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pw .>^*k :^ ^J w- ^^H^ ^;^-- A^MVE* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of IVIassachusetts, Boston ,:P^^^i^^^ MASSACHUSETTS ^REGISTER, AND For the Year of our Lord 18^1, Being third after Bissextile, or Leap Year, and Fifty-fifth of American Independence. CONTAINING Civil Judicial,, Ecclesiastical and Military Lists in Associations, and Corporate Institutions For Literary, Agricultural, and Charitable Purposes. A List of Post-Towns in Massachusetts, with the names of the post-masters. CITY OFFICERS IN BOSTON. ALSO, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAZ. GOVERNMENT, With its several Departments and Establishments ; Times of the Sittings of the several Courts ; Governors in each Stale ; And a Variety of other Interesting Articles. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY JAMES LORING, 132 WASHINGTON STREET. ECLIPSES 1831. MJon:as3ow,!'°"'^'^^"P^"^'''^y^"' two of the San and two of the • • • "''•f-Appar. time morning. sSr! : : MWdle ...".;'. 1 5/ ^"*^ 2 30 r Appar. time evening. l^uration 2 54 ) Digits eclipsed, IP 30' on the Sun's S. limb. '^"'^ ^^« ^^^o£^^:^^;^^^Z e^a7;h^^'?tMi^,i'r me a annular,^r^^;fform- .inir) and central in lH«ho«,U-,^'' If the air be clear aVthe time";:^,;; "'"' *^' ^"^°"- l^::,*!:,^?, i,°e°,Te'l" '^ "' ^'^ ^°«"' of couJe'; invisible."'" ^^'^--y ^^^ ^h. 6m. evening, ibK'-lj;:^?;:;!^!;;;^?^:::;;^""' August 7,at5h.lQm.evening,i.^^^^ IV. The fourth will be of tl.e Moon, A.igust 23, partly visible Beginning 3^. sgm. ) Moon sets 5 12 ( Middle 5 13 ? Appar. time morning. ^nd 6 29 > Digits eclipsed, 5° 48' on Moon's N. limb. VOTES FOR GOYERm^nl^yi^^^^^^^^ For Mr. ^Strong, JSOO .P,.3o For Mr. ^ Gerry, ,6,.,« for o! I^SISSJ^?----^ I For Mr. Gore, 1808 ? 39,W ?or do.' 'tH^i For do. 1809 47,916 5 For Mr. Lincoln, 4i'n8 ?°!: ^«10 ^^'272 f For Mr. Gerr? For do.i"' 46541 1811 40,142] For do. 4^'f28 For Mr. Strong, 1812 52,696 S For do. fiHl For do. 1813 56,754 > For Mr. Varnum, 42 789 1814 ' ?°^ ^«- 56,374 For Mr. Dexter, 45 053 For do. 1815 f 50,921 I For do. jf'o^s For Mr. Brooks, 1816 49 578 ^ For do. Sfsl ?°'' 1«17 ' ^«- 46,160 For Mr. Dearborn, 38 129 39.533^ For Mr. Crowninshield, sffi Forlor do..In* ]l\l1819 ' 42,875 For do. 35 271 For do. 1820 31,072 ^ For Mr. Eustis, iiHi For do. 1821 28,603^. For do. ' io603 1822 28,487 For ?°\, • ^ do. 21177 For Mr.•'S*Eustis, 1823 34,402 \ For Mr. Otis, 30 171 1°'' ^?' ^^2^ ^"''^^'^ F«>- ^Ir. Lathrop, , I 34:210 ^•••,^'"'^°'"'^ 1825 Inl 35,221 ] For Other candidates, 2 205 ^°- 1826 27,882 l""' ? For do. ' 12 no For do. 1827 29,029 | For do. Jo JJo ^°r do. 1828 27,981 ^ For do. 6 337 For do. 1829 25,217 5 For do. For do. S 1830 I 30,908 For Mr. Morton, 14,440 In Boston, 1830,'Mr. Lincoln, 3,142—Mr. Morton, 758. 1 /V1 H- A JANUARY, 1S31, begins on Saturday. Last Quarter, 5th day, 6b. 10m. evening. New Moon, 13th day, 8h. 53ra. evenmg. First Quarter, 21st day, 2h. 45m. morning. Full Moon, 27th day, 9h. 49m. evening. M|Wj Observable Days, l^c. |r. s. |r. <| s.|F.Sea, Circ. Cooler 5 8 2d Sun. past Christ. ith 5 3 7*s sou. 8h. 40m. signs 4 C. P. Boston, C. C. Camb. 7 30 5 5 Quite of 30 5 6 Epip. low snow 29 5 7 tides. Finer 28 5 8 Brit.def. atN.O.'i5. >apa 28 5 9 ist Sun. past Epiph. with 7 27 5 10 Saturn sou. ih. 40m. wind.-j 26 5 Great 7 26 5 signs of a 7 25 5 Y'd L. south 9h. 46m. 7 24 5 Peace rati, by Cong. 1784. 7 24 storm. 7 23 \ ji6 ad. Sun. past Epiph. 7 22 5 Dr. FrankUn born 1706. 7 21 5 18 Pris. C. C. Ips. 5 9 Some 5 20 Fab. snonv 21 Agnes. this time* 22 Vince. Mid. > perig, 23 3d Sun. past. Ep. 24 tides. Grows 25 Conv. of St.Paul.C.C.Barn. 26 7*s sou. 7h. warmer* 27 Clouds up for 28 a storm of 29 Geo. IV. Acces. snow or 30 Septuag. Sun. rain. 3 Geo. IV. procl. K. '20. FEBRUARY, 1831, begins on Tuesday. Last Quarter, 4lh day, 3h. 29m. evening. New Moon, 12th day. Oh. 15m. evening. First Quarter, 19th day, lOh. 15m. morning. Full Moon, 26th day. Oh. 6m. evening. M|W| Observable Days, tsfc. r. s. |r.0 s. [F.Sea. | © 1 6 1 MARCH, 1831, begins on Tuesday. Last Quarter, 6th day. Oh. 27m. evening. New Moon, 14th day, Ih. 5m. morning. First Quarter, 20th day, 5h. 3om. evening. Full Moon, 28th day, 3b. 37m. morning. M|W| Observable Days, Isfc. |r.0 s. i r. ^ s, F.Sea. S. J. C. L. T. Bost. C. C.|6 8 49 13 Frequent [North. & Greenf.js 9 48 56 Quite changes. \6 10 44 51 First Con. met '89. > apo.JS 11 41 o low tides Milder 16 23 61 morn. 3dSun. in Lent. ivith j6 o 29 C.P.Worc. for the season.. 6 I li showers |6 a o 7*s set iih. 50m. of 16 3 39 rain 1 3 a8 if not snow* {6 4 10 j |Greg. Finer. 6 5 58 4th Sun. in L. M. L. Sun. 6 6 lojio 36 C. P. Concord & Taunton.! > sets 1 17 1513 C. C. Plym. Cooler withd 7 41 II 5i Middling white frost. 6 8 54|cv, 43 715 British evac. Bost. 1776. 6 10 5 I 3' 8,6 Antor. ris. loh. 16m. D per. 6 II 6 2 39 1 »97 tides. Moderates, (, morn.! 4 2o'B 5th Sunday in Lent. 6 23I 5 33 2l|z Ips. Spr. 1 C P. & Changeableld 26J 6 50 22h C. C. Taun. & Wore. 2 24 7 48 ^weather 8 3|4 for 3 13 Jup. ris. 4h. 30m. some 9 2.56 Anun.V. M. days. 9 46 26 7 Pleasant. 10 29 27B 6th. Sun. in Lent. P. S. II o C. P. North. Great ^rise II 24 7*s set loh. 42m. signs 7 44 morn. of a storm. 8 42 o I Tides low. 9 40 o 34 A* APRIL, 1831, begins on Friday. Last Quarter, 6th day, 7h. 19m. morning. New Moon, 12tli day, llh. 16m. morning. First Quarter, 19th day, Ih. 43m. morning. Full Moon, 26th day, 7h. 35m. evening. W| Observable Days, tffv. s. Sea. r. j r.^s.lF. M | GoodFri. Fi«^ apo.5 44 7\'° 35 1 13 7 /c^r the 5 4 II 29 1 57 B Easter Day. season. 5 41 7 morn. 2 54 42 Gov. & Sen. chos. Mass. 5 40 7 ao 4 7 53 C.P.B0S.& Grn'f. Ajtorm 5 38 7 1 9 5 3^ 64 at 5 37 7 1 55 6 44 75 7*8 set I oh. hand. 5 35 7 2 37 7 36 20 Not very high High 5 34 7 3 161 8 o winds. 5 32 7 3 51 9 loB 1st Sun. past Easter. 5 3» 7 4 27! 9 5" C.P.Ply. tides. Finer, I 10 5 30„- 7, 5 33 S.J.C. Wore. Cone. Gr'f.&i5 a8 71 1; sets 1 1 23 34 [Taun. C. C. Ips. & Bar.j5 27 7^ 7 52 ev Mj More sho<wers q.vith (5 z6 71 9 60 50 136 jMid. tides, wind. ) perig.|5 25 7^° i7| 1 39 167 jShakspeare born 1564. 5 23 711 Z5| 2 29 17B 2d Sund. past Eas. Good 5 22 7 morn.! 3 25 18a C.C. Nant. weather [5 ai 7 o 26; 4 30 193 S.J.C.N'p. C.P.Barn.C.C.5 19 71 I 2ii 5 50 204 [Ded. BattleCon.&Lex.'75. 5 18 71 a 8i 7 16 21:5 for some 5 16 7I a 48 8 a5 22 6 Quite even days. 5 »5 7i 3 23' 9 14 37 St. George. More 5 14 7 3 S5\ 9 54 1 2 a.5'io ag 24 3d Sun. past E. signs of 3 7j 4 25 C. P. Dedh. tides rain. 5 II 7. 4 54i'o 51 26 S.J.C. Ips. Spr. & Bar. C.C. 5 JO 7|Oriseii i ai 27 7*s set 8h. 48m. [Len.&Sp.5 « 7 7 39!morn. 1 28 Much ]) apo. 5 7 7 8 35 o 29 6 7 9 ^9 a9 307 Louis, ced. to U. S. 1803, 5 5 7 10 22 1 4 MAY, 1831, begins on Sunday. Last Quarter, 4th day, lOh. 51m. evenmg. New Moon, 11th day, Th. 17m. evening. llh. 28m. morning. Fh'st Quarter, J 8th day, Full Moon, 26th day, llh. 16m. morning. |r.0 s.| r.^s-lF.Sea. !miw| Observable Days, is'c. 11 12 I 41 B 4th S. past E. St.P.&St.Ja. 3 7 II 58 a ai Low tides. Cool a 7 2 breezes but 1 7 morn. 3 3 o 41 4 35 44 Gen. Elec. R. I. pleasant, _ 7 1 19 6 o Bona, died i8ai, aged 5a. 4 59 ^ 1 56 II St. John Jiatn 7 k o 2 8 eivitfi (wind. 4 56 a9 3 2: 8 5th Sun. past East. R. S. 3 47 28 Mucb 4 54 3 36' 9 8 20 S.

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