AMICA MEMBERSHIP RATES: Continuing Members: $15 Annual Dues New Members, add $5 processing fee CHAPTER OFFICERS NORTHERN CALIFORNIA , " INTERNATIONAL Pres.: Phil McCoy OFFICERS Vice Pres.: Isadora Koff , ' Treas.: Bob Wilcox Sec.lReporter: Jack & THE AMICA NEWS BULLETIN Dianne Edwards " PRESIDENT Robert M. Taylor SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1326 Spruce St. #3004 Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Pres.: Mary Lilien Philadelphia, PA 19107 Vice Pres.: Roy Shelso " Association, a non-profit club devoted to the restoration, '. VICE PRESIDENT distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using Sec.: Herb Stockinger Terry Smythe perforated paper music rolls. Treas.: Les Cordell .' , 71 Bourmont Bay Reporter: Bill Toeppe Winnepeg, Manitoba TEXAS Canada R2J lK2 DOROTHY BROMAGE, Publisher Pres.: Bill Flynt SECRETARY Vice Pres.: Ken Long Jim Weisenborne P.O. Box 387 Sec.rrreas.: Janet Tonnesen 73 Nevada St. La Habra, CA 90631 Reporter: Carole Beckett 213/697-1545 Rochester, MI 48063 MIOWEST PUBLISHER Pres.: Jim Weisenborne Dorothy Bromage Vice Pres.: Ed Joswick P.O. Box 387 Contributions: All subjects of interest to readers of the Sec.: Tim Needler La Habra, CA 90631 Bulletin are encouraged and invited by the publisher. All Treas.: Alvin Wulfekuhl articles must be received by the 10th of the preceding MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Reporter: Ahti Petaja (New memberships and month. Every attempt will be made to publish all articles of PHILADELPHIA AREA mailing problems) general interest to AMICA members at the earliest possible Pres.: Len Wert Bobby Clark time and at the discretion of the publisher. Vice Pres.: Bill Chromer P.O. Box 172 Change of Address: If you move, send the newaddress and Sec.: Beverly Naddeo Columbia, SC 29202 Treas.: Doris Berry phone number to the Membership Secretary, Bobby Clark. Reporter: Dick Price TREASURER Mike & Liz Barnhart S.O.W.N.Y. (SOUTHERN ONTARIO( '~ ,, , 919 Lantern Glow Trail WESTERN NY) '-" , Dayton, OH 45431 ADVERTISING Pres.: Mike Walter , Vice Pres.: Stella Gilbert _,II I BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Classified: 10¢ per word, $1.50 minimum. Sec.: Holly Walter No. Cal.: Howie Koff • All copy must reach the publisher by the 10th of the Treas.: Carl Guhlow So. Cal.: Dick Rigg Reporter: Jan Drewniak Texas: Tom Beckett preceding month. Payment must accompany order. Midwest: Bill Eicher Make checks payable to: AMICA INTERNATIONAL. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Phila. Area: Mike Naddeo Display advertising Pres.: Larry Kerecman S.O.W.N.Y.: Jeff Depp Full page 7W'xlO" $70.00 Vice Pres.: Roy Gorish , Rocky Mtn.: Dick Kroeckel Sec.: Rae Burdette One-half page horizontal 7Y2"x4¥.." 35.00 I," , New Jersey: Bill Baab Treas.: Art Tarr Iowa: Alvin Johnson One-half page vertical 3%"xl0" 35.00 Reporter: Jere DeBacker One-fourth page vertical 3%"x43,4" 17.50 Boston Area: Sanford Libman NEW JERSEY No. Lights: Trudy Maier • Each photograph or half-tone $5.00 Pres.: Carl Thomsen Sierra-Nevada: Robert Moore Vice Pres.: Frank Thompson ,', Chicago Area: • We recom'Tlend display advertisers supply camera­ Sec.: Linda H. Repsher I ready copy. Copy that is oversized or undersized will Treas.: Bill Dean COMMITTEES be changed to correct size at your cost. We can pre­ Reporter: Richard Groman III Technical pare your advertisement from your suggested layout ,I j Mel Luchetti IOWA at cost. Pres.: Lee Zimmerline 1',1 3449 Mauricia Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95051 • All copy must reach the publisher by the 10th of the Vice Pres.: Stan Peters 1,' • Sec./Treas.: Mary Lou Shimp Honorary Members preceding month. Reporter: AI Johnson , Alf E. Werolin • Payment must accompany order. Typesetting, layout , 2230 Oakdale Rd. BOSTON AREA " Hillsborough, CA 94010 or size alteration charges will be billed separately. Pres.: William Koenigsberg oj Make checks payable to: A,wlCA INTERNATIONAL. Vice Pres.: Charles Hazard I, , Archives Sec.: AI Greco • All ads will appear on the last pages of the Bulletin at " ' Jim Weisenborne Treas.: Philip Konop 73 Nevada St. the discretion of the publisher. Reporter: Donald Brown Rochester, MI 48063 Publication of business advertising in no way implies AMI­ NORTHERN LIGHTS AMICAGoals CNs endorsement of any commercial operation. However, Pres.: Gene Skarda ". " ' Carole Beckett ", AMICA reserves the right to refuse any ad that is not in Vice Pres.: Steve Leppa 6817 Cliffbrook keeping with AMICA's general standards or ifcomplaints are Sec.lReporter: Dorothy Olds Dallas, TX 75240 Treas.: Ron Olsen ,I received indicating that said business does not serve the , Audio-Visual best interests of the members of AMICA according to its SIERRA-NEVADA '-' Howie Koff goals and bylaws. Pres.: Sonja Lemon II'"~ I 2141 Deodara Dr. Vice Pres.: Tim Taormina Los Altos, CA 94022 Sec./Treas.: Vickie Mahr Reporter: Lynne and Bill AFFILIATED SOCIETIES 1981 ANNUAL MEETING Pezzaglia The Player Piano Group Dallas, Texas CHICAGO AREA The North West Player Piano Pres.: Bob Taylor Association October 1-4 Vice Pres.: Mike Ehart Netherlands Mechanical Organ Sec.lReporter: Mike Schwimmer Society - KDV Treas.: Fred Schwimmer AMICA International ./ FROM THE ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: New rates for PUBLISHER display ads will go into effect with the MAY, 1981 issue. Full page ads will be $70.00, half page $35.00 and quarter page $17.50. Revenue from Dorothy Bromage advertising must be increased to help offset higher costs for all aspects of Bulletin publica­ National Player Piano Week tion. No, you did not miss the first National Player Piano Week. All the references in this issue are from the "Standard Player Monthly" contributed by Dick Mer­ chant. The date of the periodical is Aprill92l! National Playerpiano \Veek 1981 AMICA l\pril 2nd to 9th ANNUAL MEETING October 1-4 DALLAS, TEXAS In the Heart of America by Paul Morgenroth This is a report on our progress in forming an AMICA AMICA International April chapter in the Kansas City area. The third meeting of News Bulletin 1981 our group was held at the home of Paul and Shirley INDEX Morgenroth, GrainValley, Missouri on January 25,1981. AMICA International . .53 We all agreed that a by-law committee would meet and People ........ .54 establish an AMICA chapter which shall be known as News from the Chapters . 62 "Heart Of America" chapter. Twenty-six persons were Instruments . 69 present of which twelve are presently AMICA members, and AMICA membership blanks will be made available Rolls and Music to all those wishing to join AMICA International. An Technicalities . 71 election was held and the officers are as follows: The Forum . 72 President - Dr. Galen Bird Original Bulletin articles, or material for reprint that is of significant historical quality and interest, Vice-pres. - Larry Palmquist are encouraged and will be rewarded in the form Secretary-Treas. - Dr. Ron Bopp of AMICA membership dues discounts. (Chapter Board Rep.-Reporter - Paul Morgenroth reports and Forum inquiries are excluded.) We are anticipating a large and active organization with several members coming_ from a distance of well over --/ ..._----------... one hundred miles from the Kansas City area. The next chapter meeting is set for April 5, 1981 at the home of Ben Graves in Stilwell, Kansas. The summer meeting will take place in Joplin, Missouri for a tour of some of the member's homes and in the fall our meeting will be hosted by Jerry and Dorothy Cusick and their son Doug in Overland Park, Kansas. Everyone had a marvelous time. Following the business meeting, refreshments were served as the group enjoyed listening to Paul and Shirley's 1923 Duo Art O.R. Steinway, some Regina discs and a few miscellaneous horn phonos. The group was also delighted to hear several tunes on a nick­ elodeon which was built up from an old Packard piano People by its owner Craig Brouger. / On April 29, 1981, Shura Cherkassky will be I presented in concert at the Ambassador Au­ ditorium in Pasadena, California. Following the program, an all Chopin recital, Shura will attend a reception in his honor at the home of Les and Audrey Cordell in San Marino. The Southern California chapter ofAMICA is host­ ing the reception. Abram Chasins, Southern California resident and AMICA honorary member, was one of the teachers of Shura Cherkassky. D.B. Shura Cherkassky by Emmett M. Ford Shura Cherkassky, pianist, composer, Duo-Art piano roll artist and AMICA Honorary Member was born in Paul Morgenroth, Ron Bopp, Galen Bird and Larry Palmquist Odessa, Russia, October 7, 1911. His father was a dentist. - officers of the Chapter now forming. His first teacher was his mother, Lydia Cherkassky, who was a graduate of the Petrograd Conservatory. She was also a teacher of pianist, Raymond Lewenthal. Mr. Cherkassky's musical ability was shown at an early age and when five years old he had composed a five-act opera and when ten years of age had conducted a sym­ phony orchestra. After three years of privation and suffering and months of struggle, permission was received from the Russian Government to take the boy out of Russia. The Cher­ kassky family arrived in America December 23, 1922 and settled in Baltimore in 1923. Shura gave three piano recitals in Baltimore at the Lyric Theatre. Harold Ran­ dolph, Director of the Peabody Conservatory and Fre­ derick R. Huber, Municipal Director of Music, were impressed by the boy's genius and took him under their guidance. Later he became a student of Josef Hofmann who was a famous teacher and later director of the Curtis Institute of Music. In later life, Shura recalled his training with the great pianist, and the man's personal­ ity and organized work. Shura studied for some months with Leopold Stokowski in New York. "- At the age of twelve he played the Chopin F Minor The January 25 Group Concerto with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, - 54- / Bronze Sculpture Given To Shura Cherkassky by Emmett M.
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