COLLECTIONS FOR A Staffordshire HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE EDITED BY SampleCounty 1920 Studies “ Ana in thin undertaking, the Header m ay see what Furniture itlioag.i it I ,< disperst) nur Publick K»co. A. will afford for H i* try: nd how plentifully our own m ay be !u p p i« d an d l*p rw ^ tf p .ins rer t .aen thereir : t r w „at is W thert> made pub.m k, bath been coll“ “ “i;ih)e l{h° "‘ °i® ~ \nnals and they filled with few things but such as were very obvious, nay the Annalists them selves ( b ? & S S r^ d in e in Monasteries) too often,id byasstf wttr Interest and A ff.caon ^ T im ee and Persons * But on the contrary in our publick Records lye m atter of tact, in ful! Truth, an therewith the Chronological part, carried on, even to days of the M onth. So that an industnons Se art nr. m ay thenci ollect considerable m atter lor new H istory. rectiliem M y m istakes in our old and in both gratifie the world with unshadowed verity. — (ABHstoLES Hisstory of the Gm ter.) L O N D O N : HARRISON AND SONS, LTD., ST. MARTIN’S LANE. 1920. Staffordshire19SO. PRESIDENT. Thb Right Hon. t h e EARL OF DARTMOUTH, P.O., K.C.B., V.D. COUNCIL. Nominated by the Trustees of the William Salt Library. T h e R t. H o n . t h e LORD HATHERTON, C.M.G. S i r REGINALD HARDY, B a r t . T he R e v . F. J. WROTTESLEY. M r . WALTER N. LAN DOR. Elected by the Members of the Society. The Rev. F. P. PARK ER . S i r TH OMSample AS A . SALT, CountyB a r t . T h e R e v . W. BERESFORD. T h e R e v . E. R. O. BR ID G EM A N . Coe. JOSIAH C. WEDGWOOD, D.S.O., M.P. EDITORIAL, COMMITTEE. T he Rev. F. P. PARKER. Mr. WALTER NOBLE LANDOR. T h e R e v . W. BERESFORD. Mr. J. T. HOMER, D.L., O.B.E. Col. JOSIAH C. WEDGWOOD, Col. F. R. TW EM LO W , D.S.O. D.S.O., M.P. Mr. G E R A LD P. MANDER.Studies T h e R e v . E. R. O. BR ID G EM AN . TREASURER. M a j o r C. J. SALT. AUDITOR. Mr. WILLIAM MORGAN. \ JOINT HONORARY SECRETARIES. Mr. S. A. H. BURNE. M r . GERALD P. MANDER. HONORARY SOLICITOR. M r . R. E. JO Y. ASSISTANT SECRETARY. Miss E. B. M ILLER , The William Salt Library, Stafford. BANKERS. LLOYDS BANK (Limited), Stafford. a 2 RULES OF THE SOCIETY. I.—That the Society be called the “W i l l i a m S a l t A rchaeological S o c i e t y .” II.—The leading object of the Society shall be the editing and printing of original Staffordshiredocuments relating to the County of Stafford, to which, however, may be added papers selected by an Editorial Committee, illustrative of the same, or coming under any of the eight following heads:— (a) Abstracts of the Monastic Chartularies, and of Ancient Family Deeds, with the names of witnesses and facsimiles of seals; Genealogies of Nobility and Gentry (accompanied by proofs), Heraldic Visitations, and other papers touching the general history and descent of properties and families. (5) Printing and editing of the Public Records relating to the County, including the Exchequer or Pipe Rolls, the Assize Rolls, Fine Rolls, Inquisitions, Perambulations of Forests, Subsidy Rolls, and Assessments, etc., etc. (o) History of Parishes and of Manors, and of Manorial Customs and Tenures, illustrated by Copies of, or reference to, original grants. (d) Church Notes hitherto unpublished, such as Ecclesiastical Surveys, Extracts from Episcopal and Parish Registers, Copies of Epitaphs, and Description of Monuments and Ecclesiastical Buildings, Abstracts or Copies of Wills, etc. SampleCounty • (e) Notices of British and Roman Remains, and Roads and Buildings, and the Antiquities generally of the District. ( / ) Autograph Letters and other Documents relating to the Civil War. (g) Notices of distinguished Worthies, Broadsides, Election Squibs, etc. (A) Correspondence, in which enquiries may be made and answered, on any of the above subjects, and miscellaneous information, including corrections of errors. III.—The general affairs of the Society shall be managed byStudies a Council of ten, of whom five shall be trustees of the William Salt Library, and nominated by them, from time to time, and five shall be elected at an Annual Meeting of the Subscribers. The Council shall be empowered to delegate, if they see fit, the selection of the papers to be printed to an Editorial Committee. Of the Council, three shall be a quorum, and in case of equality of votes, their Chairman shall have a casting vote. IV .— The Officers of the Society shall be a Treasurer, a Secretary, and an Auditor, to be appointed by the Council. These Offices shall be honorary, but the Council shall have power to appoint an Assistant Secretary to be paid at the discretion of the Council, as the nature of his duties may warrant. V .— The Subscription shall be One Guinea annually, to be paid in advance upon the first of January in each year, and such annual payment shall entitle each Subscriber to the volume issued for the year of such subscription. Any Subscriber shall be permitted to withdraw front the Society by giving notice of his intention three months before the termination of any year of Subscription. N.B.—To save trouble, it is recommended that the Members of the Society pay their subscriptions to the Society’s bankers by revocable order upon their own bankers, a printed form for which may be obtained from the Assistant Secretary. Staffordshire REPORT OF ANNUAL MEETING, NOVEMBER 1s t, 1919. T h e Forty-first Annual Meeting of the William Salt Archaeological Society was held in theSample William Salt CountyLibrary on November 1st, 1919. There were present:— Lord Dartmouth (in the Chair), Sir Reginald llardv, the Rev. W. Beresford, the Rev. E. R. 0 . Bridge- man, the Rev. Lionel Lambert, Mrs. Moat, Col. Wedgwood (Hon. Sec.), Messrs. Percy W. L. Adams, H. J. Bostook, S. A. H. Burne, F. A. Homer, J. T. Homer, W. N. Landor, G. P. Mander,Studies J. R. B. Masefield, the Assistant Secretary, and the Librarian. The Minutes of the last Meeting wer.e read and passed. Apologies for absence were read from the following Members :— Lord Bagot, Sii Thomas Salt, Mr. II. H. Cotterell, Mr. Scrivener, and Mr. Smith. The Balance Sheet, showing a balance in hand of £424 Is. 8d., was presented and passed. E d it o r ia l C o m m it t e e ’s R eport The Volume for 1917-18 was issued to subscribers in July. The Committee apologise to the Society both tor the delay in issuing this volume and for rolling two volumes into one. The delay was due principally to the congestion in the printing trade. With prices at their present level, unless our members very considerably increase, we shall either have to resort to smaller volumes, possibly unbound, in Staffordshirefuture, or continue to combine two years in one. Though the account from Messrs. Harrison for Vol. 1917-18 is not yet presented, and though we have considerable sums in hand, your Committee look forward with anxiety to the financial future of the Society. Vol. 1919 and Vol. 1920 are web in hand. The first, contain lg the Rev. D. S. Murray’s “ Blithficld,” and valuable shorter articles by Messrs. 0 . G. 0 . Bridgeman and G. Mander, oi which 170 pages are passed for press ; the second, containing the second instalment of the Parliamentary History by the Hon. Secretary, has about the same amount completed and will take the history down to 1780. Favourable reviews of the 1917-18Sample Volume Countyhave appeared in The Times, Saturday Review, and Staffordshire Sentinel. It is with much regret that we hear from Col. Wedgwood that he feels unable any longer to remain Hon. Secretary. Under the circum­ stances, we feel that Mr. Gerald P. Mander and Mr. S. A. H. Burne should be made joint Secretaries for the ensuing year.Studies Mr. H o m e r seconded the adoption of the Report, and urged the need of more Members. The A s s is t a n t S e c r e t a r y reported that dm ing the past year the Society had lost by death seven Members : the Rev. F. MacCormich, the Rev. S. Hutchinson, Col. Rowland J. Beech, Col. "Walton Walker, Mr. J. Amphlett, Mr. W. A. Foster, and Mr. Edward B. Thorneycroft. Six new Members had joined : Mr. H. H. Brindley, Mr. L. Foster, Mr. F. Lawden, Mr. A. H. Partridge, Mr. Hadyn Whitehouse, and the Tipton Free Library. This gives a total of 156 Private Members, 3 Hon. Members, and 49 Libraries and Societies. The l i b r a r i a n reported that in response to the request issued in March last, 92 lists of men who were Killed in the Wat had been received. The majority of these have been sent in by the parish clergy. Many are professedly incomplete, full information not being at present obtainable : some are mere lists of names with no accompanying particulars. Others contain full details. All have been duly Staffordshireacknowledged. It was suggested that business firms should be asked to send their lists.
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