NASA CR-121236 R-9269 ADVANCED SPACE ENGINE PRELIMINARY DESIGN By A. T. Zachary ROCKETDYNE DIVISION C- ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL Prepared for NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION NASA-Lewis Research Center Contract NAS3-16751 (NVSA-CR-121236) ADVANCED SPACE ENGINE N74-16489 PRELIINABY DESIGN (Rocketdyne) f5,-p HC CSCL 21H $27.25 Unclas G3/28 28289 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. NASA CR-121236 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date ADVANCED SPACE ENGINE PRELIMINARY DESIGN October 1973 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. A.T. Zachary R-9269 10. Work Unit No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International 11. Contract or Grant No. Canoga Park, California, 91304 NAS3-16751 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Contractor Report National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, D.C., 20546 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary Notes Project Manager, D.D. Scheer, NASA-Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 16. Abstract Analysis and design of an optimum LO2/LH2, combustion topping cycle, 88,964 N (20,000-pound) thrust, liquid rocket engine was conducted. The design selected is well suited to high-energy, upper-stage engine applications such as the Space Tug and embodies features directed toward optimization of vehicle performance. A configuration selection was conducted based on prior Air Force Contracts F04611-71-C0039, F04611-71-C-0040, and F04611-67-C-0016,.and additional criteria for optimum stage performance. Following configuration selection, analyses and design of the major components and engine systems were conducted to sufficient depth to provide layout drawings suitable for subsequent detailing. In addition, engine packaging to a common interface and a retractable nozzle concept were de- fined. Alternative development plans and related costs were also established. The design embodies high-performance, low-weight, low NPSH requirements (saturated propellant inlet condi- tions at start), idle-mode operation, and autogenous pressurization. The design is the result of the significant past and current LO2/LH2.technology efforts of the NASA centers and the Air Force, as well as company-funded programs. 17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s)) 18. Distribution Statement Hydrogen/Oxygen Engine High Chamber Pressure Regenerative Cooling High Area Ratio Channel Wall Construction 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price" Unclassified Unclassified 504 * For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151 NASA-C-168 (Rev. 6-71) FOREWORD The work herein was conducted by the Advanced Programs and En- gineering personnel of Rocketdyne, a Division of Rockwell Inter- national Corporation, under contract NAS3-16751 from July 1972 to April 1973. Mr. Dean D. Scheer, Lewis Research Center, was NASA Project Manager. Mr. Harold G. Diem was Rocketdyne Program Man- ager, and Mr. A. T. Zachary, as Project Engineer, was responsible for the technical direction of the program. Important contributions to the conduct of the program and to the preparation of the report material were made by the following Rocketdyne personnel: Engine System Design H. E. Marker Turbomachinery A. Csomor Combustion Devices J. R. Lobitz Controls R. L. Goodwin iPRECj)ING PAG BLANC NOT FITM CONTENTS Summary . 1 Introduction . 7 Task I: Engine System Preliminary Design . 9 Configuration Selection . 9 Preliminary Configuration Selection . 13 Engine Configuration Tradeoff . 29 Impact of Throttling . 61 Conclusions . 71 Engine Assembly Preliminary Design . 73 Engine Balance and Off-Design Operation . 73 Start/Shutdown, Idle Mode, and Propellant Dump Operations 73 Autogeneous Pressurization and Heat Exchanger Design . 109 Engine Packaging . 123 Structural Analysis . 128 Engine Weight, Center of Gravity, and Moment of Inertia . 129 Task II: Thrust Chamber Assembly Preliminary Design 131 Injector . 131 Configuration Selection . 131 Performance Analysis . 134 Combustion Stability . 138 Injector Heat Transfer and Structural Analysis . 166 Thrust Chamber . 169 Combustion Chamber Configuration Selection . 169 Nozzle Configurations . 169 Aerodynamic and Heat Transfer Analysis . 171 Combustion Chamber Structural Analysis . 201 Gimbal Assembly . 202 Task III: Preburner Preliminary Design . 205 Preburner Assembly . 205 Configuration Selection . 205 Performance Analysis . 207 Combustion Stability . 212 Heat Transfer and Stress Analysis . 214 Task IV: Turbopump Preliminary Design . 223 Low-Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump . 223 Configuration Selection and Performance . 223 Design Description . 228 Thrust Balance . 228 Bearings . 231 Shaft Seals . 231 Critical Speed Analysis . 236 Material Selection and Stress Analysis . 236 Low-Pressure Fuel Turbopump . 239 Configuration Selection and Performance . 239 Design Description . 244 Thrust Balance . 247 Bearings . .. 247 Shaft Seal . 247 iii Critical Speed Analysis . .. 249 Material Selection and Stress Analysis . 249 High-Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump ............ 253 Configuration Selection and Performance . 253 Design Description . 253 Thrust Balance . 260 Bearings . 263 Shaft Seals . * ' *. ' . .263 Critical Speed Analysis . 266 Material Selection and Stress Analysis ......... 268 High-Pressure Fuel Turbopump . ............ 269 Configuration Selection and Performance . 269 Design Description . 279 Thrust Balance . ... 283 Shaft Seal . 286 Bearings . 288 Critical Speed Analysis . .. 289 Material Selection and Stress Analysis . 289 Fabrication . .................... 294 Task V: Valves, Ignition System, and Controls Preliminary Design . 297 Valves and Pneumatic Controls . 297 Main Oxidizer and Fuel Inlet Valves . .. .. 297 Main and Preburner Oxidizer Control Valves . 300 Pneumatic Control Package . .. 302 Ignition System . ........... 305 Configuration Selection and Design . ........... 305 Operating Characteristics . .. 307 Material Selection and Stress Analysis . 308 Control System . .. 311 Engine Controller Mechanical Features . 313 Component Technology and Controller Circuitry Design . 313 Power Requirements . 319 Interface Requirements . ....... .. 319 Task VI: Engine Development Program Plans . 323 Plan I: Minimum Cost Program . .. 325 Development Plan .... 325 Manufacturing Plan 357 Operation and Flight Support Plan ............ 357 Data and Documentation . ............... 375 Facilities . 375 Costs . 381 Cost Summary . 381 Plan II: Minimum Time Program . 390 Development Plan . ... 390 Manufacturing Plan . 421 Operation and Flight Support Plan . ... 421 Data and Documentation . 421 Facilities . 431 Costs . 431 Cost Summary . 431 iv Common Engine Interface and Retractable Nozzle Study . 441 Common Engine Interface . 441 Retractable Nozzle Design . 441 Discussion of Results . 449 Conclusion . 471 Appendix A Ground Rules for Advanced Space Engine Preliminary Design . 473 Appendix B Technology Design Base . 477 Appendix C References . 489 Appendix D Bibliography . 491 Appendix E Distribution List (Contract NAS3-16751) . 493 v ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Advanced Space Engine Schematic . 2 2. Baseline Engine Package 3 3. Engine Packaging. 4 1-1. Gear-Driven LH 2 Boost Pump Design . 14 1-2. Gear-Driven LO2 Boost Pump Design . 15 1-3. Oxidizer Turbopump Concept . 16 1-4. Fuel Turbopump Concept . 17 1-5. Partial Flow Hydraulic Boost Pump Drive . 19 . 20 1-6. LO2 Boost Pump . .. 21 1-7. LH2 Boost Pump . .. 1-8. Thrust Chamber Configurations . 24 1-9. Main Injector Assembly . 25 1-10. Single Preburner Configurations . 26 1-11. Fuel Preburner . .. 27 1-12. Oxidizer Preburner . .. 28 1-13. LH 2 Main Turbopump . 30 31 1-14. L02 Main Turbopump . 1-15. Engine Controller . 32 1-16. Main Valve Assembly . 33 1-17. Alternate Main Valve Configuration . .. 34 1-18. Control Valve for Preburner Fuel Inlet and Thrust Chamber Oxidizer Inlet . 35 1-19. Engine Variation and Design Margin . 36 1-20. Alternate No. 1 . .. 37 1-21. Alternate No. 2 . .. 38 1-22. Alternate No. 3 . .. 39 1-23. Alternate No. 4 . 40 1-24. Alternate No. 5 . .. 41 1-25. Alternate No. 6 . .. 42 1-26. Alternate No. 7 . 43 1-27. Alternate No. 8 . 44 1-28. Start Transient Sequence Single Preburner . 52 1-29. Engine Start Characteristics (Dual Preburners, GH 2 Boost Pump Drive, Nonthrottling) . 53 1-30. Engine Start Characteristics (Single Preburner, GH 2 Boost Pump Drive, Nonthrottling) . 54 1-31. Engine Start Characteristics (Hydraulic LO2 Boost Pump Drive; Engine Thermally Conditioned) . 55 1-32. Alternate No. 3T . 63 1-33. Alternate No. 4T . 64 1-34. Alternate No. 8T . 65 1-35. Start Transient Sequence . 68 1-36. Engine Start Characteristics (Single Preburner, GH 2 Boost Pump Drive, Throttling) . 69 1-37. Engine Start Characteristics. (Dual Preburner, GH 2 Boost Pump Drive, Throttling) . 70 1-38. Advanced Space Engine Schematic, 88,964 . 74 1-39. Operating Characteristics (MR - 6) . 75 PRICEDING PAGE BLANK NOT FILMED vii 1-40. Operating Characteristics (MR = 6.5) . 77 1-41. Operating Characteristics (MR = 5.5) . 79 1-42. Fuel Boost Pump Discharge Pressure vs Preburner Temperature . 81 1-43. Oxidizer Boost Pump Discharge Pressure vs Preburner Temperature . 82 1-44. Fuel Main Pump Discharge Pressure vs Preburner Temperature . 83 1-45. Oxidizer Main Pump Discharge Pressure vs Preburner Temperature . 84 1-46. Boost Turbine Inlet Pressure vs Preburner Temperature . 85 1-47. Combustor Jacket Outlet Pressure vs Preburner Temperature . 86 1-48. Preburner Pressure vs Preburner Temperature . 87 1-49. Main Oxidizer Turbine Pressure Ratio vs Preburner Temperature . .. 88 1-50. Main Oxidizer Turbine Pressure vs Preburner Temperature . 89 1-51..
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