THE SEAMEN'S CHURCH INSTITUTE OF NEW YORK VOL. XXX No. 1 JANUARY, 1939 THI S :'10NTH'S COVEl,- is eIllitled "BOU" TD FOR B. A ." It shows a close-up of the stack of the ' . .'. Brazil. .\ 11lC riCal1 Republic Liner. Reproduced by courtc -y of :'loore-l\lclonnack Lines, Inc. The Lookout Vol. xxx January, 1939 No.1 YOL. xxx. ] .\"U.\RY, 1939 PUBLISHED MONTHLY by the For Institute Friends: SEAM EN'S CHU RCH The date is INST ITU TE O F N EW YO RK 25 SOUTH ST ., NEW YORK, N Y. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Telephone BO\V l i n ~ Green 9·27 10 FEBRUARY I CLARENCE G. M ICHALIS President The place is TH MAS ROBERTS l!Crt:{ilry ~ nd Tn:as urcr St. James Theatre, REV. HAROLD H. KE LL EY Superintendent 246 West 44th Street M AR]ORIIl DENT CANDEE The play is Editor, T HE LOOKOUT Entered as second class matter July ''XiluJ, ~ IV" 8, 192 5, at N.ew Y or~, N.. Y., under the act of M arch 3, 1879. (Part I) S"bsC1'ipticm The a uthor is O ne Dollar Annuall y WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Si ngle Copies, T en Cents Gifts to the Institute of $5.00 and over The star is include a year's subscription to "The Lookout." MAURICE EVANS A ddress all communicati01u to ("the finest Shakespearean actor of our day") SEAMEN'S CHURCH INSTITUTE OF NEW YORK in the rO.le of Maurice Evans in the role of 25 South Street SIR JOHN FALSTAFF· Sir John Falstaff The play is to be in New York for only four weeks. We have the THIRD NIGHT PERFORMANCE. Orchestra Seats are $10.00, $7.50 and $5.00. 1st Balcony Seats are $7.50, $5.00 and $3.00 \\'e are counting on your usual loyal and generous support of this (J Benefit. Tickets will be a signed in the order in which reservations are ':5 $" received. It is a pleasure to reinforce Miss Dibble's article about the "SOS" in the December Lookout. We believe that hundreds of ladies who, Please make checks payable to the because of distance from New York, or for other reasons, find them­ SEAMEN'S CHURCH INSTITUTE OF NEW YORK selves unable to become memhers of the various associations comprising our Central Council, may like to assist the Institute in similar ways. and mail to Mr_ Harry Forsyth, Chairman Benefit Committee, Many ladies, whether OJ' not s ubscribing at present to the work of 25 South Street New York. N. Y. the Institute, may wi h to give of the skill of their hands, especially through knitting socks, sweaters and other articles for seamen. Full * According to Chicago critics where "Henry IV" opened last Spring, directions for these articles may be secured from Miss Dibble. It is our Mr. Evans in the role of Falstaff achieyes new heights of comedy. "He hope that most knitters will be able to supply their own wool. How­ has now demonstrated that he can touch fire to the text of Shakespeare's ever, from the dues of $1.00 per year paid by all "SOS" members a modest amount may be made available for the purchase of wool for comedy as well as tragedy, that he can be dynamic in the lyric or gusty knitters unable to SlIllply their own. moocls of the world's No. 1 playwright." Further articles about this will appear in later numbers of The According to John Mason Brown, dramatic critic on the New York Lookout. For detailed information please write to Miss Clara M. Dibble. Post: "This man Evans is a superlative performer; a genius the stage is Secretary, 25 South Street, New York, N. Y. fortunate in claiming as its own. \i\That Flagstad is to grand opera he is H. H. K. to the theatre ... His voice is a beautiful instrument, capable of doing justice to the magnificent beauty of the lines he speaks." Her engine ",ere still; broken, as liqilL rrlJuL 8aflh. Wild $luLL, useless as junk. She was down by the head and taking water fast. $r,wJl.. 18 OIL tJJDD.fnI1d. ]an./uvL Captain Smith wirelessed the po­ sition. All he could do then was 550 Miles Out , in a Smother of Hell, wait. All he could do was to stand A Job Was Done as You Came to Work on his pitching bridge and watch the faint, tossing glimmer of the By Asa Bordages, lights of the tanker off there in the blackness. HI orld-Telegram Staff f,Vriter. There wasn't any use to send HE safe little people went "S. S. Schodack rescued crew of messages to the shore. Nobody Tscuttling about the city on safe eighteen including captain's wife ashore could do anything about it. little errands as the gray, chill morn­ and daughter from sinking S. S. Nobody of the crowds getting thrills ing came today and a few words Smaragd in storm which was very in the movie , getting drinks in the clicked out of the air to tell that a thrilling. Captain of Smaragd ex­ bars, getting excitement in the night C a ptain C lifton Smi t h, Rescue r a nd man named Smith and some other pects ship to sink in a few hours." clubs, none of these could do any­ C a pt ain Bernhard Larsen, Rescued. men, ordinary men, were fighting a The first news of this match of thing. It was up to Captain Smith demon and death with their bare men against the sea, a match with and his men. desperate gamble of trying to take no championship belt at stake and off her people. hands SSO miles at sea. Heard Him Talking The safe little people were worry­ no cheering crowds and no movie Schodack Must Move ing whether they'd be in time for contracts for the winner , was picked The wireless stations ashore heard The Schodack must move, too, for work, worrying whether they'd up last night by Radio-marine. That Captain Smith speak now and then human strength couldn't pull against catch cold, and at latitude 38.06, was 10 :49 P .M. Captain Smith through the night to the sinking that sea and wind. She must slog longitude 61.S0, a rare spot of hell, said:- ship. He was getting reports on her her way to the loo'ard of the tanker Captain Clifton Smith swung the "Standing by Norwegian team­ condition. If she couldn't last he'd so that the boat - if it wasn't pounding, weary freighter Schodack ship Smaragd. which is in sinking have to take the risk of sending a crushed, if it did the devil's job of to make a lee and said it was time condition. \Vill attempt rescue crew boat in the dark. But if she could getting off the women and the six­ to take the chance. at daylight. \Veather conditions at hang on until morning there was teen men-would have a chance to Eight men in a peanut shell of a present, northwest gale rough." no use sending men to die in the be brought down to the Schodack, boat, eight ordinary fellows you'd The records showed that the dark. It looks good in the movies, to pull around to the far side of never notice ashore, staked their Smaragd was of less than 1,200 of co·urse. but this wasn't for the her for protection against the wild lives then that their arms were tons. She was on her wav from movies. This was a job. sea and the gale as the men and strong enough. their luck miraculous :\Torfolk, Va. to Europeat{ ports, The morning came slowly. The women were put aboard. enough, to pull them to the doomed laden with oil, when the sea smashed stations ashore heard Captain Smith Norwegian tanker Smaragd, to pull her. tell ing the tanker he was preparing It Just Sounds Easy them through a sea amok and back The 8,000-tOll Schodack. chartered to launch a boat. * It sounds easy, when it's put again to the Schodack with the help­ bv the merica-France Line from There was silence for a time. The down in little words, as easy as less tanker's people, two women and tl;e Gnited States Maritime Com­ city was waking up. People were tumbling off a log. But it's not easy sixteen men. mission. was slogging away toward bolting their breakfasts. People when the wind's a gale. nor'west, The wireless brought that word New York with a cargo from were buying new papers to read and seas stampede. It's like throw­ at 6:4S A.M .. and no word from French ports when she picked up about Co ter and Hitler and famous ing the gates of hell over your the Schodack since except the blunt the tanker's S 0 S. people. Captain mith was making shou Ider then . announcement at 11 A.M. that the a lee. That was the only chance. That's what Captain Smith and two women and sixteen men were Wireless too Weak The lifeboat must be launched in his men were doing out there as the safe aboard the rescue ship. No The tanker's wireless was too the lee or it wO'uld be smashed commuters ran for their ferries. A word at all of how the fight was weak to be heard ashore by that against the Schodack's :;ide.
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