Statement and Return Report by Election District General Election

Statement and Return Report by Election District General Election

Statement and Return Report by Election District General Election 2020 - 11/03/2020 Queens County - All Parties and Independent Bodies Representative in Congress 5th Congressional District Vote for 1 Page 1 of 170 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2020 - 11/03/2020 PRINTED AS OF: Queens County 12/1/2020 11:10:43AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Representative in Congress (5th Congressional District), vote for 1 001/23 PUBLIC COUNTER 797 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 121 FEDERAL 0 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL 0 AFFIDAVIT 3 Total Ballots 921 921 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots 0 Total Applicable Ballots 921 GREGORY W. MEEKS (DEMOCRATIC) 315 CATHERINE DUNLEAVY (WRITE-IN) 1 CURTIS SLIWA (WRITE-IN) 1 GAVIN LIND (WRITE-IN) 1 HAROLD HESHY TISCHLER (WRITE-IN) 1 HOMER SIMPSON (WRITE-IN) 1 JOSEPH F KASPER (WRITE-IN) 1 KEVIN MALONEY (WRITE-IN) 1 LORETTA PYE (WRITE-IN) 1 MARGARET WAGNER (WRITE-IN) 1 MARILYN MALONEY (WRITE-IN) 1 MARINO FALCONE (WRITE-IN) 1 MICHAEL G CARLSON (WRITE-IN) 1 PETER FUGELSANG (WRITE-IN) 1 PHILIP GOLDFEDER (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAN STRONGREEN (WRITE-IN) 1 STEVE COHEN (WRITE-IN) 1 STEVEN A COHEN (WRITE-IN) 1 THOMAS M JUMPER (WRITE-IN) 1 THOMAS P SULLIVAN (WRITE-IN) 3 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 4 Total Votes 340 340 Unrecorded 581 Page 2 of 170 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2020 - 11/03/2020 PRINTED AS OF: Queens County 12/1/2020 11:10:43AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Representative in Congress (5th Congressional District), vote for 1 002/23 PUBLIC COUNTER 821 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 124 FEDERAL 1 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL 0 AFFIDAVIT 5 Total Ballots 951 951 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots 0 Total Applicable Ballots 951 GREGORY W. MEEKS (DEMOCRATIC) 325 CADEN TODD (WRITE-IN) 1 ED SHEEHAN (WRITE-IN) 1 ERIC ULRICH (WRITE-IN) 1 GREGORY BURKE (WRITE-IN) 1 JAMES EGAN (WRITE-IN) 1 JOHN JAMES (WRITE-IN) 1 JUSTINA JOHNSON (WRITE-IN) 1 MAX ROSE (WRITE-IN) 1 PALMER DOYLE (WRITE-IN) 1 PATRICK BRADY (WRITE-IN) 1 PAUL CICCARELLO (WRITE-IN) 1 RAY KELLY (WRITE-IN) 1 ROBERT TURNER (WRITE-IN) 1 ROY RICHTER (WRITE-IN) 1 SAUL CICCARELLO (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAN RUDOLPH (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAN STRONGREEN (WRITE-IN) 2 THOMAS P SULLIVAN (WRITE-IN) 7 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 2 Total Votes 352 352 Unrecorded 599 Page 3 of 170 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2020 - 11/03/2020 PRINTED AS OF: Queens County 12/1/2020 11:10:43AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Representative in Congress (5th Congressional District), vote for 1 003/23 PUBLIC COUNTER 772 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 96 FEDERAL 4 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL 0 AFFIDAVIT 5 Total Ballots 877 877 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots 0 Total Applicable Ballots 877 GREGORY W. MEEKS (DEMOCRATIC) 304 ALEXANDER DIFFENDALE (WRITE-IN) 1 ELIZABETH GLASS (WRITE-IN) 1 ERIC ULRICH (WRITE-IN) 1 JACQUELINE MCGINTY (WRITE-IN) 1 MARINO FALCONE (WRITE-IN) 1 MARTY TUBERTY (WRITE-IN) 1 MICHAEL BACC (WRITE-IN) 1 MICKEY MOUSE (WRITE-IN) 1 MIKE LEONARD (WRITE-IN) 1 NICOLE MILLIOTAKIS (WRITE-IN) 1 OWEN LOOF (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAMUS KELLY (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAN DOWLING (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAN RUDOLPH (WRITE-IN) 3 STEPHEN GLAVEY (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 4 Total Votes 325 325 Unrecorded 552 004/23 PUBLIC COUNTER 141 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 16 FEDERAL 0 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL 0 AFFIDAVIT 3 Total Ballots 160 160 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots 0 Total Applicable Ballots 160 GREGORY W. MEEKS (DEMOCRATIC) 68 STEVE GREENBERG (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 69 69 Unrecorded 91 Page 4 of 170 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2020 - 11/03/2020 PRINTED AS OF: Queens County 12/1/2020 11:10:43AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Representative in Congress (5th Congressional District), vote for 1 005/23 PUBLIC COUNTER 606 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 187 FEDERAL 3 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL 0 AFFIDAVIT 18 Total Ballots 814 814 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots 0 Total Applicable Ballots 814 GREGORY W. MEEKS (DEMOCRATIC) 367 DAVID SEMEL (WRITE-IN) 1 ERIC ULRICH (WRITE-IN) 1 JIM MULLEN (WRITE-IN) 1 KATHRYN ELLARD (WRITE-IN) 1 MARK ANNAYA (WRITE-IN) 1 MICHJAEL J MATTES (WRITE-IN) 1 MICKEY MOUSE (WRITE-IN) 2 OWEN LOOF (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 4 VITO BRUNO (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 381 381 Unrecorded 433 Page 5 of 170 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2020 - 11/03/2020 PRINTED AS OF: Queens County 12/1/2020 11:10:43AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Representative in Congress (5th Congressional District), vote for 1 006/23 PUBLIC COUNTER 687 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 134 FEDERAL 14 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL 0 AFFIDAVIT 7 Total Ballots 842 842 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots 0 Total Applicable Ballots 842 GREGORY W. MEEKS (DEMOCRATIC) 352 EDWARD D RE JR. (WRITE-IN) 1 JAKE SMITH (WRITE-IN) 1 JOHN MCDONNELL (WRITE-IN) 1 KAMIN GREEN (WRITE-IN) 1 KANYE WEST (WRITE-IN) 2 LEONMARD LEO (WRITE-IN) 1 LIAM REEN (WRITE-IN) 1 MARTIN TURBIDY (WRITE-IN) 1 MATTHEW D'EMIE JR. (WRITE-IN) 1 MICKEY MOUSE (WRITE-IN) 2 OLGA GUGEL (WRITE-IN) 1 PAUL CRONIN (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 367 367 Unrecorded 475 Page 6 of 170 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2020 - 11/03/2020 PRINTED AS OF: Queens County 12/1/2020 11:10:43AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Representative in Congress (5th Congressional District), vote for 1 007/23 PUBLIC COUNTER 656 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 133 FEDERAL 2 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL 0 AFFIDAVIT 12 Total Ballots 803 803 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots 0 Total Applicable Ballots 803 GREGORY W. MEEKS (DEMOCRATIC) 329 ABBE GITTLE (WRITE-IN) 1 ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (WRITE-IN) 1 ARIEL LIEBER (WRITE-IN) 1 BEN LAMPERT (WRITE-IN) 1 CAELAN FRIEL (WRITE-IN) 2 CHRISTIAN ALESSANDRO (WRITE-IN) 1 CHRISTIAN ALLESANDRO (WRITE-IN) 1 CRAIG CAREY (WRITE-IN) 1 DENNIS L DIER (WRITE-IN) 1 GLENN M MARTIN (WRITE-IN) 1 JACOB M NICHOLSON (WRITE-IN) 1 JOANN ARIOLA (WRITE-IN) 1 JOSEPH P DOYLE (WRITE-IN) 1 KATE BROOKS (WRITE-IN) 1 KEITH GALLAGHER (WRITE-IN) 1 KEVIN MURPHY (WRITE-IN) 1 LEW SIMON (WRITE-IN) 1 LUKE ERHARD (WRITE-IN) 1 MARK EDWARDS (WRITE-IN) 1 MARVA SCHOMBURG KERWIN (WRITE-IN) 1 MARY GLYNN (WRITE-IN) 1 MARY P CARRON GLYNN (WRITE-IN) 3 PALMER DOYLE (WRITE-IN) 1 PATRICK CONNELY (WRITE-IN) 1 ROBERT COLE (WRITE-IN) 1 ROBERT TURNBER (WRITE-IN) 1 SHANNON MANDALA (WRITE-IN) 1 THOMAS MUNKS (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 5 Total Votes 365 365 Unrecorded 438 Page 7 of 170 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2020 - 11/03/2020 PRINTED AS OF: Queens County 12/1/2020 11:10:43AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Representative in Congress (5th Congressional District), vote for 1 008/23 PUBLIC COUNTER 700 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 133 FEDERAL 5 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL 0 AFFIDAVIT 13 Total Ballots 851 851 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots 0 Total Applicable Ballots 851 GREGORY W. MEEKS (DEMOCRATIC) 392 ALLEN ZWIRN (WRITE-IN) 1 CASSIDY TIBBETS (WRITE-IN) 1 CHRISTIAN F. ALESSANDRO (WRITE-IN) 1 CLIFFORD S RUSSELL JR. (WRITE-IN) 1 DILLON OSTRANDER (WRITE-IN) 1 EDWARD D RE JR. (WRITE-IN) 1 ELISE STEFANIK (WRITE-IN) 2 ERIC ULRICH (WRITE-IN) 2 FREYA BEAR (WRITE-IN) 1 JOANN ARIOLA (WRITE-IN) 1 JOHN EDWARDS (WRITE-IN) 1 JOHN GAGLIA (WRITE-IN) 1 JOHN PATRICK GILLESPIE (WRITE-IN) 2 JOHN R LEWIS (WRITE-IN) 1 JON MUNSON (WRITE-IN) 1 JOSEPH FOX (WRITE-IN) 1 JOSEPH RYAN (WRITE-IN) 1 KEITH GOLDBERG (WRITE-IN) 1 LEW SIMON (WRITE-IN) 1 MARTIN TURBIDY (WRITE-IN) 2 MICHAEL COUGHLIN (WRITE-IN) 1 MICKEY MOUSE (WRITE-IN) 1 MIKE WALTER (WRITE-IN) 1 NICHOLAS PRAKOPE (WRITE-IN) 1 PATRICK BRADY (WRITE-IN) 1 PATRICK G TANSEY (WRITE-IN) 1 PAUL SCHERPF (WRITE-IN) 1 PETER TIGHE (WRITE-IN) 1 RICHARD P GIBBONS (WRITE-IN) 1 ROBERT TURNER (WRITE-IN) 1 RYAN FRONTERA (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAN SULLAVIN (WRITE-IN) 1 SHANIYAT CHOWDHURY (WRITE-IN) 1 STEVEN CANNON (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 11 UNCOUNTED WRITE-IN PER STATUTE (WRITE-IN) 1 Page 8 of 170 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2020 - 11/03/2020 PRINTED AS OF: Queens County 12/1/2020 11:10:43AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Representative in Congress (5th Congressional District), vote for 1 008/23 Total Votes 442 442 Unrecorded 409 009/23 PUBLIC COUNTER 628 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 146 FEDERAL 2 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL 0 AFFIDAVIT 4 Total Ballots 780 780 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots 0 Total Applicable Ballots 780 GREGORY W. MEEKS (DEMOCRATIC) 350 ANDREW YANG (WRITE-IN) 1 CLIFFORD S RUSSELL JR.

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