An Examination of Regeneration in The North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest - Revised Edition - Bachelor’s Thesis by Thyge M. Nielsen Supervisors: Professor Jacob Weiner and Assistant Professor Anders Dahl. Department of Ecology Botany Section The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University Copenhagen August 2000 Abstract The purpose of this research was to better understand the regeneration of the timber species in the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest (NSPSF). The target group include the species Calo- phyllum spp., Cratoxylum arborescens, Gonystylus bancanus, Koompassia malaccensis, Sho- rea uliginosa and Xylopia fusca. The regeneration of the six target species and of the remaining tree vegetation was registered in three selected parts of the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest. Data from 1.200 trees has been collected. These are from the sapling and seedling level respectively. The field area has been logged between 10 and 32 years ago at different intensity rates. Additionally an herbarium has been collected in order to illustrate a selection of the present tree vegetation. The results show an extremely low regeneration rate among the six target species and a high rate of infestation by various palms species, ferns and pioneer species. A silvicultural treatment could better the situation of the timber species. A treatment should in- clude pest control and artificial seeding or even enrichment planting, but in that case additional research is recommended. I An examination of regeneration in The North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest. Sammendrag Projektets formål har været at undersøge regenerationen af Calophyllum spp., Cratoxylum ar- borescens, Gonystylus bancanus, Koompassia malaccensis, Shorea uliginosa and Xylopia fusca i forhold til den øvrige vegetation. Det er relevant da de til dato har været de mest udnyttede tømmertræarter i Selangors nordlige tørvesump skove (herefter NSPSF). Indtil nu har de udgjort størstedelen af tømmertræarterne i skovene. Men efter intens hugst ser det ud til at regeneratio- nen er hæmmet, som følge af de ændrede økologiske forhold og de manglende moderplanter. Undersøgelsen inddrager foruden målgruppen et antal meget almindelige tørvemose skovtræar- ter. Analysemetoden tager udgangspunkt i the Point-Centred Quarter Method, hvor densitet, dominans og frekvens er vigtige parametre. Opvæksten er blevet registreret i tre dele af NSPSF, hvor hugst har fundet sted for mellem 10 og 32 år siden. Der er i alt indsamlet data fra 1.200 træer på to forskellige niveauer. Til illustration af områdets vegetation er et herbarium blevet fremstillet. Resultatet peger på en udpræget lav grad af selvforyngelse blandt de seks udvalgte tømmertræ- arter. Der viser sig at være et højt indslag af ukrudtsarter, som består af palmer, bregner og pionertræ- arter. Et indgreb bedømmes at ville bedre tømmertræarternes regeneration. Et sådant indgreb kunne bestå i en indsats imod ukrudtet og et indslag af kunstig frøsætning. Plantning bør kun foretages efter yderligere videnskabelige undersøgelser af regeneration i området. II Preface The work entailed in this report represents my bachelor’s thesis in forestry submitted to the De- partment of Ecology, Botany Section. It was presented on seminar Friday 25. August 2000 at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL). The report supplements the DANCED project Sustainable Management of the Peat Swamp Forest now in its final stages after more than three years research. The recipient of this work is DANCED and the Malaysian forestry authorities with jurisdiction over the peat swamps of North Selangor. This report, including all raw data (CD-ROM), has been sent to the Forest Department of Selangor, Shah Alam. Furthermore three copies and a copy on CD-ROM have been sent to the Economic Planning Unit, Kuala Lumpur. It is my hope that the research I have done contribute to the ongoing research on the peat swamp forest of North Selangor. The inspiration to this thesis was an article by Kanta Kumari in the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences about the North Selangor Peat Swamps Forest. All photos supplied by the author. III An examination of regeneration in The North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest. Acknowledgements Without the financial support from the sponsors the work could not have been carried out. My gratitude to the sponsors: SLUSE, DLH-fonden, Studiefonden for studerende ved KVL, Skovri- der C.D. Frederiksen og hustru’s Legat and Forstkandidatforeningens Rejsefond. I would like to acknowledge the help from Mr. Palle Havmøller, Chief Technical Advisor on the DANCED project Sustainable Management of the Peat Swamp Forest. He offered valuable ad- vice and information during the time of research. Thanks to the Forestry Department (Shah Alam) and FRIM (Kepong) for their friendly support especially concerning hardware and equipment essential for the project. Thanks to the Economic Planning Unit for the necessary permits issued. Thanks to Dr. Ali Hamsa for the friendly support and to Mrs. Munirah Abd. Manan for the brief and concise han- dling. Thanks to Mr. Kamarudin B. Itama Mat Aras and his team of foresters. Thanks also to my as- sistant Mr. Hamir Shah B. Mohd Saad, whom I got to know quite well during the 2 ½ months fieldwork. Dr. Bernd Hahn-Schilling (FOMISS), Dr. Wong Khoon Meng (UM) and Mr. Ismael Parlan (FRIM). Experts in each their field, who have been very helpful in answering any question. I am very grateful for their time and interest in this project. For proofreading I wish to thank history undergraduate Karen Jane Moore, who spend time in Copenhagen to learn more about Danish welfare and to BA Antonia Fairbanks, who is a trainee at the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. A final grateful thought to professor Niels Ja- cobsen and associate professor Marten Sørensen, who I conferred with after returning to KVL. IV Contents 1. BACKGROUND...........................................................................................................1 1.1 Previous surveys in the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest .............................1 1.2 DANCED in the NSPSF .......................................................................................1 2. INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM ANALYSIS .....................................................4 2.1 Location and environment....................................................................................4 2.2 The peat swamp forest..........................................................................................4 2.3 Introduction to the research area ......................................................................10 2.4 Logging routine in the NSPSF ...........................................................................12 3. FOREST STRUCTURE.............................................................................................14 4. OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................15 5. METHOD & MATERIAL.........................................................................................16 5.1 The method..........................................................................................................16 5.2 The field area ......................................................................................................18 5.3 The fieldwork ......................................................................................................21 5.4 Species and species groups .................................................................................25 6. LIMITATIONS ..........................................................................................................30 V An examination of regeneration in The North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest. 7. OUTPUTS................................................................................................................... 32 7.1 Sapling data ........................................................................................................ 32 7.2 Seedling data....................................................................................................... 37 7.3 Light and temperature ....................................................................................... 41 8. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................. 42 8.1 Species composition and distribution ................................................................ 42 8.2 Regeneration....................................................................................................... 44 8.3 Infestation ........................................................................................................... 46 9. CONCLUDING REMARKS..................................................................................... 49 10. REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 52 ACRONYMS OF ORGANISATIONS ......................................................................... 56 ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................ 57 APPENDIX A................................................................................................................. 58 APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................. 61 APPENDIX C................................................................................................................
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