The Pharmacist, April .1988 15 On Omniscience, Grooks ... and Health for All Mary Ann Felice Sant Fournier, B.Phann., M. Phil. A Grook about Health Some weeks ago, I was reading 'The Times and there in front of my incredulous eyes, I saw the title to a short article 'A Grook about Health'. Then these grooks are really not for the chosen few, I said to myself. Indeed Piet Hein being deeply concerned about the importance of Knowing what ~.:: health for human development has written a thou knowest not~ .:. grook to mark the 40th Anniversary of the is in a rime ·~ ~ World Health Organisation (WHO) which will omniscience, be celebrated on April 7, 1988. (Omniscience, A grook by Piet Hein) The birthday gift to WHO, entitled 'Health No, I am not putting a claim to omniscience for All' reads as follows: but rather apologising to Piet Hein for never Mankind's true having had the remotest idea of what a grook Health must come is. With the new Millenium, I never knew what I was missing until last Heed the ca•ll Christmastime when I received a handsome red For common wealth: pocket book. Health for All At first I was confused at the word 'Grooks' -All for Health but when I went over the contents, -short Piet Hein has agreed that his poem be freely rhymed epigrammes with a message, both perti­ used for non-commercia·] purposes and WHO nent, witty and wise accompanied by Rein's own wi]J provide translations into its official lan­ illustrations. I was intrigued by these short guages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and aphcristic statements that appear self-evidene Spanish. :w soon as they have been formulated. World Health Day- 7th April 1988 Piet Hein - a full blown, developed genius World Health Day -April 7, 1988 is But, who is Piet Hein, you may well ask. Piet an occasion to commemorate the forthieth Hein is a Danish Scientist and writer who stu­ anniversary of WHO. The genera] theme decid­ died and worked at the Niels Bohr Institute in ed upon by the Director General Dr. Halfden Copenhagen. Mahler is "Health for All - All for Health". But as he felt that science could be for one or The implication of this slogan is that two things, a university career on technology, although an optimum state of health is a human Hein entered the field of invention, based on sci­ right we all have individual and collective res­ entific knowledge; during the occupation of ponsibilities for maintaining health through Denmark in 1940, he went underground and in­ healthy lifestyles, the maintenance of a healthy vented the short, aphoristic poem - the grook. environment and the judicious use of appropriate He has now written over seven thousand of health technologies available to a:ll. these grooks which are related to the old Nordic Efforts will be made throughout 1988 to pro­ Havamal poem (AD 850-1050). mote a deeper understanding for the need for Wor many years he was in correspondence health development, for equity in health and for with Albert Einstein, who, intrigued by Piet the vital role of WHO in international health. Rein's mathematically based but eventuaHy In the words of Dr. Mahler, the anniversary simple puzzles, spread the word to universities should, "bring people together in a gigantic ma­ and from there on to the general public. Indeed, nifestation of worldwide solidarity". The cele­ his unorthodox probings have intrigued some of bration of the anniversary should not be a one- the outstanding minds of our time. His grooks often open a sma 11 window on a large world. (Continued on page 19) The Pharmacist, April 1988 19 Tour of the Pharmaceutical Division Stimulates the formation of collagen. The tour was divided into the following pro­ We then were shown around the factory and cesses: given a detailed explanation of how the product 1. Solid dosage forms is extracted. 2. Creams and ointments The company also produces a Vilriety of vita­ 3. Injections mins and other injectables. 4. Suppositories 5. Transdermal therapeutic systems Tour to Sandoz 6. Storage and transport of materials. On arriving we were greeted by Dr. Agius who Before entering each department we were gave us, an introductory talk after which we were shown a video on each process which was very shown a promotional feature about new Sand.oz informative. These videos also highlighted im­ products. Then we were taken to the various portant points of good manufacturing practice departments of the plant. In each department for example sectioning of factory into sterile we were introduced to the staff, who explained areas and non sterile areas. Each area is clearly in great detail every step in the production of r:nr'ked so contamination does not take place. particular products. We also had the opportunity Also sectioning is important so that to visit severa·llaboratories where we acquainted 1. Chemicals and products that are being pro­ ourselves with the techniques and protocols em­ cessed do not get mixed up. ployed. At every stage on our tour we were 2. Fault in system may be identified given the opportunity to ask questions and the 3. Error may be C:Jrrected, this would be im­ staff were most helpful. possible if process is left to completion (Continued from page 15) 4. Machinery and condition adjusted so that time "party'' to which people are invited, but a the same error will not take place. year-long national mobilization for headth deve­ Labelling lopment. Each container is labeHed so that easy identi­ Suggested possibilities for action include de­ fication may take place. The label indicates the bates in parliament, radio and television pro­ material present, state of material e.g. powder grammes, information and discussion in the or granule if tested. press, the issue of special stamps, exhibitions, Finished products are either labelled by com­ activities by municipalities, local and provincial puter codes as in the case of creams and oint­ authorities, non-governmental organisations, ments, by coloured bands as in the case of am­ professional associations, universities and pules, identification marks are punched into the schools, competitions and sports events of aH tablets as they are being processed. kinds. Records A number of countries have already set up Each step in a process is recorded in a regis­ nationa.l committees to prepare for the WHO ter. This would contain batch number of finish­ anniversary. ed products, the code numbers of raw materials The grook by Piet Rein is available as a source and the signature of controller of the process. of inspiration and to help seed up worldwide ac­ Tour of Salco tion for heaJth. Although this company is a smaH company as References: compared to Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz, it showed Hein, Piet, Grooks ( 1966) 2nd Edition, Borgen's Pocket books 85 (Borgens Forlag, Denmark). us a manufacturing process which was different A Grook for Health, the Times, 4th Jan. 1988, p. 6. to the ones we had previously seen. The main product of Salco is SolcoseryJ which Membership 1988 is a natural product obtained from the blood of All registered members of our Chamber and calves that is used on damaged skin to promote other pharmacists are asked to enrol or renew wound healing. The tour was introduced with a their membership. We are pleased to announce video of the product which exp!lained it's that all registered members for 1988 can collect function, clinical use of the product and re­ their free copy of the British National Formu­ sults of clinical trials which showed that the lary from the permanent secretary of the Fede­ main actions of Solcoseryf are: ration of Professional Bodies. This offer is a re­ Stimulates the cells to divide sult of the, :first 'Pharmaid' Collection and Dis­ Promotes vascularization tribution Scheme organised by the C.P.A. .
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