KEEP YOUR MONEY K POST AT HOME PRICE FIVE CENTS o In Review; Ci~ic Problems .Expert Will Survey ()nly 14 Arrest In ]Proposed New Charter Shel~ed By National Emergency ~ecreational Nee d s December; 6 Drivers ~ Y; A it,.,. B' R · d In 8-Day Study Here Fined For Speeding "'0 ears go, luay e eVlve lIC ExpCI'iment Launched After Bittet' Debate; Sunday --- Force Carries Out 16 In- Pt'oposal Appl'oved To Dust Off Conll'ovel'sia] Churter, Iron Parking Meter Issues Cause Minor Tempests; Possibilities Of Organizing Out Its Disputed Points And Submit It To WOl'ld War II Atmosphere Returns More Extensive Program vestigations, Including To Be Investigated 12 Accidents General Assembly; Public Hearing Fit'st year 1950 bcgan on a note of confidence and growing optimism for Newark's proposed new charter, shelved two years ago after it had causco and the rest of the nation. The post-war boom was tapering-off, a nd A survey of Newark's recreational The Christmas spirit must have been at work even in Newark's underworld. a sto),m of controversy, may be r evived, its disputed features ironed out, nno ness r ecession, predicted by some, had not ma te rialized. The country's needs, including a sampling of public a new draft submitted to the current session of the Ge neral Assembly. seemed launched on an era of steady prosperity, a nd the town ap- opinion on the organization of a year- Only 14 arrests were made here in December. a considerable drop from A proposal to dust off the long ta bled chartl!r draft was approved at th . on its way to a re turn to "normalcy." round program, will be conducted by January meeting of the Town Council on Tuesday night. The proposed l1e\ international situation. w hich meant the long-standing tension between a viSiting recreational expert the lat­ the monthly a verage. Police made 36 arrests in November and 56 the pre­ (·h a~· t e r . wus submitted . a t the 1949 scssion of the Ge neral Assembly. whcre and thc West, was r eferred to as the "cold war," and it had been cold ter part of January. It dIed In commIttee. Since then the town has limped along under its present long that people had begun to take it l ess seriously and to speak of it Arrangements for tbe study, the exact ceding month. Majority of December's violations c utmoded c harter, w hich was adopted in 1887 and which severely hamstrings The general sentiment was that all would bc set tlcd somehow dates for which have not yet been the operatIon of a modem community. were hi gh, but the nation's <!l fixed, have been completed by the were for speeding, according to Chief ~ The plan to r evive the proposed new ' ic experts gave assura nces . ' Newark Recreation Association. William Cunningham's report. Six mot­ the economy was sound and said COU1Ictl Rebuffs Charges The 8-day survey will be carried out O1' ists were fin ed for exceeding thc Sinclair 1'0 Discuss Ic h a r~e r was put forth of' Tuesday's 25-mile limit in town. meet111 g by lVu's. R. O. Buusman. loca l thc government stood r eady to Tax MOll.eJ Was Used In by Weaver W. Pangburn, representa- I The breakdown for the r emaining Legl.slattVe Problems Ic ivic leader. Her suggestion was im- with the proper controls MaJor's ¥ul C. t' tlve of the F. Elwood Allen Organ- if the upward spiral gr ew . e lza tton, New York City, a firm which arrests fo ll ows: drunkenness, 3; pass­ III CenturJ Club 1'alle mediately caught up by Mayor Wallacc ree I.ngs Johnson and Councilr.lan Carl S. Ran­ The colorful and altrac'tive Christ- specializes in recreational surveys and ing on r ight, 1; passing red light, 1; kin, both of whom sa id they fel t the mas greeting cards il'om the Mayor planning. disorderl y conduct, 1; fa il ing to stop face of this. the town and for a police whistle, 1; dr unken dr iv­ disputed draft could be made accept­ began to r elax in a way not a nd Town Council. which accompa n- Mr. Pangburn, who made the Wil­ ied the December electric li gh t bills, mington survey which eventually led in g, 1. able if a i ew controversial poin ts since before World War II. co uld be ironed out. were pnid for solely by Mayor Wal- to the establishment of Wilmington The fo 'ce also carried out 16 in­ in July came the event which vestigations, including 12 accidents, This appears to be the beginning cbanged all this- the Korean lace Jobnson. Recreation Promotion and Service Inc This was stressed by town authori- will conduct an 8-day study here.'afte;: th ree reports of larceny a nd one of of a com promise movement among lo­ invasion of South K orea malicious mischief. ca l factions whose dispute two yea rs landing of United Na­ ties this week. after at least one which he will pass on his recommen­ Magistrate Clarence Forster reported ago over the new charter was one of spearheaded by American Councilman received a complaint u'om dations to the local Recreaf'i on Asso­ a resident; accusing the lawmakers of ciation. These will include his expert the collection of $250 in fines. the chief r easons why it di ed in com­ the peninsula. The police department handled 318 mittee at Dover. m onths later this "police wasting taxpayers' money on frivoli- opinion on what sort of recreation pro­ ties. gram, if a ny, should be organized here phone calls during the 30-day period, Council passed no formal resolution a war in a ll but name investigated 36 reports of faulty street regarding the charter proposal, but forces of Communist China In a formal resolution last Friday and how it should be financed. night, the Counc.il thanked the Mayor DUl'ing his study, 'he will conduct lights and provided overnight lodging Mayor J ohnson agreed to call , if time fi ght. for 2 transients. The police car trav­ permitted. a public hearing, possibly was as deeply involved as for his generous gesture and made it man-on-the-street interviews and hold a matter of pubUc record that the conferences with civic heads, town of) eled 3-228 miles. in the high school auditorium, to give American town in the war. eve ry citizen an opportunity to air his were serving in all branches money had not come from town funds. ficials and leaders of private industry. Activities currently sponsored by the views. The open meeting would 'be armed service, and one, Lt. 315 Cases Handled preceded by a special meeting of Coun­ Silk, was among the first Del­ Cost Recreation Association are the youth Reduction In canteen in the Century Club and the cil at which the proposed charter wounded in action. In By Visiting N u r s e would be revised and solutions to the town was called upon Power ice skating rink on East Main Street. Of Electric Plans for a town-wide square dance a re controversial points worked out. The support to the milita ry In 12-Month Period new draft would be presented for dis- Newark's Battery 'c' was Secured By Council also being considered. federal service. Miss Alice Leak Reports Mak- cu- nn at the public meeting. home front, an atmosphere Lawmakers Approve Amend- ing 2,777 Individual of the early days of World Wollaston's Zoning _l5ree ~ T~~:~~~O~~g h:~~at 7fo~~~i~~c~~ noticeable. Prices rose on ment To Light Contract At Request Is Vetoed Visits In 1950 John P. Sinclair split over the charter could be healed. making one look wistfully Special Meeting John P . Sinclair, town solicitor and : n~ethe pu~lic lined up solidly behind at the "high prices" of last Jan­ There were rumors of develop­ The town has secured a reduction Fate Of Two Partially Built nu~~:~ h~~~~e dL~;~. c~::sa~~:in~s~~~o~ ~~:~~;~ r~~reg~~~~~:~,:ro~ent~:l ni~~~ ~~;r~:~~e::~~;I:~~. t~~a~~~ft~tg~~:~~ sudden hoarding spurts in the cost of electric CUTrent it buys H making 2,777 individual visits, accord- sembly, WIll speak at the New Cen- . , government requests for from the Delaware Power and Light omes Uncertain ing to her a nnual report. Of the total tury Club on Monday at 2 H·.1t was pomted out, however, that the price control and promises Company for r esale to local consum- visits, 2-416 were nursing calls and 361 topic will be "Legislative :~~ble~: bIg question now i~ ~ne of tim~ . The wage freeze. ers, but the saving will not be passed G. Wesley Wollaston's request for a were instructive. Past and Future." deadlm.e for subl~ls s lOm of bills to familiar ring was also noticeable along to the public in the form of rezoning of his property on East Cleve- Sixteen chronic cases. carried Mr. Sinclair, who is associated with a the leglslatul'e, whIch will be set soon for organizing ground ob­ lower electric light bills. land Avenue was .turned down by a throughout the year, required an aver- Wilmington law firm, is also chairma n after the Assembly is organized, will posts and civil defense units Instead, the increased profits on the unanimous vote oi the Town Council f th .
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