THE KENYA GAZETTE Published under the Authority of His Excellency the. Governor of the Colony md Protect- ei Eeay. (Registered as a Newspaper at the a.P.0.) Vol. LX-No. 37 NAIROBI, 5th August, 1958 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZE- NoTIcEs-(~o?z~~.) PAGE PAGE Appointments, etc. 810 The Bankru~tcy- - Ordinance : . 825,829,830 The Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958- Appointment of Acting Chief Justice .. 810 Aberdare County Council The British Nationality Act, 1948-Deprivation of County Council of Nairobi . 825,826 Citizenship Order . .. 810 Municipal Board of Mombasa-Notice of Election . 826 The Legislative Council Ordinance- Termination of Appointment of Temporary Member Tender . .. 826 of Legislative Council . 810 . The Fraudulent Transfer of Businesses Ordinance 827,828 Election Res~lt . .. 810 Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany . 810 Dissolution of Partnership . 827, 828 East African Railways and Harbours-Amendments to Notice of Change of Name . 828 Tariff Book NO. 2 . 810 The Compulsory National Service Ordinance, 1951- The Crown Lands Ordinance- Appointments, etc. .. 811 Plots in Nairobi . 830 The Prevention of Cruelty to and Neglect of Children Plots in Nyeri . 831 Ordinance-Appointments . .. 811 Supreme Court and Magistrates Courts, Mombasa- The Forest Ordinance-Appointment . 811 Unclaimed Legal Deposits . 832 The Regulation of Wages and Conditions of Employ- \ ment Ordinance, 1951-Notice . .. 811 The Probation of Offenders (Case Committees) Rules, - SUPPLEMENT No. 56 1958-Appointment of Committees . 812 Ordinance, 1958 The AgricuIture Ordinance, 1955-Appointment . 812 The Water Ordinance, 1951-Appointment . 812 Warning to Traders . .. 812 The Weights and Measures Ordinance-Notice to Traders 813 Legislative Supplement The African Christian Marriage and Divorce Ordinance- LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE Licensing of Ministers . 813 . 339-The Crop Production and Livestock (Livestock Appointment of Police Stations . 813 and Controlled Areas) (Amendment) Rules, The Patents (Registration) Ordinance . 813 1958 . 547 The Companies Ordinance . 813 340-The Juveniles Ordinance, 1934-Declaration of Ivory and Trophy Auction Sale . 814 Approved School . 547 The Native Lands Trust Ordinance- 341-The Marketing of African Produce (Declared Setting Apart of Land . 814,815 Area) Order, 1958 . ' . 548 Plots at Bungoma Township . .. 815 342-The Marketing of African Produce (Fees for The African District Councils-Appointment to Joint Licences) (Amendment) Rules, 1958 . 549 Boards . .. 816 City Council of Nairobi . 817 343-Non-disallowance of Ordinances-Notice . 549 Vacancies . .. 819,820 344-The Criminal Procedure (Record of Evidence in The Forest Department-Tender Notice .. 820 the Supreme Court) Rules, 1958 . 550 Colony and Protectorate of Kenya-Exchequer Return . 821 345-The Liquor Licensing (Amendment) Rules, 1958 551 The Water Ordinance-Applications . 822 . 346-The Penal Code-Order Under Section 53 . 551 Loss of Policies . 822 347-The Transfer and Delegation of Powers The Companies Ordinance . 822 Ordinance, 1955-Revocation of Transfer of United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Ordinance-Notice 822 Ministerial Functions .. 552 Probate and Administration . 822,826,827 348-The Customs Tariff Ordinance, 1958-Notice .. 552 Trade Marks 823,824 . 349-The Education (Certificates for>eaching the - Liquor Licensing . 825 I . blind in schools for Africans) Rules, 1958 553 GAZETTE NoncE NO. 2784 GAZBTTE No.TrcE No. 2787 ' APPOINTMENTS ' THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ORDINANCE Dàvlo WILLIAM RODNEY EVANS to be District Oflicer, South ' Nyanza, Nyanza Province, with effect from 10th July, 1958. L.CaP. 38) ROGBR ANTHONY PILCHER to be District OEcer (Cadet), Kajiado TEMPORARY MEMBER OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- TERMINATION District, Southern 'Province, with elect from 14th July, 1958. oF APPOINTMBNT . ARNOLD J'OHN Fos'rim to be District Oëcer, South Nyeri District, IT IS hereby declared that the vacancy causcd by the absence Central Province, with esect from 15th July, 1958. from the Colony of the Honourable Jamea Robert M axwell C.M.G., the member of Legislative Council for tho Trans Nzoia, ; WILLIAM THEODORB PIKE to be District Oïcer (Cadet). Fort electoral area, has ceased to exist on the return of the said i Hall District, Central Province, with elect from 23rd June, Honotlrable James Robçrt Maxwell, C.M.G. h 1958. The appointment of Reginald Field ; FRBDERICK PETER BYRNE DERRICK to be Oflker-in-charge, Embu , Esquire, as a Temporary M ember of the said Council* is accordingly terminated. .i Dijtricts Central Province (as dehned in Government Notice 1 No. 1351 of 1952), with esect from 8th M ay, 1958. Dated this 28th day of July, 1958. ! THB HONOIJRABLE MR. JusTlcE TREvoa JACK GUULD to be a l . Justice of Appeal of Her Maksty's Court of Appeal for W . F. COUTTS, 1 . Eastcrn Africa with esect from the 4th day of ' July, 1958. , C&F/ Secretary. ! 'h ') By Command of tho Governor. *G.x. 1t95/.58. l W . Y. COUT I-S, t ' Chiej Secretary. GAzs'rl'E Ntm cB No. 2788 GAZETTS NolqcE No. 2785 THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION ORDER IN THE LEGISLATIVE COIJNCIL ORDINANCE COUNCIL, 1958 W ap. 38) LL.N. No. 158 oj 1958) ELBCTION RESULT APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHIEF JUSTICB IN PURSUANCE of rule 36 of the Rules fqr tje Election By His Excellency tlle Honourable Sir Evelyn Baring, Knight oOf Yembers contained in Schedule III to the Leglslattve Council Grand Cross of the Mpst Distingtlished Order of Saint Michael rdmanct, I hereby give notice tbat- and Saint George,- Knlght Commander of the Royàl Victorian Order, Governor and Commander-in-chief ' of the Colony and ERNEST LESLIE HOWARD-W ILLIAMS Protectorate of K enya. has been elected as a M ember of the Legislative Council to represent the Nairobi North electoral area. ' W HEREAS the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is by - reason of absence on leave in the United Kingdom unable to Dated this 31st day of July perfonn the functions of his oëce, and it is desirable to make , 1958. temporary provision for the performance of the functions of W . F. COUTTS, his oëce : Chie! Secretary. Now, T-HEREFORE, in exercisq of the power conferred by sec- tion 62 of the Kenya (Constltution) Order in Council, 1958, I do hereby appoint- ' . GkoFrltEY BURKITT WHITO MB RUDD GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 2789 to perform the functions of the omce of Chief . Justice of the (CONS. 6) Supreme Court until tpe Chief Justice has resumed the functions CQNSUL OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC 0F GERMANY of the said oKoe. IT IS Vreby notified for general information that formal Givcn under my hand this 1st day of August, '1958. recognition has been accorded to- . E. BARING. DR. JUERGEN K ALKBRENNER . Governor. ks Consul of the Federal Rcpublic of Germany at the German Consulate-General at. Nairobi. ' GAzsrrs Nôwcs No. 2788 . Dated this 31st day of July, 1958. (u%IB. NAT. 3/ 14) ' W . F. COUTI'S, THE BRITISH NATIONALIW ACT, 1948 Chiej Secretary. (11 and 12 Geo. 6. c. 56) DEPRIVATION OF CITIZBVSHW ORDER W HEREAS on the 1st day of Decembcr, 1953, Dharamshi Punja Raja alias Dharamshi Mepa, whose country of origin is GAzsl'rs No'rlcr No. 2790 Kansumra, lndia, was registered under the' provisions of the British Nationality Act, 1948, as a Citizen of the United EAST AFRICAN RAILW AYS AND HARBOURS Kingdom and Colonies : AMENDMENTS To TARIF'F BooK No. 2 AND wltlmsAs 1 am satisfied that the said registration was obtained by means of untrue statements in that in his appli- THE East African Railways and Harbours Administration g'ives noticc that with efect from 1st August cation lerefor the said person stated that ho was at the time , 1958, thc of his Application ordinarily resident in Kenya Colony, whereas following arhendments have been made to Tarif Book No. 2 := he was then unlawfully in the said Colony and in that hts registration was effected in a false name : ' PAGB 15. SEcTlox 26 ' AND wHsu z.s for the reasons aforesqjd I have decided to tTpayment of Charges'' . deprive the said person of citizenship and the Secrttary of State has signified his approval of the making of this Order : Delete section 26 (1) (11) Escarriage Charges on retgrned AND wHlmsA.s due notice in writing of the intention to empties (unless carried freel'' and make this Order has béen given to the said person, informing renumber paragraphs (/), (/), (k), (f), (?a), (n) and (o) to him of the ground on which it is proposed to make it and read (/0, (0 (/), (/G (0, (v) tmd (n) . of his right to apply. for an enquiry under section 20 of the A' ct aforesaid, and no app'lication for such enquiry has been jr zl béktl-t made by the said person or on his behalf : PAGE 12i . SBCTION 156- Now, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by Milling (or marketing) in transit rate for coFee. se:tions 20 and 22 of the British Nationality Act, 1948, and all other powers me tbereunto enabling, I hereby ?with efect Rate to N airobi from the date of signature of thgs Order, deprlve the said per 100 lb. Dharamshi Punja Raja alias .Dharamshi Mepa pf his citizenship Fr/m Sh. cts. of the United Kingdom . and Colonies. Kamwenge 5 19 Given under my hand at Nairobi thig' 24th day of July, 1958. Kasese 5 56 WG. oFv.e rCnOorU'sU DçSp,utl.. C. 1. W OTHERSPOON, jor General Manager. 5th A ugust, 1958 . TH E K ENYA G A ZETTE 811 GAZE'I'TB NOTIC.E N0. 2791 GAD 'ITB Nozqcs' No. 2795 (DFF. 26/2/22/14) (kEL. 2612(24 THE COVPULSORY NATIONAL SERVICE ORDINANCE, THE PREVENTION OF CRUEXTY TO AND NEGLECT 1951 OF CHILDREN ORDINANCE, 1955 LNo. 19.0/ 1951) ABPOINTMBNT oF INseEcToRs or CHILDREN RELEASE AovlstmY COMMITTCS lN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by scction 1 1 of IN EXERCISE of the poweqs conferred by section 32-4 of the Prevention of Cruelty to and Neglect of Children Ordinance, the Compulsory National Service Ordinance, 1951, the Governor 1955, and a11 other powers thereunto enabling, the M inister hereby appoints- .
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