inform February 2014 February Volume 25 (2) 65–128 25 (2) Volume inform Internati onal News on Fats, Oils, and Related Materials PATHWAYS TO NOVEL CHEMICALS ALSO INSIDE Lipidomics Cold-pressed clove oil Fluid-bed technology Sieve Tray Oil Stripper by Desmet Ballestra ■ New break through in oil stripping tray technology dramatically increases oil/steam contact! « We have had our Desmet Ballestra Sieve Tray Oil Stripper ■ Proven «5 years of development with the fi rst operating for three years. This new technology has unit» and now over 30 units sold! ■ consistently achieved very low residual hexane in the Only 95-99° C (203-210° F) miscella temperature required from second stage oil and has been trouble-free to operate. It was a solid evaporator! investment for our company. » ■ Only 4% stripping steam required! ■ Industry leading 5-10 ppm residual hexane in Rodney Fenske, Operations Manager oil on most units operating! South Dakota Soybean Processors, USA. Science behind Technology Innovative leaders provide new perspectives and solutions to help your business thrive! Kasper Rorsted, CEO, Michitaka Sawada, President Peder Holk Nielsen, President Germany and CEO, Japan and CEO, Denmark Kurt Bock, Chairman of the Board Itsuo Hama, President H. Fisk Johnson, Chairman of Executive Directors, Germany and CEO, Japan and CEO, USA Additional insight from… Ecover ¨ Veolia Water Solutions Stockholm Resilience Center UNICEF & Technologies Montreux 201420 World Conference on Fabric and Home Care 6-9 October 2014 | Montreux.aocs.org | Montreux, Switzerland Where global leaders shape the future of the fabric and home care industry to enhance our quality of life. February 2014 inform contents 70 Pathways to novel chemicals Some paths produce renewable chemicals that are exactly like their petro- chemical counterparts. Others lead to biobased chemicals having structures that are entirely new, have enhanced or additional functionalities, or that al- low customers to lower their costs, differentiate their products, and/or create entirely new products of their own. 82 2014-2015 Aocs Governing Board candidates Lipidomics comes of age 113 A growing recognition of the roles lipids play in cellular metabolism and dis- ease is inspiring researchers to probe the complexity of lipids in cells. Will such efforts result in new ways to diagnose and treat disease? 86 110 113 oil of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) 120 Cold-pressed clove oil (CPCO) contains high levels of unsaponifiables, includ- ing tocopherols. Find out how the antiradical power of CPCO compares with that of extra virgin olive oil. An integral approach to fluid-bed coating 123 and matrix-encapsulation of sensitive systems for the detergent industry The versatility of fluid-bed technology is highlighted through several examples within the cleaning and detergent industry. InForM app and digital edition only: • A representative list of 17 other companies involved in commercializing pathways to novel biobased chemicals • A figure showing the complicated nature of fluxolipidomics • A complete reference list for biodegradable lamellar systems in skin care • More extracts & Distillates DePArtMents 69 Index to Advertisers 95 Biotechnology PuBLIcAtIons 94 classified Advertising 99 Home & Personal 105 Patents care 106 extracts & Distillates MArketPLAce 104 People/Inside Aocs 86 news & noteworthy 104 Aocs Meeting Watch 89 Biofuels+ 110 Professional 93 Food, Health & Pathways nutrition AOCS Career Services Target your recruiting and lower your cost-per-hire. Expert recruiters use AOCS Career Services—where qualifi ed candidates go to fi nd their next position. Access the best Enjoy great value Expand your reach candidates Job posting prices are the lowest With each posting, gain more of our competitors and include visibility through our Job Board Find highly qualifi ed candidates free access to the résumé data- Networks and free postings on with the skills and expertise you base. Packages are also avail- all AOCS social media including are looking for and spend less able for additional savings. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. time doing it. See why AOCS Career Services off ers the best employment opportunities in the fats and oils industry. Visit our website for current pricing and employment resources. AOCS members save up to 50% on postings! Career Services +1 217-693-4813 | [email protected] | aocs.org/careers 2710 South Boulder Drive P.O. Box 17190 Urbana, IL 61803-7190 USA Phone: +1 217-359-2344 inform Fax: +1 217-351-8091 Email: [email protected] www.aocs.org ADvertIsInG InstructIons AnD DeADLInes Closing dates are published on the AOCS website Aocs MIssIon stAteMent inform (www.aocs.org). Insertion orders received after clos- ing will be subject to acceptance at advertisers’ risk. AOCS advances the science and technol- International News on Fats, Oils, No cancellations accepted after closing date. Ad mate- ogy of oils, fats, surfactants, and related and Related Materials rials must be prepared per published print ad specifi- materials, enriching the lives of people ISSN: 1528-9303 IFRMEC 25 (2) 65–128 cations (posted on www.aocs.org) and received by the everywhere. Copyright © 2013 AOCS Press published material closing dates. Materials received after deadline or materials requiring changes will be published at advertisers’ risk. Send insertion orders eDItor-In-cHIeF eMerItus and materials to the email address below. James B.M. Rattray note: AOCS reserves the right to reject advertis- ing copy which in its opinion is unethical, misleading, contrIButInG eDItors unfair, or otherwise inappropriate or incompatible Inform Scott Bloomer with the character of . Advertisers and advertis- ing agencies assume liability for all content (including Robert Moreau text, representation, and illustrations) of advertise- ments printed and also assume responsibility for any eDItorIAL ADvIsory coMMIttee claims arising therefrom made against the publisher. Gijs Calliauw Jerry King Bryan Yeh Please note the correction to the AOCS Adver- Chelsey Castrodale Robert Moreau Bart Zwijnenburg tising contact information for Inform: Frank Flider Warren Schmidt Aocs Advertising: Valorie Deichman Natalie Harrison Vince Vavpot Phone: +1 217 693 4814 Fax: +1 217 693 4858 Aocs oFFIcers Email: [email protected] PresIDent: Timothy G. Kemper, Desmet Ballestra North America, Inc., Formerly published as Chemists’ Section, Cotton Oil Marietta, Georgia, USA Press, 1917–1924; Journal of the Oil and Fat Industries, vIce PresIDent: Steven Hill, Kraft Foods, Northfield, Illinois, USA 1924–1931; Oil & Soap, 1932–1947; news portion of secretAry: Neil Widlak, ADM Cocoa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA JAOCS, 1948–1989. The American Oil Chemists’ Society assumes no responsibility for statements or opinions treAsurer: Blake Hendrix, Desmet Ballestra North America, Inc., of contributors to its columns. Marietta, Georgia, USA Inform (ISSN: 1528-9303) is published 10 times cHIeF executIve oFFIcer: Patrick Donnelly per year in January, February, March, April, May, June, July/August, September, October, November/Decem- ber by AOCS Press, 2710 South Boulder Drive, Urbana, Aocs stAFF IL 61802-6996 USA . Phone: +1 217-359-2344. 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For subscription inquiries, InDex to ADvertIsers please contact Doreen Berning at AOCS, doreenb@ aocs.org or phone +1 217-693-4813. AOCS member- Armstrong engineering Assoc. ........................................................... 72 ship information and applications can be obtained cleaning Products europe 2014 ......................................................... 76 from: AOCS, P.O. Box 17190, Urbana, IL 61803-7190 USA or membership@ aocs.org. *crown Iron Works company ............................................................ c3 notIce to coPIers: Authorization to photo- Desmet Ballestra engineering nv ......................................................... c2 copy items for internal or personal use, or the inter- *French oil Mill Machinery co. ........................................................ c4 nal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the American Oil Chemists’ Society for libraries and sharplex Filters (India) Pvt. 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