81°42'0"W 81°39'0"W 81°36'0"W 81°33'0"W 81°30'0"W 81°27'0"W un less otherwise no ted. otherwise less un Pictures kindly provided by Upstate Forever staff, Forever Upstate by provided kindly Pictures Broad River Greenway River Access and Parking Area T his ma p wa s printed on wa terproo f paper. f terproo wa on printed s wa p ma his T 126 Broad River Drive, Shelby, NC 28152 1. Big Bay Access Area M a p design ed by Upstate Forever. All rights reserved. rights All Forever. Upstate by ed design M p a Loc a teddo wn strea mofthe Highwa bridge, y150 trailheathis the dBroato dRiver Green wa y end of Sarratt Road, Gaffney, SC 29341 inc ludesafishing riveracpier, caplaygroun ess, educ d, a tion adisplays, l an dpicn icshelters. support of the Callie and John Rainey Foundation. Rainey John and Callie the of support Class I _ T heBroa dRiver ca nbe ac c essedfrom either side ofthe bridge The fee forusecaper $5 is r; 2. Gaston Shoals Fishing Trail This map was made possible by the generous the by possible made was map This Rapids it is openis it from da wndusk.Formoto informa re www.broa tionvisit: , drivergreen wa y.co m . end of Spillway Road, Gaffney, SC 29341 Big Bay 3. Bowens River Canoe Access Access Area 1444 Dravo Road, Blacksburg, SC 29702 35°12'0"N zj Class I BIGBAY 1. ACCES SAREA: 35°12'0"N Rapids T hisac c essinc ludesasma llparking area bo ram , aan t p, dfishing pier. F GAS 2. T O NSHOALS FISHING TRAIL: Class I k T hisfishing locistrail a tedbelow theGaston Sho aDam ls an dfollows theriverfor ab o ut Cleveland Rapids While ft. 700 no bo ram a existslocthis t pat a tionpaddlers , ca in nputhere avoto id Mining k theGaston Sho aDam ls . Operation: BOWENS 3. RIVER CANOE ACCES S : County, NC stay right T hisac c essinc ludesasma llparking area an bo ddirt ram fishing ariver-left.A t p, area is loc afeet ted2,000 no on rth Dravo nextRd.,the Hydroto Plan an t dalso inc ludesasma ll parkingarea . 0 Cherokee County, SC 5 1 Y Bowens W Broad River Scenic Corridor Scenic River Broad Broad River H C A Map and Guide to the the to Guide and Map A River . er Trl S Coop J un e 2017 e un J . tt Rd Sarra j z The First 70 Miles in South Carolina South in Miles 70 First The 1. Big Bay l b Gaston Shoals 35°9'0"N Blueway k Access1. Area Canoe Portage 35°9'0"N (middle river Gaston island) Shoals k Dam #1 k Gaston Broad River Broad Spillway Rd. Gaston j 3. Bowens j z n Shoals Class I Rapids 2. $+ Dam #2 l 3.River Gaston Shoals Canoe F b l k T o w n o f Fishing Trail $+ Access The 2. Gaston D B l a c k s b u r g $+ ra j Shoals vo Gaston R Fishing Shoals d 18 k Cherokee. z Y Class I Trail Dam #3 W Rapids T o w n o f H County, SC Caution! Gaston Shoals Dams k C Caution! Cherokee BPortage lavailabis a c lethe kdoat c s kon the b u r g S Class I Lake Falls Dam c enislan ter dbetween thetwo Gaston Portageavailabis leriver-right. Rapids Whelchel S ho aDam ls Putba c s. kinthe riveron below dam Plea seavo idtheda man dits thedo wn strea mside ofthe islan dbelow facStay ilities. awa yfrom the Welcome to the Class I thema inspillwa Use extrem y. eca ution Bowens River tailrac eofthe da m . Broad River Blueway Rapids alla times. t Fishing Trail 35°6'0"N T heBroa dRiver Bluewa yinSo uthCarolina 29 35°6'0"N k WY providessign ificabeginn n t er-frien dlyan dno vice US H paddlingopportun Origina ities. tinginthe Blue RidgeMo un tainsofea Bun stern c o m b eCoun ty, Pick Hill River Access NorthCarolina theBroa , dRiver –which on c e and Parking Area formedthebo un dabetween ry theCatawb aan d 1290 Ninety-Nine Island Road CherokeeIndian tribes–flows through seven Shoals & 0.6-Mile- Blacksburg, SC 29702 Class I Long Loc a tedacriver-left,this c essha s Piedm oco n t unin tiesSo uthCarolina before Shoals joiningtheSa ludaRiver formto theCon ga ree Rapids (stay left abo ram a an t p dsma llparking area , RiverinColum theUpstate, bIn the Broa ia. d Cherokee Ford Recreation Area after dam) awell s asafishing runthatrail s t Wolf Den Lane, Gaffney, SC 29340 a lon gtheriverfeet600 do wn strea m Riverflows through Cherokee Falls inthe Sum ter k Nation aForestan l dtheTo wnofLoc kha rt, Loc a tedabriver-right, o vetheCheroko eeFalls da m , othe fbo ram a t p. this riverthisac cnext essisthe Cherokeeto Ford Rec - C h e r o k e e passingthrough Cherokee, YoUn rk, ionChester, , Goat k 2 9 reatheen tionAt Area d ofWo . lfDen Lan therea e, is Fairfield,Newb an erry, dRichlan dCoun ties. WY C i t y o f Island F a l l s H cleadirt ringwith ea syac cthe essrivertofrom the S (0.3-miles); O n eofthe Upstate'swidest riverswith ma jor U G a f f n e y riverba n k. k tributarieslike thePac oTyger, let, an dEno reeRivers, stay right theBroa dRiver ha provided s sign ificapower n t or left gen erationwith nine da malon s gtheen of tiretythe 0.6-mile k river. In 1991, So1991, In uthCarolinariver. design a tedmiles15 Island; Ninety-Nine Islands River 35°3'0"N othe fBroa dRiver from Islan99 dsDam do wn - stay left 0.7-mile Access and Parking Area 35°3'0"N strea mthecoto n fluen c ewith thePac oRiver let as Island; k end of Ninety-Nine Island Road Wildan dSc enthebento ic, efitofthe en da n gered stay left Blacksburg, SC 29702 roc kysho aspider ls lily an dresiden an t dmigratory Loc a tedboriver-left.this ram a an t p d fish. Wildlifefish. abis un dainarea nthis Visitors t . sma llparking area dois wn strea mof m a ysee avariety ofbirds, fish,an dma m m a ls 8 1 k theIslan99 dsDam nextthe to , inc ludingba ldea gles,osprey, herring, largem o uth Y powerho use. a n dsma llmomuskrats, uth bariverdeer otters, ss, W a n dco yo tes. H Scenic Broad River S c C 15-milethis 1991, In segm enofthe Broa t d e S n Riverwa design s a tedaState Sc en icRiver by i Withslow flows an dclea wide r, cha n nthe els,Broa d c Riverideais forfam l ilypaddling an trips d theSo uthCarolina Departmen ofNatural t B r Resources(SCDNR). Enc o m passingthe o fishing.Surroun dedby an ab un da n c eofforests, a farms,an dorcha theBroa rds, dRiver asignis ifica n t Broa dRiver from mile mileto 93 between107 Caution! d Cherokeean dYo Coun rk designthis ties, a tion R rec rea tion aresource. l Rec rea tionopportun itiesha ve Ninety-Nine i exten dsfrom Ninety-Nine Islan dsDam theto v b eengen erouslyprovided by utilityco m pan ies, Islands Dam er c o n fluen c ewith thePac oRiver let an dsho w- suc hasDuke Energy an dLoc khaPower, allowing rt Portageavailabis leriver-left.The forthecrea tionofthe Broa dRiver Bluewa Lea y. rn c a sesan un developedriverfron ofPiedm t o n t York C forestsan dpasturelan ds. take-outafloais tingdo c kan dre- ho wyo uca nprotecanthis t dother ho m etownrivers O quiresa0.2-mile portage. Plea se b yvisiting www.UpstateForever.org/Rec o n n ec ting. R a vo idtheda man fac dits ilities. County, I 35°0'0"N T hisan dother bluewa yma from ps ac So ross uth N 35°0'0"N T S tayawa yfrom thetailrac eofthe Carolinaareavailab lewww.GoPaddleSat C.co m . H SC RD da m . k Mud Island 0.85 miles long PACOLET RIVER: stay right Planning and Safety Skull Shoals Road River Access and Parking Area 1) Review the map carefully. 600 Skull Shoals Road, Gaffney, SC 29342 k 2) Plan your start and end points according to T histheroaislast d your skill level. c rossingbefore the 3) Check current river conditions before paddling. c o n fluen c eofthe A flooded river can be dangerous, and a low Pac oan let dtheBroa d river may expose logs, rocks, or other debris, Rivers.Parking is a vailab leinlotthe dirt slowing your trip down significantly. oThe nriver-left. next Worth Mountain 4) Always wear a life jacket with a whistle. takeoutloc a tiontheis WMA River 5) Avoid boating alone. Let someone know your T o wnofLoc kha rt Access and Skull Shoals plan and when to expect you to return. a pproxima telymiles12 Parking Area 34°57'0"N 6) Minimize your impact on the river by properly do wn strea m River Access off of Scenic View Rd 34°57'0"N (a 6-6.5-hopaddle).(a ur and Parking Area Hickory Grove, disposing of waste, respecting wildlife, and SC 29717 leaving what you find. T hisriverac c essinc ludes 7) Do not trespass on private property. Stay in aparking area an dco n - cbo rete Alsoram a t p. the river until your take out. tty C icke reek 8) If you fall out in a rapid, assume the whitewater Th a vailab learebiking, fishing,hun ting,an dhiking.
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