Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. v. The Unidentified, Shipwrecked Vessel or Vessels Doc. 37 Att. 1 Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 37-2 Filed 08/07/2007 Page 1 of 52 ENGLISH TRASLATION Don Julian Marinez Garcia Director General de Bellas Ares y Bienes Cultuales Misterio de Cultua Plaza del Rey 1 , Planta baja 28071 Madrid July 6, 2007 Dear Mr. Director General Durng the last nie years Odyssey Mare Exploration, Inc. (OME) has cared out every tye of effort available to resolve with the Spansh and Andalusian authorities, of course, the foreseeable differences that could arse in relation to its HMS Sussex Project (Alboran Sea) with the best spirt of cooperation. Aside from this OME has offered its best collaboration with these authorities on the understading that it could offer important help in the study, location and defence of Spansh underwater cultual heritage in varous seas, with its best archaeological know-how. You are an exceptional witness to the position of OME in which my colleague Mare Rogers as well as myself, as the lawyers designated by OMB, have placed our hopes and efforts, along with the representatives of the US and the UK Embassies in Madrd. Due to the latest developments in the "Black Swan Project" in waters of the Atlantic and beyond any Spansh waters whatsoever, and in that the Spansh governent lacks at this time any indication of a legal basis to lay claim to the cargo found, some Spansh authorities at a very high level have maitained diffcult to explain suspicions of ilegal conduct on the par of OME. They have described the most transparent conduct oftms entity, from a legal point of view as well as an archaeological (that is otherwise evident), in very serious terms of ilegality and even crie, makg formal accusations before the Spansh cours when it is evident to us, I repeat, that they do not possess even a mium confation or proof in respect to the identity of the vessel carring the cargo given that even OME who is investigating this in detail lacks sufcient indications of ths. Such an offcial stace and the violent and unjust echo that has been produced in the national and international press, demonstrating in many instances total iresponsibilty, have damaged the image and doubtless prestige of OME. OME on the other hand has not had the opportuty to defend itself given that the crial proceedings have been declared secret and the Cour of La Linea has rejected our offer of evidence, clarifcations and most transparent collaboration retuing to us the pleadings to appear in the proceedings and the proposal of evidence without even malcig that rejection the subject of a wrtten ruling. This offerig is comprised of documentation, the statement of Mr. Greg Stemm and other relevant OME personnel and the offering of inspection ofthe boats Odyssey Exp10rer and Odyssey Alert. Dockets.Justia.com Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 37-2 Filed 08/07/2007 Page 2 of 52 ENGLISH TRASLATION Page Two For this reason, I have tred by all means available to me with the maxum discretion possible, following the instrctions of my client, to avoid the false ofiicial position on ths matter, which in my view is dangerous for the very interests of Spain, via letters to varous authorities and interviews with the Ministr of Cultue, the Junta de Andalusia, the Public Prosecutor and the Court of La Linea de la Concepcion, etc. and reports and statements in the press without the least result. I attach to this letter the sworn statement of Mr. Greg Stemm. I trt, Sir, that these lines will make clear my loyal conduct on behalf of OME and regretting both as a professional and as a Spansh citizen, not having been able, as would have been our desire, to avoid the complicated foreseeable situation for the Spansh admsuation that will arse as a result of OME exercising its legitimate rights to defend its interests, as well as the Spansh position in relation to underwater cultual heritage in all international legal forus. It is OME' s constant desire and policy to give advance notice of its conduct to the Spansh authorities implicated. That is what it has done to date in relation to the movements of its vessels in waters near the Spansh coast. At this time however and regrettably, we are deprived of any adequate line of communcation. Sincerely, Jose Luis Gom A COpy OF THS LETTER AND DOCUMNTS TO: Don Jose Mara Pons Irazabal Director General de Politica Exterior para Europa y America del Norte Misterio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperaci6n Edificio Torres Agora C/ Serrano Galvache 26 28006 Madrd Almirante Don Teodoro de Leste Contrera Director del Museo Naval de Madrid Museo Naval de Madrd cale Montalban 2 28014 Madrd Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 37-2 Filed 08/07/2007 Page 3 of 52 ENGLISH TRASLATION Page Three Fiscal Don Angel Nufez Fiscalia de la Audiencia Provincial de Cadiz Cuesta de las Cales as sin 11071 Cadiz Comandante Cortes Unidad Central Operativa de la Guadia Civil Deparamento de Delitos contra el Patronio Calle Salinas del Rosio 32 - 35 28042 Madrid D. Jesus Romero Benitez Director General de Bienes Cultuales Consejeria de Cultua Junta de Andalucia Palacio de Altaa Santa Maria la Blanc 41004 SEVILA Dona Mara Teresa Fernandez de la Vega Vice Presidenta Primera, Mistra de la Presidencia y Portavoz del Gobierno Minsterio de la Prcsidencia Complejo de la Moncloa A venida Puerta de Hierro 28071 Madrid . " ......". ... Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 37-2 Filed 08/07/2007 Page 4 of 52 CONI CO. ABOGADOS Don Julian ivfar1iJ1cz Garda C . 0 P Dirctor Gcneral de Bellas Aries y Bienes Culturulcs Ministerio de Cultura Plaza del Rey J , Phmla baja MINlS"!' iiY,, -:i!E : ;:I.. rIJt 2S071 JVJatlrid ENTRADI - 6 JUL. 2007 6 de juiio de 2 Distinguido Sr. Dircr.tor G REGISTRO ncral; Durante Dlieve anas Odysst:y 'Iarine: Exploration lodas Ius lnc. (Oi\-n ) ha realizado esfucros CD SU mano pam so1venmr c.olJ las llt(1ridadcs cSptli'olas y las andalm as cuatesquicra difercucias pudicrall originar en , por snptJcs!o prcvisiblcs que se rclucion con su proyecto HMS Alboran) dcno' del mejor cspfritu de SLlSSCX (Mar' de colabomcioJ1. ofrecido SIl llcjor co1aboracion Al marg n de elJo ha con estas autoridades no para privilegio alguno sino pOl' cntcndcr que podfa oficcer una logGl1' cn d estudio, la imp0l1ante ayuda Iocalizaci6n y In defensa d subacuiiico espcmol en I patrin'onio cultural diversos mares, dentro de su mojor quehacer arqueo16gico. USled es Un testigo ex.cepciol1al ue esta la que tanto mi colflboradota Sm. Mnrie Rogct1 comoposidon yo ue OME en dcsignados por Ie empresH. , como abogado:; hemos pncsto llucstras empeiius, l1si como !o.tI represemantes de las mejom.s Husioncs y .y del Reino ()njdo et\ Mndrid. Hmbcgadas de ESfHdos UDictos e0l1 motivo de 105 ultmo.' resultados en e! "Proycclo Black Swan Elguas del Atlantico fuera de " en espai'olas cualesquicra aguas jurisdicclonales . y en el ql.e el Estado espano) camcc de momcnta de jndieio ignUicativo de una ba$e jurfdica para ualquier del cargarnento encontmdo It! reGiamllci6n por su , llJgunli autoridades pm1;e hem suscitado un s dificilmcntc explicahles sospeohasespafiola.,; de actuaci6n ,I muy alto nivcJ OMB. Heln califc.' H1o una limpLcirna iJega! dc el punto de visla legal como actuaciol\ de esta cntidad arqueolo,gico (que por 10 dcmas les, tanto desde gravisirnoR !erminos de iIegaJidad COllsta), en fonnalcs aote yaun de de!ito, tormu)ando acus Ios Juzgados cspanole.tI cuando nos cjol1es careccn de confirmacion 0 plleba accrca dc con&fq, rcpito, que identidad , pOT ejemplo y bitsit.amente crl barco tmnsporLaoor del cargamcDto , la qUI; 10 invcstiga en profuodfdad carcce de hldicios, puesto que incluso OME t:Ol1fil'IDar 1a idcntidad del pecic. Ta) PO arlecnados para inju5to eco que Ila producido CiOJl Ofi!;ial y eI desrnesUJado e r;n )a prcnsa nac/onal e intcmaciona) ejorcicio en mncbos casos de L1na total jn-espOl)sabilidad , ell Un la imagen e indudab)c pr han porlido daiiar tigio de OM E VELAZQIJEl24 . )' . 180m .\ADRJ. TEL (34) 91 1634740. FJ'X joseluis. goni ct:) 9r %3 j J 43 RDSELLON 229- gOrl-abogados. , lO -mW08 nAJtCELONA com .TEL(_ 4j 3 415'J06R. f'l\ ( )93 415 70 IJ Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 37-2 Filed 08/07/2007 Page 5 of 52 OME no ha lenido pOT otra parle 10 mas minima posibj)dad do dcfendcrse puesto que Jas dUigcncias judicra1cs sc han decLarado sem:etas y el de La Linea lIB. recluzado Juzgado I1lestros afreci miemos tOI1nales de pruebas aclaracjones y la colnboracl6n mas tmnsparcnlt: , devolvicndonos 105 escritos de pefsonacion y de propusiciol1 de eSHS hacerlos ohjelo d pmobas sin ni siqujcra una jJrovidencia de r ch.ozo. EJ ofi-ccimicnlo cOlnprel\(JJa docuUlen1aci6n, !a deciaraeioJ, del Sr. Greg Stemm y otro pcrsonaI rclevllntedc OM! de los barcos Odyssey ExpJorer Y Odyssey Alerty eI ofrecimicnlu de inspecci6n Con este mofivo he imentmJo pOl' 105 rnedios a lui nlcancc , con la rm djscrecion posible, siguict1do los iJ)stmc(;ioue lxillia rle mi cliel1te, c\'ilm' la HIisa posicion oficial sobrc este tCJ11C1 , A mi jnicio religrosa pam int rcses CSpa1101es !os propios , merlhmtc r.eirlns a diversCis utOtidlldes y enircvistas con el MiniSlcl'io de Culturn , Ja Junta de Andalucia, la Fiscalia Lfl Linea de la Concepcion , el Juzgado dc , et illfonnes y dec1a eJ 1l.aS millmo resuhado. acione$ 11 la prcnsa, sin AcompaDD J1 esta carta uun declanwi6n 1a declanwiou jurada del Sr.
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