Florida Radio WDNJ(FM) - (See Listing Following WNDB)

Florida Radio WDNJ(FM) - (See Listing Following WNDB)

Florida Radio WDNJ(FM) - (See listing following WNDB). Greek 11h hrs wkly. Ross Charles, gen mgr; Frank Pharaoh Jr., coml mgr; P. L. Flinn, prog & news dir; (See South Daytona). WELE - Manly St. Jean, chief engr. WMFJ - April 16, 1935: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Coral Gables w -N. Box 5606 (32020). (904) 255 -1456. Walter - Dunnellon Weeks Bcstg Inc. Rep: Torbet. Robert M. Weeks, WRHC - June 20, 1969: 1550 khz; 10 kw -D, DA. WTRS March 2, 1970: 920 khz; 500 w -D. Rt. 1, pres; Dick Clark, gen mgr; Al Setzer, coml mgr; Dave - 220 Miracle Mile, Suite 201 (33134). (305) 445- Box 7 (32630). (904) 489 -2800. Tri -County Randall, prog dir; Roy Gallagher, chief engr. 1488. Radiocentro Broadcasting Co. (acq 11 -12- Broadcasters, Inc. (acq 3- 10 -72). Net: ABC /E. Relig /Sp. Pol 2 hrs 73). Format: Spec progs: wkly. WMFJ -FM - Nov 1, 1967: 101.9 mhz; 25 kw Format: Contemp. Charles E. Bell, pres; David S. Salvador Lew, pres, gen mgr & news dir; Tomas horiz 7.4 kw vert.. Ant 110 ft. Stereo. Arthurs, stn mgr. Garcia Fuste, coml & prom mgr; Alberto Villalobos, 1 March 3, 1969: 102.3 mhz; 3 kw. (Sp), Liz Shea (relig), prog dirs; Ricardo Jorge, mus WNDB - April 1948: 1150 khz; kw, DA -N. Box WTRS -FM - dir; Donald V. Gause, chief engr. 712 (32017). (904) 253 -1150. Quality Bcstg Corp. Ant 300 ft. Dups AM 90%. (acq 11- 6 -72). Net: CBS. Format: MOR. Spec prog: WVCG - Feb 18, 1949: 1080 khz; 10 kw -D, 500 Classcl 14 hrs wkly. Victor M. Knight, pres; Elliot Eau Gallie w -N, DA -2. 377 Alhambra Circle (33134). (305) W. Harris Jr., VP & gen mgr; John Ferree, prog dir & WMEL- (See Melbourne, Fla.) 445-5411. TWX 810-848-$151. Independent prom mgr; Belinda Ferree, coml mgr; Ron Kay, mus Music Bcstrs Inc. (acq 6 -67). Rep: Katz. Format: dir; Mark Flemming, news dir; Bill Lemmon, chief WMMB - (See Melbourne, Fla.) Good music. Ted Niarhos, pres; Lynn A. Christian, engr. gen mgr; Sam Rosenblatt, coml mgr; Bud Melton, WTAI - (See Melbourne, Fla.) WDNJ(FM) Co -owned with WNDB. March prog dir; Betty Niarhos, mus dir; Les Smith, news - WYRL(FM) - (See Melbourne, Fla.) dir; Earl Miller, chief engr. 1947: 94.5 mhz; 54 kw. Ant 330 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Btfl mus. Spec prog: Classcl Englewood WYORIFM) - Co -owned with WVCG. Nov 15. 17 hrs wkly. mhz; Prog 1958: 105.1 160 kw. Ant 190 ft. sep WENG Feb 20, 1964: 1530 khz; 1 kw -D. Box New Smyrna Beach, Fla.) - from AM. Stereo. Format: Beautfl mus. WOGO - (See 908 (33533). (813) 474 -3231. Sarasota Charlotte -WVUM(FM)- May 1968: 90.5 mhz; 10 w. Ant WROD - 1947: 1340 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box Bcstg Corp. (acq 2- 20 -64). Rep: Beaver. Format: 116 ft. Box 248191 (33124). (305) 284 -5558. 991 (32015). (904) 252 -4626. WROD, Div of MOR. Spec progs: Women's page 2;, hrs wkly. Men's Residence Halls Assoc. Format: Progsv. Elyria- Lorain Corp. (acq 4 -67). Net: ABC /E. Rep: Edward J. Ewing, pres; James R. Stephenson, gen Linda Duggan. gen mgr. PRO Time Sls. Format: MOR. Otto B. Schoepfle, mgr & news dir; Jeffrey E. Barber, mus & prog dir; pres; William A. Stipsits, gen mgr; Paul Nakel, VP- Michael R. Joity, coml & prom mgr; Geddes WYOR(FM) - (See listing following WVCG) group opns; Dale Wright, opns dir. Kujaneck, chief engr. Crestview Defuniak Springs Eustis listing following WJSB.) WAAZ -FM - (See WGTX- March 1, 1956: 1280 khz; 5 kw -D. WLCO - June 1955: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Drawer 627 (32433). (904) 892 -2814. Euchee Drawer 1905 (32726). (904) 357 -4191. Barringer WCNU April 8, 1948: 1010 khz; 1 kw -D. Box - Valley Bcstg Co. Inc. (acq 10- 14 -69). Rep: Beaver, (acq 10- 24-64). Format: Contemp. 518 (32536). (904) 682 -2330. Gulf Shores Bcstg. Bcstg Corp. Keystone. Format: 50% Pop; 50% Contemp C &W. Davis H. Barringer, pres, gen mgr & chief engr; Lee Co. (acq 5- 1 -74). Format: C &W. Spec prog: Gospel, R. Dean Hubbard, pres & gen mgr; Jo Ann Solomon, Williams, prog dir; John Asp. mus dir; C. W. Larson, 12 hrs wkly. Sam F. Townsend. pres; Jerry W. coml & prom mgr; Pete Balkom, prog & mus Milligan, Sr., gen mgr & news dir; Leonard Lindsay, dir; news dir; Artimesa Barringer, sec /tres. Pete Thompson, news dir; Edward chief engr. Daniels, chief engr. Fernandina Beach WJSB Sept 15, 1954: 1050 khz; 1 kw-D. Box - WQUH(FM) Co -owned with WGTX. November 267 (32536). (904) 682 -3040 or 682 -4623 TWX - WYHI - Sept 1, 1955: 1570 khz; 1 kw -D. Drawer 1974: 103.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 180 ft. 904- 682 -3040. Crestview Bcstg Co. (acq 8- 1 -70). 496 (32034). (904) 261 -6156. Northeast Florida Net: CBS. Format: C MOR. T. Radio Inc. (acq 10- 1 -69). Net: Keystone. Spec &W, James WZEP - 1955: 1460 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 387 Whitaker, pres, gen mgr & chief engr; Betty (32433) (904) 892 -5231. Leonard S. Zepp (acq 3- progs: Black 3 hrs wkly. Format: Mod country. W. Whitaker, prom mgr; George L. Cain, prog & mus dir; 1-59). Format: Variety. Spec progs: C &W 20 hrs W. Harrell Jr., pres; Harry P. Hancock, gen mgr; W. Jimmy Hugh Howell, coml mgr; Brad McDuffie, wkly. Leonard S. Zepp, pres, gen mgr & chief engr; A. Smith. VP; Irene A. Barnes, sec; Carl Barnes, stn news dir. DeLois Padgett, news dir & prog dir; Linda Zepp, & prog mgr; Edward Hardee, news dir; William mus dir. Alexander, chief engr. WAAZ -FM - Co -owned with WJSB. July 15, 1965: 104.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 275 ft. Dups AM 30 %. Format: C &W. Deland Fort Lauderdale WELE -FM - July 10, 1967: 105.9 mhz; 76 kw. WAFG(FM) - 90.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 280 ft. Crystal River Ant 245 ft. Drawer F (32027). (904) 734-3100. Westminster Academy. WELE Radio Inc. (acq 5- 1 -74). Net: MBS. Rep: WXTR(FM) - Not on air, target date unknown: WAYS - Aug 21, 1970: 1 190 khz; 5 kw DA -D. Media /Sales South. Format: C &W. Joe Gratz. 98.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 430 ft. Box 419A, Rte. 1, Box 7539 Sunrise Station (33304). (305) 565- pres; Gene McMahon, VP & gen mgr; John Miller, Leesburg, Va. (22075). Electra Bcstg Corp. of 5671. Lauderdale Broadcast Inc. Rep: PRO Time stn mgr; Jim King, mus dir; J. D. Tillis, chief engr. Florida. Sls; Carpenter (Southeast). Format: Talk, Contemp- WETO - Sept 10, 1948: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 MOR music, news. Gordon Sherman, pres & gen Cypress Gardens w -N. Box 877 (32720). (904) 734 -9386. WETO Inc. mgr; Robert E. Brown, sls mgr; Kathleen Bibb, office (acq 8 -74). Net: ABC /C, ABC /E. Format: Contemp, mgr; Jack Jennings, chief engr. WGTO Sept 9. 1955: 540 khz; 50 kw -D, 10 kw- MOR. Jon C. Peterson, pres; G. Nolan Kenner, gen - WAXY(FM) July 1960: 105.9 mhz; 100 kw N (CH) DA -2. Box 123 (33880). (813) 293 -4103. mgr & news dir; Dahlon G. Ritchey, prog dir; Steven - horiz 97.5 kw vert. Ant 1020 ft. 419 S. Andrews Hubbard Bcstg Inc. (acq 5- 1 -58). Net: ABC /C. Rep: G. Prickett, prom mgr; Andreas C. Thomsen, chief Ave. (33301). (305) 525 -6351. Stereo. RKO Petry. Format: Contemp. Stanley S. Hubbard, pres; engr. Bob Kelly, stn mgr; Dick Bennick, prod dir; Ronnie General Inc. (acq 1- 26 -73). Rep: RKO Radio. Dec 7, 1956: 1310 khz; 5 kw -D. Format: All Oldies. Bruce Johnson, pres; Gee, prog dir; George Prescott, prom mgr; Paul Tit - WKKX - Box Michael chenal. chief engr. 727 (32720). (904) 736 -3700. Deland Bcstg Inc. Scheuble, gen mgr; Sam Hennings, sls mgr; John (acq 5- 1 -73). Rep: Southern Spot Sls. Format: Gambling, prog dir; B. J. Bakken, prom mgr; Quincy C &W. Tom Joyner, pres & gen mgr; Brian Tolby, McCoy, mus dir; Wayne DeLucente, chief engr. Dade City coml mgr; Fred West. prog & mus dir; Dave Ken- WEXY (See Oakland Park, Fla.). nedy, prom mgr; Tammie Williams, news dir; Bruce - WDCF - December 1954: 1350 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 1077 (33525). (904) 567 -5683. Dade City Radio Kuckert, chief engr. WFTL - March 28, 1947: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Inc. (acq 11 -70). Format: C &W. R. Duane w -N. Box 5333 (33310). (305) 566 -9621. WFT.L Anderson, pres; Patricia Webb, VP; Bert Pardun, stn Delray Beach Bcstg Co. (acq 8- 1 -58). Net: ABC/I. Rep: Torbet. mgr; Ray Webb, gen mgr; Dave Carter, prog & mus Format: MOR. Joseph C. Amaturo, pres & gen WDBF - February 1952: 1420 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 mgr; William F. Sherry, coma mgr; Michael O'Shea, dir; Jeff Williams, news dir; Jim Johnson, chief engr. w -N, DA -2. Box 1420 (33444). (305) 278 -1420. prog dir; Terry Gross, mus dir; Joe Barbarette. news Quality Bcstg Corp. (acq 8- 13 -65). Net: CBS. dir; Ken Cameron, chief engr. Daytona Beach Format: MOR. Spec progs: Black 8 hrs, Classical 7 hrs, both wkly. Victor M. Knight, pres & gen mgr; WGLO(FM) Co -owned with WFTL. Aug 15, WDAT (Licensed to Ormond Beach). Aug 1, - - Bruce Hamilton, opns mgr; Terry Sullivan, coml mgr. 1962: 106.7 mhz; 100 kw, Ant 900 ft. Format: Btfl 1957: 1380 khz; 1 kw -DA -N. Box 5038 (32020). (904) 677 -4122. National Communications Indus- mus. Lew Krone, coml mgr; Ray Smithers, prog & mus dir, prom mgr; Earl tries Inc. (acq 2- 15 -71). Net: NBC.

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