GOVEF^NMENT OF KERALA S T A T IS T IC S F O R R _ A N N IN G 1993 DEPARTMENl Of ECX)NOMICS & STATISflCS THIRLiVANANTHARJRAM ilHRAKY & BUnUI/l£MrATtUH CI;NIIII£ Httiooal loititui* of KducatiooaJ IpVftfiwtl au^ |>i, Sti Aut«)iin4o Mari. OcHii lli016 C O C . No ............. — ----------- -- PREFACE Statistics for Planning published at periodic intervals is the most important and comprehensive publication of the Depart­ ment of Economics & Statistics, Government of Kerala. The present issue 1993 fb the seventh in the series. Attempts have been made to present latest data on all important aspects of Kerala economy. In vfew of the importance given to district level plannmg, district- v^ise data on important sectors are also given in this publication. It is hoped that this publication v^/ould be of considerable use to planners, administrators, researchers arid other data users interested in studying ttie various aspects of Kerala economy. Suggestions for improvement are most welcome. I wisli to place on record my appreciation of the unstinted co-operation extended by the officers and staff of ttie Directorate in bringingout this publication in a short lime. S.Retnabai Ammal, i;jrrectar of Ecoiioniica & Statistics. CONTENTS Pages I. Population 1-32 11. Agriculture 33-105 III. Industries 106 162 IV. Energy and Power 163-167 V. Housing 168-175 VI. Labour, Employment and Wages 176-194 vu. Transport and Communications 195-212 VIII. Education 213-233 IX. Health and Family Welfare 234-262 X. Co-operalion and Banking 263-278 XI. Prices 279-298 XII. Foreign Trade 299-306 XIII. Public riistribution System 307-31 1 XIV. Five Year Plans 312- 320 XV. State Domestic Products 321- 334 XVI. (vttfecellaneoua 335-341 I. POPULATIOINI 1.1 Population*:and other demographic particulars of States/U.Ts - 1991. 1.2 Rural - Urban population of Kerala and India 1901 to 1991. 1.3 Decadal growth rate of population - Kerala & India. 1.4 District-wise population particulars of Kerala - 1991, 1.5 District-wise projected population of Kerala 1992 to 2000. 1.6 District-wise population of SC & ST - 1991. 1.7 District-wise demographic particulars - 1981 & 1991. 'I.B District-wise rural-urban population - 1991. 1.9 District-wise & Sex-wise literacy rates - 1991. 1.10 ()istrict-wise rural urban bieek up of literacy rates - 1991. 1.11 Daaic details of t?ornmunity development blocks 1991, 1.12 Important vital rates in Kerala - rural. 1.13 Age specific fertihty rates in Kerala - rural. 1.14 Arje specific death rates in Kerala. ! 1'’ EypeclaUon -a\ bir\h - 1.16 Important vital rates in Kerala and India (rural A: urban combined) 1.17 1 ertility indices in Kerala dc India. 1.18 District-wise distribution of main, marginal and non-workers ~ 1991. 1.19 Sex-wise percentage distribution of workers by industrial classification in Kerala & India - 1981 & 1991. 1.20 Industry-wise & Sex wise distribution of main workers in Kerala 1991. 1.21 Rural Urban liistribution of main workers in Kerala 1981 A 1^91. 1.22 District-wise distribution of main workers in Kerala - 1991, 1.23 District-wise percentage distribution of main workers - 1991. 1.24 District-wise percentage distribution of main workers - male - 1991. 1.25 District-wise percentage distribution of tnain workers - female - 1991. 1.^6 DiBtrict-wise percentage distribution of main workers - Rural. 1.27 rjietrict-wise perct;iitage distribution of main workers - Urban. 1 '8 DiKtrlct-wisB distribution of main, marginal & non-workers - SC 1991. 1.29 District-wise work participation rate of SC ~ 1991, 1.30 District-wise percentage distribution of main workers - SC - 1991. 1.31 District-wise distribution of main, marginal & non-workers ^ ST 1991. 1.32 District wise work participation rate of ST - 1991. 1.33 District-wise percentage distribution of main workers - ST - 1991, 1.1 Population and Otner DemograptiK:: psirticuiars of States/Untan Tranritories 1991 State/Union Popuiation U rb a n S ch ed u led 'Scheduled D en sity L ite ra c y Work Participation Rate£ Territories (•000s) Popula­ Caste Popu.- - Tribe (Popula­ Rate tion as la on as popuiation tion per (Persons) Males Females^ Total Percen­ Kercen- as Percen­ vSq.k.m.) tage of tage of tage of Total Total Total Popuia­ Popula­ Popula­ tion tion tion 1 2 3' 4 5 S > 8 9 10 * States Andhra Pradesr. , 66508 26.89 15.93 6.31 242 44.09 55.48 34.32 45.05 Arunachai Pradesh 365 12.80 •a47 63.66 10 41.59 53.76 37.49 46.24 Assam 224U 11.10 7.40* 12.82* 286 52.89* 49.45 21.61 36.09 Sihar 86374 13.14 14.55 7.66 497 3a48 47.92 14.86 32.16 Goa r'70 41.01 2.08 0.03 316 75.51 49.56 20.52 35.28 Gujarat 41310 34.49 7.41 14.92 211 61.29 53.57 25.96 40.23 Haryana 16464 24.63 19.75 - 372 55.85 ■ 48.51 10.76 31.00 Himachal Pradesh 5171 8.69 25.34 4.22 93 63.86 50.64 34.82 42.82 Jammu Kashnr.ir 77'^ 9* 23.83 - - 76 N.A. • - -- Karnataka 44977 30.92 16.38 4.26 235 56.04 54.09 29.39 41.99 Keraia 29098 26.39 9.92 1.10 749 89.81 47.58 15.85 31.43 Madhya Pradesh 66181 23.18 14.55 23.27 149 44.20 52.26 32.68 42.82 Maharashtra 78937 38.69 11.09 9.27 257 64.87 52.16 33.11 42.96 Manipur 1837 27.52 2.02 34.41 82 59.89 45.27 38.96 42.18 Meghalaya 1775 18.60 a5i 85.53 *79 49.10 50.07 34.93 42.67 Mizoram 693 46.10 0.10 94.75 33 82.27 53;87 4^.52 48.91 £ Percentage cf total workers to tc-tc;l pcptfkitico. • Table 1.1 Contd. 1 6 i 8 9 10 Nagaland 1209 17.21 - 87.70 73 61.65 46.86 37.96 42.68 Orissa 31660 13.38 16.20 22.21 203 49.09 53.79 20.79 37.53 Punjab 20282 29.55 28.31 403 58.51 54.22 4.40 30.87 Rajasthan 44006 22.88 17.29 12.44 129 38,55 49.30 27.40 38.87 Sikkinn 406 9.10 5.93 22.36 57 56.94 51.26 30.41 41.51 Tamil Nadu 55859 34.15 19.18 1.03 429 62.66 56.39 29.89 43.31 Tripura 2757 15.30 16.36 30.95 263 60.44 47.55 13.76 31.14 Uttar Pradesh 139112 19.84 21.05 0.21 473 41.60 49.68 12.32 32.20 West Bengal 68078 27.48 23.62 5.59 767 57.70 51.40 11.25 32.19 Union Territories rsj Andannan ^ Nicobar Islands 281 26.71 - 9.54 34 73.02 53.32 13.13 35.24 Chandigarh 642 89.69 16.51 - 5632 77.81 54.33 10.39 34.94 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 138 8.47 1.97 78.99 282 40.71 57.50 48.79 53.25 Daman /Sc Diu 102 46.80 3.83 11.54 907 71.20 51.63 23.17 37.63 Delhi 9421 89.93 19.05 - 6352 75.29 51.72 7.36 31.64 Lakshadweep 52 56.31 - 93.15 1616 81.78 44.17 7.60 26.43 Pondicherry 808 64.00 16.25 - 1642 74.74 50.55 15.24 33.08 India 846303 26.13 16.48 8.08 273 52.21* 51.61 22.27 37.50 * Census was not held in Jammu ^ Kashmir. The figure is the projected population. Source; Registrar General ^ Census Commissioner of India. 1.2 R u ral-U ib aii Population of Kerala and latlla - 1901i-v ;9 : (Lakhs) Year Rural Urban Kerala India Kerala India 1 t 3 4 .....5 ....... 1901 59.42 2125.44 4.54 258.52 1911 66.23 2261.52 5.25 259.42 1921 71.21 2232.35 6.81 280.06 1951 85.91 2455.21 9.16 354.56 1941 98.36 2745.07 11.96 441.53 1951 117.23 2986.44 18.26 624.44 1961 143.50 3602.98 25.54 709.37 1971 170.81 4390.46 34.66 1091.14 1901 206.82 5238.67 47.71 159^.63 1991 214.18 6286.92 76.00 2176.11 Source: 1. r inal Population Totals India Series I Paper 2 of 1992. 2 Census of India 1991. Series 12 - Kerala - Final Populaticn Totals. 1.3 Decadal Growth Rato of Population - Koralu and Inula Percentage Decadal Variation Year Kerala India T 2 ..............""J"' 1901-1911 411.75 + 5.75 1911-1921 +9.16 -0.31 1921-1931 +21.05 + 11.00 1931-1941 + 16.04 +14.22 1941-1951 + 22.82 + 13.31 1951-1961 + 24.76 +21.51 1961-1971 +26.29 +24.80 1971-1981 + 19.24 +24.66 1901 1991 + 14.32 ^23.05 Source: Census Reports. 1.4 District-Wise Population Particulars 1991 District/ Area No. of Population ('0 00s) % tOD State (Sq.Km.) House­ Tottal 1 F emaies holds Males Total Hopiulda- ['OOGs) tiorn I T T ------- 3---------- -------5--------- 1 Thiruvananthapauram 2192 619 1448 1499 2947 10.135 Kollam 2491 490 1183 1225 24(1)8 8.277 F^athanamthitta 2642 259 576 612 1108 4.083 Alappuzha 1414 405 976 1025 2001 6.883 Kottayam 2203 362 913 915 1828 6.283 Idukki 5019 233 546 532 1078 3.711 Eranakulam 2407 556 1409 1408 28T7 9.
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