Armored scale insecticide resistance challenges San Joaquin Valley citrus growers Elizabeth Grafton-Cardwell o Wing Ouyang o Rebecka Striggow o Stacy Vehrs Organophosphateand carbamate alifornia red scale and yellow the year. Biological control utilizes insecticides have been used to scale have been important eco- natural predators of crop pests to limit treat citrus pest problems for nomic pests in California citrus for their growth and spread. more than 40 years. From 1990 to more than 80 years. Scale are tiny in- In the San Joaquin Valley, where 1998, we documented California sects with a dark, circular, waxy cover- winter and summer temperatures are red scale and yellow scale ing over their bodies. They live on the more extreme and the pest citrus resistance to these insecticides. twigs and leaves of the plant and the thrips (Scirtothrips citri) have been con- Armored scale resistance is found rind of citrus fruit, giving the fruit an trolled by broad-spectrum insecticides, on an estimated 40% of 163,000 unattractive, scaly appearance. biological control has been more diffi- acres of citrus in the San Joaquin California red scale, Aonidiella cult to accomplish. Broad-spectrum in- aurantii (Maskell), and yellow scale, secticides applied for the pest citrus Valley. Citrus growers have Aonidiella citrina (Coquillett), cause thrips kill the parasitic wasps and responded by either increasing cosmetic damage to the fruit, resulting predators needed for biological control their use of natural enemies, in downgrading at the packinghouse. of scale. Consequently, San Joaquin especially the parasitoid wasp In addition, scale can cause yellow Valley citrus growers have depended Aphytis melinus, or by applying leaves, defoliation, branch dieback and primarily on insecticides to control ar- newly registered insect growth tree death when the pest density is ex- mored scale. regulator or neonicotinoid tremely high. In Riverside, Orange, From the 1950s until the mid- to late insecticides. While the California Los Angeles and San Bernardino coun- 1990s, San Joaquin Valley growers used, red scale problem is, for the ties, growers have been very success- almost exclusively, organophosphate moment, greatly reduced, ful in controlling scaIe with biological and carbamate insecticides to control outbreaks of cottony cushion control methods (Luck et al. 1986). scale, citrus thrips and most other pests scale are occurring because the This is due, in large part, to year- of citrus. In the 1980s, many populations new insecticides are highly toxic round uniform temperatures, which of citrus thrips became resistant to these to the predatory vedalia beetle. allow preferred stages of scale to be insecticides (Morse and Brawner 1986). available for parasitism at all times of In the early 1990s, growers noticed that 20 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, VOLUME 55,NUMBER 5 Using the fruit-dip bioassay technique, scientists found numerous populations of California red scale that were resistant to chlorpyrifos, methidathion and carbaryl. fore, rotating these insecticides would not reduce resistance. California red scale. Resistant populations of armored scale were found by our bioassay in most of the citrus-growing region along the foot- hills of Fresno, Tulare and Kern coun- ties (fig. 1).During the 1950s and 1960s, California red scale eradication districts in Fresno, Tulare and Kern counties used parathion (an organo- phosphate) to eradicate the pest. After the eradication effort ended in the 1970s, many growers continued to use California red scale and yellow scale cide, carbaryl (Sevin). We began our parathion, as well as chlorpyrifos, were becoming more difficult to control. research using a fruit-dip bioassay methidathion and carbaryl as they be- When these pesticides were first intro- technique. We circled the first-instar came available. With this history of in- duced, a single application of an organo- scale (the first stage that settles down secticide use, it is not surprising that phosphate or carbamate was effective in and forms a white waxy covering on we found resistant populations in reducing scale populations for 1 to 2 its back) with a black pen, dipped four many orchards in the San Joaquin Val- years. But by the mid-l990s, some citrus to six scale-infested green (underripe) ley in the 1990s. growers were spraying three to four ap- citrus fruit into a specific concentra- Yellow scale. Although yellow plications per year and still not achiev- tion of an insecticide, and waited 10 scale was less common than California ing satisfactory control. The increase in days to see if the insects were alive or red scale, it seemed to develop a insecticide use escalated the economic dead (Grafton-Cardwell and Vehrs greater frequency or intensity of resis- and environmental costs. At the same 1995). We tested each insecticide sepa- tance than red scale. From 1990 to time, the marketability of the fruit de- rately. Because armored scale insects 1994, eight of the 100 orchards tested clined because scale insects were en- do not move around, it is difficult to were infested primarily with yellow crusting the fruit. tell if they are alive or dead, so we scale. All eight populations exhibited Armored scale insects have demon- waited 10 days for them to molt into resistance to organophosphates and strated their ability to develop resis- the second instar. Those individuals carbamates, and most had high levels tance to many of the insecticides used that molted were considered to be of resistance. Knowing that yellow to control them. As early as 1912, Cali- alive and had survived the chemical scale had a greater tendency to be re- fornia red scale resistance to hydro- treatment. We conducted a total of 148 sistant to insecticides than California cyanic acid was detected (Quayle bioassays for methidathion, chlor- red scale and realizing that yellow 1938).In the 1970s, California red scale pyrifos and/or carbaryl resistance scale is more easily controlled with populations in some citrus-producing from 1990 to 1994 (an average of 30 or- natural enemies, growers with yellow areas of South Africa developed resis- chards per year). scale rapidly shifted to biological con- tance to organophosphate insecticides, We found many populations of scale trol. Since 1994, it has been difficult to including dimethoate, parathion and with resistance to one, two or all three find yellow scale in the San Joaquin methidathion, and to a carbamate in- insecticides. Usually, if the scale was re- Valley. secticide, methomyl (Nel et al. 1979). sistant to one insecticide, it was at least somewhat resistant to all three (Grafton- New colorimetric resistance test Insecticide resistance Cardwell and Vehrs 1995). Tests with Mapping resistance using the fruit- Fruit-dip bioassay. In 1990, we be- synergists (chemicalsthat block the en- dip bioassay procedure was problem- gan testing armored scale populations zymes the insect is using to resist the in- atic. Because the bioassay required a from various orchards of the San secticide) suggested that the insects large number of scale-infested green Joaquin Valley for resistance to two or- were using the same mechanism to re- fruit from each orchard, we were lim- ganophosphate insecticides, chlor- sist all three pesticides. The same syner- ited to orchards with heavy infesta- pyrifos (Lorsban) and methidathion gist reduced the scale’s ability to resist tions. This biased our sampling to- (Supracide), and a carbamate insecti- poisoning by all three insecticides; there- ward locations with resistance. We CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2001 21 Fig. 1. San Joaquin Valley citrus distri- bution of insecticide susceptible (81% to 100% mortality), slightly resistant (46% to 80% mortality) and highly resistant (45% or less mortality) armored scale, 1990- 1994. Resistant populations of armored scale were found in most of the citrus- growing regions tested. We tested the resistance to chlorpyrifos, methidathion and carbaryl using a fruit-dip bioassay. were also limited to testing when the scale-infested fruit was available, Au- gust through October. Growers often sprayed their orchards with insecti- cides from May to July, so we often could not use the bioassay to help them make decisions about which pes- ticide would be most effective in the current season. The fruit-dip bioassay requires 10 days to determine results, giving growers a very slow response time. In 1995 we began to develop a rapid biochemical test for detecting insecticide-resistant scale. Our re- search with synergists and electro- phoresis demonstrated that resistant California red scale survived the insec- ticide sprays by using esterase enzymes to bind and detoxify the insecticides en- tering their bodies (Grafton-Cardwell et al. 1998). In electrophoresis, an electri- cal current is used to sort enzymes in the ground-up insect. We adapted a colorimetric test used for detecting in- secticide resistance in mosquitoes, in which the chemicals in the dish react with esterase enzymes in the crushed body of the insect (Dary et al. 1990). We placed a portion of a crushed third-instar female scale in each test well of a microtiter plate. This plate has a reader that measures the optical density (color) of the fluid in the plate wells. We used known amounts of alpha naphthol (chemical standard) to estimate the levels of esterase enzymes in the test insects. We found that resistant scale had higher esterase enzyme levels; the liquid in the wells of the plate turned darker for insecticide-resistant scale than susceptible scale. This new method allowed us to test individual third-instar female scale during more months of the year and from any part of the tree, broadening the types of orchards we could sample. This method also required 22 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, VOLUME 55, NUMBER 5 only 1 day to complete, so test results could be returned to the grower quickly. From 1995 to 1997 we were able to conduct 280 tests of scale using the colorimetric test and increase our testing from 30 bioassays per year to nearly 100.
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