... • Wi,con.in ha, only .... NY be found In thl ball,f of her prelldant that coming cltar to p.rtIy cItu4Iy matt MCtioM ... ani of la.t y.a.... squad .... • IIIifItd Africa I. a mu.t. For mort detaill night. Cool.,. ..., IOUthwett MIl central ...... two ,tart.n; mUlt .,. _ story on pag' 3. • '-­ at ~ owan· tlon. today. High..... ay 7h IIII1fIWIIt te IO-IS .ophomore.. lneli.... h. • Seroing The State University of Iowa .) ......1 and tM People 'of Iowa City mount. in. Earl F.i....... .,. soutMast. ight ,nd. but this look ... Herald Tribune News Service Features Thursday, August 18, 1960, Iowa City, Iowa fting ye.r for the Hoosien a.ocIated Preaa I.eaJed Wire And Wirepboco - they don't .ppear to be ... ! '.r. ing back to illinois, CoadI will find 24 oC 33 top-pia,. om last year and three n­ ced quarterbacks, little Jolin :brook and Mel Meyers, first .econd-stringers, and Rills 1 who played tbere in 195t. O.. A.S. Meeting Off,to Stormy· Start bis system the quarterback !s and it bas been necessary rain all of tbem, :tanding in tbe JIIinois line Dominican Republic )e Rutgens, 250-pound tackle Segregation lis running-mate, the 25f. 'Sincerely Sorry' CliIC Roberls. The line is ver-all. A serious loss hert Quarantine Sought hat oC Bill Burrell, but Pat Move Made n is filling in satisfactorily n as a line-backer. Powers T esfifies SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) - Venezuela Wednesday ill be interesting to see how asked the foreign ministers of the Americas for a virtual "I suppose it (the flight) in­ new stuff Coacb Elliott will (See Page 3 for anal/Isis of the In Louisiana quarantine of the Dominican Republic. The Dominicans uce this year and how clost Powers' Trial) .. creased tension in the world," the I stick to the stuCC taught by flier said. "I am sincerely sorry promptly brought countercharges of intervention by Vene­ I had anything to do with it." State Takes Over edecessor. Ray Eliot was I By PRESTON GROVER zuela. The exchange came on the first full day of the foreign Lookl/19 on in tfIt omat. Hall ~e oC tbe 4-5 line defense aDd New Orleans Schools MOSCOW (.4'1 - The espionage ministers' conference of the Organization of American States Ived effective witb the bIg of Columns wen the flier', wife. trial of Francis Gary Powers is Barber., and hi. par.ml, Mr_ To Keep Negros Out (OAS). Ignacio Luis Arcaya. Venezuelan foreign minister, Ie was able to put up Cront. going into its second day today thwestern, wbicb we suspect and Mr .. Oliver W. Power. of BATON ROUGE, La. I.fI _ Gov. in an impassioned plea urged the ng to make a real drive lor with the Soviet prosecution ex­ Pound, V•• , anxiety .nd grief Jimmie H. Davis Wednesday took other American republics to break ig Ten championship, is set pected to press ~fforts to sbow his thewi/19 In their face. •• they over administration of New Or­ ofC dipLomatic relations and com­ ! ends and in the backfield, U2 flight fits a U. S_ policy carry­ tenHly watched the proceedlntt· leans schools in an eCCort to pre- Agency Set munications and impose economic lust develop some class be- inc the risk of war. A battery of Soviet scientific vent integration of the lirst grade penalties on the Dominican Repub­ The first day's session ended the tackles. Elbert "E" witnesses was on band. So were next montb_ lic. 'ough and Irv Cross are the wilh Powers' ,personal story in the many members of Moscow's dip- Federal District Judge J . Skelly Portirlo Harrera 1_, Domi· record. To the military co~rt he Ig ends of last year. ALbert lomatic colony, more than 250 So- Wrigbt bas ordered the Orleans To Select nlc.n foreign minl.tor. ~ ... "mbrough, "E's" twin broth. portrayed himself as a penitent viet correspondents and foreign Parisb county school board to in­ Irnmadiato ,.y. da""lng the spy, 10 was out all last 'Year fol­ scared and repelled by the newsmen from all parts of the tegrate tbe first grade in Septolm­ cha..... broutht by V.nallllla idea ~ a leg operation, will take of his high-altitude flight over world. .nd declari", the Ventlllllan ace of Burton in the back. Soviet territory. Soviet television , motion picture be~'avis acted under a 1960 legis. War Targets Government uled psychologic.' Tbe otber two backfield po. Further questioning of Powers and still cameramen worked in- cessantly under brilliant lights in lative law whicb permits tbe gov­ WASHINGTON (.4'1 - The Dc- terture. HI .ald Venezuel.·. will be held by 1959 regu­ is possible today, and other wit­ charv.. _r. de,lgned to divert Ray Purdin, right halfback nesses may be the glittering, mirrored old hall, ernor to supersede parish school Cense Department Wednesday an­ once the scene of gay czarist boards to prevent racial integra­ .ttontion from internal problem. like Stark, fullback. ' ealled t 0 back­ nounced formation of a cent raJ I of Ventllllia. ground or bolster gatherings and later on the grim tion of public schools. agency to select targets and spec· the broad Soviet Stalinist purge trials of the 19305. The governor's executive order Arcaya called Cor tbe conference iCy the weapons to be used against "in tbe name of the peoples of indictment which Powers told of his hard work set Sept. 7 for the opening of the them iC there is an all-out nuclear getting through college, of his schools and named Orleans Par­ America" to Impose all pOssible c a lIs the U2 war. flight part of a working..'family background, and ish School Supt. James F. Red­ non-military penalties on tbe Do­ calculated U. S. then bis grab for a secret U. S. mond to operate the schools in Defense Secretary Thomas S. minican regime oC Rafael Trujillo. policy. government job paying him $30,- Davis' bebalf. The scbools-original- Gates Jr. assigned tbe responsibil­ Terming such a move simple This indictment 000 a year. He said this was about ly were scheduled to open Sept. 8. ity for over-all larget planning to justice Arcaya reiterated a charge cites statements tbe same as be would have reo Lloy Rittiner, president of the Gen. Thomas S. Power, strategic tbe Dominican government mas­ by President Ei- ceived as first pilot for a U. S. scbool board, said he had no com­ air commander and said the re­ terminded a June assassination at­ SHl S GRINIOV senhower, Vic e commercial airline if he had been ment pending official notification vised and unified selection of tar· tempt against Venezuelan Presl· President Richard M. Nixon and able to line up such work, as he of the action. Red Envoy to Cuba gets marked for nuclear destruc­ dent Romulo Betancourt. BEAutifULLY tlon sbould be ready for approval Secretary of State Christian A. had wanted after getting out of I The new state law permits tbe Sergi M. Kudryavtltv. who Will expelled from he Is shown re.dlng • .t.toment of .rrh,al to Areaya told the flnt bullna .. LAUNDEIlID , by th.e Joint Cblefs of Staff by Herter after the flight was first the U_ S. Air Force. governor to take over "exclusive C.nada In 1945 for RUISIen e.pion.gl .ctivltl.. , n.Wlman. A' left. wlarlng • pl.tol, I. M.lor meeting of tfIt mln''''r, he would AND flN'SHID elposed. These statements, the in­ December. i That was the job that sent him control, management and adminis­ rl,urned to thl Wutlrn Hemisphere W.dnesday .mb.... dor duign.tl offer • rHOlution .sking for tfIt dictment charges, confirmed the high above the Soviet Union's tration of public schools ... on a Faure Ch.tmont. CU.,,·I .s the nl'W Soviet ambass.dor to Cuba. The So­ to the Kremlin, -AP Wlrlphoto Gates told reporters tbe decision pen.ltl.. - c.lIed •• nctions - elistence of hostile activities by cloudy ceiling May 1, only to find racially segregated basis until under the 1947 Rio da Janeiro FOR viet Union's first ambassador to Cuba since 1952, to ccntralize strategic target plan­ 99~ " ,: the United States, "expressed in himself parachuting little m 0 r e such time as the Legislature shall Tre.ty. The .. Include .uspe'n,1on \4 ning rejected lhe concept of a sep­ repeated incursions b y United than two hours later into an in- classify or reciassiCy schools to . ~ .. arate strategic force exercise di­ of diplomatic rel.tions .nd cur. States planes into the air space ternational crisis. to place into operation therein a rect operational control of all in­ tailment of trade, AVIS o[ the U. S. S. R. ior intelligence plan of racial integration." tercontinental missiles, bombers Arcaya's s pee c It apparently purposes." A state court, holding tbat only and sucb new systems as the dashed earlier hopes that Vene­ CC'l.,l 4>«( Kennedy Victory as Senate -i14<u,,,,,'1 The indictment says tbe Powers the Legislature can reclassify Navy's Polaris missUe-Iaunching flight might have had grave con­ Ike: Soviets ' . zuela might be willing to comprom­ schools racially. bas ordered the submarines. ise on its drive to punish the Do­ sequenc~s - "ther~ is nothing to Orleans school board not to cum­ minican Rep1i/llic.
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