POST-ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION OF THE RA.J.JAPRABHA DAM IN THAILAND lHESIS SUB.H1TTED TO TilE COCHIl\ l l\IVERSITY OF SCIE:\CE Al\1) TECIl:\TOLO(;Y FOR TIlE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF ill nl~lor Q-'f iPITilnsoplI1J 1J II 1£ n.1nnl1tir~s l'NDEn THE FACl'L TY OF SOCIAL SCIE:\TCES BY SUMKIATE Sn.lPATHAR REG. No. 1734 eNDER TilE Sl'PEnVISIOl\ OF Prof. (Or.) K.C. SANKARANARA YANAN DE:,\~, FACTLTY OF SOCIAL SCI ENCES DF.PARTMENT OF APPLIED ECONOMICS QIllrhtn CUntttrrsiiu of §rirllrl~ nnD illrrhnnlngu (Cllrhin682022, ilil'r~tn, lInl'lin I MAY, 2000 DEPARTMENT .OF APPLIED ECONOMICS COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECI-I:\"OLOGY KOCHI· 682022, KERALA, S. I1\DIA Dr. D. RAJASENAN Phone: 0484 - 556030 F(Jx 0484 - 532495 Professor & Hcad E-mail: [email protected]~:,:H;: :,' D81e ..... -@pr-tifiratr Certified that the doctoral Committee has approved the thesis /01' submission for the award ofthe degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy in Economics lIndcl' the Faculty ofSocial Sciences. Ji",,' ~~. Pro.J.(Dr.) K.c. SANKARANARAY ANAN Prof. ~ D. RAJASENAN Guide Do~oral Committee Member Cochin University ofScience and Technology Cochin 682 022 May, 26, 2000 DEPARTMENT .OF APPLIED ECONOI\1ICS COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHr\OLOGY KOCH! - 682022, KEHALA, S. I~DIA Phone: 0484 - 555030 Dr. K.C SANKARANARA Y ANAN Fax 0484 - 532495 Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences o. AE. DBIC. err rrlifi ru le Certified that the thesis entitled "Post Environmental Evaluation of the Rajjaprabha Dam in Thailand" is the record of bonafide research corried ()1If by Mr. SOMKIATE SRIPATHAR under my supervisiol1. The thesis is ll"()uh submitting for the degree of Doctor (?f Philosophy in Economics under the FacZllty ofSo cia I Sciences. Prof. (Dr.) KC. SAI~:~:;;ARA~ Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences Cochin University of Science and Technology Cochin 682 022 May, 26, 2000 if) £ rlnrntinn 1 declare that this thesis is the record afhanafide research carried out by me under the supervision of Dr. K.C. SANKARANARAYANAJV, Professor and farmer Head afthe Department of Applied Economics, and the Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin 682022. 1further declare that this thesis has not prevlOus/yformcd (he basis of the award of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellows/lip or ofher similar title of recognition. $0 MAlt!' ~~ ~,../~-.l-k SOMKlATE SRlPATHAR Cochin University ofScience and Technology Co chin 682022 May, 26, 2000 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost I would like to express my Sll1cere gratitude to the Government of India and their various offices and personnel, whose kind assistance and co-operation made my study in India possible. My thanks are also due to the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (lCeR) for the award of fellowship, and to the Cochin University of Science and Technology for giving me admission to the Ph.D. program. During the course of my work I have also received generous help from many quarters and I acknowledge them all with gratitude. With boundless gratitude and great respect I express my obligation to Or. K.C. Sankaranarayanan, Professor and former Head of the Department or Applied Economics. and the Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences. Coehin University of Science and Technology, for his expert guidance. I consider it a great privilege to have been able to "vork under his supervision and guidance. I would also like to express deep sense of gratitude to Dr. D. Rajasenan. Professor and Head of the Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, who is also my Doctoral Committee Member, for his suggestions and constructive guidance through out my work. My boundless gratitude, great respect and sincere obligation is due to the Thai Government for giving approval and support for my studies in India. Acknowledgement is also expressed to the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), the Provincial Office of Surat Thani province, the Royal Department of Forestry, the Royal Department of Irrigation, the Department of Mineral Resources etc. for their co-operation ancl wholehearted support, without which this thesis would not have been completed. \1 I extend my sincere thanks to the other faculty members of the department and especially to Or. M.K. Sukumaran Nair, Or. M. Meerabai, Or. P. Arunachalam and Mr. Unnikrishnan for their encouragement and valuable suggestions during the varioLls stages of my thesis work. I am also thankful to the librarian and other staff of the Department of Applied Economics for their kind co-operation and support during my studies. Appreciation is also extended to the personnel of the Ecological and Environmental Section of EGAT from where the related data and comments were obtained; especially to Mr. Anuchat Palakawong and Mr. Natharod Chalermpaktra. I am also thankful to Mr. Andrew Ritter and Miss. Kate Mahar for correcting thesis. I will be failing in my duty, if I do not express my deep sense of gratitude to my parents and my family whose enormous reserve of patience and understanding sustained me in numerous ways while I was working on mY' thesis. I am grateful to them for their unfailing interest, optimism and support, which carried me over many difficult periods. Last, but not the least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one for their help and wholehearted cooperation during my studies in India and Thailand. S~~t,,~ SOMKIATE SRIPATHAR Cochin University of Science and Technology Cochin 682 022 May, 26. 2000 iii GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS 1. GENERAL Abbreviation Description ACD Active Case Detection for malaria ADB Asian Development Bank ADT Average Daily Traffic a.m. Anti Meridian API Annual Parasitic Incidence Amphoe A political subdivision equivalent to district ARD Office of Accelerated Rural Development Ban A political subdivision equivalent to village BAAC Bank of Agriculture & Agriculture Co-operati ves BIC Benefit - Cost ratio B.E. Buddhist Era BOO, BOD5 Biochemical Oxygen Demand CEC Caution Exchange Capacity CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild Flora and fauna D.A. Drainage Area Dbh Diameter at Breast Height DO Dissolved Oxygen EEl Environmental and Ecological Investigation IV Abbreviation Description EGAT Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand EC Electrical Conductivity EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIS Environmental Impact Statement FY Fiscal Year GNP Gross National Product GPP Gross Prcvincial Product GRP Gross Regional Product IBC International Board of Consultants IRR Internal Rate of Return Khlong A small streams or canal Khao Mountain or hill MPN Most Probable Number msl, MSL Mean Sea Level MCH Mother and Child Health MVA Meg Volt - Ampare MEA Metropolitan Electricity Authority Na Not available NEA National Energy Administration NEB National Environment Board OM&R Operation Maintenance and Replacement p.a. Per Annum PEA Provincial Electricity Authority v Abbreviation Description p.m. Post Meridian p.f. plasmodium falciparum P.V. Plasmodium Vivax PWD Public Works Department. PWWA Provincial Water Works Authority Q River flow RFD Royal Forestry Department RID Royal Irrigation Department SAR Sodium Absorption Ratio SD Standard Deviation SPR Slide Positive Rate TAT Tourism Authority of Thailand TDS Total Dissolved Solids Tambon A township equivalent to a group of villages VIC Traffic Volume Capacity Ratio U.S United States Wat Buddhist monastery VI 2. UNITS OF MEASUREMENT Abbreviation Full Name Description )1 bath Thai Currency M$ million bath Thai Currency °C degree Celsius Temperature Unit cfs, ftb/s cubic foot per second Flow Rate Unit d day Time Unit cm centimeter Length Unit ems cuhic meter per second Flow Ratc ft feet Length Unit gal us gallon Volume Unit g,gm gram Weight or Mass Unit gwh giga watt-hour Energy Unit ha hectare Area Unit h, hr hour Time Unit HP horse power Power Unit HZ hertz cycle per second Frequency Unit JTU Jackson turbidity unit Turbidity Unit kg kilogram Weight Unit km kilometer Length Unit kv kilovolt Electric Potential kVA kilovolt ampere Electric Unit kw kilowatt Power Unit VII Abbreviation Full Name Description kwh kilowatt-hour Energy Unit L,I liter Volume Unit L,I pcd liter per capita per day Water Consumption Rate mem, MCM million cubic meter Volume Unit MW Mega watt Power Unit mwh mega watt-hour Energy Unit m meter Length Unit m(msl),m MSL meter above measured level Elevation Unit me milli equivalent Weight Unit mm milli meter Length Unit 3 m , cms cubic meter per second Flow Rate mg milli gram Weight or Mass unit mg!l milli gram per liter Density Unit umho micro-mho Electric Conductance mg micro gram Weight or mass unit NTU Nephelometric turbidity Unit Turbidity Unit ppm part per million Density Unit ppt part per thousand Density Unit Rai, rai ral Thai Unit of Area Rpm revolution per minute Angular Velocity s, sec second Time Unit sqkm square kilometer Unit of Area yr year Time Unit V III CONVERSION TABLE 1 inch 2.54 em ] mile 1.6093 km ]km 0.6214 mile lm 3.28 ft 1 rai = O. ]6 ha ] ft2 0.0929 m2 1 m2 10.7584 ft2 1 hectare 6.25 ra! ] km2 100 hectares ] km2 625 rm 1 rai 1,600 m2 1 ft3 0.0283 m3 1 m 3 35.31 ft3 1 mem 10,00,000 m3 1 cfs 0.0283 ems 1 ems 35.31 cfs 1 Mkwh 10,00,000 kwh 1 Gwh 10,00,000 kwh IMW 1,000.00 kw 1 kg 2.205 pounds 1 ton 1,000 kg IX T ABLE OF CONTENTS Pages CERTIFICATE DECLARA TION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS III TABLE OF CONTENTS IX CHAPTER I · THE APPROACH 1. INTRODUCTION 2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 3. PROJECT BACKGROUND 2 4. OBJECTIVES 3 5. SCOPE OF THE STUDY 4 6. HYPOTHESES 5 7.
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