T k e W e iU k m 1M D .e. wepMe July f, IMS 1 1 3 9 0 . pital yesterday after spendlnB Rve Grant Employes - diays there rebuperatlng from Head | Memtog •€! immt Injuries-he received in an sutomov] ' BaralMi '«C I AlatiMi ekimtlsOpai bile accident on the Wilbur'Cross | Tex ( Collector i*aul Cervini Picnic at Lake CALLING M anchester^A City.of Village Charm Bruce‘A. Anderson, 18, of 85 Parkway July 8. Sthte Police are again today renJlndeiT resi­ E. Middle Tpke., was arre.sted still Investigatinig the apcldqnt In A LL SCHOOL dents tjist the second .Install­ Th* W. T. Grant Co. held Its ; Hinrsday and Shortly after midnight last night vvhlch Klta’ii car flipped Over and ment. of local property \taxes (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. C0NN.» FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 verttataiB w Pag* IS) PjRICE nVB CENTS rjvd charged with passing a stop skidded 30 feet on its top. was due July 1 and if it is not annual picnic Wedneaday at Lake V0L.LXXIV^. 242 Triday Nights light at Main' :Sl. and Middle paid before Aug. 1,. ititei-est Qusssapaiig in Middlebury. CHILDREN! Tpke.' by ' Palfolman Raymond There will not be a duplicate I wlU accrue at the rate of one Both lunch and dinner Were' U ntaS tSO Peck. His case iS set for court, bridge game tonight or the rk- i half per rent a month on the Don’t let “Vacation 'nme’ -become a hearing-July ' 22. miUning Thursday qights Of this | impaid balance. served barbecue style in the picnic 1 month. •The next'tournament will • grove. Swimming; boating, surf | Come to ROCKRAFT for Clay Fun galore. West Three Shop our aelf Mrvo gro> • Quality ia lIRe a ainUe. When be held on Aug. 4. j Imagine—for 75c, a press mold you may uuy (e to \ , ~««ry department for U atana in the heart, it, gives Cpl. Joseph Ashford. 290 Hack­ diving and the amusemeqt ridea j these inlues . as much to the giver as it doe* matack SI., has recently been as­ Crane Mtiler, tlasa of 19.57 at were among the many activities. A 25c piece for a pourid of clay to try. to the receiver. signed to the 86th Transportation The Herald erroneously reported Williams College, , Willisnristown, available to the group. “What beautiful creations.’^’ you will »*.''• Fix Polic)^ Co. at Ft. Campbell, Ky.. as parts Mass., Is serving sa a suntnirr an in yesterday that Judge Wesley Gryk The feature of the day was the ! It’s fun—“Clay with Clay.” the„Rockraft \^ay Of Geneva Hopes a It ia bred in rtspect for the clerk. A graduate of the Ft. Camp­ contemplated impoelng a heavier giiide St the college. ' UND OlAKES customer and nurtured by the bell Jump Sehool, prior to his new sentence on Quentin Hagedorn, 16. annual softball-game in which the! pride and honor of the seller. assignment, he was With the Para, of n o Glenwood, St. The story Daughters of Uberty No. 17 and Carl Zinsser’s All-Stars defeated- For Geneva BUTTER Ib. '«9c chute Maintenance Co. of the lUh should have said he' thought of a No. 125 will gather tomorrow at the Doole/ Diibbers 10 to 8. • Uke a smile, <juallty-gives Airborne Div.' ^ suffer flue for Ronald L. Cyr, 17, 7:30 p,m. in tribute to Mi’s. Eliza­ Members of the picnic commit- i ROCKRAFT CERAMICS tee v^-ere Helen Calhoun, chairman. - P«ri8, July 15 (A») — The flavor to living, i t creates con­ of 90 Jarvis Rd.. the youth ap­ beth Stannage. 843 Main St., who MANCHEST Western Big 'Three foreign Carnation MUk 2 for 25c fidence for the customer, friendi: Raymobd Kiat. 2J. of 156 W. prehended only after investigation died this morning, Mrs. Stsnnage i Corinne Baldivin. GharloUe Schle- -19 PURNELL PLACE ship for the fetailer and mutual Main St.. Rockvillp,.,.was released by police following a midnight was s member of No. 125 for near­ I bel. Betty. Macri. Ulllan Christ' ministers agreed quickly to­ faith between thOm. swimming party ^ t Globe Hollow. ly half a'century . j and Robert Drexler. ; Washington, July 15 </P)—President Eisenhower takes off day on their iwsition and BAG Kosher Dill Sliced from Manchester Memorial Hos­ tonight for Geneva after telling the nation about his cautious • Quality costs little In money ■ 7 strategy for the historic Ge­ Pickles ..... .qt. jar 29c anij much in watchfulness and hopes that the Big Four conference may lead eventually to neva meeting with Russia’s cirt. enduring peace. The President plans a 15>minute informal top political and military addreaa (8:15 p.m. EDT) dealing*-----------------;------- ■ ' Shurfine Cream “ - / • I t must be inspired in em- • V leaders. V with world problems to’be diacusa- , 'SW7*. 1 '1 In leas than three hoiira, U.8. Com .3 cans 43o ^ ployes by continued dkvoliqo^ ed at the aummlt meeting opening ' |- F . n |n to the principle^ of ^air piky Secretary of State John Foster Wants West Three Monday and with jila viewa regard- * •* * * aaamaaa ca w DuIIm , ^ itia h Foreign Secretgi'y and fair value. ^ ing atepa toward their aolutlon Harold Macmillan and French Upr- SUGAR • Quality Is Our business. 'All 'four televlsi'on networka ien Minister Antoine Pinay en­ will carry ' the exleniporaneoua From Hearing dorsed a detailed draft -of Western Make Same Effart 5 lbs. 45c ' • We gua/ientee the quality and talk from the White Houae atethe-i -• 'g'b'i conference plans.' These include a freshness of every item sold at time of delivery, aa .will ABC ^ I l o f l f l n l l P F 'I P J I .Q definKe list of topics the West Pinehurst. CB.S radio. The MBS and Nfic j A I C a S Isle of Gold a . ' will raise and the stand it wjll take koscow, July 15 (AV-Premier Bulganin declared today the Blarsarine ...2 lbs. 46c radio networka will broadcast re-1 . on aach issue. • Protect the summer health of cc-rded veraiona later. Bridgeport, July 16 —Bernard Experta Sobaiit Uata , Soviet delegation is leaving for Geneva tomorrow to make your family by serving only One hour after Eiaenhpwer con- , h . Trager, Bridgeport lawyer and The list was submitted to- the Pillsbury Cake Flow Pinehurst fresh goveniment ■cl^e.*i. he will take off from Na­ "1 “a sincere effort” to solve international problems. ... ^ ’“‘ ■'clerk of Fairfield County Com­ ministers by diplomatic axperta I The Prime Minister told a news conference that if the West Chco., White. graded meats. Use Our tional Aiiport (9:30 p.m.) aboard mon Pleaa Court, today became from each delegation yesterday. Golden ....3 boxes 85c ground meats and tender sitzl- hii personal plane. Columbine III. the aecond member af the State An American source said later Big l^ree delegations make a similar effort at Geneva,, there Ing steaks for your outdoor His party 11 include Mrs. Eisen­ Board ot Pardona .to dlaqualify the ministers had nMde some is “no reason to believe that the basis of a future peace can-, ' cooking. , ■ hower and their son, Maj. John JVImaelf In the caae of John B. changea in the experta* draft but not be assured.” Eisenhower, \vho will serve aa an MAXWELL HOUSE • ijse Pinehurst Fresh White Donahue, of Arlington. Mass. called the alterations minor. Bulganin received reporters inside the Kretnlin. He was aide to hi.x father, Gov. Abranam Siblroff an­ 'hve ministers convened in the Rock Chicken Breasts. Chicken II In Ike Party accompanied by the other four major members of theTO-man COFFEE can 89c Legs. Fryers. nounced yesterday that Aasoclate French' Foreign Ministry . from All told, 11 persona - will be Justice Edward J. Daly of the about 10:40 a.m- until almost U Soviet delegation to Geneva. They arc jCommunik party boas \ ■ \ Bboard the plane, in addition' to State Supreme Court had du-- p.m.. when Pinay foW correspqhi- Nikita Khrushchev, Soyiet Foreign Minister "V. M. Molotov, the crew. The White Hqu.^e said qualified. himself as a .nember M ents their'work waa completj^. Defense Minister Georgi K. Zhukov and Deputy Foreign there wo\ild be no special fanfare the board in the same case. Pinay did not disclose wbkt sub­ EVERYDAY N at the aii-pori except that some Minister Andrei Groniyko. ----------------- -----------—--------- Donahue.^ convicted of the first jects the West i.itends to bring up Bulganin read a three-page pre- ^ _ ’g' • ■ . .Y O U C A DTO anthaaaadora and perhaps some degree iduider in the fatal .shoot­ at Geneva but they were almost pared statement In Russian which I I .IIB lfi LOW PRICES cabinet membera will- be present ing of Connecticut State Policeman certain to include Grfman reunifi­ waa then translated into English. v F W C l 11191/ A J1919 for the takeoff. Ernest Moi-se. is scheduled to ap­ cation. European security, disarm- There waa no opportunity ^ven C l • 1 The usual security cordon will pear before the lioard Monday atnen't and ^epCh premier Cijrarettes. Popular- - br“on' hsHtf.'—------------- ------------ aftomoob'^mml ~aa4r that hta-death -Pa«»r*’s-'»'«*w?*~disarm»si When translation ^ Beneiite -hlated. Brands ...... carton $2.05 In addition to the President’s sentence be commv.ted to life In) scheme to help backward areas. of the statement was finished. Wife and son, those aboard will pri.sonment. Pinay said he and the two other Bulganin and his delegation Shurfine Coffee .. .lb. 83c be: Tragcr disclosed today he has ministers had discuat-ed Faure’s marched out. For State 'Vets Maj.
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